Library of Rain

Terms and Conditions

The class message screen was something that only happened to the most skilled and important of people, so why was Thirty-six looking at one right now? 


[Requirements met. According to the deal made with Oru, you will now be granted the unique hidden class: Master of the Library]


[Warning: Due to being a hidden class, you will gain no experience or levels in your hidden class skills.] 


Thirty-six had no idea who Oru was and definitely couldn't recall making any deal with them. She quickly glanced over the underground pen to ensure no one had noticed her startled jump at the glowing message’s appearance. Luckily, the other children were scared of her and kept their distance, huddling in groups of three or four. They were thin and malnourished, though not as much as usual; the Keepers had provided extra food for the last two weeks. Most of the children occupied themselves with games or staying warm. For once, Thirty-six didn't wish they would let her join them.


She returned her attention to the glowing text; the only time she had heard of this happening to one of the other slaves was a few years ago when a boy in another pen had supposedly unlocked some kind of punching class. According to the gossip Thirty-six had listened in on, the kid disappeared when the Keepers found out. It sounded to Thirty-six like he had been sold to the arena, where the Keepers mentioned they could go to fight and kill one another. Thirty-six feared being sold to the arena. Despite the other kids being scared of her, she was really bad at fighting. 


Returning to the message, she prodded in with her mind, and the message faded. Flailing with her mind, she tried to will it back. Instead, a new message appeared.


[Name: Thirty-six

Age: 10

Class: [error]

Hidden Class: Master of the Library

Class Skills:


Hidden Class Skills:

Door to the Library


Passive Skills:

Aura of the Unnatural 

Limited Use Skills:

Terms of the Deal: uses left 1]


Thirty-six double-checked to ensure that no one else could see the floating letters. Reassured, she studied the message. The first thing she learned was her age; she was ten years old. Thirty-six was pretty sure that that was old, at least for the pen. The second thing she saw was that she had a hidden class but not a class. She hoped this meant she could keep her class hidden when the mean keeper next came by to scan the children.


She really wanted to know what her skills did. What was a Door to the Library, and how could she use it?


The message changed, lines swirling and forming into new words.


[Door to the Library: To access the Library of Oru, push your will into any door, and it will transform into a portal. Once the door closes, the portal will also close. When you're ready to leave, you can exit through any door, and it will take you back to the same one you entered from.]


Thirty-six had no idea what the words meant. What was the Library of Oru? Or a portal? The message didn’t change to answer her confused thoughts this time. Maybe it was only allowed to talk about Thirty-six’s information? 


As she thought about her information, it returned. She looked it over again and focused on her Hidden class, hoping it would tell her more; sadly, it remained unchanged. Next, she tried thinking about Lend. The letters swirled and reformed into a new message.


[Lend: You may set terms when giving another a tome from the Library of Oru. If the conditions are broken, the tome will return to the library.]


Again, Thirty-six didn’t understand the message, so she moved on. She next tried the passive skill Aura of the Unnatural, like before the message changed. Thirty-six couldn’t hold back her delight at this; it was like she and the glowing letters were having a conversation. 


[Aura of the Unnatural: You give off an aura that emanates untold truths from beyond reality. All living things can sense this instinctually and will know to avoid you. This aura will provide some protection against the influence of the void.]


This gave Thirty-six pause. She didn’t understand everything the message said, but the middle part stood out to her; was this why the other kids avoided her? Had she always had this skill? She wanted to learn more, but the message wouldn’t tell her anything. She sighed and checked the last skill.


[Terms of the Deal: Gain knowledge of the deal you made with Oru.]


[Do you wish to use ‘Terms of the Deal’? Uses left 1] 


Thirty-six cocked her head. Did this mean that using this skill would explain what was going on? She wasn’t sure, but there was one way to find out; she activated the skill.


Immediately after, Thirty-six slumped to the ground. She felt her mind detach from her body, which was probably good because if she could scream in pain, she would. White hot lances of pain pierced her skull as information flowed into her. Then, her mind retreated to a void.


Thirty-six could see nothing, smell nothing, feel nothing. Right as she was on the brink of panicking, she heard a voice. It managed to be both rasping and smooth at the same time.


“So, after all your failures, you come to me hoping to gain the power to actually save your world?” The speaker had an amused, mocking tone. “You see how futile it is now that your friends are dead and your allies have betrayed you. Kingdoms have perished, and corruption runs rampant. Now that the wars have grown in scale and frequency, right along with the slave trade that you despise so much.” 


Rasper clearly enjoyed rubbing these facts in. 


 “So tell me, little hero, what are you willing to give for the power to cause real change?” 


After a short silence, a soft voice answered with a single word. “Everything”.


Rasper bellowed with laughter. “Perfect, because my help will cost you everything. I will take your memory, your strength in combat, your identity, and your freedom. You will be reborn as the daughter of a slave. Once you turn ten, you will learn of this deal and why you made it.


Along with that knowledge, you will also gain access to my library, where all forbidden knowledge is held. Use the knowledge stored within to save this boring world if you can. Though I suspect you will fail and only unleash more chaos.” 


Thirty-six could hear the vicious grin in Rasper’s voice. 


“Do you accept?” 


There was another pause, this one much longer, before the second voice answered, an unrecognizable mix of emotions bleeding into the single word, “Yes.”


After the last word was spoken, Thirty-six could feel her consciousness moving through the void toward her body. Before she could regain consciousness, her mind abruptly stopped; the void around her twisted and churned. Thirty-six couldn't feel her body, but her mind was still filled with nauseous sensations. Out of the abyss came the same quiet voice from the vision.


“Young future me, by now, you should know the terms of the deal. However, Oru underestimates me if he thinks he can control what information I learn in this new life. I created this knowledge packet and snuck it onto the skill Oru built to fulfill his part of the deal. It should contain everything you need. Sadly, I can only transfer information; He would easily spot any memories. Hopefully, this knowledge will give you the tools you need. 


Little One, I know you aren't me. This deal will essentially cause my death so you can be born. It's selfish of me to ask you to continue my quest, but I am selfish, so let me ask you. Please use your power to save as many people as possible. However, if you find joy in doing something else, no one will blame you, me least of all, for walking a different path. This is the last you’ll hear from me, so let me say good luck; go and find happiness”.


After this brief message, information flooded Thirty-six’s mind as her consciousness faded.

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