Li Zhi, don't be a coward

Chapter 2 Catastrophe is imminent

Chapter 2 Catastrophe is imminent
The previous owner of Li Qinzai's body was an undisputed bastard, and he was well-known in Chang'an City.

After the reign of Zhenguan in the Tang Dynasty, after the country was inherited by Li Zhi, the folk atmosphere in the court became clearer and more simple, and it can be said that there is already a rudimentary form of "the great harmony of the world".

It is no longer the law that restricts the courtiers and the people, but the moral standards that they consciously abide by.

In such a clear social atmosphere, even a dude with a prominent background, everyone's moral bottom line is often stretched a lot higher.

Of course you don’t dare to murder and set fire to bully men and women. The worst things for dudes are probably jealousy in the inner church, fights, or friends who go out to hunt and trample on the farmland. Dad gave it a hard time.

But this time Li Qinzai's misfortune was different from others, and his misfortune could be regarded as fresh and refined in the world of bastards, which was different from others.

As early as the 19th year of Zhenguan, Li Shimin, the first emperor of Taizong, conquered Goguryeo, but the heaven failed to fulfill his wishes, and that expedition failed in the end.Li Shimin led the main force of the Tang army to retreat, leaving behind Li Ji and his clan relative Li Daozong leading a [-]-step cavalry army.

After returning to Chang'an, Li Shimin was grateful for Li Ji's achievements in leading the army, so he not only enshrined his sons and increased his food, but also granted him a white jade sculpture two feet high and weighing more than a hundred catties, named "Zhaoyu Flying Horse". To reward Li Ji's merits.

This jade carving was bestowed by Emperor Taizong, and it can be called a rare treasure both in terms of its own value and the great significance behind it.

Since the 19th year of Zhenguan, it has been treasured by the Li family on the high hall. Every year, the sacrifices are worshiped and worshiped as rituals, and they dare not be disrespectful.

Such a precious family heirloom could not escape the evil claws of the playboy Li Qinzai after all.

A few days ago, Li Qinzai and a group of dandies in Chang'an got drunk and had fun, and with the help of alcohol, a group of dandies started to play money again.

Li Qinzai, who was very unlucky, lost all his money. Under the instigation of a group of dandies with malicious intentions, Li Qinzai was so courageous that he sneaked home and stole the "White Jade Pegasus" and took it to the West Market in Chang'an. A passing Hu merchant from the Western Regions exchanged more than a hundred coins.

Then, more than a hundred coins were quickly lost.

It wasn't until the next day that Li Qinzai realized that he had caused a catastrophe after waking up from the wine, and hurriedly went to the West Market to redeem the jade carvings, but the Hu merchant with the jade carvings had long since disappeared.

Jade carving is a very valuable treasure. It was carefully carved by countless craftsmen in the past. In addition, it was a gift from Emperor Taizong, and it has an extraordinary meaning of rewarding meritorious officials.

Such a precious treasure was actually sold by Li Qinzai. The level of this bastard behind the door can be regarded as unprecedented, and he has left a strong mark in the history of the millennium unscrupulous dandy.

The matter could not be concealed at all. There were not a few playboys in Chang'an City who witnessed this incident with their own eyes that day, so Li Qinzai's glorious deeds were quickly spread.

What he did that night was heard by the supervisory censor of Chang'an City early the next morning, so they all went to the public to impeach him.

The eyes of those who wandered in the court were very dirty, and the object of impeachment by the censors was not only Li Qinzai, but the entire Li family.

The British Duke Li Ji relied on his meritorious deeds to be domineering, and his heirs were arrogant and indulgent. He pawned and sold the things bestowed by Emperor Taizong. He committed a heinous crime.

The crimes impeached by the censors are roughly the same.

The folk customs are simple and simple only among the people, there are not so many simple people in the court, and those who can stand on the golden palace and do things, but they are all top talents who have fought in the sea of ​​corpses and blood in the officialdom.

Especially the supervisory censor who calls himself "clear stream", everyone has a pair of critical eyes. Whenever there is a slight disturbance in the government and the public, they are like pieces of aunt's scarf that smells of blood.

Li Qinzai's misfortune could have been big or small, the emperor of Tang Dynasty had a lenient temperament, especially after Li Qinzai was a hero.

Dian sold a treasure bestowed by the late emperor, if it was normal, maybe Li Zhi would forgive it with a slight smile, at most he would issue an order to reprimand him, or throw Li Qinzai into Dali Temple to reflect for a few days, and the matter could be turned around .

However, when the censors in the court participated in the impeachment one after another, the public opinion had been hyped up by them, and even those who were the emperor of the Tang Dynasty could not control the situation.

After a few days of impeachment, the censors' memorials became more and more serious. The matter has risen from a simple pawning of the things bestowed by the former emperor to a political level.

The big tree attracts the wind, Li Ji has made great military exploits for the Tang Dynasty over the years, and his title and official position have almost reached the peak of a minister.

Standing in a high position, it is inevitable that people will be jealous.

It can only be said that Li Qinzai's disaster was just a fuse.

This matter was made a big deal more because of Li Ji's current position, and the figures of Guanlong Group and wealthy nobles in the court hall may also be looming in it.

In short, Li Qinzai has caused trouble, a big trouble, and this trouble has dragged the entire Li family into the quagmire.

After the incident broke out, as an old fox of three dynasties, Li Ji's first reaction was to plead guilty and thank the guests behind closed doors.

As for the instigator, Li Qinzai, his father, Li Siwen, had beaten him many times in the past few days, and his father, who was officially worshiped as the governor of Runzhou, was also a sloppy person.

If the child got into trouble, it would be fine to beat him up, but Li Siwen turned an educational short film into a series.

After the beating, he took a break for a few hours, interrupted the commercial, and thought of the disaster again after a while, suddenly felt uneasy, grabbed the weapon that was handy by his side and rushed out to give him another beating.

After the beating, continue to take a break to interrupt the commercial, until the next time I think about it...

This kind of punishment like a blunt knife was comparable to that of Ling Chi. Until last night, Li Qinzai couldn't take it anymore, and climbed up the tree in his backyard in the dark, probably planning to finish it off and give himself a good time.

As a result, the soul of the 21st century happened to be possessed, and the father and son confronted each other in the air, and the relationship between father and son became more and more filial...

In any case, Li Qinzai never imagined that he had traveled through inexplicably, and was still ignorantly familiar with the environment, and was slammed on the head by a cauldron that fell from the sky.

In view of the current situation similar to the "ghost upper body", the soul of the 21st century has unreasonably occupied this ancient body, and he can't even say "I don't take the blame" with confidence.

After understanding the ins and outs of the cause and effect, Li Qinzai looked sad and helpless.

Li Qinzai is very familiar with this kind of opening where the protagonist is in a desperate situation.

Whether it's a TV series or a novel, when encountering such an opening, usually the system in the body should make its debut.

Then Niubi Honghong helped the protagonist get through the crisis safely, and then became the CEO to marry Bai Fumei and reach the pinnacle of life.

Standing in the garden bushes in the backyard of the Li family, Li Qinzai, who had been standing still for a long time, looked dumbfounded, suddenly raised his finger to the sky, and shouted loudly.

"Come out, system!"

The shape of one hand pointing to the sky and one hand on hips attracted the horrified gazes of the people around.

Wu Shaolang has been beaten a lot in the past few days, maybe he was beaten stupid?
In the silence, Li Qinzai kept his posture still.

However, I haven't seen any movement for a long time, and there is no sound like "XX system is bound to the host" from the body. Listen carefully, there may be a few crows.

As for Li Qinzai, still expressionless, after a while, he finally withdrew his movements slowly. Under the astonished eyes of the servants, Li Qinzai brushed the hem of his shirt nonchalantly.


Li Qinzai tried his best to maintain a calm expression, and a drop of sweat dripped imperceptibly from the corner of his forehead.

A man is a teenager until he dies, and a teenager is still a second-year student until he dies.

Not embarrassing, really not at all.

 I just uploaded a new book, and I haven't finished signing a contract with the website, so I'm currently doing one chapter a day, and I can speed up after these trivial things are done. Brothers are all gentlemen, and I will allow me to count for a few days.

Another: The new book is released, please collect it, ask for recommendation, and ask old friends to help publicize and expose it, earnestly!thanks.

(End of this chapter)

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