Li Han’s Little Farmer’s Wife from the Mountains

Chapter 72

Chapter 72 Born vixen

“I don’t need you to do it? I really don’t know what you think?” Shen Ruolan complained with a smile.

Zhang Eryong lowered his head with a guilty conscience. He didn’t dare to say that he deliberately set her up. Private gifts of this kind of small objects were done by couples. If Miss Shen thought he was frivolous, he would suffer.

Actually, he didn’t mean to be offensive to her. He just wanted to wear this pair of beautiful hair ropes today, and wanted to know what she looked like with this pair of hair ropes. I don’t know what to do. I really wanted to give it to her, so I went to set it up.

“Um… that, I’ve done everything, you just… accept it.” He stammered.

Shen Ruolan didn’t think much, she accepted the things generously and didn’t forget to compliment him, “Thank you, hehe, if you meet you in the loop, you won’t be able to find the tune of crying, depending on your accuracy. , You can cover up his stall with no effort!”

After receiving her praise and recognition, Zhang Eryong was happily like a silly boy, almost grinning to his ears.

However, although his head is pretty good, he only puts on the pair of hair ropes and does not continue to put it on. The peddlers are not easy to set up a stall outside in the cold, if he takes away everything from others, What can a hawker take to support his family!

For a period of time afterwards, Shen Ruolan stayed at home completely and started the mode of an otaku. Every day behind closed doors exercises, reads and writes, changes the law to make good food, and restores her body…

In less than a month, she has gained a lot of weight again. It is estimated that she can have 60 or 70 kilograms, and her strength has increased a lot. She can practice a complete set of Sanda 18 types without heartbeat and breathlessness, and then continue. It’s no problem to do a broadcast gymnastics.

The current physical fitness, coupled with the fighting skills she learned in the previous life, can completely knock down a young man. For this reason, Shen Ruolan is extremely confident and feels that this day is getting more and more exciting!

However, not everyone lives as moisturized as her.

Youshi had been extremely uncomfortable during this time.


The family had eaten all the grains and rice. Shen Dachun’er had promised well, and then brought her ten catties of white flour and fifty catties of corn rice. But it has been a month, and that **** has no faith, can she? Are you in a hurry?

In addition to Shen Dachun’er, she also has a concubine in Xiushui Village. Although she is a bachelor who stalks the dog, she is still very generous to her, but the bear ball was bitten by the dog somehow, and I heard it was injured. The lifeblood, this life will not be humane, I am afraid that she will no longer be able to give her money and rice!

Hey, what can she do if she doesn’t come together?

Persevering until the end of December, You can’t hold on anymore. There is only a small pot of rice and face left in the family, which is enough to eat two or three meals. If there is no more food, the two of them will be hungry. She had to ask Shen Dachun to ask. Didn’t he say to feed their mothers? Does this count?

You’s washed his face and buttocks with a basin of water, and then rubbed a little bit of rouge powder on his face according to the basin, and he was satisfied with the face as if it had been wiped away. After he was cleaned up, he went out and went all the way to Shen Dachun. Go home.

At this time, it was January, the sky was freezing, and the dripping water became ice. The people in the village were hiding in the winter, and no one would go out when there was nothing to do. Youshi went all the way to the door of Shen Dachun’s house, and met no one. .

Shen Dachun’s house is located at the east end of the village, next to the house of Shen Degui’s family. Both are three earth-embroid houses with similar sizes, except that the chimney of Shen Degui’s house is smoking cigarettes. It is very popular at first sight, Shen Dachun’s. The house was locked with a door.

It’s over, it’s in vain, this **** is not at home!

Youshi looked at the big iron lock of the door and almost cried out in a hurry. What can I do? Where is this black hearted kid? If he shows up again, their mothers will be hungry…

“I’m telling you, although my niece is a bit thinner, but to be honest, if you let her face east, she would never dare to face west…”

Shen Degui walked over with a strong man in his forties, eloquently and gesticulating all the way. The two were walking when they suddenly saw a handsome young wife standing by the roadside.

The little daughter-in-law is slender but very sensual, with a water snake-like waist, a round big ass, and two bulging lumps on her chest, which makes the man dizzy and the woman jealous.

The burly man’s eyes straightened as soon as he saw Youshi. He stared greedily at the bulging thing on Youshi’s chest, his eyes swallowing his saliva with greed, as if he could not rush to take a bite.

You Shi also saw Shen Degui coming, and the man who was walking with Shen Degui was still staring at him firmly. The man was about forty years old, and he was quite stubborn, but he wore a piece of semi-new and old-fashioned silk. Even though the silk clothes were stained with greasy dirt and had a few cuts, but silk clothes are silk clothes, which a country man with no money can’t afford to wear.

Moreover, the man has a bulging belly, which makes him edible at first glance. If he is a poor man, why would he have such a big belly?

I have to say that this woman, Yushi, is a natural vixen! No matter when and where, she can sense the man who is interested in him with extreme precision and turn to launch an offensive against this man to get the most benefit.

It was like this right now. Seeing the greedy eyes of the strong man, she understood everything in her heart.

“Hehe, the third brother is back–”

You’s greeted Shen Degui tenderly, his eyes did not forget the brawny man’s squint, the soft voice, the fascinating little eyes, the brawny man was fascinated, confused and greasy. There was a wretched smile on his greasy face.

Shen Degui’s face turned black. He relied on his identity as a scholar and never disdained talking to a woman like You. After meeting a few times with him, You knew him and pretended not to see it again when he saw him avoid. Today, she went up to talk to him and made this shameful wave, which was obviously purposeful.

Her purpose is very clear-to seduce the Zheng Tuzi he brought back!

Zheng Tuzi is the owner of the “Zheng Ji Butcher Shop” in the town. He has been in the business of red knives in and white knives out for more than 20 years. Seeing a beautiful woman, the bones are crumbly. When someone teases, he wants to get into their crotch all at once.

This unbearable thing is the son-in-law he found for Shen Ruolan. Although his age, appearance, temperament and temperament are not suitable, he can’t hold Zheng Tuzi rich?

Zheng Tuzi agreed, and as long as he could fancy Shen Lanya, he would immediately pay Shen Degui a betrothal gift of three taels of silver.

------Off-topic ------

Thank you Huahua for no one who loves you, okay!

Who knows the name of You’s wife in Xiushui Village? There is a prize for the right guess

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