Life as a Royal’s Breeding Partner

Chapter 23 – Start of A Party

*** Alzi ***

I'm already dressed for the floor, so, for once, I have to strip before heading into the bath. My body is already clean from my magic; I just want to get in the water for a bit. I'll talk to Mai at lunch. I move to the middle of the bath, where people don't usually go, and float around for a few minutes. Nobody bothers me, but when the bath starts to get filled, I head out in case others need the space. After getting dried off and dressed, I head for the kitchen. In the kitchen, I'm one of the first here, making it easy to find a spot to eat.

I'm able to take my time eating now that I'm ahead of my morning schedule. "Shit, she is going to think I'm late again and sit in that damn pool forever waiting for me," I say to no one. Shoveling down my food, I finish in record time.

"Damn, Alzi, I know you're pregnant, eating for multiple and all that, but that is a bit extreme." A girl says to me.

"Sorry, I've got to get somewhere soon."

"Everyone knows not to schedule something in the morning when you're pregnant. I'm surprised to see you up, let alone eating already."

"I need to get to Mai. She has the same thoughts as you."

"That explains why you're moving fast but not why you're here early. I hope you didn't get swapped out last night. We'll miss our resident dragon," She teases as I rush past her and out the doors. She isn't really looking for a response; all the girls find it funny how I'm always running late in the morning.

On my way to the bath, I spot Mai coming down the stairs, letting me surprise her with a big hug. The tiny girl gets spun around in my arms, and a small scream comes from the bundle in my arms.

"Alzi, don't scare me like that. You aren't supposed to be coming from that direction dressed and ready to go. You'll freak the girls out doing this. And you shouldn't carry people while pregnant. I can feel the bump now. Quite cute."

"I had a weird night. A good weird, but weird." I explain, still wrapped around Mai, though I did put her feet on the ground.

"Let me bathe, and we can talk about it. Silly dragon. Wait, are you drunk? That isn't good for the kids."

"I'm not drunk, but I did have my aura going for a long time, which gets me a little funny. Maybe that is still affecting me?" Letting her go.

"Now I really do need to hear this. Come on, my silly little dragon." Escaping my grasp and pulling me behind her.

"I am bigger than you in every way. Does that make you a tiny kitty?"

"This aura of yours seems dangerous now."

"No, I think I'm just truly happy for once."

"I hope so." She strips under my watchful eye. We find a free spot by the edge for her to bathe. I sit on the edge, like I do a massage, to wash her back while she gets her front.

"Ok, so I had this noblewoman's second daughter. You know how nobles just have their second daughters fuck a prostitute for their first official time? Well, I got one but the mother didn't come up with her. Plus, she was truly a virgin. Never even masturbated, and I believe her. Well, she wanted me to dom her. Basically commanded me to use my actives, both maxed out and use her like a toy. She was short, about your height. Human, I think. Golden hair. Nice tits, the smallest nipples I've ever seen. Anyways, I start off trying to teach her like they always want, but she goads me into fucking her like a toy. She also asked me to breed her. I can apparently move you farther along in your cycle and cause a lot of eggs to be released. I accidentally made her release five eggs and then implanted them all. She is in for a rough nine months. But, yay. I had a toy, and she loved it, and I didn't care about her, so I didn't mind hurting her. Which I feel a little bad. I did give her a nice bath and massage, healing as much as I could with my drained mana." I rush through the story. Not believing all of it really happened. I hope that girl gets that marriage in a month. She'll need it.

"I think I got all of that. Nobles do the strangest things. I'm glad you had fun. And that cycle thing is cool. If you had a bit more control, you could probably limit it to one egg."

"Didn't think of that." Finishing her back. She just needs to get her legs. "I probably wasted a lot of mana yesterday."

"You have plenty to waste. The girl needs some true pain, so she doesn't do that with someone who'll truly hurt her." We were finishing up and starting to head back to the entrance when a voice surprised me.

"There you are, Alzi. I have a party tonight. You're part of the staff. Don't use any mana. You won't be giving massages. In the lobby when you are done with lunch," the Mistress says with a stern voice. My punishment is finally coming.

"Yes, Mistress," I respond. Feeling my beautiful collar forcing me to act.

"Shit, I have to go. Already ate lunch. Goodbye. Wish you luck tonight, Mai." I say over my shoulder, forced to follow Mistress

"You're ready this fast? Maybe I should shuffle things around so you can always spend the night with clients." Mistress says. I'm not sure if she is teasing me or really thinking it through. I rub my belly again. Is this pregnancy going faster? I don't usually start this for another week. I look down, and the size seems a bit bigger than normal. Is the tattoo changing my reaction to the kids? Whatever I need to focus on this night. I'm about to be treated like the noble's daughter myself.

"Come over here." I take a few steps forward. Mistress gives my belly a good rub. "Coming along nicely, but this is too early even for you to be showing like this. Follow me."

"Yes, Mistress." We go to her office.

"Strip." I untie the sash and let the robe drop. She feels my belly some more. "Seems normal. Why are their hearts and dots inside your tattoo? The dots are all dull. Twelve total. Twelve kids, ok. Dull color. Heartbeats, maybe? I'll have Kelly check this in a few weeks. Hopefully, the dots start to glow. But why did the tattoo change? I've never seen this design.
Maybe a higher succubus could make this, but you haven't been with one. I have a friend I can ask to check it as well. Put on your robe. And good job on the lack of panties. I hate keeping track of those."

"Yes, Mistress." I pick my robe up and put it back on.

"Follow me, I'm not hosting. Just offered to bring a waitress. A full-service waitress." We went out the front door, and for the first time in a couple months, the sun hit my skin and eyes. I squint my eyes for the short time I'm outside. My eyes may hate the sun right now, but the rest of my body loves the heat. I only get a few seconds before I get put in a carriage with Mistress. We just go down the street, the carriage more to show importance than from actual need.

"Stay close. This brothel is always open, and girls just get grabbed and taken to a room. Don't feel like having a scene in the lobby."

"Of course, Mistress."

I do as I'm told: be Mistress's looming shadow. She has us moving quickly, heading straight for the stairs on the left. Just before the stairs, someone pulls my tail hard, causing me to fall over with a yelp.

"Bitch come on, you look like the perfect fuck," I hear a man say behind me, my horn getting tugged.

"Help!" is all I manage to get out before he slaps a hand over my mouth.

"Goddess be damned. What the fuck do you think you're doing with my slave, you sack of shit." Mistress says.

"She is clearly a brothel girl. So I'm going to fuck her."

"If you don't let go. You'll find yourself without one of your heads."

"What is going on here," A third voice joins in.

"You need to control your customers. I'm expecting compensation for your guest hurting my girl. She is pregnant, and they paid a lot of money for her womb. Mr. dumbass over here thinks her can do whatever he wants. And no, she didn't wander. I commanded her to stay near so she would have no choice but to be near me." Mistress explains. I'm still being slowly dragged away.

"Mistress, some help. This hurts," I say as soon as the hand on my mouth moves.

"Blelkaulr, let go. That isn't one of my girls. I've told you multiple times that you can't damage them."

"Shut up. I can do what I want." My kidnapper yells back.

I feel some mana stir, and my horns become free. I crawl as fast as I can to Mistress before standing behind her. I grab her left arm like a scared child and look around to figure out what happened. I find it on the ground, a head slowly rolling and a brutish body pouring blood onto the floor. She killed him. I thought maybe she would choose his dick to cut. But she went for the head head.

"Really? That is your plan. Just kill him." The other owner says, annoyance filling her voice.

"He stole my property. Hurt her and jeopardize the children of a dutchess. Please try telling me I was wrong."

"Fucking hell, how did you get someone like that to knock her up? Shit, Maggie is not going to be happy to lose her husband."

"Really? Think I'm not happy. Great deduction skills." Maggie, I guess, shouts out.

"You're at fault for letting an idiot walk around without a leash. He was warned. You had plenty of time to fix his mistake. You didn't. He got what he deserved. He should've been put down after he raped my girls. Be happy you got another kid out of this idiot. Come, slave." Mistress says, if I wasn't staring at the lifeless body, I wouldn't think she was talking about killing a man. We start up the stairs. Maggie and the brothel owner's shouts fade away as we climb up.

The stairs are similar to the ones at my brothel, changing direction after every floor. We go to the top floor, which is only floor three here. Only three doors are on this floor; we once again head to the leftmost door.

The inside is completely white except for the furniture. The walls, floor, and ceiling are all painted the same color. The tables are dark brown wood. I see a few contraptions I'm not excited to be put in. One is similar to the breeding stockings but will force my legs into the splits. Also, just some ropes to hold me up so I don't rest on my stomach. The other is a bed with leg rests to once again force my legs up and apart. I guess I'm going to be on full display here. Last is a wooden horse. Hopefully, we run out of time for that.

"Finally, some waitstaff. Get her hooked up. I need some drinks."

Ten women are grouped together around one of the three tables. Mistress moves to the left, away from the group. I turn to follow. The back has all the drinks, food, and toys. The dildos are big. Metal clips, whips, gags, ropes. Every toy I fear, and the only slave here is me.

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