Life As Aozaki Orange

Chapter 249

Mordred put the rebellious sword on his shoulders and stared fiercely at the purple-haired woman not far away: “Or…you plan to become my opponent yourself?!”

She didn’t underestimate the purple-haired woman on the river bank. Although she looked very weak, she could cry for a long time with one punch. However, the previous magic eye attack should not be underestimated.

At least, this woman with long purple hair… is not a simple magician.

“Sorry, I’m not your opponent.”

Asakami Fujino shook his head slightly, then covered his lips and chuckled: “However, your opponent will be very interesting next, it should be able to say…you are your elder.”

“Clam… elder, what do you mean!”

Mordred’s complexion changed, and he soon had a bad premonition. If there is any elder in this era, it is probably related to the woman Aozaki Orange.

And, maybe… a very beautiful woman.

“That’s it.”

Asakami Fujino pursed his lips and smiled, looking aside.

Under the light of the street lights on the shore, a beautiful girl wearing a cherry red kimono with shoulder-length short hair walked over leisurely. Her temperament was boyish and lively, and she had a strange tenderness.

“I’ll be merciful…Is it an elder after all?”

She pulled out the dagger from her waist and smiled provocatively.

It’s not a lie, this time she didn’t plan to use the speciality of the Devil’s Eye to Kill Mordred by using the poor information, but she wanted to experience the fun of battle.

As for the failure of the battle… that is just a return to the body.

Even if the body composed of this heroic spirit disappears, there is no problem. Anyway, this is just the third method used by Cangzaki orange to squeeze out the body. When needed, you can find another heroic spirit body from orange.


Mordred smiled even more fiercely, put down the sword on his shoulder, stared coldly at the woman in kimono not far away, and said:

“Be merciful, how dare you say it!”

As soon as the words fell, her figure disappeared in place, like a red thunderbolt rushing out, a sword of rebellion containing anger, and it was cut down at the fair neck of the woman in kimono.

Seeing this, Liang Yizhi was not nervous, and as soon as he stepped back, he avoided it.



at the same time.

Bridge in Fuyuki City.

Lion Jiejie just finished processing the compensation for the unfortunate female driver, and when he turned to the battlefield to support Mordred, his line of sight caught a girl in a kimono.

That is a beautiful and unique girl, as touching as the flower of the high mountain.

She was standing on the edge of the steel bridge, staring at herself coldly.

“It’s really…the next sign is drawn.”

Lion Tribulation Jie Li showed a wry smile, shrugged slightly and said: “The legendary straight-to-death demon eye, I didn’t expect to have the opportunity to face this level of demon eye, it’s like fate is joking with me.”

He has investigated the interpersonal relationship of Aozaki Orange, and has a certain degree of understanding of the beautiful girl who is like a flower in the sky not far away. She is an existence with a magical eye called a miracle.

Whatever it is, the eye that can kill it.


The two rituals looked at the man with the fierce face on the opposite side, frowning impatiently, and then turned around unexpectedly and left without any intention of fighting.

She felt it.

Although that man had the appearance of a villain, he didn’t have any intention to fight. Even if he wanted to fight… he would probably give priority to running away, and he wouldn’t fight her seriously.

That being the case… then there is no need to waste time.

Chapter 421 The Future Daughter


The two ceremonies walked alone on the bank of the river, the cold night wind caressed her hair, and the street lamps scattered bright yellow lights, reflecting on her cold and awe-inspiring figure.

She walks like a samurai, with a sharpness like a blade.

“Good evening, Shi?”

A soft chuckle came from not far ahead.

The two ceremonies frowned slightly, and their sharp eyes were turned forward. I don’t know when a beautiful woman with orange hair suddenly appeared and sat on a bench by the river bank.

Her eyes were gentle and intellectual, and her posture was extremely elegant, and she looked like a gentle wife looking at her returning husband.

However, such a gentle figure… is just a disguise.

“Orange, why are you here?”

The two ceremonies asked indifferently, but she walked naturally to the bench and sat down. The position she landed on was very close to the orange, and if she moved a little, there would be physical contact.

And this is an unconscious choice…representing the distance between each other’s inner lines of defense.

“Want to see you…that’s the reason.”

Cangzaki Chengzi turned his head sideways and said with a low smile, “By the way, let’s discuss about our daughter.”


The two ceremonies blinked, and the cherry lips opened in surprise. She didn’t react. After all, the topic suddenly jumped to her daughter, which was too jumpy.

However, she soon recalled one thing.

When she was dating Chengzi, a prophet named Guanbuzi’s mother made some predictions to her that she would have a lovely daughter in the future.

Now the daughter that Orange is talking about… It is probably related to the daughter in the prophecy.

“Daughter, what do you want to discuss?”

She turned her eyes aside and stared at the sparkling river. Her sweet voice was very calm, and she did not show the shyness of a girl, as if it was a very common thing for her.


Cangzaki Chengzi looked at the girl and turned her head, her reddish and beautiful face was full of suffocating and amazing beauty, which was different from the strong and cold in the past, forming a strong contrast and cuteness.

“Don’t you want to come to visit?”

She quietly stretched out her hand to hold the softness of the two rituals, and her soft voice was strongly offensive.

“So, I was wondering if I should consider giving the baby a name, or picking a good day to have the baby born.”

“…I…haven’t considered…this kind of thing.”

The two ceremonies were a little hesitant to speak, and the sweet voice revealed a sense of instability. The succinct and succinct words in the past became a bit intermittent, as if facing an undecidable problem.

She is not good at dealing with people like Aozaki Orange, or…not used to the strong surging in her chest, like soaking in honey, sweet and thick joy.

This is the feeling of ‘His’ deep in her consciousness, and it also belongs to her feelings for oranges.

It was a feeling she was not very familiar with and did not handle well, too strong, too joyful, and too sweet, so that everyone was about to become strange.

It was clear that not long ago, she was still feeling uncomfortable because of the separation of ‘knitting’, as if a part of her heart was pulled away, the emptiness in her heart became bigger, and more irritable emotions filled her heart.

However, the void in my heart will be filled as long as there are oranges around.

“Yes, then can I talk about it?”

Cangzaki Chengzi lightly folded her hair around her ear with her hand, and her other slender hand holding the ‘style’ worked harder, showing a more sly smile, and whispered in the ears of the two rituals:

“Tell you a secret. In fact, when I saw Shishi, I already thought about what our child’s name would be.”

There was a hint of smugness in her voice, and she was naughty like a little devil.

The two rituals turned their heads slightly, and stared at Chengzi with her cold and beautiful eyes. Although she didn’t speak, her eyes showed an inquiring meaning, and she was obviously interested in the name of her daughter that Chengzi said.

She did not doubt that Orange was telling a lie.

She has a deep understanding of the existence of Aozaki Chengzi. It exists like a **** in the present. Even if she sees the future, even if she sees the birth of her future daughter, it is nothing but an easy thing.

So, knowing the child’s name… may not be a lie.

“No hurry, let’s think about it slowly.”

Aozaki Orange relaxed, leaned on the bench and looked at the river, enjoying the river wind, and said with a smile:

If the answer is given now, the future will be determined, so think of a better name.”

“For example… um… how about Li Ergou?”

The eyes of the two rituals suddenly became a little cold. She stared at the smiling orange, her brain couldn’t help thinking, and she wanted to find a nicer name.

Although she knew… this was just Cheng Zi wanting to deliberately stir up the topic, but, there was no doubt… she was indeed provoked and began to think… about the name of her future daughter.

“Let’s determine the last name first.”

Cangzaki Chengzi suddenly said again: “Whether it is my surname or the ‘shi’ surname, this is also a category that needs to be considered.”


Liangyi glanced at Chengzi and said indifferently: “The Liangyi family needs an heir, but they can have two names.”

“Yes, then the workload will increase again.”

Cangqi Chengzi smiled: “Actually… you can also think about it, what if we want two children, so that we won’t have any troubles in this regard.”

“…Yes, but you have to be reborn yourself.”

The two ceremonies were silent for a moment, before speaking lightly.

Hearing this, Cangqi Chengzi’s delicate body froze slightly, turned her head to look at her pitifully, and said, “Since it’s a mother… then only one person is enough, and I will take care of my father’s position.”


The two rituals did not speak, and glanced at the orange coldly.

In this regard, Aozaki Chengzi just smiled gently, and continued to discuss the future in a soft and peaceful manner, about what the child’s name should be, how many children should be, and what level of education should be received.

On the banks of the river… the cool night wind blows gently.

They were very close to each other, chatting about the future, thinking about some realistic issues, and negotiating some conflicts about the future.



at the same time.

Not far from the river bank.

“Hey… don’t you fight?”

Mordred put the sword on his shoulders and looked at the woman in kimono not far away with dissatisfaction. Not long ago, that woman’s will to fight suddenly dropped sharply, as if the fighting spirit in her heart was drowned out.

And this… also caused her to lose her energy.

If dealing with an enemy that must be killed is fine, but, from the analysis of the current relationship, I am afraid that it will not be able to involve a lot of headaches.

Really holding each other’s determination to kill, there is a high probability that it is impossible to do.

“No, there is no way around that.”

Liang Yizhi put the short knife back into the scabbard around his waist, and smiled indulgently again: “She seems to be very happy now, and the feelings she has conveyed… I don’t even have the will to fight anymore.”

Chapter 422 Are you the future me?

Fuyuki City Park.

Skaha and Remilia walked side by side, and they gradually walked towards the depths of the park. They didn’t walk aimlessly, on the contrary, they had very clear goals.

However, this is a matter of course.

They all have the power of ‘prophecy’, so it’s not bad to know something in advance… and then act accordingly.

For example, find some people who are running around.

Soon, they reached their destination.

“Brother, good evening!”

Remilia stopped in her footsteps and gracefully bowed her skirt, before taking out her magic spear unceremoniously and pointing at the man in blue tights not far away.

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