Li Han’s Little Farmer’s Wife from the Mountains

Chapter 520

Chapter 147 An An’s death


When Princess Rongxin heard that Lu Yuan had returned with Ning’er, she couldn’t help but increase her head with her hand, repeatedly chanting, “Amitabha, great, great, they are finally back…”

Lu Yuan is her only son, and she has always regarded Ning’er as her daughter. Both of them are the most important people in her life. Now that they are both back, the heart that she has been hanging on has fallen!

The grandmother on one side smiled and said, “The general and Mrs. Ning are back, just as the princess’s illness is cured. Our house is a double happiness. Now both ladies are here. It will not be long. Your Royal Highness can hold the golden grandson!”

It turned out that A few days ago, An An suddenly became sober. Although she was still unable to answer well, she was able to communicate with others, but she was still very weak and could not talk much. The princess was very happy to see that she had recovered her sanity and saw her now. If the body is not good, it will prevent her from waking up in the morning and twilight, so that she can live well.

The princess who had been ill for many days healed, and the general returned with Madam Ning. Isn’t it a double happiness?

Princess Rongxin said happily, “Yes, An An’s illness is cured, and Ning’er is also back. If we want to come this year, we will be able to add imports to our house!”

Thinking of a fat grandson lying in her arms acting like a baby, the princess’s heart melted.

Ever since I saw the cute and cute little son in the Palace of Cham a year ago, she has been hoping day and night that she can have such a lovely grandson. If she could also have such a lovely grandson, She wakes up with a smile in her dreams!

This time, An An is well, and Ning’er is back. Both daughters-in-law are here. Her dream will be realized immediately. Can she be upset?

When An An heard the news of Lu Yuan and Ning’er’s return, she was leaning on the couch to drink medicine. Her Royal Highness the Long Princess sent someone to ask her to go to dinner at night. An An Hexi, congratulate her finally getting rid of her illness and recovering health.

After hearing the letter, An An’s face showed a real smile: “Great, sister Ning’er is finally back…”

As soon as the informant left, the smile on An’an’s face suddenly disappeared, with a look of gloomy bird.

That little **** ran away from home, and Lu Yuan even ignored the military and political affairs. After walking for more than a month, he chased her. Didn’t he never like her or care about her? So what’s the matter of going to her so hard?

Could it be that he really has that little hoof in his heart?

If this is the case, then what is she? What is his hospitality to himself over the years?

“Man, there really isn’t a good thing!” An An gritted her teeth and cursed lowly.

Although he felt resentful, he still couldn’t show it on the surface. Lu Yuan was already suspicious of the collusion between her and the little prince Wusun, and he was not as eager and negligent about her as before. She was not jealous. Capital can only swallow his anger and find another way to deal with it, just as Hongrui’s stomach hurts the night they got married.

In any case, she is hard to live, no one should think about it. It is absolutely impossible to leave her half-dead here and let them live happily!


After Lu Yuan and Ning’er had eaten the hot pot, they sent her back to the house, and rushed to the military camp to handle the official duties that had been accumulated for more than a month.

When Princess Rongxin saw Ning’er, she held her hand and shed a lot of tears. She asked her if she had eaten well during this period of time, and then asked her if she slept well. She also saw that Ning’er was a little confused. So he called to Nie Heng to go. There was an unconscious person in the family who asked him to be’healed’. This wouldn’t be a problem if he thought about it.

Soon, Nie Heng was heard, and he gave Ning’er a detailed pulse diagnosis. The statement was similar to what the doctor said before. It was caused by strong stimulation and can be recovered in the future. Now only Just drink some calming medicine, don’t worry too much.

When Princess Rongxin heard this explanation, she was relieved, and no longer worried and sad for Ning’er.

An An saw that Princess Rongxin was so worried about Ning’er. She cried and laughed for a while. She felt jealous and hated. She became stupid. No one cares about her serious daughter-in-law, this concubine. Shi and the others became excited. Is it possible that in their hearts, her status is not as good as Ning’er, a concubine room under the fence?

Seeing how they surrounded Ning’er and asked for warmth and questioning, An An made up her mind, and after a while, she would tidy up this little bitch, so that this damned thing would have no place to bury it!

However, before her grand determination was put into practice, she herself fell ill.

This time it was a real illness, that is, less than half a month after Lu Yuan and Ning’er came back, she became ill. At the beginning, she was mentally ill, often sleepy during the day, and gradually developed into a drowsy all day long. Shen Shen, one month later, the condition got worse and worse, and it actually developed like a fool, and even no one knew it. It was just as if all kinds of precious soups were poured in bowl after bowl, just like splashing on a stone. No effect, seeing it is useless!

Her mothers and girls saw that she was a dying person, and General Lu and the princess did not care about her, so they started to slacken their efforts, stealing her jewelry and silver for themselves. Plan for the future.

An Anben was raised in the Jinxiu pile, and has been meticulously taken care of since he was a child. Now that he is sick like this but has not been taken care of, he naturally died faster.

So at the beginning of April, there was news of the death of Princess An’an from the house of Lu. It was said that Princess An’an was so sad because of the premature death of his daughter.

An An is the princess and Lu Yuan’s wife. It should be a grand funeral. But because the princess is unwell, Qin Tianjian said that the funeral should not be grandiose, so the mansion is even filial piety. Without hanging, I pulled the coffin out and buried it.

The once famous Chu country’s first beauty would never dream that she would die in such obscurity. After death, she would be wrapped in a thin coffin and buried hastily, even the Lu family’s ancestral grave was not even entered!

Lu Yuan also deliberately suppressed the news of An An’s death, and did not let her death make a big splash in Jizhou. An An’s reputation in Jizhou is not as great as in the capital. The people of Jizhou only know Princess Zhan, and few know An’s. , So An’an’s death was soon calm and no one mentioned it again.

During this period, Ning’er had been keeping quiet in her own small courtyard. No matter how busy Lu Yuan was, he would go to accompany her every day, talk to her, eat with her, and buy her the things she loves, basically as long as he stays at home. She must stay in Ning’er’s yard and accompany her to do all kinds of things she likes, no matter how boring it is, as long as she likes it, Lu Yuan will accompany her to do it.

Even the princess Rongxin felt strange that she didn’t like Ning’er at all in the past. How come she suddenly likes it now, and she is not like it in general, she is almost a point of heart!

However, it is strange to be strange. Her Royal Highness Princess is still very happy to say that the two of them are in good agreement. She and her wife are deeply affectionate. She has always liked Ning’er very much. She doesn’t like An An at all. It was only because An An was pregnant that she had to let her Lu Yuan married her, and later Lu Yuan secretly told her about what An An had done, including her colluding with Empress Chen and the little prince Wusun to kidnap Shen Ruolan. Her Royal Highness did not like her even more, and even couldn’t tolerate it. She’s gone, and this is what happened to her.

Lu Yuan acquiesced to his mother’s behavior. After the peaceful death, he buried her hastily, and he never went to memorial service once.

Because he felt-she was not worthy!


Time passed quickly. In a blink of an eye, the north began to warm up. The northerners who had been in the house for a whole winter began to take off their thick cotton coats and put on brisk jackets. The leaves began to sprout, and the grass began to sprout. A head emerged from the ground, the river melted, and the geese flew back from the south.

In the Palace of King Zhan, Shen Dejian’s family got busy, packing and packing, and preparing to go back to their hometown in Phoenix Village.

Because Shen Ruolan entrusted her father to go back to Fenghuang Village to help her rebuild the yard that Chun Yumin built on the mountain in the past, she wanted to act as an envoy.

Now the family’s business is getting bigger and bigger, and doing better. It’s no longer enough to use a few small private houses as workshops. So she plans to rebuild the other courtyard that Chun Yumin built on the mountain at that time. The courtyard is very large, and there are more than 100 rooms in the house alone, enough for her to open a workshop as a warehouse.

In fact, she originally wanted to entrust the uncle to help her with this job. After all, this project is so huge that it can’t be done in two days, and she doesn’t want her parents to be separated for so long. But the uncle’s cousin, Shen Ruomei, died of illness some time ago. Although the uncle and the aunt don’t like Shen Ruomei much, they are their own flesh and blood, and the child they have been hurting for many years. Now that she is dead, they will still It was very sad. With this sadness, both the uncle and the auntie fell ill. They were so sick that they had to be supported even when they went to the latrine. Of course, there was no way to help her in this state, so Shen Ruolan had to let her father. Go back to help her supervise.

In addition to building a house, she also plans to continue to open mountains and farms, as much as she can. The project is huge. Maybe this work will last for more than half a year. After discussing it, Shen Dejian and Mu Family decided to go back to Phoenix Village, or let them. Long-term separation between the two places is not the answer.

So, one day in May, Shen Dejian and his wife brought Zhu’er, Ju’er, Song’er and Bai’er, along with Zhu’er’s teacher, Ju’er’s female red master, and Dong’s grandma, grandparents, and grandchildren. The maid-in-law waited, and returned to Phoenix Village in a mighty manner.

Shen Dejian’s old mother, Liu, heard that the second son and second daughter-in-law were back, and she cried happily. She is now completely paralyzed on the kang. She has to wait for people to eat and drink, and she doesn’t have the ability to take care of herself. For good reason, she finally knew how ridiculous she was wrong in her life.

For thirty years, she has always loved Shen Degui the most. She really only sees him in her heart. She wants to leave Shen Degui with some good things. For Shen Degui, she has offended almost all her sons and daughters. , But she never regretted it, because she thought it was worth it. Sooner or later, her virtue and honor would become a high official, and sooner or later she would let her be the madam…

The poor old lady was completely immersed in the dreams that Shen Degui wove for her, but she did not know that Shen Degui was actually a selfish villain with neither talents nor virtue. When the old lady was useful, he was very filial to her, which can be said to be a good thing. Yes, she coaxed her around him.

However, when the old lady was paralyzed and had no use value, he immediately changed his face, and he turned his face in disrespect.

In his words, “I’m disabled now. Where can I still have the energy to take care of my old lady? Didn’t the old lady give birth to me alone, didn’t she also give birth to several of you? Why should I take care of me alone? I am too busy to take care of myself now. If I want to take care of my old mother by myself, that is dreaming!”

When Shen Debao looked at him, he knew that the old lady couldn’t refer to him. In fact, Shen Debao had seen Shen Degui’s virtues a long time ago, and he had known such a day for a long time. Therefore, when Shen Degui was unwilling to support the elderly, Shen Debao spread the news to the Cham Palace in Jizhou.

After hearing her uncle’s actions, Shen Ruolan said in a faint way: “You can grow beans to get beans, and melons get melons. What causes and results when you grow, the old lady has been eccentric for a lifetime. Now let her have a taste of being a cocoon. !”

She had made up her mind to leave her grandma’s house alone, but Shen Dejian couldn’t leave it alone. He could ignore the youngest third’s life and death, but the old lady was lying there half alive. He really couldn’t ignore it, no. Don’t look at it!

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