Life As Aozaki Orange

Chapter 107

Lancer showed a slightly wry smile, and then his eyes gradually became sharper. Now, the girl Aozaki Chengzi is no longer able to keep his hands, and he must solve Aozaki Chengzi in a short period of time.

Otherwise, with the genius of this girl, he will soon learn his marksmanship.

By then, the situation he had to face would be very embarrassing.

“lancer, do you want to retreat?”

After a slight pause in her footsteps, Aozaki Chengzi asked with a smile, as if as long as Lancer nodded and agreed, she would choose to give up the attack.

“Ms. Orange, thank you for your kindness~”

Lancer shook his head slightly, his eyes resolutely said: “However, the master’s order is to capture Saber’s head, and it is not time to give up yet.”

After all, he stepped on his foot hard, and the resolute ground collapsed in an instant, disappearing in place like a glimmer of light, and the sharp magic spear cut through the air and stabbed out.

The target of the scarlet gun shadow is the heart of Aozaki Orange.

“It’s interesting to be serious~”

Without dodging, Aozaki Chengko swung her spear to meet him head-on, took all the lancer’s attacks, and learned the lancer’s spear skills during the battle.

— clang clang clang clang

On the street, under the bright yellow street lights, the collision between guns and guns was dazzling, and the sparks splashed out from the collision.

This is a shootout showdown on the edge of life and death.

(Now that lancer stays here…what’s the point?)

Aside, Saber frowned slightly, looking around vigilantly.

According to her thinking, Lancer should retreat in this disadvantaged situation. Although it seems that he still has the upper hand in the face of oranges, but once she intervenes in the battle.

The situation will undergo a subversive reversal, and lancer may even be the first to exit.

This kind of thing can be understood by anyone, unless there are other considerations, for example, Lancer has unexposed allies,

And this ally is still secretly eyeing them.

However, where did this possible ally suddenly attack, whether it was Orange who chose to attack as the Master, or she who chose to attack as the Servant.

Either way, it must be brought into the scope of vigilance.




at the same time.

in a nearby high-rise.

“At this time… do you want to do it?”

Matou Kariya held the binoculars with a tangled look on his face. Originally, according to expectations, Lancer should go out to attract the attention of Aozaki Orange and Saber, and then let Lancelot choose a surprise attack to win the battle.

However, today this situation is totally not as expected.

First of all, now Saber is not involved in the battle at all, and even more vigilant about the surrounding situation,

If you launch a raid now, it won’t work at all.

“…Uncle Kariya, why don’t Berserker take a tentative attack.”

Aside, Matou Shinji said tangled: “At least, as allies, we have to cover the retreat of the lancer team. Of course, if we can achieve victory, it will not be a loss.”

“Would you like to ask Kenneth’s opinion first?”

Matou Kariya frowned and asked, rashly attacking may cause dissatisfaction with the lancer team, in case the other party has any plans, or, for the time being, he does not intend to reveal the secret alliance.

In short, he felt that he should be the first to ask Kenneth’s opinion.

“Uncle Kariya, I shouldn’t ask for opinions~”

Waving his hand, Matou Shinji said strangely: “It seems that Uncle Kenneth should stay in the toilet now, or stay in the hospital with a face of pain.”


Hearing this, Matou Kariya opened his mouth, remembering that when he formed an alliance in a dark battle, Kenneth held back his pained expression and went to the toilet several times during the negotiation.

According to Kenneth’s fiancée, it seems that he ruined his stomach from eating Mapo tofu.

Anyway… Now Kenneth is probably really squatting in the pit,

Maybe there is no time to answer the phone.

“…Then let’s tentatively attack first!”

With that in mind, Matou Kariya touched the back of his hand with the Command Spell, and said to the Servant who was hiding his order: “Berserker, go and fetch Saber’s head. If you can’t do it, cover Lancer’s retreat!”

Chapter 183 Seriously injured!

under night.

A battle beyond common sense is taking place. Two blurry afterimages are on the empty street, wielding spears and fighting fiercely. The atmosphere is stirred and turned into air waves to destroy everything around them.

The trees and street lights on both sides of the road were crushed by the hurricane, the windows of the surrounding high-rise buildings were shattered by the aftermath, and countless glass fragments fell like a rainstorm.

The hard concrete cracked directly between the steps.

“…Is this kind of learning ability really something that humans can do?”

The more he fought, the more powerless DiLumuduo felt. The girl’s progress was so fast that her marksmanship was improving almost with the naked eye.

For him, the learned enemy, he couldn’t help but feel some despair and powerlessness in his heart.

“I’m a pure human being~”

Cangzaki Orange’s eyes and will are like torches, he stepped hard, the ground rubble splashed, and the spear in his hand was attacking like a dragon, stabbing at Lancer’s throat.

This gun has begun to break away from the lancer skill framework,

It has become more suitable for the use of Aozaki oranges.

(No way!)

In the face of this blow, Di Lumuduo’s eyes were firm, and he clenched the shorter yellow magic spear. He walked forward instead of retreating, slightly tilted his figure, and changed the blow that should have been pierced into the throat into a shoulder.

In an instant, Dirumdo’s shoulder was pierced with a decisive shot,

And that yellow magic spear also pierced Aozaki Orange’s abdomen.

“…As expected of the legendary ‘brilliant appearance’, the martial arts are truly outstanding and amazing!”

Cangzaki Chengzi smiled slightly, swung her arm vigorously while holding the spear, and threw Di Lumuduo directly. Then, she took a decisive step back, and immediately she knelt on the ground a little weakly, and covered her bleeding belly with her white slender hands. .

And DiLumuduo rotated his body a few times in the air and stood on the ground extremely smoothly.

At this moment, it seems that the battle has been won.

The flesh and blood of human beings have faced such heavy losses, and the battle has basically been declared over.

It’s not even known whether he can save his life or not.

“Orange, are you alright!”

At this moment, Saber came to Cangzaki Orange, raised the invisible holy sword, his green eyes locked on Dirumudo, and said solemnly: “Hurry up and use healing magic to deal with the injury, I will protect you during this period. comprehensive!”

Despite the sudden change in the battle situation, as King Arthur, she immediately made a judgment and chose to believe in the level of Aozaki Orange’s healing magic.

And she was vigilant against foreign enemies while Orange was recovering from her injuries, and she would not let others interfere with Aozaki Orange’s recovery.

“If you are hit by my gun, there is no way to heal the wound!”

DiLumuduo stepped back slightly, as if he had given up his plan to continue fighting. For him, it was not worthwhile to continue fighting with Saber group now.

If the seriously wounded Aozaki Orange is dying and burst out to fight, coupled with the shaer attack of unknown strength,

Likely to cause him to be pulled to death together.

As for why he was so sure that Aozaki Orange would die, the reason was actually very simple. The magic spear pierced through the abdomen of Aozaki Orange just now, called ‘Sure Yellow Rose’, had the power to make the wound unhealable.

No matter how unstoppable the medical skills of Aozaki Orange were, there was no way to heal the fatal wound.

“It seems…it really can’t be cured~”

Aozaki Orange released his hand covering his abdomen, and said weakly: “Actually, I have used magic to heal the wound before, but there is no sign of healing at all.”

“…Yes, I understand!”

Saber was stunned for a moment, her green eyes were firm, she raised the invisible holy sword in her hand, and was about to liberate it against Lancer. She wanted to solve Dirumduo in the shortest time, because only in this way can the curse attached to the orange belly be cursed. disappear.

At this moment, she already knew who the man opposite was.

Shicai Chengzi praised Lancer for his glorious appearance, and the owner of the magic gun that makes people unable to heal wounds is enough to prove the identity of Lancer.

A knight named ‘Dilmudo Odina’.

Therefore, at the moment of judging all of this, she has already found a solution to the orange curse, which is to use the liberation holy sword to destroy DiLumudu in the shortest time.

In this way, we can get a chance to treat Aozaki Orange before the injury is irreparable.

“…Wait Saber, I still have a way to heal the wound!”

At this moment, Aozaki Chengzi pulled the corner of Arturia’s clothes with a weak face. Listening to this, Arturia temporarily gave up the idea of ​​liberating the holy sword, and hurriedly squatted down to support Aozaki Chengzi and asked:

“Orange, is there anything I can do to help?”

Although at present it seems that the liberation of the holy sword is the best decision to heal Orange’s injury.

However, she could not guarantee whether the liberation of the holy sword would harm innocent people, although they had already chosen a remote area as much as possible when choosing a location, and also planned to limit the attack range of the holy sword to the streets as much as possible.

However, there is no way to guarantee that innocent people will not be hurt.

“…I have some research on Avalon~”

Cangzaki Orange’s face paled and said: “With the help of Avalon’s mystery, it is completely possible to forcibly heal my injury, and it will take a long time.”

“Orange, what needs to be done!”

Arturia showed a serious look, while Aozaki Chengzi smiled slightly and said, “Well…it’s actually not difficult, just kiss it.”


Arturia tilted her head, and the hairs on her head turned into question marks. She probably suspected that she had heard something wrong. After all, it was incomprehensible to her that a kiss could heal her wounds.

“Through the exchange of bodily fluids… I also share the healing power of Avalon!”

Cangzaki Chengzi blinked and said without changing his face: “So if we kiss, I can get rid of the unhealing wound in my abdomen.”

On the side, he should have left Lancer for a while, staring at Saber and Orange a little tangled, hesitating whether to stop it, but listening to their conversation felt a little unreliable.

Maybe, this is actually Saber’s trick to lure the enemy, and he intends to take a chance to do him.

“I see!”

Artoria’s cheeks were slightly red, and she kept a serious expression and kissed the orange. Then, she felt a tongue sticking into her lips, and greed kept asking for her, and Avalon’s power was also transmitted along the entangled tongue. .

Soon, an incredible scene happened.

Cangzaki Orange’s abdomen glowed slightly with a golden light, and then slowly faded away. The delicate body that should have been seriously injured actually recovered as before, it was like stepping back in time.

“Thank you, Saber~”

Aozaki Orange pushed Arturia away, wiped the water stains from the corners of his mouth, picked up the spear on the side and played a gun flower, showing a confident smile:

“Don’t rush, let’s start the second round of battle with Lancer.”

Chapter 184 This is the wrong person?

“Hahahaha, this is an unexpected development!”

Iskandar put his sturdy arms on his waist and laughed happily: “It’s really unexpected to be able to heal injuries through kissing.”

“Did Avalon endow people with the ability to heal?”

Aside, Weber frowned and thought: “And, not to mention whether Saber really found Avalon, but there has never been a record of Avalon being able to remove the curse.”

“There is something wrong with the legend, isn’t it a matter of course?”

Iskandar waved his hand and said, “If hundreds of thousands of years of stories are the same, the world would be too boring.”

“That’s what you say~”

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