Li Han’s Little Farmer’s Wife from the Mountains

Chapter 546

Chapter 4 copy and paste

Before dawn the next day, Shen Ruolan got up early and rushed to Taohua Village, wanting to take a carriage into the city to sell her spiced peanuts.

When she got there, the carriage to Qisong Town had already left. She didn’t know, her good cousin took the carriage to Qisong Town. She went to Qisong Town to sell her five-spice peanuts just a short time later.

Although Shen Ruomei has a bad mouth and a bad personality, she is beautiful, and the things she sells are not very expensive, not to mention it is delicious. Therefore, the shopkeepers of the several restaurants she sells did not smash her face. , One after another paid for the purchase, and in just one morning, she sold out her five-spice peanuts of more than 20 kilograms (the peanuts after soaking increased the weight), and there was not enough!

When Shen Ruomei saw that it went well, she felt happy. She took out all the money she had stolen from her mother, bought peanuts and star anise pepper, etc., ready to do a lot of work, let her parents stay in here. Make a profit, and then I can go to Jizhou with her willingly!

After returning home, Shen Auntie saw that she brought back several sacks of peanuts, a big bun with star anise and a big bun with pepper, and she was immediately trapped, and she didn’t know what she was going to do.

Shen Ruomei didn’t hide it from them, she told everyone about her plan to make a fortune by making spiced peanuts, and she also bluntly told her that she had stolen Aunt Shen’s private money.

When Aunt Shen heard that her daughter had used her private money stolenly, she burst into anger. She felt the broom Gada and was about to beat Shen Ruomei.

Shen Ruomei was unwilling to be beaten, and while dodges, she shouted in a sharp voice, “I didn’t pay you if I took yours. Will you be finished after I earn the money? Just that little money, what a big deal? what?”

Shen Fucun watched his old mother come to fight his sister, and hurriedly came to fight: “Mother, Meier bought everything, and it’s useless if you kill her. Since Meier said this spiced peanut is good for selling and still making money, why don’t we do it? Try it? Maybe you can really make a fortune!”

Shen Debao also persuaded and said: “No matter what you say, since it’s all the same, let’s try it first. It’s rare that Mei Er can take care of the family’s livelihood. Even if our parents don’t support it, we can’t get cold. Your heart.”

Shen Jincun also followed vigorously to persuade him to make peace, fearing that his old mother would really hit Shen Ruomei.

Aunt Shen has always felt a lot of love for Shen Ruomei, even if she was bluffing just now to beat her, she was angry for a while. After yelling a few times, Huo’er was almost out. Don’t say it was someone persuaded. Even if no one persuaded, she didn’t take Shen Ruomei with her, mainly because she was reluctant. !

After a meal, the Dafang family finally calmed down and began to make spiced peanuts under the command of Shen Ruomei.

The method of spiced peanuts is not difficult at all. First, soak the peanuts. When soaking, put star anise, pepper and salt in the water, and cook in the pot after two or three hours.

When cooking, you have to think about the heat. If the fire is big or small, it won’t work. You have to cook at a constant temperature for the peanuts to taste better. After cooking, keep the peanuts in the pot for about half an hour. , Then take out the dry water, put it in the dry pot and dry it slowly.

The drying process is the most difficult part of the whole process of making spiced peanuts, because when baking, you have to keep turning the peanuts in the pot with a shovel, so that they are evenly heated, and avoiding the peanuts under the pot. The rice is roasted.

Yesterday, when making spiced peanuts, it was under the command of Shen Ruolan and operated by Shen Ruomei. She almost made her exhausted. Now that she is making spiced peanuts at home, let his father and brother take up this important job. She just speaks and directs!

Under the command of Shen Ruomei, the first pot of five-spice peanuts came out smoothly, everyone picked it up and tasted it, um, it’s delicious! It’s so delicious!

No wonder it can sell so much money!

“Oh, I don’t think this peanut is so whole, it’s really interesting, Meier, why did you come up with this good idea?” After Shen Debao ate a few peanuts, his eyes lit up and he looked at himself. The girls all had a look of admiration.

Shen Ruomei couldn’t mention how proud she was when she saw the gaze that the old man cast at her.

Although she is very spoiled at home, but after all, her chin is stuck on other people’s rice bowls, and everything she eats and dresses is made by family members. Now she can also help the family earn money. In the future, she will be in this home. The waist can also be harder.

“It’s just what I can think of, there are so many good ideas in my mind, you will know later!”

Shen Ruomei said proudly, but she didn’t want to talk more, so she chased them to continue working.

From midday to night, Shen Ruomei’s family made a total of more than 200 catties of spiced peanuts. Shen Debao said: “Tomorrow morning, we will carry these spiced peanuts and sell them in the county. If the market is true As good as Meier said, our family has been making spiced peanuts for sale from now on.

Shen Ruolan said hurriedly: “Father, tell me to sell it in Jizhou. Let’s do more, buy me these peanuts and make them, and then hire a car to go to Jizhou to sell. There are a lot of people and opportunities in Jizhou. Many, let’s go over there and take a look. If it’s easy to sell over there, let’s just rent a house over there and sell spiced peanuts. We will definitely make a lot of money.”    Shen Debao didn’t listen to her. He groaned for a while, and said: “Sell it in Nong’an first, and see if it’s a good sale, it’s not too late to go to Jizhou. We haven’t made any money yet. Let’s take a trip to Jizhou and pay for travel expenses and accommodation and meals. It takes a few hundred words and how many peanuts to sell to make money?”

Shen Ruomei became anxious. She didn’t learn to make spiced peanuts just to make a small amount of money. She worked hard to learn this stuff, so that she could go to Jizhou and get close to King Zhan. When she was willing to go to Jizhou, Shen Ruomei was anxious, and put down her harsh words and said: “No, you must go to Jizhou. If you don’t go to Jizhou, I will go to Taohua Village to divorce tomorrow. You will just wait for the refund of the old Zhang’s money!”

After speaking, he slapped back to his house.

Shen Ruomei left in anger, and Auntie Shen looked at her man embarrassedly: “Her father, look…what’s wrong?”

Shen Debao said angrily: “I know how to fix it? The wicked things you feed, you say that they came out every time, it’s so big in vain!”

Li Qiaolian secretly curled her lips, saying that these useless things are not all you are used to? Instead, it’s her. If her daughter dared to steal all the money from the family to buy peanuts, would she be considered capable if she didn’t have a big mouth and knocked out her teeth? She dare to say where to go, why can’t she go to heaven?

Shen Fucun and Shen Jincun are both in their second year of secondary school. The two brothers were yearning for the famous border city of Jizhou since they were young. They wanted to see and have a long experience. After hearing that Shen Ruomei is going to Jizhou, the two brothers The son agreed with her unanimously, and helped her speak together.

In the end, Shen Debao reluctantly agreed to Shen Ruomei’s request at the strong request of the three children, and made all the spiced peanuts at home, and then went to Jizhou to sell it.

Shen Ruomei got what she wanted, and three days later, accompanied by her father and brother, she finally got on the carriage to Jizhou.

Before leaving, she took a triumphant glance at Shen Ruolan’s house, thinking that she had taken the lead, and if she went to Jizhou first, she would definitely be able to see His Royal Highness Zhan first, and she would definitely make His Royal Highness Zhan fall in love with her first… …

At this time, Shen Ruolan was quietly feeding her wild sheep in her backyard.

When she entered the city a few days ago, she did not have a fare. It was a villager named Zhang Eryong in Taohua Village who saw her poorly helping her to pay for the fare. After she entered the city, she found the best restaurant in the city and had a recipe for spiced peanuts. The son was sold at a price of twenty taels, and he made money all at once.

After she became rich, she bought a lot and bought everything that she lacked in the family. When she returned, she saw that Zhang Eryong’s wild sheep had not been sold yet, so she threw two ounces of silver and bought the wild sheep. Come back, save it to drink milk after the wild sheep give birth.

Zhang Eryong helped her send this wild sheep back. In order to thank her for taking care of his business, he also specially told her that he would let him know when she went to the city next time, and he would send her back to the village, otherwise Taohua Village would leave her. Her patron is so far away, it was dark when the carriage arrived home, and she was a girl whose home was not safe.

Shen Ruolan was not polite to him either. She ordered the bedding and clothes she ordered to fetch them in ten days. She told him to take her back to the village at night after ten days. Otherwise, she would not dare to go back to the village alone.

Shen Ruolan got the money, bought rice noodle oil, meat, egg and milk, and changed the method at home every day to nourish the body with delicious food. In his spare time, she would do yoga and practice Sanda to strengthen her current physique.

Before going to the county town to pick up clothes, a small incident occurred in Shen Ruolan’s house. One time when Shen Ruolan was eating, Wang Baogen and her aunt came and looked like they were arresting the **** and getting dirty. They were in her home. I rummaged around, saying that she smelled meat in her house, and came to look for meat to eat.

Seeing their overbearing and unscrupulous appearance, she almost angered Shen Ruolan, but her anger was also white. Now her bones are too weak and she can’t beat the wife at all, so she has to hold back her anger for the time being and wait for the future. Pack them when they are strong!


Let’s talk about the Shen Ruomei family. After they arrived in Jizhou, they began to sell their spiced peanuts in various restaurants, tea houses and theaters. The results were surprisingly good. The few sacks of peanuts they brought were sold out in one day, and there was still not enough to sell. the trend of.

Shen Debao never dreamed that the thing his girl had inadvertently figured out could sell so well, and he didn’t realize that she valued Shen Ruomei more. Everything was subject to her mediation. She said she wanted to rent a house here and work hard. For the spiced peanut business, Shen Debao nodded and agreed, and immediately took them to rent a house.

When renting a house, the father and daughter also had a little conflict, because Shen Debao meant to rent the house in the suburbs. The suburban houses were not only cheap, but also spacious. They also brought a small yard for storing things.

Shen Ruomei held no opinion. She insisted on renting the house in the center of Jizhou City. The reason was that it was convenient to sell peanuts. Although the rent was more expensive than the suburban ones, it was worth the price. The rent is not bad.

In the end, Shen Debao did not hold back his daughter, and rented two small wing rooms on a street not far from the Cham Palace as a temporary residence for their family of four.

From then on, Shen Debao took his two sons and started a career to make money making spiced peanuts. Shen Ruomei believed in the invention of spiced peanuts and refused to do more work every day. She just cooked and picked peanuts for them and finished the work. After I was a child, I went out shopping in a slippery dress.

She went shopping in a single place. In all likelihood, she went to the street of King Zhan’s Mansion. There were no shops on that street and there was no special view. Shen Debao was very strange. Why did his daughter go there? Where’s the street?

That street is very boring, okay!

In addition to visiting Wangfu Street, Shen Ruomei also likes to go to cloth shops and silver buildings to buy some nice jewelry and clothes. However, the clothes she buys are not expensive feather yarns and brocades, they are all short cut of tender yellow cotton cloth. The linen, coupled with a long cotton dress of lotus color, looks sober and fresh.

Jewelry also buys gold and jade. All the chic little silk flowers or hair ropes are things that Shen Ruolan used to wear in her previous life. Even the hair style is similar to the hair style Shen Ruolan combed in her previous life. It is almost about to be copied and pasted.

Shen Ruomei feels that since King Zhan likes Lanya, she should dress herself up in the clothes that Lanya had in her last life. As long as she learns the appearance of that Xiaosao hoof everywhere, she can learn all of her skills. Come back, I am not afraid that King Zhan does not like it!

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