Li Zhi, don't be a coward

Chapter 1394 Jiangnan turmoil

After an in-depth discussion between the Lu family and his son, they found that the matter was not simple.

It's a bit serious. If the real purpose of Li Qinzai's trip to Jiangnan was to renovate the properties owned by famous families, that would be a revelation.

What is the core interest of a so-called famous family, apart from the large number of children in the family, the complex network of relationships, the far-reaching influence of local forces, the unique cultural heritage, etc.?
The core interest is land.

From ancient times to the present, in farming society dynasties, no matter whether the court, family or individuals, their core interest is land.

Anyone who dares to touch the core interests of the family is the sworn enemy of the family. He will be eliminated quickly and can only be crushed.

If the purpose of Li Qinzai's trip to Jiangnan was not just to plant sweet potatoes, then the Lu family of Wu County's move to surrender to the imperial court was a bit hasty.

Now the Lu family and his son are not sure about Li Qinzai's purpose. If he really came to renovate the property owned by a prominent family, there will definitely be a bloody storm in Jiangnan.

The core interests of the eight prominent families have been affected. This is an undying hatred. It is possible for the prominent families to join forces to rebel.

Seeing Lu Songxi's face gradually turned pale, Lu Yun felt nervous and hurriedly advised: "Father, Lord Li has not expressed his position yet. Everything is left to our own speculation. Maybe the situation is not that bad. Maybe Lord Li just wants our famous family to restrain its actions of annexing land." a little……"

Lu Songxi gradually relaxed after hearing this, but he still snorted and said: "All the famous families in the world are annexing land, not just Jiangnan? If the emperor really wants to rectify it, why doesn't he use the Guanlong clan in the north and the Shandong nobles to deal with Jiangnan? What do a few prominent families count?"

Lu Yun sighed: "Jun Gong Li once told his child that the first thing he should do when he comes to Jiangnan is to kill one person as a warning to others. Now that Jun Gong Li is leading his troops eastward, it is obvious that he is going to 'kill one'."

"But if the pattern is enlarged to the entire Tang Dynasty, and if Duke Li wants to rectify the Jiangnan farmland, I am worried about whether this is also the imperial court's 'killing one to serve as an example' to the world's famous families."

"Kill a prominent family in the south of the Yangtze River to serve as a warning to all the noble families in the world."

Lu Songxi was startled, and his face suddenly turned pale.

After thinking deeply for a while, Lu Songxi discovered that Lu Yun's words seemed... not unreasonable.

If the pattern were applied to the entire Tang Dynasty, then Li Qinzai might have come to Jiangnan to kill more than one or two prominent families.

Whoever does not cooperate or dares to resist will die.

Lu Yun continued in a low tone: "Jun Gong Li also told the child that he went to Jiangnan with a killing quota, so Jun Gong Li will definitely kill a group of people in Jiangnan."

"But he did not say how many people there are in the so-called 'killing quota' and how many people need to be killed."

Lu Yun sighed bitterly: "Father, the Lu family did not have peace of mind when they took refuge in the imperial court. I heard that Duke Li was a god of murder. His methods were very ruthless. Most of his enemies were wiped out." ”

"My child thinks that our noble family should be careful when Duke Li is in Jiangnan. Even if our Lu family has surrendered to the imperial court, we still have to walk on thin ice. There is no other way but to compromise with such a murderous god who easily destroys entire families. "

Lu Yun gradually increased his tone and said: "Anything, compromise first. Land and other things are not important. If he seizes the reason and slaughters everyone, what is the use of the land in his name?"

Lu Songxi was silent for a long time.

Lu Yun is worthy of being the legitimate son of the Lu family. His analysis is very reasonable. All the pros and cons are laid out in front of him. Even a fool knows how to choose.

Just as he was about to say something, he suddenly heard hurried footsteps approaching from far away outside the Governor's Mansion.

Lu Yun was the Sima of Jiangzhou. When he saw this, he frowned and shouted: "What kind of disrespect is there in the Governor's Mansion?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a small official rushed into the yard with sweat on his face. When he saw Lu Yun, he did not have time to salute, but just bowed and said: "Lu Sima, please forgive me. There is news from Gusu that Duke Li has done something big!" "

When the Lu family father and son heard this, their hearts sank. Lu Songxi said in a deep voice, "What did Duke Li do in Gusu?"

"Li Jungong led [-] troops and raided the ancestral home of the Zhu family in Wu County three days ago. More than a thousand members of the Zhu family were killed or interrogated. Officials from the counties and counties in the south of the Yangtze River related to him were dismissed on the spot and attached to his subordinates. All the landowners and squires were interrogated, and all the properties and houses under Zhu's name were sealed." The Lu family father and son were shocked and looked at each other in horror.

I was still discussing Li Qinzai's methods just now, but I didn't expect that he really lived up to his expectations and his attacks were really ruthless.

If you don't take action, then you will wipe out the family and uproot the power and property of the Zhu family in Wujun in Jiangnan overnight. How courageous is this!
"So... so cruel!" Lu Songxi's face turned pale, and his feet went weak and he almost collapsed.

Lu Yun quickly supported him with quick eyes and hands.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he had to say that Li Qinzai's move of "killing one person to scare hundreds" really worked.

The Lu family father and son were in a state of confusion at the moment. In addition to feeling frightened, they also had endless worries about their family's future.

The Lu family was so frightened when they surrendered to the imperial court, let alone the other prominent families. The Lu family father and son could all guess how those family heads were feeling at the moment.

The father and son were in a state of mind at this moment. The so-called principles and positions, the so-called core interests, were all forgotten now.

What are Lu's core interests now?It was to save his life, to survive under the nose of the ruthless Duke Li.

After a long silence, Lu Songxi suddenly shouted: "Come, prepare the carriage... No, prepare the horse, there is no need to take the carriage, I have to rush to Gusu, hurry!"


Outside the city of Suzhou.

Suzhou is a land of water and swamps, with many lakes and swamps. Countless rivers and streams inside and outside the city converge and diverge, forming a unique scenery that makes Susu look like a dreamy water town. It is quiet and elegant, and misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River is such a scenery.

Five thousand soldiers and horses were stationed in the camp outside the city. After searching Zhu's family, the soldiers and horses set up camp outside the city and practiced as usual every day.

In the commander's tent of the camp, Li Qinzai was sitting upright, half lying on the Persian wool carpet with his legs crossed, his eyes squinting in comfort.

Feng Su stood in the tent, bowed his head and reported the news.

"... General Xue marched in accordance with the order. Fifteen thousand soldiers under his command have left Yuezhou and are heading towards Gusu. Now the army has passed Poyang Lake and will reach Gusu City in about three days."

"After the investigation of the Zhu family, various places in the south of the Yangtze River were turbulent. According to reports from the Song Dynasty Chief of Baiqi Division, officials, landowners, squires and other people in the south of the Yangtze River were very angry and wanted to collude with the Chang'an courtiers and jointly report to the emperor to impeach the five young masters."

Li Qinzai sneered without saying a word.

If he was not sure and had no support behind him, would he dare to attack a prominent family in the south of the Yangtze River?
Participate in the impeachment and see if the emperor will spit on your face.

"What else?" Li Qinzai asked.

Feng Su said: "Another thing is that in the past few days when we were stationed outside the city, many landlords and squires in the south of the Yangtze River sent letters asking for an audience, and sent huge amounts of gifts. They only asked to see the Fifth Young Master."

Li Qinzai grunted: "These heavy gifts are too hot to touch, so I won't accept them. Send those landlords and squires back, I won't see them."

Today, I love money, but I love truth even more.

In the past few days, a spirit of great righteousness has taken hold of me, and my character has completely collapsed at the reception. No matter how tempted I am, I can't accept it. At worst, I will go back to blackmail my father-in-law.

The old man, Prince Teng, has gained weight over the past two years while he rested and recuperated, and it was time for slaughter again.

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