Life As Aozaki Orange

Chapter 134

They talked for a long time… maybe half a day, or maybe one day,

Until a certain moment, it seems that the topic can be talked about.

“it’s over.”

Cangzaki Chengzi smiled slightly, his eyes filled with murderous intent. And Yustisa also nodded slightly as if understanding, and returned a gentle smile to Aozaki Orange’s killing intent.

The next moment, white light tore through the space.

outside world.

In the flowing black mud, a ray of white light appeared quietly, and immediately spread to wash the surrounding black mud, and the orange Aozaki holding the Holy Grail appeared in front of everyone.

There was no damage to her body, and her eyes flickered with amazing willpower.

“Angola Manuel, the evil chief of Zoroastrianism.”

Cangzaki Orange’s eyes were merciful, and he threw the Holy Grail into the sky. Immediately, the black mud continued to erupt, and a huge amount of malicious black mud fell on the ground, converging into a faceless black giant.

“In mythology, you will fight with Ahura Mazda, the **** of goodness, for 12,000 years, for ownership of the world, only to be defeated in the last millennium.”

“Then, so that you know how to defeat you who inherit the name of ‘Angola Mainu’.”

She is so narrator, and out of nowhere pulls out a divine gun, which is pointed at the black giant, radiating with the light of benevolence, goodness, and might.

“In the fourth three thousand years, three children of the blood of the good **** Ahura Mazda will become saviors, and they will come to the world every thousand years, until the third child will be born at the end of this period”

“He will become the incarnation of “righteousness,” the “Savior,” who will completely eliminate demons, achieve final victory, and lead mankind into the kingdom of light, justice, and truth.”

She continued to talk like a chant, her eyes became more merciful and holy, and the light of the holy spear’s benevolence and kindness in her hand became more and more intense, and she seemed to change into a saint who descended into the world.

In an instant, the torches that towered all over Fuyuki City were blazing with high flames, and the magic power of the magic circle buried in the ground swirled and swirled, vaguely wrapping the entire Fuyuki City.

At this moment, Fuyuki City was alienated into another world, from the Zoroastrian worldview that temporarily replaced the world.

And right now.

“I am the savior.”

Aozaki Chengzi suddenly stared at the black giant with awe, raised the holy spear in his hand and threw it out. The holy spear symbolizing the concept of ‘salvation’ turned into a beam of light, directly piercing the black giant’s heart.


The black giant raised his head and let out a mournful wailing, endless malice boiled over him, and immediately evaporated under the golden beam of light, and the evil force was constantly defeated in front of the good.

Soon, the black giant melted away.

At the same time, the evil of this world in the Holy Grail also disappeared.

There is no doubt that this moment is a victory for the good.

“it’s over.”

Aozaki Chengzi breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, “I’m still a little worried that because I’m a woman, I can’t fully exert the power of magic.”

In mythology… the third savior is male.

As a woman, when she performs this magic, whether the power can completely eliminate the evil in this world is actually a bit suspenseful, although Angora Mainu in the Holy Grail is a Xibei.

However, she is also a false savior.

But luckily everything went as expected.

Chapter 226 In and Out of the Roots (literal)


Cangzaki Chengzi once again held the golden Holy Grail in his hands, and immediately turned his gaze to the crowd, with a smile on his pretty face: “Now everything is resolved.”

“In this way… Orange, you and Einzbern’s long-cherished wish will be fulfilled.”

A gentle smile appeared on Irisviel’s beautiful face: “However, please pay attention to safety when entering the root cause, we will wait for you to come back here.”

“The vortex of roots is not a walk in the suburbs.”

Ertuluqi walked gracefully, with a rare trace of worry in her scarlet eyes: “I don’t want you to be unable to come back, so if you can’t do anything, it’s okay to withdraw from the hole.”

Frankly speaking, she is actually still worried about Canozaki orange entering the vortex of the root cause. It doesn’t mean that if you want to travel, you can come back after a walk around. The human self is so small and pitiful in the face of the vortex of the root cause. collapse.

Even if the existence of gods and magicians faces the root cause, it is impossible to go too deep, otherwise the end will only be completely disintegrated in the vortex of the root cause.

Therefore, even if Cangzaki Orange is a genius, it will not be much safe.

“In the future, I will be a woman who will ‘go in and out of the root cause’ at will!”

Cangqi Chengzi put a slender hand on his waist, and showed a confident smile on his pretty face: “So, I will never fall into the vortex of the root cause easily, otherwise, my future life will be really regrettable.”

That’s right, there will be countless opportunities to “go in and out of the root cause” in the future. How could she allow herself to go too deep into the root cause and kill herself for a short time.

One-time coolness and countless times of coolness, anyone can make a choice on this point.

“Mr. Orange, do you want to make a wish to enter the root?”

Suddenly, Weber asked with a complicated look.

Hearing this, Cangqi Chengzi’s beautiful eyes swept towards Weber, his red eyes looked rather gloomy, and he seemed to have not recovered from the blow of the King of Conqueror’s departure, but he could hear the worry in his words.

She shook her head slightly and explained patiently: “It’s not a wish to enter the root. Although the Holy Grail has the power to make a wish, it is not omnipotent as you imagine. In fact, the Holy Grail itself is a vortex ceremony leading to the root. An offering from the Vortex of Roots.”


Weber opened his mouth, then closed his mouth again.

No matter how dangerous the vortex of roots is, but as a pure magician, Mr. Orange was born, and facing the vortex of roots can’t be tempted or give up.

No matter how beautiful she is in this world, it can’t compare to the temptation of the vortex of roots.

“Don’t worry…I’m not going to die.”

Cangzaki Chengzi smiled slightly, showing a sly grin: “You still owe me $200 million. If I don’t come back, who will you pay the money to?”


Hearing this, Weber’s expression changed slightly, and he immediately felt a little stomachache. He vaguely seemed to see a picture of being suppressed by Teacher Chengzi in the future, and he couldn’t help but regret his words of concern.

————Tap tap

Suddenly, there were regular footsteps in the distance.

Tohsaka Tokiomi was meticulously dressed, elegant and calm, his eyes were filled with determination and joy, like a nobleman who came here to participate in a dinner party, and a moment later he came to Aozaki Orange.

“Miss Orange, I kept you waiting.”

“Tokiomi…are you sure you want to enter the vortex of roots?”

Aozaki Chengzi shook his head slightly, his eyes turned to the dark corner of the forest not far away, there were two small figures hiding and quietly watching here, Kotomine Kirei was standing beside them to protect them.


Tokiomi’s body froze slightly, then he showed an elegant smile and raised his voice: “Of course, this is the long-cherished wish of the Tohsaka family, which is to enter the vortex of the root, which is the ultimate happiness for a magician.”

His words seemed to confirm his determination, and he seemed to be admonishing someone.

Not far away in the dark corner of the forest, the two little figures who were ready to walk out trembled slightly, and then retracted back into the dark place again, as if a small sobbing could be heard faintly.

Tosaka Tokiomi kept his body as straight as possible, maintaining the grace and bearing of a nobleman.

“I understand, then enter the vortex of the root with me.”

Cangzaki Chengzi nodded slightly, raised the Holy Grail in his hand slightly, and then the golden-yellow Holy Grail was suspended in the air, the terrifying magic was surging, and the world seemed to stop at this moment.

The stars stopped flickering, and the cup of flowing moonlight froze.

Immediately afterwards, the invisible ‘hole’ was opened.


Aozaki Chengzi said, and even if he jumped into the hole, Tokiomi Tosaka did not hesitate to keep up and jump into the ‘hole’.

At this moment, they have stepped into the vortex of the root that countless magicians have dreamed of for thousands of years. It is the beginning of all power, possessing all knowledge, all doubts can be answered, and all things can be done.

And this moment.

Cangzaki Chengzi experienced thousands of years of magicians longing for everything, infinite and vast knowledge appeared in front of her, and she could get omniscient and omnipotent power with a light touch.

This is not an illusion, but a genuine result.

However, at the moment of obtaining this power, man completely dissolves in infinite omnipotence, disappearing without a trace like a drop of sea water melts into the sea.

And this is also the ending that the magician gets when he sets foot on the root.

But the ending that should have happened,

Deflection occurs at this moment.

A beautiful girl in a kimono quietly appeared in this space where there is nothing, and took Aozaki Orange into her arms, protecting her child like a mother, taking the extra… Blocked out.

“Orange, you are almost at the root now.”

The beautiful girl in kimono leaned into Aozaki Chengzi’s ear and smiled softly: “Is this the source of the ins and outs you mentioned, or do we understand something a little different.”

“Hum…I want it all!”

Aozaki Chengzi smiled slightly, but his eyes swept aside inadvertently. Tohsaka Tokiomi looked at her in astonishment, because he found that he seemed to be treated differently from Aozaki Chengzi entering the vortex of roots.

Grass… This woman has a plug-in.

The vague Tosaka Tokiomi came up with this idea, and immediately he was completely dissolved in the vortex of the root, and the ending was the same as that of the magician who set foot in the vortex of the root for thousands of years.

“Shiki is enough.”

Cangzaki Chengzi rubbed the root-style chest slightly, indicating that he had obtained the desired knowledge. Hearing this, the beautiful girl in kimono smiled slightly and carried Aozaki Orange to the road where she came.

the present.

The invisible ‘hole’ began to shrink slightly.

At this moment, Cangzaki Chengzi walked out again safely, and the people present seemed to be able to see a pair of fair and slender hands withdrawing from the invisible ‘hole’.

Chapter 227 The third magician

under the moon.

Liudong Temple has been turned into ruins. If there is no funding for reconstruction, presumably this historic temple will end at this time.

And just on the collapsed ruins, an unusual ‘hole’ exists here.

Soon, a woman appeared in this ‘hole’.

This is a woman with long orange hair. She has a dignified and confident temperament, her eyes are burning with dazzling will, and her better body is bumpy. The moment she appears, a strong sense of presence covers everything.

There is no doubt that this woman will be the core presence no matter what the occasion.

“Orange, why did you come back so soon?”

A bit of surprise appeared on Ertuluqi’s perfect elf-like face. She clearly saw that Aozaki orange entered the vortex of the root not long after, but she did not expect to see Aozaki orange coming out of the hole a moment later.

This scene had to make people wonder if it was Aozaki Orange. He hesitated before stepping into the vortex of the root cause, and withdrew before the door.

Because time is too short.

“Because… I already got what I wanted.”

Cangzaki Chengzi returned with a happy smile, clenched her fist slightly, and the infinite magic power surged in her body, and this magic power even made her feel that she was omnipotent.

Now if she wants to, she can easily recreate a brand new Holy Grail.

And the quality will definitely not be worse than the Great Holy Grail in Fuyuki City, and even the process of accumulating magic power does not need to rely on the leylines, relying on her own infinite magic power to fill the Great Holy Grail.

Moreover, at the moment when she completed the third method, the power of the fourth-order gene lock can already reside in her body, and now she has mastered the power of the gene lock,

It should be called the fourth-order gene lock.

“This level of magic power… It seems that you have completed the third method, Orange.”

Elter Luqi slenderly tucked her hair around her ears, and a gentle smile appeared on her beautiful face.

Naturally, she noticed that oranges inadvertently displayed their terrifying magic power. The seemingly endless vastness of magic power was a world apart from before. With such terrifying magic power, Aozaki oranges did not even need to use magic to promote supernormal phenomena.

Most of the magic phenomena can be completed by slamming it hard with magic power.

“Yes, the third method is completed…”

Cangzaki Chengzi’s laughter was as clear as a bell: “Now I can finally stand on this world stage, and I don’t need to be afraid whether it’s facing gods or ‘beasts’.”

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