Life As Aozaki Orange

Chapter 285

Aozaki Aoko stood up, frowned and said, then swayed her long red hair and walked out of the room gracefully. She was not interested in witnessing the next conversation.

She is very familiar with her sister and knows that if Sister Orange wants to refuse, she will not ask questions about ‘reasons’ in the first place.

Therefore, she did not intend to intervene, and simply chose to leave.

In fact, she has a lot of knowledge about the ‘ceremony’ of saving the world. After all, in the early stage of designing the ‘ceremony’ of saving the world, it was ‘Youzhu’ and ‘Sister Orange’ sitting in the sun room, eating snacks, drinking black tea, and slowly The result of slow negotiation.

And she… As another person who has lived in the mansion for a long time, it is inevitable to hear a lot of information

Therefore, she knew… how troublesome the salvation ceremony is, and it took ten years to prepare for the ceremony, and the wealth consumed could even bankrupt a country.

“That… I’m going to prepare dinner.”

On the side, Sera said a little embarrassedly, and then bowed to the kitchen, although she had strong sympathy for humans in the parallel world.

However, she will never interfere… The orange master’s will, for Einzbern maids, the orange master’s will is above everything else, if they feel reluctant… then they will choose to refuse.

So, she chooses… an act of escapism.

“Sera…I’ll help you too~”

Lizellet stood up and hurried to the kitchen.

She also has sympathy for humans in the parallel world, but, as a maid of Einzbern, she has always put the orange master’s will as the highest, and in such a big event…will never interfere with the orange’s will.

Even if she was willing… to save the dying parallel world.


Meiyou lowered her head slightly, feeling the people leaving. She didn’t blame them for leaving, but rather, this attitude is normal, and it is only natural to be rejected so abruptly to find someone to do such a troublesome thing.

She has almost… accepted the ending of being ‘rejected’.

“That…Mama Orange, is it difficult to save a parallel world?”

Suddenly, Illya raised her hand and whispered: “Isn’t the end very scary, if Mama Orange is free, can’t she consider saving it?”


Hearing the sound, Meiyou raised her head in surprise and looked at Illya beside her, her empty amber eyes rippled, and she couldn’t help but feel hope again in her heart, and she was very grateful to Illya.

If it was the magician’s daughter who asked for help, maybe things could be salvaged.

“Really… Illya also has to consider her father’s difficulties.”

On the projection screen, Aozaki Chengzi seemed to be a little helpless and sighed: “Even if I am willing to help save the world, but, I exist in the past time and space… There is no way to do it.”

“Mama Orange, wouldn’t it be nice if you came back across time?”

A question mark appeared on Ilya’s head. She always felt that jumping the time line for Mama Orange was as simple as eating and drinking. Could it be difficult for Mama Orange to jump the timeline?

“How can I say it, if I go back to the future time and space… I will face great danger.”

A little helpless, Cangzaki Chengzi dragged her cheeks with slender hands: “Anyway… I won’t go back in the near future, I still have some things to do here, so there is no need to talk from the beginning, it’s better to wait for me to go back and talk. Those questions are fine.”

“Dangerous?!” Illya’s delicate face showed a worried look, “Mama Orange, didn’t you say that there is no danger to you in this era?!”

“That’s out of the…discussion.”

With a wave of her hand, Aozaki Chengzi skipped the topic, and then her cherry lips brought up a smile: “However, if you need to, Illya, you can try to save the world by yourself, and there is a saving ‘ceremony’ in my room. Information, you can try to hold the ceremony yourself.”

Said, she closed one eye playfully, and then closed the projected picture.

Seeing this, Illya subconsciously raised her hand to stop it, but it was obviously too late. She still had some things she wanted to ask, such as what the danger was said by Mama Orange.

Isn’t it too outrageous for elementary school students to perform the ritual of salvation stored in the orange mother’s room?

“Um… Miyu, are you going to get information about salvation?”

She turned her head in embarrassment and asked Miyu.

Frankly speaking, she doesn’t think…getting the information on the “ceremony” of Mama Orange’s salvation, she will be able to reproduce Mama Orange’s exaggerated ritual.

After all, they were just… two elementary school students.

“… This… trouble, Illya.”

Miyu lowered her head, her voice soft as a feather.

She is unwilling to give up the hope of saving her own world. The orange lady seems to have no intention to save the world again. If she gives up the acquisition ceremony… then everything is over.

Therefore, it is necessary to obtain the information of the salvation ‘ceremony’.

“ok, I got it!”

Illya nodded earnestly and pulled Miyu upstairs.

Behind him, Miyu looked at Illya with a complicated look. If it wasn’t for Illya’s sudden remarks just now, maybe the ending would only be refusal to leave… Aozaki’s house.

Anyway, Illya… Really helpful.



In the second floor bedroom.

“Really… where is it?”

Somewhat distressed, Illya rummaged through boxes in her mother’s room, looking for information about the ‘ceremony’ of salvation that Mama Orange said.

Outside the door, Miyou, who didn’t step into the room out of courtesy, quietly stared at Ilya who was looking for the ‘information’ of saving the world, and then she saw an extremely strange scene.

On the ceiling, a slender white hand suddenly stretched out, holding a magic book with a Kabbalah cover, and then suddenly and lightly tossed it.

That magic book… smashed directly on Illya’s head.


A cry of pain.

Illya stood up with her head covered, and then looked at what was hitting her head, it was a book with the cover of “Salvation Ritual”.

Obviously, that’s why she has been unable to find books in the orange mother’s room.

“Shouldn’t it be… the book wasn’t in Mama Orange’s bedroom in the first place, right?!”

Somewhat subtle, she looked up at the ceiling.

The person who threw the book just now, although there is no evidence, but intuition tells her that it is definitely the orange mother, and she is definitely pranked by the orange mother.

The four hundred and seventieth chapters are cute to save the world

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in the bedroom.


Illya was holding her puppet bear, her red eyes staring at Meiyou not far away, sitting at the table reading the magic book, she originally watched the content of the magic book with Meiyou.

However, after watching it for a while… Sadly, I found that I couldn’t understand the content recorded in the magic book.

So, she was very wise to give up the magic book like a book from the sky.

Shortly after.

“…you must have relevant knowledge.”

Meiyou’s delicate face showed a hint of loss, and she put down the magic book she was reading. She even guessed, but she only understood part of the content. With this level of understanding… it was impossible to carry out the plan of saving the world.

If you force it to be executed… it will probably be a deadly backstab on the planet.

“…Meiyou, don’t you understand?”

Illya blinked her red eyes and asked curiously, but she knew that Meiyou was a scholar and possessed an amazing amount of knowledge. Such a person… can’t understand Orange Mama’s magic book.

“… Knowing something, sometimes it’s more dangerous than knowing nothing.”

Meiyou shook her head gently and explained softly, “I didn’t build a magician’s knowledge system. It is very difficult to decipher this magic book.”

It is not a lie, she is learning modern knowledge, a knowledge system of esotericism, and she has not constructed it, so she wants to interpret this magic book written by the magician.

Still have to… a professional magician to interpret it.

“Hum hum hum… Now it’s time for ruby ​​wisdom!!!”

Excited and complacent, Ruby suddenly came out, swirled a few times in the air, and approached the magic book: “Next, let Ruby tell you… the book…”

The sound suddenly stopped.

The ruby ​​was suspended in the air as if it were solidified, stared at the magic book for a while, and then spun around in the air for a few times, followed by a righteous voice.

“Well… as expected of a magician, I don’t understand it at all!”

Yes, she knew each of the words recorded in the magic book, but she didn’t know them at all when they were combined. This magic book…even, there were no annotations.

If you are not a magician with a wealth of knowledge, it is difficult to read this magic book.

“…Since you can’t understand it, don’t be so confident!”

Illya couldn’t help but complain loudly, and immediately seemed to think of something, and said excitedly: “Speaking of which, Aunt Qingzi, who is a magician, must be able to understand the content of the magic book.”

“…Wait, Illya!”

Meiyou hurriedly shook her head, picked up the magic book and said, “Actually, don’t bother Aoko-sama, we can ask Sister Luvia to help you interpret it.”

She doesn’t want to continue to trouble Illya’s family. After all, being able to get the magic book… is already a great favor. Continuing to disturb Illya’s family… This will make her feel very embarrassed.

After all, one should be content and be able to get the right to see the magic book.

This is already extremely fortunate.


Fifty minutes later.

Next door, in the living room of the mansion.

Luvia put down the magic book in her hand, took a sip of the black tea on the table gracefully, and then looked at the two little guys on the opposite side.

“Really, if I’m killed…you guys have to remember to offer me flowers.”

She was joking, but she seemed to be speaking seriously.


Opposite Miyu and Illya looked at each other, some couldn’t understand the meaning of Luvia’s words, why Luvia was killed, didn’t she just read a magic book.

“Just kidding, let’s talk… This book is all set.”

Luvia waved her hand and looked serious: “As expected of a magic book written by a magician, it is really grand and despairing. If the ceremony is completed… it is indeed possible to save the world.”

“That’s great, Miyu… Your world is saved!” Illya showed a happy smile, “Next, just follow the contents of the magic book.”

“Well, thank you… Illya.”

Meiyou’s amber eyes were warm, and she nodded lightly at Illya. Next, as long as she found a way to bring the knowledge of this magic book back to her own world,

Then, I can exchange for my brother and save my world.

“I’m sorry for pouring cold water on you at this time!”

Luvia’s voice became cold, and she entered the state of pure magician: “I suggest giving up the execution. This magic book ritual is better, otherwise it will just be in vain.”

The atmosphere suddenly dropped to freezing point.

Miyu and Illya’s smiles were frozen, and they looked at Luvia in confusion. They didn’t know why Luvia made such a judgment.

However, the situation is right.

“Sister Luvia… Is there any execution difficulty?”

Miyu asked so cautiously.

Hearing this, Luvia picked up the magic book, flipped through it gently, and then, when she found the relevant content she wanted, she showed it to Meiyou.

“First of all, to perform the ritual… At least one planet with strong vitality is needed as a sacrifice. In other words, it is the magical power saved at the planet level, and there is no guarantee… the ceremony will be successful.”

“Planet…as a sacrifice?!”

Illya said in surprise, “Is this too exaggerated, how can we find a planet as a sacrifice.”

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