Li Zhi, don't be a coward

Chapter 1410 Civil uprising breaks out

Chapter 1410 Civil uprising breaks out
No one knew that a deep conversation between the two old men in the secret room of the Lu family's house in Wu County had quietly opened up a gap in the ranks of the prominent families in the south of the Yangtze River.

When you are stuck on a problem, first reflect on whether your position is correct.

Standing in the position of a prominent family in the south of the Yangtze River, I was constrained and targeted at every turn, and was almost forced into a dead end.

But what about trying to put yourself in the shoes of the emperor and the court?

The influence of the famous families in Jiangnan is so deep. Of course, it is impossible for the emperor to really push the famous families to a dead end. Which emperor is willing to personally force the people below to rebel?Isn't this just causing trouble for yourself?
Therefore, the emperor must have left a way for the noble families to survive, but currently, it seems that only the Lu family of Wu County has this way of survival, which is why Lu Songxi knelt down and licked him so shamelessly.

Yu Chengzhi's expression became more and more anxious, and he turned red and looked at Lu Songxi: "Brother Lu Xian, at this time when thousands of members of the Yu family are at risk of life and death, I hope that brother Xian will stop trying to hide things and show brother Fool a clear path."

Lu Songxi didn't raise his eyebrows and said calmly: "Originally, it was Duke Li who gave me the benefits of the Lu family. If I told you, wouldn't the Lu family's interests have to be divided among others? Mr. Yu, why should I tell you?"

Yu Chengzhi was silent for a while, then suddenly laughed and said: "Then Brother Yu has no choice but to be shameless and visit Duke Li in person, and I believe that the benefits given by Duke Li are definitely not just for your Lu family. What do you think, Brother Lu Xian?"

Lu Songxi paused for a moment, then started laughing.

Yu Chengzhi also laughed, and the two old foxes laughed very happily.

"Okay, Lu will tell Mr. Yu what exactly Duke Li gave me."

Lu Songxi slowly told him the conditions Li Qinzai gave him that day.

About the Shipping Department of the Tang Dynasty, about the navy, about the great voyages, and the endless new continent at the end of the sea...

The more Yu Chengzhi listened, the more shocked he became. His eyes widened and his whole body trembled uncontrollably. He was obviously getting more and more excited.

"What my dear brother it true?" Yu Chengzhi asked in a trembling voice.

Lu Songxi smiled: "You don't have to believe it, Mr. Yu. To be honest, I really wish Mr. Yu didn't believe it."

"I believe it!" Yu Chengzhi said suddenly.

Now it was Lu Songxi's turn to be confused: "Why?"

Yu Chengzhi stroked his beard and tried to calm down his excitement, and said slowly: "The Yu family's offshore industry. In the past hundred years, the Yu family's industry has included fishing."

"A few months ago, the imperial court conscripted coastal shipwrights, shipbuilding craftsmen and civilian laborers. Some fishermen under the name of the Yu family were conscripted by the imperial court."

"At that time, the government did not give an explanation. They only said that it was needed by the court. Now I believe it. It turns out that the court is really building a large ship and preparing to go on a long sea voyage."

"I believe the 'New World' you mentioned. The scale of the imperial recruitment is not small. I don't know how much money and manpower have been spent. Without huge benefits, how could the imperial court make this loss-making deal?"

Yu Chengzhi's whole body seemed to be injected with fresh power, his eyes became bright, and he stared at Lu Songxi shiningly.

"No wonder, no wonder..." Yu Chengzhi kept murmuring.

"No wonder what?"

"No wonder you, Mr. Lu, are so shameless and kneel so smoothly and neatly." Yu Chengzhi sighed: "I didn't expect that when Duke Li went to the south of the Yangtze River, he not only brought killings, but also brought overwhelming wealth. I teach you Mr. Lu how to pick up It’s on fire.”

Lu Songxi was a little unhappy, and couldn't help but sneer: "You Yu family is great, you Yu family is noble, if you really have the backbone, you will not accept this overwhelming wealth and will resist Duke Li to the end. Lu will respect you as your master." What a man!"

The trump card was revealed. Yu Chengzhi was in a good mood at the moment, but his face was extremely righteous.

"Of course I, Mr. Yu, have the backbone! I said I won't kneel, and I will never kneel!"

Half an hour later, Yu Chengzhi walked out of the Lu family's house, and as soon as he got on the carriage, the false smile on Yu Chengzhi's face suddenly disappeared, and he patted the coachman on the shoulder anxiously.

"Hurry to Duke Li's camp outside Gusu City! Hurry up!"......

When a gap opens, there is often only a small gap at the beginning. Desire and greed are like floods overflowing the embankment, repeatedly impacting this gap.

As a result, the gap grew larger and larger, and eventually the embankment collapsed.

It was already evening when Yu Chengzhi walked out of Li Qinzai's handsome tent.

Yu Chengzhi had a satisfied smile on his face. He was an old man in his sixties and walked as briskly as a young man who had just met love.

Everything has one and then two.

When a secret is no longer a secret, when a third person knows the secret, then soon a fourth, fifth, and even the whole world will know it.

Within a few days, several prominent families including the Zhang family in Wu County, the Wei family in Kuaiji, and the Kong family in Kuaiji took the initiative to visit Li Qinzai.

Li Qinzai suddenly became busy, and the character of Xianyu collapsed inexplicably, which made him very dissatisfied.

So after thinking about it, Li Qinzai ordered Bu Qu to send an order to summon the heads of the seven prominent families again at noon tomorrow to have a banquet outside Gusu City.

At the same time, various rumors that were rampant in Jiangnan finally fermented.

The panic among private landlords and common people is getting worse. Especially the decree issued by Li Qinzai, the Duke of Liaodong, who ordered a re-measurement of the land, has been over-interpreted and exaggerated by countless people.

When it spread to the ears of ordinary people, it was because after the imperial court measured the land, it wanted to increase taxes and corvee and exploit the farmers.

With everyone talking, many small landowners who were not well-informed could not sit still.

That night, landowners and people from more than ten villages near Jiangning City suddenly gathered with torches and marched toward Gusu City.

A civil uprising finally happened.

At this time, Xue Rengui's troops were following Li Qinzai's orders, and [-] troops were marching towards the ancestral homes of the six prominent families. This created a gap that allowed the incited landlords and farmers to move forward without any hindrance. Go straight to the camp where Li Qinzai is stationed.

Baiqisi spies were the first to get the news and rode towards the camp late at night. At the same time, a horse on a fast horse galloped day and night for many days and entered Chang'an City before the city gate closed in the evening.


Chaos had broken out in the south of the Yangtze River, and the rhythm was set by the prominent families. However, when the heads of the prominent families planned to negotiate with Li Qinzai again, no one expected that the small landowners and gentry from all over the country had already taken action.

Even the heads of prominent families did not expect this civil uprising to happen suddenly.

Chang'an City, Tai Chi Palace.

Li Zhi frowned deeply and stared at the pile of memorials in front of him.

There were many more memorials submitted to his case in the past few days than in the past, and the contents were all very similar. They were all about impeaching Li Qinzai for committing lawlessness in Jiangnan, disregarding human life, and raiding the Zhu family in Wu County without the emperor's will. Hundreds of years of noble families were destroyed in one fell swoop, and all the noble families in the world were shocked.

The memorandum of impeachment seemed to appear overnight. The Yushitai was the first to bear the brunt, charging at the forefront, followed closely by officials from the six departments, and then countless disciples and former officials of the aristocratic families were also jumping up and down.

Jiangnan has become a mess, and so has the court in the past few days.

Li Zhi looked at the memorials in front of him and knew without guessing that behind these memorials, there was a pair of invisible hands activating and controlling.

(End of this chapter)

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