Libra in the Two-dimensional World

Chapter 699

Page 699

The girl wiped her heavy eyes and dissipated her drowsiness a little. After being in a state of embarrassment for such a long time, her body was covered in stinky sweat. She also wanted to wash off the odor from her body before going to sleep. Right now Going to sleep with a body full of sweat and smell, even she herself can’t accept it.

“But I still want to take a shower before going to bed.”

Pulling up the clothes she was wearing, she sniffed the smell on her clothes. The girl couldn’t bear the smell and went to sleep in the room. Even if she didn’t have a change of clothes, at least she needed to wash off the odor of sweat on her body.

“But Lady Lala, we don’t know where the bathroom is?”

The little robot had to remind the girls that they don’t know where the bathroom in the Shulei ship is now. Maybe the man just now knew, but the man just now has left, so how should they go? Looking for a bathroom location?

“Isn’t that person asking me to find Jin… Jin Meimei?”

The girl remembers that the man asked them to find someone before they left. As long as they find that person, they can find the room and bathroom. Ships like Shulei even have the construction technology of the subspace. Finding a room and bathroom should be Not a big problem.

“Lara-sama, we don’t know where that person is.”

The little robot helplessly reminded the girls that if they knew where that person was, maybe they would have already known where the room was in the bathroom. Now they may even need to find that person by themselves, but this ship is a The inner space constructed using the subspace technology is much larger than expected. How can they find it?

Chapter [*] That Man Is Kind of Like Dad

“Please come with me.”

When the girl and the little robot were helpless, the figure of the woman appeared in front of the two of them. The interior of Shulei’s ship was even more intricate than expected, leaving two unfamiliar people blind in Shulei’s ship. Wandering around, maybe you can’t find a specific way for a year after wandering around.

The words are a bit exaggerated, but Shulei’s ship has such a large space inside. The size of this space is not understandable and imaginable by ordinary people, and naturally it is not that ordinary people can find the real thing in a short time. The way to go is not something that unfamiliar people can walk out of.

The girl and the little robot don’t know where the bathroom and room are. The woman knows where the bathroom and room are inside the ship. It’s one of the small areas in the living area of the ship. It’s a pity that area. The block is not accessible by normal walking, that is, it is also necessary to use the space transfer equipment inside the ship to reach the block in a short period of time.

“It’s so beautiful.”

The moment a girl saw a woman, she was immediately attracted by the dignity and elegance of a woman. In the past, the most beautiful person she had ever seen should be her biological mother. Her biological mother was innately attractive. But the woman in front of her was not as attractive as her mother, the girl just felt that the woman in front of her was beautiful.

The woman just smiled and nodded when she heard the girl’s compliment, and motioned for the girl and the little robot to follow her. The living area that she needs to go to next is not very complicated, but such a big ship is definitely not just a small place like the living area. If you don’t follow well, you will accidentally get lost on the way.

When the girl saw that the woman didn’t answer, she was not very unfamiliar and went up to continue talking. This is also considered to be her character that is relatively easy to familiarize with, and she is good at taking the initiative to say hello to others.

“Hello sister, are you on this ship?”

The woman saw that the girl took the initiative to come to chat with her, but she did not turn the girl away, and started chatting with her along with the girl’s question.

“Yeah, I am indeed a person on this ship.”

“Then that person was the owner of this ship just now?”

“His Royal Highness is indeed the owner of this ship, but His Highness is slightly different from the others.”

“Well, it’s really different.”

The girl is now starting to recall how she felt when she saw the man just now, which made her always have the same feeling of facing her father. This feeling was not realized all at once, but now the girl finally realizes why she was just now. She will be stunned when she sees the man. The man has always given her a very invisible sense of oppression since they met.

In addition to the invisible sense of oppression that the man gave her, the flame in the man’s hand also gave her a very strong chill. She felt it.

“He made me feel like a dad.”

“Huh? Does Princess Lala have that kind of idea?”

The girl’s practice of thinking of a man as her father is very dangerous in a sense. The little robot thinks that if the girl says something worse, she will really pass these words back to the other two princesses. , otherwise the idea of a girl would become too terrifying.

The girl’s face suddenly became unhappy. Holding the little robot was a lesson. It seemed that she usually gave the little robot too much input, and the little robot began to grow in a very bad direction.

What is it that she has that idea?The girl has more respect for her father, how can there be such a messy idea, who would have that idea about her own father?She just wanted to say that the man gave her the same pressure as her father, and she always felt that the other party was like her own father.

“Pekai, next time you talk nonsense again, I will format you completely.”

The little robot hurriedly covered her mouth and stopped thinking in that direction. She didn’t want to be formatted by Princess Lala at all. Even as an artificial intelligence, as long as she kept the files, she could still recover, but there were other problems with recovery. If the girl wrote something else on her program, the little robot knew that she was going to cry.

Seeing that the little robot closed its mouth, the girl followed the woman’s footsteps and continued to recall the feeling just now.

“When that person walked in front of me, it made me feel like my father walked in front of me. Sister, do you know the name of that person?”

The girl believed that her feelings were not wrong. That man did give her an amazing sense of oppression. Only her father had made her feel this feeling in the past. It also made the girl feel very strongly about the man. interest of.

“Lord Lala, since that person is the owner of Shulei’s ship, then that person must be Shulei’s royal family.”

The little robot has already given the girl an answer before the woman can speak. The people who own Shulei, who can create light eagle feather ships, are members of the Shulei Royal Family, and Shulei’s ships are only able to carry out the Shulei Royal Family. Control, if the other party is the owner of the Shulei ship, then the identity of the other party is also obvious.

Only the woman shook her head. The saying that the owner of the Shulei ship is the Shulei royal family is not perfect. In fact, it is not the Shulei royal family that is also qualified to be the owner of the royal tree. Maybe it has never happened in the past. The case, but just now such a case appeared in the body of a man.

“His Royal Highness is not the Shulei royal family, nor even has any relationship with Shulei. His Highness is just a very ordinary earthling.”


The girl and the little robot are a little unfamiliar with this name. Even if they know a lot of things in the universe, but suddenly there is a title called “Earthman”, they are a little unclear about which planet “Earthman” is.

“It’s one of the planets on the edge of the universe. There are only some early civilizations on the planet Earth.”

Women know that the earth is actually a small place on the edge of the universe, that place is already close to the edge of the universe, and the planet in that place should not be known to many people, not to mention that the human beings on that planet are staying in the early stage. It’s just civilization, and it’s normal that even the universe hasn’t stepped out of nature and doesn’t know.

Chapter [*] Today is not very suitable for meeting people

“Early civilization?”

The girl was taken aback by this word. That man with a sense of oppression like his own father came out of an early civilization planet?Isn’t this a joke?Why does the girl feel that this is a joke at this moment?

“Is it hard to believe? But His Highness is indeed a traditional earthling.”

Women know that some things are hard to believe, and it is hard to believe that a strong man who came out of an early civilization, but His Highness is indeed a pure earthman, and there is no other bloodline in him, but it is difficult to imagine It is why people like His Highness were born from the planet Earth.

There are many powerful planets in the universe, Shulei and Debbie Luxing are one of them. Everyone in Shulei’s royal family has some very special powers, and Debbie Luxing’s royal family is inherited from Debbie Luke. The king’s terrifying power.

Shulei and Debbie Luxing are a kind of cases that are easy for people to see clearly. There are people from other planets in the universe, and those planets also have some powerful bloodlines.

But the earth is a real planet of early civilization, a planet that can’t even go out of the planet, and can’t come to the universe, but His Highness was born in that kind of planet of early civilization. Incredible thing.

However, there is such a contingency in everything, and His Highness may be that contingency, so His Highness is so different.

During the conversation, the woman brought the girl and the little robot to the room and bathroom of the living area. Many places inside the ship were specially made, like a room in the living area. It’s a room, it should be said, a pretty amazing planet.

“What a powerful warp architecture technology.”

The girl is also dabbling in the technology of subspace architecture, and she also has similar technology in Debbie Luxing, but she only has a part of the technology, and can only extend the space of a room in a room a little bit, and also There is no way to be like a ship of Shulei, and it actually builds a space the size of a planet.

The power required to build this kind of subspace is also quite amazing. The biggest technical problem encountered now is how can we get such terrifying power to fix the subspace? If we can’t get such amazing power, we can only use this technology in in a small space.

A girl with a small warp structure can already be realized, but other things cannot be realized. After all, the power required to fix a warp is too terrifying. A small warp can be fixed with some special energy support, but A subspace with a larger space cannot do it.

Of course, this is also caused by technical reasons. If the technical problems in this area can be solved, Debbie Luxing can also achieve such subspace technology. But if the technical problems cannot be solved, then we can only find amazing energy to utilize.

What if the warp architecture technology is not good, and the energy of amazing energy cannot be found?That’s actually easy to handle, just don’t play with the warp structure, and don’t worry about this issue.

“Princess Lala, you can use it as you like. I’ll take my leave first.”

The woman still needs to go back to chat with Sha Shamei. What His Highness just said is that if she does not take the initiative to clarify with Sha Shamei, this will always be the biggest hurdle in Sha Shamei’s heart. If she can’t get over it, it will also have a great impact on her, as soon as possible. It is also necessary for Sasami to understand her affairs.

“that person……”

“His Royal Highness, there will be some things today, Princess Lala should be able to talk to Her Royal Highness when she wakes up tomorrow.”

His Highness is going to eat the flame now. I am afraid that His Highness can’t wait for a long time. Today, there should be no time to take care of other things, including Princess Lala’s affairs, and even Sasha Mei’s affairs. Inside, many things have to wait until tomorrow.

The woman is not in a hurry to get to know His Highness. She will always be by His Highness’s side as a boat to observe through Sasha Mei’s eyes. Since His Highness has something to deal with now, don’t bother at this time.

“In addition, Princess Lala’s current appearance is not suitable for meeting His Highness.”


The girl remembered that she still has the odor of sweat on her body. She can’t stand this smell. If she were to meet someone now, the girl would be a little shameless, at least she needs to wash off the odor of sweat on her body and then talk about other things. of.

The woman smiled when she saw that the girl suddenly cared about her image. After all, Princess Lala was also a girl, and every girl would care about her image.

“Princess Lala can rest for a while today, and she is thinking about going to see His Highness tomorrow.”


Now that the girl realizes her condition, she doesn’t want to see the man, so she should take a good shower today, rest well to restore her mental state to the best, and she will have time to see the man tomorrow, when the time comes You can thank yourself.

“Then I’ll take my leave.”

After the woman took the girl to the living area, she disappeared and left the living area. I believe that today the girl should wash and rest in the living area in a peaceful manner. She deliberately arranged the Highness and the girl in a completely different place, just to avoid His Royal Highness. Some of the things done will attract the girl to the past, and may cause some other troubles at that time, which is not what a woman wants to see.

After the woman left, the girl also began to look around. This living area is much more amazing than she imagined. It is really hard to imagine that this is the interior of the ship. It perfectly divides the subspace and can do this. It was such a situation that she didn’t know what language to use to describe it.

“All Shulei’s ships can do this. It’s no wonder that in the last battle, they were able to fight Dad to the end.”

The strength of Shulei should not be underestimated. It is only a part of what we see now. If people in the universe know about it, they will definitely be frightened. Now the girl herself feels a little scared, whether it is the Shulei ship. Warp architecture technology is also a terrifying force possessed by Shure ships.

Of course, what surprised the girl the most was the identity of the man. That man turned out to be a human being born on a planet of early civilization. If someone hadn’t told her, the girl would never believe such a joke.

Chapter [*] The girl is not in a hurry to leave now

“So comfortable~”

The girl relaxed and soaked herself in the warm spring water. This living area gave her a lot of surprises. There was no need to worry about the influence of the weather inside the ship, and she could enjoy the sky while soaking in the hot spring water. The many stars in it made her feel relaxed.

“Lara-sama, how do you feel about the water temperature?”

The temperature of the spring water here can be adjusted at will. The little robot is soaking in the water. As a robot, she doesn’t feel that way, and she doesn’t know if Lady Lala can adapt to this temperature.

“Hmm~ a very comfortable temperature.”

The girl lifted all her defenses and completely enjoyed the tranquility. After slipping out of Debbie Lux, she has been floating in the universe. Her spaceship also has certain living equipment in it, but because she left Debbie Lux Since then, she has been chased by cosmic pirates, and she has always put her mind on driving the spacecraft, how can she have the mind to deal with the smell of sweat on her body?

Now I have the opportunity to relax and enjoy the warm spring water. Today, the girl should have a good time. The feeling of taking a bath is still much more comfortable than standing in a bath, but she is used to this feeling of taking a bath. She will take a bath in the future. It would be troublesome when she could, there was no such equipment in her spaceship.

“Pekai, how is the damage to the spacecraft?”

“Lord Lala, the engine of your spaceship is completely inoperable before entering the tree mine ship. It takes a lot of parts to repair the spaceship.”

“The engine is indeed a little troublesome.”

There is a problem with the engine of the spaceship, if it is a normal situation, it is fine, but now she wants to replace the engine in the universe. If there is a problem with the engine in the universe, the girl is not sure that she can survive unharmed. .

It seems that I still need to trouble the man in the future. Thinking of this, the girl’s mood suddenly becomes much happier. Although the relationship between Dad and Shulei is not very good, there is no way for her situation. Multiverse pirates can’t make her face the spaceship like a father, right?

The girl still doesn’t think she can do things like her father, and now she can’t be as tough as a cosmic pirate.

“Lord Lala, the engine problem of the spaceship is very serious. There may be a lot of trouble in continuing to use that spaceship.”

The little robot has not yet discovered the girl’s mood. She just explained the situation of the spaceship. The spaceship has now completely lost its function, and the engine has suffered fatal damage. Unless the engine is completely replaced, if the spaceship continues to be used in the Navigating the universe is a joke on life.

“Well, that’s for now.”

There was no reluctance in the girl’s tone. When she knew that the problem with the engine was serious, the girl understood that it was impossible for the spacecraft to be used normally. She knew it with a little common sense of playing with machinery.

After knowing this, the girl didn’t care at all, she couldn’t use it if she couldn’t use it, and now she wouldn’t use the spaceship casually if it was okay, not to mention that the spaceship is not okay now, she is more will not use it.

The girl yearns for freedom. She hopes to decide her own affairs. Now she has some interest in a man. Naturally, she will keep her interest in it before she loses it.

Fragrantly groomed, the girl put on the pajamas used by Shulei and went back to the room where she was sleeping. It was not a room, but a bed that fit in with nature. She personally slept in the room. in nature.

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