Li Han’s Little Farmer’s Wife from the Mountains

Chapter 86

Chapter 86 I can’t live this day

The carriage was still moving, and Shen Ruolan leaned against the wall of the carriage, feeling the cold wind coming in from the walls, feeling extremely depressed.

If she had been more vigilant, she wouldn’t have fallen into such a field.

However, she is not all to blame for her low vigilance. A single girl who goes out is easy to be remembered by others, so she can’t avoid eating or sleeping just to be more vigilant!

After thinking about it, I still feel that the biggest problem is lack of strength. If she is strong enough, the trouble in front of her is not a problem at all, so she must find a way to strengthen herself, otherwise, even if she can escape this time Going out, maybe there will be more trouble waiting for you in the future.

If she wants to be strong, she must not rely on martial arts training. Hasn’t she been exercising for the past two months? But the result was nothing more than improving her physical fitness. She had to fight back with those old ladies and children in the village, and fought with these desperadoes who kidnapped people, and they killed her every minute.

Instead of this, it is better to use modern technology-build a gun!

As a people’s policeman, she still knows the structure of guns very well. It is not difficult for her to make a gun. She has decided that if she can escape safely this time, she must find a way to do it all. The material of the gun, make a pistol for self-defense.


A girl coughed and interrupted her thoughts. The girl’s face was red and she had a clear snot dripping from the tip of her nose, looking like she had a cold.

No wonder she catches a cold. The car is like a cold ice cellar. There is no heating measure. There is not even a cushion on the seat. The cushion is all hay. If everyone is tired or sleepy, they can only lie on the hay. Take a rest.

In this environment, it’s strange not to catch a cold.

Everyone’s hands and feet are tied, and a circle of ropes are tied to their bodies. This is double insurance. The window of the carriage is an exhaust hole on the roof, and the rest of the door is an iron gate, hanging A big lock, with a layer of wood outside, can’t escape even with wings.

The only light in the carriage came from the oil lamp placed on the carriage. The car was dim. Everyone was silent. Occasionally, the sound of coughing and suppressed sobbing could be heard. The atmosphere was dull and suffocating.

I don’t know how long it took, the carriage finally stopped. All the girls in the carriage opened their eyes and stared at the door, probably too longing for the free air.


The outer wooden carriage was pushed aside, then someone unlocked the big lock and the big iron door opened, and everyone saw the scene outside.

The place where I can see is a wilderness, surrounded by dead branches and weeds, covered with snow, and with the gradual fall of sunlight, it looks even more desolate.

“Get out of the car and pee!”

A bald man stood at the door of the car and roared, and stretched out his big hand to untie the ropes on everyone’s feet one by one, and let everyone get out of the car.

The rope on Shen Ruolan’s body was also untied, and she got out of the car. She looked around. Zhou was full of dense jungle. There was no one in the house. It was really a wilderness. If you don’t know the way here, you can escape. Go, if you can’t find anyone in one night, you will be frozen to death.

It was too cold, the cold wind was blowing, and the little girls were all shivering and hugged.

There are still a few carriages behind. Many girls have come down from the carriages one after another. They are all very long and pretty, some of them are wearing Ling Luo clothes. They look good from family background, but I don’t know why they were abducted here.

The girls remained silent, seeming to have resigned themselves to it.

“Okay, let’s get rid of it now, no matter how big or small it is, we will go away when the time comes. Don’t get in the car and tell the Lord that you have **** and pee!”

The bald head yelled, and pointed to the place where the girls were standing, meaning that they would solve it on the spot.

There were a lot of people with him, who were all in the same group as the bald heads. The group dispersed, surrounded the girls, yelling, “Hurry up, don’t wait for the Lord to help you take off your pants, wait for the Lord. It’s not as simple as taking off your pants.”

After the call, the men in the circle outside turned around lazily, avoiding it.

This situation caused Shen Ruolan’s lungs to blow up.

Damn, it’s evasive, as long as you can see it from one side, okay? It’s just a hooligan, let alone feudal ancient times, even open modernity, and there are no big men watching women relieve their hands!

However, these girls seemed to have adapted to this way of releasing their hands, and unexpectedly knew how to untie their pants and squatted down.

Shen Ruolan took a deep breath and squatted down, but she didn’t remove her pants.

In the face of the cruel reality, she had to bow her head, and she couldn’t be caught by those desperadoes just to take a sigh of relief.

Those who are paralyzed must try to escape as soon as possible. This day, I can’t get through—

“Hurry up, don’t waste time, or stop eating in a while.”

Fifty meters away, a woman was burning in front of a temporary stove, as if she was cooking dinner for everyone.

------Off-topic ------

Three shifts delivered

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