Li Zhi, don't be a coward

Chapter 1413 Formal Negotiation

Chapter 1413 Formal Negotiation
In the feudal dynasty, civil uprising was a very terrible thing. What was terrible about it was that it was extremely inflammatory.

The illiteracy rate is over 90.00%, and most of the people are ignorant. As long as someone randomly incites a few words, they will rebel. Even those who are clear-headed and unwilling to rebel will be coerced into rebelling. They must rebel if they don't want to.

Then the drops form a stream and eventually become an ocean.

But there is a difference between "civilian rebellion" and "rebellion", and their natures are different.

Rebellion is premeditated, organized, has a leader, and has clear goals and strategic intentions. To put it simply, I am determined to overthrow you and become the emperor myself.

The civil uprising was different. It happened by chance. A few people got together to chat. The more they chatted, the more unhappy they became. They felt that they couldn't live anymore. Since they couldn't survive anyway, they might as well do something.

This is because their goals are uncertain and their intentions are vague. They rely solely on bravery and impulsiveness. They don’t know what they want, or what they want is very simple. They just want to be fed and clothed, and they have no intention of conquering the city and overthrowing the dynasty. .

If some important elements are suddenly added to a popular uprising, the popular uprising will instantly turn into a rebellion.

These important elements are a leader with astonishing courage, one or several frustrated scholars, a group of powerful and murderous killers, and a growing number of landless refugees who cannot survive.

The combination of these things is very scary for a dynasty. This power has a high probability of achieving great things. Even if it cannot overthrow the dynasty, it can peel off its skin and the national destiny will decline from then on.

Li Qinzai is not worried about the current civil unrest in Jiangnan. He knows that this group of people cannot make a difference.

Because this is just a few thousand people gathered by a few small landowners, these small landowners cannot have amazing leadership courage, and they lack scholars to make suggestions for them.

Without these two things, they are just a ragtag group at best. As long as soldiers and horses are mobilized, they can be defeated in a single charge.

Even if this group of people gathers more than ten thousand people, they can't even break Gusu City, let alone sweep the world.

With no weapons, no food and logistics, and no clear strategic intention, people gathered all the way from Jiangning to Suzhou. They were more like poor people who were bewitched by rumors and gathered outside Gusu City to petition the imperial envoy.

Therefore, Li Qinzai did not intend to carry out a bloody suppression of this civil uprising. As long as this group of people did not cause damage to the area and did not kill, set fire, and loot along the way, then in Li Qinzai's place, they would be a group of pitiful people, not rebels.

Since they do not plan to suppress them, they must use the name of a prominent Jiangnan family to scare them.

"Tomorrow, the fifth young master will entertain the heads of the seven prominent families. They have arrived in Gusu City in advance and will stay at the hotel in the city tonight. I will go and tell them now." Feng Su reported.

Li Qinzai said yes, but Feng Su added: "Go to Gusu City at this time, wake up several family heads, and ask them to leave the city immediately to quell the civil uprising. I'm afraid it will be too late. According to the schedule of this group of rioters, it will take another hour They will probably arrive outside Gusu City and surround our camp..."

"Once the camp is surrounded, the situation will be out of control. Even if Wu Shaolang doesn't want to suppress it with force, the national law will not allow this group of chaos to survive. We can't do it unless we send troops."

Li Qinzai rubbed his face.

At this time, Li Qinzai's camp still had about [-] soldiers and horses, which were fully equipped and had strong soldiers and horses.

Even if the opponent gathered tens of thousands of people, Li Qinzai was confident that he could defeat them with one blow.

He really didn't want to kill this group of people. They were just a group of poor people who were bewitched by rumors. Maybe half of them were coerced. After all, the prestige of the landlords and squires in the countryside was too high. This group of poor farmers would not follow them. no.

"Send a thousand soldiers and horses to intercept these people halfway..." Li Qinzai said slowly after thinking deeply.

As soon as he finished speaking, a person suddenly walked into the handsome tent, and it was Li Sujie.

After Li Sujie came in, he saluted, looked directly into Li Qinzai's eyes, and said, "Sir, if you believe in the disciples, can you ask the disciples to stop them?"

Li Qinzai narrowed his eyes: "How do you plan to stop them?" Li Sujie smiled and said: "I am a disciple of your husband, or the prince of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty. Do they believe what these two identities say?"

"Disciple agrees with Sir's attitude. They are not rioters, but a group of poor people who have been deceived by rumors. We should try our best not to kill them if we can."

"This disciple brought a small number of troops over. As Mr.'s disciple and the current prince, I will clarify the rumors and resolve the chaos."

Li Qinzai smiled: "There may be people with bad intentions among them. Aren't you afraid of being shot by a cold arrow?"

Li Sujie also laughed: "They are not successful, or in other words, they dare not bring things to this point. If they shoot the current prince, everyone will die. What do they want?"

As he spoke, Li Sujie bowed his head and said in a deep voice: "I followed the teacher to the south of the Yangtze River. I made no achievements along the way, but I learned a lot from the teacher. Please trust me, sir, and try to let the disciple handle this matter, whether it is successful or not." , the disciple can escape safely."

Li Qinzai looked at him deeply for a long time, then nodded slowly: "Okay, I'll stop them. If they disperse on the spot and go back to their homes, I won't pursue the matter. If they are stubborn and continue to gather to cause trouble, Gusu Just outside the city is their burial place.”

"You tell them that it is one thing to gather the people, but it is another thing to surround the imperial city or military camp. The two are by no means the same nature."

"I will give you a thousand soldiers and horses, and then allocate a hundred members of the Li family to protect you personally. Su Jie, no matter success or failure, you must live."

Li Sujie saluted happily, turned around and left.

Under the starry night, whistles sounded all over the camp, and soldiers and horses began to gather.

After a while, Li Sujie put on his armor and led a hundred soldiers of the Li family and a thousand soldiers and horses holding firearms out of the camp.

Li Qinzai stood outside the commander's tent, watching Li Sujie leave, his eyes filled with relief and worry.

The child seems to have really grown up.

Many years ago, his grandfather Li Ji silently watched him leave home just like this. Only now did Li Qinzai realize how he felt.

Perhaps, this is also a kind of inheritance, a reincarnation.


In the early morning, at dawn, seven carriages came slowly outside the camp.

Except for carriages, the seven family heads had very few followers. They probably did not dare to show off outside Li Qinzai's camp for fear of arousing Li Qinzai's resentment.

The carriage stopped outside the camp gate and seven people entered on foot.

The weather was nice, sunny and cloudless.

The weather is so nice, so of course the banquet will be held outdoors.

A row of low tables was set up outside the handsome tent, and there were all kinds of wine and delicacies on the low tables.

Today, Li Qinzai is wearing a very formal purple official robe and a gauze crown. He looks calm and awe-inspiring.

Different from the previous private interactions, today is a formal occasion, and it is also a formal negotiation, or exchange of interests, between Li Qinzai, as the emperor's imperial envoy, and the seven prominent families in the south of the Yangtze River.

(End of this chapter)

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