Li Zhi, don't be a coward

Chapter 1396

Chapter 1396
Under the early morning glow, several carriages slowly came from the camp outside Gusu City.

A total of seven carriages, with a total of nearly a thousand followers cheering in front and behind, left Gusu City in a mighty manner and walked slowly towards the camp outside the city.

The group of people arrived outside the camp, but were stopped by the soldiers on duty outside the camp.

Following Duke Li's order, only seven heads of prominent families were allowed into the camp, and their entourage and bodyguards were all waiting outside the camp.

The expressions of the seven family heads were stagnant, and they gave themselves a warning before entering the camp. Today's banquet may not be that simple. Maybe they will follow the example of the Hongmen Banquet and have a swordsman ambushed outside the tent...

Standing outside the camp gate, the seven family heads suddenly hesitated.

To enter, or not to enter?

According to common sense, even if Li Qinzai was extremely powerful, he would not dare to wipe out all the prominent families in the south of the Yangtze River. The consequences would be very serious. All the famous families in the world would be wiped out, and it would be impossible to spare him.

But, that's just "common sense".

Is Li Qinzai a common sense person?Ever since he destroyed the Zhu family of Wu County, Li Qinzai has been a question mark in the hearts of the seven family heads, which means unpredictable variables, unknown battle values, strange acting style, and no bottom line in doing things.

Without even being charged with a crime, he wiped out a prominent family with hundreds of years of history in one fell swoop. How could a person who could do such a thing have any bottom line?

A character whose words and deeds are unpredictable will indeed make others feel scared, and they are in awe because of the unknown.

Regardless of whether the seven family heads want to admit it or not, in fact, Li Qinzai's move to destroy the Zhu family in Wu County did have the effect of killing one person to serve as a warning to others.

At this moment, the seven family heads were standing outside the gate of the camp. Listening to the shouts of killing coming from the soldiers during drills, the faces of the family heads turned a little pale.

They looked at each other, and no one wanted to step into the camp first.

Finally, everyone's eyes were focused on Lu Songxi, the head of the Lu family in Wu County, and the meaning in his eyes was very clear.

You are the one who can kneel fastest and most firmly. If you go in first, no one like Li Qinzai will chop you.

The looks in the heads of the family's heads were a little playful, and Lu Songxi understood. He knew that these people actually despised the Lu family in their hearts. If a prominent family in the south of the Yangtze River was said to be an iron plate, then the Lu family in Wu County was the one who disintegrated this iron plate.

Referred to as "scum" or "the shame of Jiangnan".

Facing the disdainful or unkind looks from the family heads, Lu Songxi smiled coldly and didn't mind at all.

You stand firm and make money while standing.

You guys should go in. After entering this camp, whoever can continue to stand firm is called a man.

Lu Songxi brushed the hem of his robe coolly, and walked into the camp first without hesitation.

The other family heads quickly looked at each other, gritted their teeth and followed.

The military tents of the large camp are scattered in a plum blossom shape. Although there are only 5000 people in the tents, they are also arranged very rigorously.

The commander's tent is located in the center of the army and is surrounded by countless plum blossom-shaped tents. This layout makes people feel particularly safe, so Li Qinzai is unwilling to live in the city even if he is killed.

Outside the handsome tent, members of the Li family were wearing armor and helmets, lined up in the shape of wild geese, and everyone stood with their swords drawn. As soon as the seven heads of the family approached the handsome tent, they felt a cold and murderous air rushing towards them.

The faces of the family heads turned a bit paler. No matter how powerful the Jiangnan noble families were, they could not display such a grand display. Just a mere formation of dozens of armored men was already the pinnacle that they could not reach for generations.

This is the difference between local forces and princes and generals. No matter how deep the background is, they will eventually lack the momentum. In comparison, they will have high and low opinions.

Feng Su stood in front of the commander's tent and saw that all the family heads had arrived, so he opened the curtain of the commander's tent and turned sideways with an indifferent expression, beckoning the family heads to enter.

In the handsome tent, Li Qinzai was wearing a formal official uniform, a purple robe with a round collar, and a scarf on his head. He was sitting in the middle of the handsome tent and looking at the family heads with a smile.

After more than half a year, we met again today in Chang'an.The heads of the family stood in the handsome tent and looked into Li Qinzai's eyes. After a moment, Lu Songxi took the lead in bowing and saluting.

"Mr. Lu of Wu County, please pay your respects to Duke Li."

Someone took the lead, and the rest of the family heads had to bow down to salute.

The imperial envoy in front of him was less than 30 years old, and most of the family heads were already in their 60s or [-]s. However, at this moment, only seniority was being discussed in the commander's tent. Regardless of age, the family heads could only salute Li Qinzai.

After seeing everyone salute, Li Qinzai laughed loudly and stood up to return the salute.

"Family heads, we say goodbye to Chang'an. It's been a long time."

Then Li Qinzai invited everyone to take their seats. After the heads of the family were seated, the tribesmen brought the wine and food into the tent.

Regardless of the venue of the banquet in the Tang Dynasty, the rules of the banquet are indispensable, especially for such a prominent family with a profound background. One of their signs when walking outside is the watertight etiquette.

Regardless of following Zhou Rites or Han Rites, the etiquette of banquets is very complicated and lengthy. Respect heaven, earth, ghosts and gods, the host, the emperor, and the past and present.

The toast was said in a precise manner, but he couldn't understand a single word. Li Qinzai was confused by the awkward vocabulary.

Finally, it was the host's turn to respond to the guests. Everyone's eyes were focused on Li Qinzai's face, waiting for Li Qinzai to say a profound toast.

Li Qinzai was a little embarrassed. He didn't expect this before inviting guests to drink. What should I say?How about pretending to be drunk and passing out?
After a long silence, Li Qinzai took the cup and said dryly: "...I won't say anything anymore, it's all in the wine."

After drinking the glass, the heads of the family looked at each other in astonishment.

Lu Songxi smiled slightly and took the lead to finish the drink in one gulp.

The heads of the house also cheered.

After drinking for three rounds, the guests and the chairman started talking endlessly.

First, the customs and customs of Jiangnan will be introduced, and then the products of Jiangnan will be introduced. Of course, when men gather in a group, no matter how noble their status is, they will inevitably discuss women.

Li Qinzai listened to everyone talking freely with a smile, but listened quietly and rarely interrupted.

For some reason, there were fewer and fewer pleasantries in the handsome tent, until finally, the tent suddenly became quiet, and everyone was holding a wine cup and staring at the amber wine.

Now that the pleasantries are over, it’s time to get down to business. The heads of the distinguished families came to the camp today. Is it really just for this meal?

After a long time, Li Qinzai raised his wine cup to salute everyone. After finishing his drink, he put down his wine cup and said slowly: "I know what you want to ask, so I'll take the initiative to say it."

"The Zhu family of Wu County violated the law, planned and committed a murder, tried to incite public opinion, and slandered the emperor's imperial envoy. His crime is unpardonable and he will be searched and questioned."

After Li Qinzai finished speaking, there was another suffocating silence in the tent.

After a long time, the head of the Gu family in Wu County stood up, bowed politely, and then asked: "I dare to ask Duke Li, have you verified the crimes of the Zhu family in Wu County that you just accused?"

Li Qinzai smiled and said: "The murder case in Duchang County has been confirmed. The rest of the charges are being collected by Baiqisi. The evidence will be fixed within a few days and presented to the emperor of Chang'an."

The faces of the family heads suddenly darkened.

Li Qinzai's words contained a lot of information, and the implication was twofold. One was to kill first and then report, with the permission of the imperial power.The second is to exterminate the family first and then find evidence. It is so arrogant.

At the same time, this sentence also contains a layer of threat.

Whoever is disobedient will be the second and third Zhu family of Wu County.

(End of this chapter)

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