Lie flat for three years and become a contemporary military god

Chapter 2 This skill has personality

Chapter 2 This skill has personality

"Personal attribute panel?"

Chen Hai glanced quickly.

"System, what does 0 mean?"

The system explained: "When the Dacheng progress reaches [-]%, it is the state of consummation. When you reach this level, the skills are superb, such as camouflage, and the military god level is... keep it secret!"

Chen Hai frowned.

The system is also really good enough for 6, halfway through the words, it can still stop.

He ignored the question and glanced at his physical fitness.

The number 1 represents the physical fitness of a normal person, that is, the physical fitness of an ordinary adult.

It's no wonder that Chen Hai was in the tail of everything in the company. He served as a soldier for a year, and his daily training intensity was more than twice that of others.
You can imagine how poor this body was before.

"We must improve our physical fitness as soon as possible. The body is the capital of the revolution. If the body is not good, nothing will work!"

Chen Hai immediately made a plan.

"The system enters the self-cultivation mode, reminding the host that the second division of the Sword is coming. As the future military god, it is the true nature of a soldier to turn the situation around by himself. The system will automatically check out the strengthening methods and new skills."

Chen Hai was startled, a black line appeared on his forehead.

"Nonsense! Can I kill special forces? What kind of international joke!"

What kind of military quality is Chen Hai, can he not know himself?
Fighting knows superficial, shooting a rookie, unless a group of opponents stand still and are shot at close range by themselves, there is no possibility of hitting them at all.

Now, the only thing Chen Hai can rely on is Dacheng's camouflage technique.

But camouflage is a defensive skill, not an offensive skill, so how can you do it against a seasoned veteran?And not one, but a detachment!
"System, you really think highly of me. You must believe that Ma Baoguo is a master!"

The system remained silent, probably going to self-cultivation.

Chen Hai grabbed the Type 95 rifle.

"People are dead and birds are upside down, let's talk about it after fighting!"

Chen Hai is not a timid person.

At this time, voices came from afar.

"Spread out and search, Yehuo and the three salted fish have escaped, we must find them before dark and kill them!"

"Roger that!"

Footsteps came from not far away, heading towards Chen Hai.

"Here we come! Try Qianxiang camouflage, this is a skill function at the level of a soldier king."

After Chen Hai looked around, he ran to a pile of dead leaves not far away, without any consideration, he plunged into the dead leaves.

He plunged into the pile of dead leaves, his body gradually changed, and then he blended into the surrounding environment.


About 1 minute later, a group of special forces with painted faces searched for the location where Chen Hai stayed just now.

A special soldier squatted down, pressed his palms on the ground, and said, "Captain, there is still temperature here, and the salted fish will not leave for more than a minute."

The captain with Sanmao Er on his shoulder gave an order: "Scatter and search!"

A group of five people quickly spread out, forming a "fan-shaped" formation to search in the jungle.

They followed the trail left by Chen Hai along the way, and soon came to the jungle where Chen Hai pretended to be hiding.

"Captain, the trace of the salted fish disappeared here."

All of a sudden, the commando who was at the front pointed to a black thing rising in the jungle ahead, and said, "Captain, what is this?"

The captain turned his head and looked over, and blurted out: "Wild boar!"

All eyes were fixed on the black wild boar.

Among the dead leaves under the woods in front, a wild boar was completely black and covered with dead leaves. It was sleeping in the pile of dead leaves with its back to them, obviously not aware of their arrival.

Everyone's eyes lit up with indescribable surprise.

"Captain, we are lucky. We even encountered a wild boar. Get rid of it, and we can have a tooth sacrifice tonight!"

A special soldier took out a Huya combat saber and said in a low voice.

"In the past few days during the exercise, the brothers are eating dry food, and their mouths are fading out of the bird. This wild boar weighs at least a hundred catties."

The captain's face darkened, and he scolded: "Nonsense! What are you thinking? There are wild boars in the nature reserve here. What's so strange? In addition, wild boars are also national protected animals. Record the location here and report it after the exercise is over. Forest Public Security, let them handle it."


The special soldier put away his saber helplessly, and looked at the wild boar with regretful eyes.

"Keep searching!"

The captain gave an order, and everyone turned around and searched in another direction.

But the moment they all turned around.

Da da……

The dense gunshots behind them suddenly sounded.

The captain and the others hurriedly turned around, wanting to fight back, but it was too late, and blue smoke creaked out of each of them.

So far, including the team leader, all 2 members of Zhan Dao 5 Team were killed.

"Damn it! It was the wild boar who shot, hell!"

"What wild boar! That's a person, okay! What the hell, I missed it!" The captain scolded depressedly.

In the eyes of everyone, they saw a person slowly standing up among the dead leaves, it was a salted fish that Yehuo ran away.

And a series of crisp reminders came from Chen Hai's ears.

"The host used the disguise to decapitate 5 enemies. The disguise skill was very exciting, and he had an instant epiphany, and the progress was 50%"

"The host completes the task, and the system automatically checks out the special training and strengthens it once, whether to start or not."

"The host completed the task, the system is very upbeat, and automatically checks out a new skill: crisis skill."

Chen Hai, who was holding a 95 rifle, was still in a state of excitement.

He didn't expect to fool these special forces so easily, he didn't need to think about any marksmanship for a while, and he killed them all!

He really didn't expect it to be so easy!

Didn't it mean that all these special forces have experienced many battles and have rich combat experience?Why did Chen Hai feel that what he met was a fake special soldier.

Chen Hai didn't know, the wild boar he disguised was too similar.

These old specials couldn't tell the truth from the fake, and wanted to kill it and add food at night.

The other party had no defenses, and Chen Hai sneaked up again at close range, shooting directly with rifles.

In this situation, even if the King of Soldiers encounters it, he will stumble.

After a series of system prompts, Chen Hai came back to his senses, and his eyes lit up instantly!

The camouflage skill is too individual, and I am excited by myself, and the progress is directly over half. Do you mean, if you give it another excitement, the progress is not full level?
Having tasted the sweetness, Chen Hai certainly hoped that his skills would break through as quickly as possible. Dacheng's disguise is just so awesome. How amazing will he be when he reaches perfection?

Chen Hai couldn't wait any longer!

After he calmed down a bit, he saw the skill that was automatically checked out—the crisis skill. What kind of skill is this?
(End of this chapter)

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