Li Han’s Little Farmer’s Wife from the Mountains

Chapter 548

Chapter 6 Fell into Niu Kui’s hands again

As expected by Shen Ruomei, what Yu’s said to her was exactly what happened to Young Master Xiaoding!

It turned out that Young Master Ding had been eyeing Shen Ruomei for several months, thinking that Shen Ruomei had been hooked by herself, and she would definitely follow herself. I didn’t expect this little hoof to even say hello to Saoer. Just followed her father and elder brother to Jizhou, which made Young Master Xiao Ding annoyed.

The duck that reached its mouth flies again, how can he stop there?

It happened that the uncle of Erbai was working in the coffin shop of Lao Ding’s house. Young Master Xiaoding started from the uncle of Yu Erbai. He acted both soft and hard, coercive and lured. He asked him to find a way to pass a message to Shen Ruomei, and wanted Shen Ruomei to come to see him. meet him.

Yu Erhuai was also instructed by his uncle, and stared at the eldest sister’s house for a long time. Now that he knew that Shen Ruomei was back, he hurriedly came to help Young Master Xiaoding spread a message.

When Young Master Xiao Ding said that she wanted to see her, Shen Ruomei immediately agreed without hesitation. The reason why she agreed was not because she had rekindled her old feelings for him, but because Shen Ruomei needed Young Master Xiao Ding to do her a favor. If she can help, Shen Ruomei can completely solve the dead Lanya!

When Yu Erwei saw that Shen Ruomei agreed, she immediately opened her eyes with joy, and said, “Good niece, you are really good fortune, so Young Master Xiaoding has taken a fancy to it. If you specify that you can marry Ding’s as a young grandmother in the future,” he said with joy. Dian’er Dian’er went to reply.

Yu Erhuai is still dreaming!

If Shen Ruomei could marry to Lao Ding’s family and become the daughter-in-law of Lao Ding’s family, wouldn’t her uncle be able to do it in Ding’s family? After all, they are relatives, so I have to take a high look, right? If her uncle was given a high look because of Shen Ruomei’s host, he would naturally have to look high at her daughter after returning home. This is a chain reaction!

In the town, Young Master Xiaoding heard that Shen Ruomei had returned and promised to see him. He was immediately happy as if he were a bridegroom official. He changed two fresh clothes and smoked incense. He came by carriage while it was dark. Go to the second bad home in Paoshantuner.

The people in Tunli go to bed early at night (in order to save lamp oil), and Young Master Ding comes to the village, and almost no one sees him.

Shen Ruomei deliberately chose to call him at such a late time, not to do something with him, but to prevent others from seeing her having something to do with him.

When he arrived at Yu Erbad’s house, Shen Ruomei had been waiting there long ago. As soon as Young Master Xiaoding saw Shen Ruomei, he hurriedly stepped forward and took her hand, telling her farewell.

Shen Ruomei endured the disgust in her heart and barely listened to his insincere nonsense before she said: “If you want to marry me, you must do one thing with me. If you do it, I will immediately Marry you, if you can’t do it, let’s make a clean break from now on!”

What she wanted Young Ding to do was actually a good thing for Young Ding, that is, she asked him to seduce her cousin, let him ruin Shen Lanya’s body, and asked him to try to find out Crystal Jelly. If he can do this, she will marry him immediately!

In order to strengthen Xiaoding’s interest in Shen Ruolan, Shen Ruomei praised Shen Ruolan insincerely for the first time, saying that her cousin is actually a rare beauty embryo, she is too skinny, if she can raise it well, she will definitely not Worse than her!

When Young Master Xiaoding heard that Shen Ruomei had asked him to seduce other women, he immediately agreed.

At the beginning, he thought she was asking him for money, and he was shocked. He heard that he was not asking for money, but asked him to seduce a Huanghua girl. Of course he was happy!

If this matter is done, he will not only be able to sleep to his cousin’s yellow flower girl, but what else can he get, and more importantly, this little sao hoof will marry him, so it’s a matter of both wealth and wealth. Son, fools will refuse!

Shen Ruomei was very satisfied with his acceptance. After talking affectionately with him for a while, she sent him back.

She has to get up and go to Jizhou early tomorrow, so she has no time to chat with this **** here.

The next day, Shen Ruomei left home early and went back to Jizhou.

She has to go back to Block Zhan. She hasn’t met him some time ago. Maybe she can meet him this time. She doesn’t want to miss any chance!

Three days later, she finally returned to Jizhou. Shen Ruomei started to wander around Wangfu Street. Now it is the twelfth lunar month and it is a very cold day. She can actually stand on the icy street for one day. This kind of hard-working spirit leader is no longer there!

However, even though she is willing to endure hardships and freezes, she has never had the opportunity to see King Zhan. On that street, she has seen a low-key and luxurious carriage going in and out of King Zhan’s mansion several times, but she is not sure if it is inside. King Zhan, so he didn’t dare to act rashly. He could only come to this street as much as possible to brush up on his presence. I hope that one day King Zhan can see her and be amazed by her!

This unimpeded ice and snow lasted more than a month, and she was finally noticed by King Zhan.

To be precise, it was noticed by the guards outside the Palace of Cham.

A pretty beautiful, fresh and elegantly dressed beauty, wandering outside the Cham Palace every day, with a pair of eyes always looking at the Cham Palace. Could it be a fine work from which country?

When the guards reported the incident to Queen Cham, Chun Yuzhu simply said: “Catch it up and interrogate it!”

With a light and fluttering word, Shen Ruomei finally entered the Palace of Cham, but it was not carried in by the eight-carriage sedan chair she had dreamed of, but was tied in like five-flowered pigs.

Shen Ruomei never dreamed that she would be treated like this, so she cried loudly and kept saying that she wanted to see King Zhan.

How could King Zhan be able to see if she wanted to meet? Depending on how she cried and how she screamed, she was finally taken to a prison in the mansion, tortured and tortured to ask her for the purpose of wandering in front of the mansion.

Shen Ruomei has been accustomed to being spoiled by her father and mother, how could she withstand such a beating? Less than an hour after entering the prison, I told myself the purpose of seducing King Cham and wanting to become Princess Cham!

Yingzhan heard her confession and inspected it again and confirmed that what she was saying was true. He couldn’t laugh or cry. This cheap maid, a business woman who couldn’t be on the stage, who gave her the courage to covet King Cham?

However, Yingzhan compiled the testimony and submitted it to King Zhan.

At the time of submission, King Zhan was discussing with a few confidants about going to Wusun to explore the secret road. After hearing the report of the British war, he said indifferently: “Such a trivial matter, why do you need to pay me back? Just do it according to the quantity!”

Yingzhan felt that although Shen Ruomei was restless, she was not guilty of death, not to mention that she had been tortured just now, and even if she was taught a lesson, she went to order her subordinates to throw Shen Ruomei out of the back door.

Shen Ruomei was tortured in the prison again, painful and afraid, and she passed out. After being thrown out of the palace of Cham, she lay there like a dead dog. As a result, she was seen by a few passing gangsters. .

Seeing that Shen Ruomei was beautiful and in good shape, they became lustful, and hired a carriage to pull Shen Ruomei to a ruined temple in the outskirts. Several rascals took turns to ruin her.

One of the rascals was a bit perverted, and after ruining Shen Ruomei, he used a dry branch to scratch her **** with a bad word, and then everyone walked away laughing.

In the evening, when Shen Ruomei woke up, she found herself in a ruined temple in the deserted suburbs, and she was also naked, covered with disgusting marks.

Shen Ruomei had had **** with men and women in her previous life. Knowing what happened, she couldn’t help being shocked and painful, sad and frightened!

It’s over, her virginity is gone, and King Zhan will never want her anymore. She has planned for several months. After all, she missed the position of the princess she longed for!

Before she could come out of her grief, she suddenly discovered that this ruined temple was a bit familiar to her, as if she had been there. After careful observation, she remembered it, but she had been to this ruined temple. In her previous life, she was gang-raped here.

Unexpectedly, in this life, she was told to encounter such a thing again, Shen Ruomei was shocked, and her heart sank to the bottom of the valley again, and her body followed by cold.

After rebirth, she thought that she could use the experience of the previous life to escape those unbearable encounters and live a lifetime with boundless beauty.

However, in the dark, God returned everything back to its original path. It seems that what happened in the previous life will happen again in this life, and there is no way to hide!

This thought really scared Shen Ruomei. She couldn’t even take care of her sadness and despair, because she remembered that after she was rounded, she met Niu Kui soon. If God still arranged her destiny as in the previous life, then she Isn’t it about to fall into Niu Kui’s hands?

Thinking of this, Shen Ruomei was almost frightened to death. The months of life and death at Niu Kui’s house had already made her feel terrified about that experience. If she was to experience it again, it would be better to ask her to die.

By the way, she remembered that when she was insulted and went to Niujia Village to ask for help, she was detained by Niu Kui and her son. This time, she would rather freeze to death and starve to death than jump from the mountain instead of going to Niujia Village for help. Up!

After making up her mind, she quickly got up, put on her clothes, and limped outside.

At this moment, the sky outside was almost dark, and Shen Ruomei cried quietly as she walked. There was no sign in this snowy and icy wilderness, and she couldn’t find the way back to the city at all!

After staggering away for a long time, the sky was completely dark. Shen Ruomei looked at the open fields, cold, hungry and scared, and couldn’t help squatting on the ground and crying loudly.

She was crying, and suddenly heard a sound of footsteps behind her. She turned her head and saw that a man with a cow and a horse was walking towards her on the snow. When he approached, Shen Ruomei suddenly noticed that in front of her The man turned out to be Niu Kui!


When Shen Ruomei saw Niu Kui, she screamed and jumped up and ran as if she had seen a ghost.

Niu Kui went to kill pigs in other villages today, and the host left him where he had a meal before letting him come back. Today, he drank a little wine, thinking about women, and suddenly heard a cry of women. Niu Kui immediately walked over and looked at it, but as soon as he approached, he saw a little beauty with rain in pear blossoms. After just one glance, Niu Kui was fascinated.

He is a lascivious. His wife ran away a few days ago and he was holding a fire. Now when he sees a single girl, he will naturally not let her escape. When he sees Shen Ruomei running away, he takes a big step. , Chase after!

Shen Ruomei had just been ruined by a group of gangsters, and her legs trembled when she walked. Where did the tall Niu Kui run? He didn’t run a few steps before letting him catch it.

Shen Ruomei screamed like a ghost, and stretched out her pointed nails to scratch Niu Kui’s face. Niu Kui was never a good-tempered person, and he didn’t have much patience with women. At first, he pityed Shen Ruomei’s beauty. , Reluctant to hurt her, but later saw that Shen Ruomei dared to scratch him, and Lian Xiangxiyu’s thoughts disappeared, a palm knife slashed down, and Shen Ruomei fainted!

After Shen Ruomei fainted, Niu Kui caught her, hugged her up and turned her back, and Le Dian went home.

Since then, Shen Ruomei has started a dark life in Niujia Village…

That night, Shen Debao and Shen Fucun, Shen Jincun, waited and waited for Shen Ruomei to return. Ye San was a little anxious, and he waited for the whole night before seeing her return. Early the next morning, Ye San rushed to the official office to report. Up.

Under the rule of King Cham, the government was still very effective. It sent people to help find it on the same day. It was quickly found that Shen Ruomei was captured by the Cham palace yesterday. When it was found here, the people of the government never dared to find it again. After tracking down, the other party is a prince, someone who can kill them in a word, so they dare not go to the Palace of Cham to investigate the case with the courage of them?

I have no choice but to perfuse Grandpa Shen on the ground that he is searching and there is still no result, just so dragging, endless endless…

Uncle Shen lost his beloved daughter. He didn’t even have the thoughts of doing business. He walked all day long to find a girl, and left the business to Fu Cun and Jin Cun. But after looking for a girl for more than a month, even the girl’s. Ying’er didn’t find it. Uncle Shen felt uncomfortable. He regretted coming to Jizhou. If he hadn’t come to Jizhou, their family would still rely on Shantuner to live their little life peacefully, even though the days were hard. Some, but at least it’s all safe, which is like now, the good girl is gone alive, really worrying!


During this period of time, Shen Ruolan’s life was not easy. It was not because of her financial situation, but because she had encountered something unconscious.

First of all, she decided to teach her a song every ten days, and was fired for no reason. Then, she started with her aunt and family. The cause was Wang Baogen’s little girl. She didn’t know why she came to her house, and she had a few quarrels with her. She was annoyed to clean up the little calf, and then the aunt and uncle became tired and ran to her house and bought her a new one. All the quilts, pots and pans were snatched away.

Angrily, Shen Ruolan came up with a countermeasure, using the greed of her grandmother and uncle, almost sent her aunt’s family to the government. Since then, her aunt’s family has been honest, and her ears have become quiet, but, This hatred with her aunt’s family is considered to be done!

I haven’t finished ripping the skin with her aunt’s house. One day Yu Erbai suddenly came and came to protect Shen Ruolan for the media.

The other party is Young Master Ding who opened a coffin shop in the town. Yu Erbad Lala mixed a lot of good things about Young Ding, saying that Young and handsome, gentle and gold, said that as long as Shen Ruolan agreed to this marriage, from then on Don’t worry about eating or drinking, you’ll have to drink spicy food for a lifetime!

Shen Ruolan was not tempted at all about such ‘good deeds’, and refused without even thinking about it.

The reasons for rejection are simple: first, she didn’t want to get married so early, and second, she didn’t believe in Yu Erbad’s behavior. The men she introduced were not much better. She still remembered that Shen Ruomei once said, Someone who wants to introduce her to him, it seems to be this young man.

Can someone who can get along with Shen Ruomei and Yu Erbad be a good person?

Therefore, Shen Ruolan didn’t even need to think about it, and directly refused.

I thought it would be over if I refused the marriage. I didn’t expect that within a few days, a young man with oily noodles appeared at the gate of her house. The young man didn’t say he was here for anything, either. Don’t bother Shen Ruolan, just wander around her house frequently, and the villagers who come and go can see it.

Shen Ruolan is crazy!

In ancient times, women have the most important names. This **** Young Master Ding dangles in front of her door like this. Isn’t this deliberately destroying her reputation? Is this okay?

However, going crazy, she couldn’t do anything to her, because she just wandered around the gate of her house and didn’t tell her what to do, so she could only endure it.

After holding it for a few days, she couldn’t help it anymore, so she quietly entrusted her family to a little girl in the village called Shouya, hired the old donkey cart from the village, and went to Jizhou.

Because the uncle and two cousins ​​are both in Jizhou, Zhang Eryong’s family also went to Jizhou to sell crystal jelly. When she got there, some relatives and friends were taking care of her, so she decided to go there to hide first, and wait for that **** boy not. It’s time to show off, and it’s not too late for her to come back.

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