Li Zhi, don't be a coward

Chapter 1403

After shocking the prominent families in Jiangnan, the next step is to clean up Jiangnan's officialdom.

The deep-rooted local power must be inseparable from the officialdom.

Li Qinzai has a list in his hand, which is the relationship between Jiangnan officials and major families.

This list was found by Baiqisi, and there is no doubt about its authenticity. Li Qinzai has studied this list, and he can only say that it is intricately linked, and there is me among you, and you among me.

If other courtiers come to Jiangnan, they will feel deeply powerless in the face of such a close relationship between power and officialdom.

No matter whether it is to disturb a prominent family or officialdom, there is no way to start. As long as one person is disturbed, it will trigger a series of chain reactions.

Unfortunately, the imperial envoy going to Jiangnan this time was Li Qinzai.

He can do things that others can't do.

He dares to touch those who others dare not touch.

To clean up Jiangnan's officialdom, we must use thunderous means. Those who deserve to be killed and those who deserve to be spared will be killed without mercy.

So the first words Li Qinzai spoke scared more than a dozen officials to the ground.

Of course these dozen officials had a guilty conscience because they were unclean.

Measuring the land within the jurisdiction of prefectures and counties and registering it with the government is a big deal.

As long as the bribe is big enough, the pens in the hands of these officials can fill in the numbers as they please.

They dared to write ten acres of land as ten thousand acres, so more than 9000 acres of land were concealed. After all, it was the land of the imperial court and the imperial court's support, so they didn't feel bad.

What these officials received was nothing more than hundreds or even thousands of bribes. From then on, this land was concealed forever, and even the successors did not dare to lift the lid.

It can be said that this group of officials responsible for land registration are directly responsible for causing huge losses to the court.

If Li Qinzai wants to clean up Jiangnan officialdom, he must first attack these people.

Sitting on the futon with his legs crossed, Li Qinzai looked at the group of kneeling officials with a smile.

"I didn't even mention your names, so you just knelt down. Very good. It seems you all know what you did..."

More than a dozen officials were kneeling on the ground, their faces pale and their bodies trembling.

Li Qinzai laughed and said: "When registering land, you are responsible for every number you write down. You have benefited from the benefits of a prominent family, so you are a helper and conceal the land from the court. You are depriving the emperor of his salary, but poaching his corners. I have read the books of saints and sages all my life, and have I read them all into the dog’s belly?”

"Those who don't know better would think that your allegiance is not to the emperor, but to the head of a prominent local family. Don't you think that this matter was done perfectly and that no one will pursue it in your life?"

The officials bowed their heads in silence.

This was indeed what they thought before Li Qinzai came to Jiangnan.

Being in the officialdom of Jiangnan, they knew the situation in Jiangnan very clearly. If the imperial envoy to Jiangnan was not Li Qinzai, they really thought that no one would find out about it. Even if they did, they would not dare to say anything because no one would dare to touch the prominent families in Jiangnan. Even the emperor was afraid of prominent families.

However, the imperial envoy who came to Jiangnan happened to be Li Qinzai, a ruthless young prince who acted without taboos.

He had already wiped out one of the eight prominent families, and the remaining seven were too frightened to make any move.So how could he not dare to lift the lid on concealing the land and making false records?
It was so pleasurable to accept bribes at first, but now I feel so desperate kneeling in front of Li Qinzai.

They knew that their end was coming. Li Qinzai had shocked the famous families in Jiangnan, and it was their turn next.

Li Qinzai's face grew colder and he said calmly: "It is documented in the state and county records that you have tampered with the land and acres of land. There is a mountain of ironclad evidence. Now I will give you a chance to quibble."

"Does anyone want to explain? You can make up any reason. As long as you dare to make it up, I dare to believe it. For example, a noble family puts a knife on your neck to force you to tamper with it."

No one said a word.

No one is a fool. Now that things have reached this point, who dares to quibble?
Li Qinzai couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief when he saw that no one made a sound in the hall for a long time.

"Come on!" Li Qinzai shouted suddenly.

Under the corridor outside the hall, dozens of people showed up and clasped their fists.

Li Qinzai took out a list from his arms, threw it down the hall, and said calmly: "Take down all the people on the list, send someone to escort them to Chang'an, and hand them over to the Dali Temple of the Ministry of Punishment for questioning."

The tribes rushed into the hall and picked up people in order according to the list.

The captured officials did not struggle or defend, but burst into tears. They allowed the troops to strip off their official robes, and their arms were tied up in silence. The officials held their heads down and were escorted out in a half-bowed posture. Outside the hall.

In the blink of an eye, the hall was half empty of dozens of officials.

The remaining officials sitting in the hall were all pale and silent.

Li Qinzai looked around at the officials and said with a smile: "Don't be nervous, everyone. I will not wrong anyone. It was just a small episode. Generally speaking, I am a very simple and kind-hearted person. You will know after you get in touch with me more." I am a person full of advantages..."

All the officials tried their best to laugh. Ah, yes, yes, you are a very simple and kind-hearted person. You just occasionally kill a few people for fun...

Everyone stared at Li Qinzai, and when they saw him slowly taking out a list of names from his arms, they couldn't help but tremble in fear, and several people started to show off.

It's not over yet?
Why another list?
Looking at the long list in Li Qinzai's hand, the pupils in everyone's eyes dilated and shrank, and their frightened expressions could no longer be concealed.

I feel like a chicken in a cage being picked out and slaughtered.

Everyone's frightened expressions fell in Li Qinzai's eyes, and he couldn't help but chuckle.

"Don't be nervous, I won't kill anyone for the time being..."

After flicking the list with his fingers, Li Qinzai said leisurely: "Those people who were questioned just now, those of you who are staying in the hall at this moment, you are actually not that innocent, but I have said that I am a simple and kind person, and I should not create too many things in one day. Killing evil, so I’ll write it down for you first.”

"Then I want to say the second thing..." Li Qinzai said slowly: "All the registered acres of land in all major prefectures and counties are invalid. You immediately arrange for officials and scribes to go to the countryside to re-measure the land under their respective jurisdictions. Register."

Staring at everyone's faces, Li Qinzai said word by word: "This time, I want real data. Anyone who dares to falsify will be shamed on the spot. I'm not kidding. You must have heard of my methods."

"Not only the acres of land, but I also want to know the data on landless farmers in various states and counties, the number of tenants under the names of major prominent families, the data on the distribution of land between direct and collateral descendants of prominent families, etc."

"I know that most of you here are related to famous families. Some are members of famous families, and some are former officials or disciples. If you feel that it is difficult to stand between the court and the famous families, you can resign immediately. I will approve it now."

"If you don't resign and secretly help a prominent family to deceive the court, it won't be that easy if I find out. Let me tell you one more thing. Baiqisi has already clearly found out the number of acres of land in Jiangnan states and counties. I will I will take out your data and compare it. If the data does not match, haha..."

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