Life as a Royal’s Breeding Partner

Chapter 27 – A Princess’s Planning

*** Princess, start of party ***

"Hello, Duchess Fluvis. I'm delighted you could join us today. I've heard about the challenges you've faced recently," I greet with a respectful curtsey. Duchess holds a higher status than me, but not for long. Once I announce my candidacy, I'll be on par with her—just a few more weeks.

"Yes, my plans didn't go exactly right, but deviations were in a good direction. It just caused me to need to change some plans," Duchess Fluvis responds. I was hoping for a better explanation of what was going on with her. I'll have to ask more directly later after a few bottles of wine.

"I'm Glad it's a positive change. If you need any help, please let me know; I would be happy to assist you." Hopefully, she will share that information. "Shall we head to the room? Everything should be set up now."

"After you."

It's a short walk to the small ballroom. Just a few hundred would fit here, but I only invited a few dozen, so it'll be more than enough space. In the back is a small seating area with three levels, the highest for the Duchess, the second for me, and the third for the rest of the guests. Our maids and guards quickly get to work checking the room. My mage sets up the sound wards so the performers won't hear our discussions. Guards check for traps, and maids check the food and seats for anything that could be wrong. I requested the manager not to bother us; no need to worry about her walking in at the wrong time.

"Rumors are about that you went to the fertility temple," I say, getting bolder, I can't get her mad, but I need to know if she is pregnant. It'll make the beginning of my campaign a bit hard if my only Duchess is pregnant.

"I did. You know my mother struggled to have her two pregnancies. I'll soon need to start my family, so I'm making offerings. No need to have the Goddess standing in my way as well as my body."

That is not the answer I wanted to hear; she can still support me, but I won't be in the position I was hoping for. There aren't any other Duchesses to get; the rest already support one of my sisters. Two for my eldest sister. They are all older and already have a few kids, so I'll be the only one down a Duchess in battles.

"I wish you the best. I would be happy to join you on one of your visits. Everyone should make the trip at least once. The Goddess is the reason we can exist."

"I won't be going again till I get back to my estate. I'm nearly finished with my business in the capital. Just a few more days."

"I see. I'm glad you're still here today. I think it will be a lot of fun and essential for us. I'll be blunt. I want you to support my bid for the throne."

"I know, getting my title, I heard you talking about how upset you were. The war ended before you could fight. You've been struggling for years to earn the accolades to start your climb. Tell me, why should I support a girl who is mad a war ended?" She starts walking to her seat in the stands. I follow her, annoyed I have to rehash this yet again. It was a mistake when I was young. I'm tired of hearing about it.

"I made a mistake. I was young, never been in an actual skirmish. Never seen what a war does to the people. I'm happy I had to get the standing without a war. It means I was able to focus on improving the lives of our citizens. Not fight for our very survival. I was young and stupid. I want to keep helping them. I need the throne to do it the best."

"Wouldn't it be better to give up the throne and titles and use your power as you have been? Your sisters seem to want a very similar future but don't have the drive to go out to the common woman and help her. You've shown the ability to do that."

"Exactly, they say they want to help but don't put in any effort to do so. I have and still do put in that effort. I've shown this is what I truly want. They could just be saying it for the support and keep the citizens happy." We find our seats, turning mine around to face her. Her maid is already preparing some food for her. She really is pregnant, but by all accounts, she couldn't be more than a few days. Why is she acting like she is a few months pregnant?

"I guess that makes sense. What would you expect from me? I'm a new Duchess. My mother would prefer my sister to have the role. She hasn't given me much instruction on my duties in this regard."

"You to show your support during my announcement. To help me gather other high nobles to my camp. To fight under my banner if we come under attack."

"You keep staring at my belly. Is something wrong with it?"

"Yes, I think you're pregnant."

"And if I am?"

"I still want your support. I know you won't be able to fight for the next year, but I would be happy to command your troops in your place. I'll show them the respect they deserve. The navy you've built is the strongest in the world. I won't waste it. You'll be with me, making decisions the best I can."

"Already taking my troops from me, I see. I am pregnant, just a few days. More kids than any elemental has had before I think. What do I get in the agreement?"

"What do you want? If I make it to the throne, your kids will be in line for a marriage into the royal family. Better trade deals, advisor role, money."

"Only my kids get the marriage deal?"

"Do you want a marriage deal? I have a few younger sisters I can ask to join your harem if you like."

"What if I want you."

"I would be the head of the family. I would lose the support of a Duchess. How would I get the throne like that?"

"Simple. I make a deal with my sister; you let me and my wives in, and my sister supports you."

"I would have to think about that."

"Please do. I'll support you. It sounds fun. You won't be in charge of my troops, though. I can still handle them. Now, the opening performance is coming out. I want to listen."

Surprised, I can only manage "Thank you." It was supposed to be more challenging than that. She should have demanded written agreements. I guess that will happen with her sister and mother once the marriage is announced. I turn and watch the opening performance. My other guest is starting to file in. I keep an eye out for two girls. Both had a meeting with the slave I'm thinking about recruiting.

The next few hours are spent making small talk while I wait for lunch. I'll talk to Elizabethe Barton first. She should have more information. The other girl just stumbled into the person of interest. Hopefully, the good news continues today.

"My Lady, lunch is ready. Do you want it served here or at the table?" my maid asks. Behind me, the Duchess is being asked the same question.

"The table would be best. Have Lady Elizabethe sit near me." Getting up to follow her. The main difference between a Brothel and a theater like this is the food and size of groups they take. I couldn't have all the girls here fit in a private room in one. Also, the food is much better here, but also more expensive. Here, I have three kinds of meats to choose from and plenty of fruits and vegetables just for lunch. Dinner will have five courses cooked by chefs with cooking classes. The cost of all this does show. The cost of today would let me book a private room at the top brothel for the next three months, including the dinner.

The Duchess stays seated in the stands, letting me sit at the head of the table. The two girls I want to talk to are on either side of me: Elizabethe to my right and Quintella on the other side. I start with the fruits, waiting for everyone to sit.

"Thank you all for joining me today. I hope you are enjoying the various performers. We have a special one later today, in a few hours. She's even played for the last Queen. Now, let us get to the main course." I announce with a clap of my hands. General sounds of excitement and thanks come from the table. I let the maids pass out the different meat dishes before turning to Elizabethe.

"You made it to the slave, right Lady Elizabethe? I want to hear all about it. The Mistress needs my answer, or she'll get pregnant again." I ask the lady.

"Yes, I made it. I had to wait a day due to her going into labor. She was skilled, better than any massage I've ever had. Even managed to make me horny. She was only able to use her mouth, but her practice as a whore came through well. Honestly was a pleasant experience. I think I'll go back if I ever have to take a long trip or increase how much I train." She explains her business-like tone took a while to get used to, but now it is just refreshing to hear. "She has a lot of mana, but has no skill in using it. Strong but no strength from her classes, even Quintella could out-wrestle her. She also lacks an education. I had a note saying I'd already paid, but she had to ask for confirmation. She doesn't know her letters, and math is also likely lacking, though she does know her numbers. She would be a great woman to come home to after a hard day at work as she is now. I'm not sure what else she could do besides warm a bed and give you children. You'll have to train her for anything else."

"I see, thank you. I have no problem training the slave to use magic. Letters will be hard to teach, but children are essential to nobles. Is she really better than Rosemary?"

"Easily, Rosemary is a healer turn masseuse, and the slave is a masseuse breeder who can heal if needed. She won't replace a good, dedicated healer as she is. Give her a class or two, and she may be competing with Rosemary on that simply due to the mana output she would have."

"Good, that is important. I have a few years to get her a new class. Mistress has said the slave has been gotten four classes in nine years. I'll need to get the rest of her stat sheet out from her, but I'm expecting them to be equally impressive, just unfortunately focused on sex." This sounds too good to be true. How is she still at that stupid brothel? This is the best find outside of the Duchess wanting in.

"Quintella, how was your time with her?"

"Strange, she is a dangerous girl. I usually have excellent control over my libido, but during the bath, I found myself wanting her. Then I figured it out, she actually has a passive to make you horny when she touches you. Then, during the actual massage, I found she was just pumping me full of pleasure. To the point, I stopped the massage and had her fuck me. I agree she is strong, stupidly strong for a sex slave. I actually told her to breed me, and she did it. I'm pregnant, my first time with her, and she gets a vampire pregnant. I went to the stupid temple, feeling my skin burning a little till I did the silly prayer. The priestess confirmed I had a kid in my belly."

"Congratulations, I didn't think I would see the day any of you got pregnant. I'm happy for your group. I know you've all been trying for a few hundred years to get a kid."

"Yes, thank you. We are excited. You'll likely not see me much. My wives are worried sick about me right now. I'm not able to go into the backyard without an escort. Now, on the actual subject. She said she had a deal with the Mistress to not be sold. I'm guessing the Mistress isn't going to honor that deal against a princess, but you need to be careful picking her up. She likely won't be happy joining you."

"Wait, she can force you to feel arousal?" Elizabethe interjects. Sounds like she is figuring something out about her encounter.


"That is how she got me horny. That bitch, tricking me into sex. I knew she was going too slowly on my back. Damn it, I see why she is dangerous, let her give you a massage or bath, and you'll end up in her bed."

"Yes, that was my next point; she will have your entire house horny for her. Your primary focus on her training will need to be on control. She needs to get her passives under control, or your home will quickly become addicted to her."

"Control will be easy. The slave will want to control it, wield something that has tortured her for so many years. The harder part is dealing with the fact she doesn't want to be sold." I should be able to do it by giving her some maids and adding a few friends of hers as concubines. "I'll deal with that as I need. A powerful healer and masseuse will be a great wife. Thank you both for finding out about her."

The rest of lunch was less business and more about strengthening my connections with the other girls at the table. I would say I wasted a lot of money on this part. All the business was completed early before lunch was even over, but I doubt the Duchess would've shown up for anything less. I do have one request for Yuki, but I need her to perform first.

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