Life As Aozaki Orange

Chapter 303

“Oh…it’s really intriguing.”

You Shan was a little disappointed, and whispered in a low voice:

“Is it possible… It’s actually a special ceremony, symbolizing the mutual suppression and evolution of myths?”

Chapter 501 Want to live with Illya

“…The third magician.”

Aozaki Orange replied with a smile, she didn’t hate Darius Enzworth, no, maybe it could be called Julian Enzworth.

The man standing in front of her possessed two kinds of spirituality.

One is Julian Endsworth, the original owner of this body, and the other is from the ancestor of Endsworth thousands of years ago, Darius Endsworth.

And the reason for such a bizarre situation is simple.

The Ensworth family in this world is quite interesting. The replacement magic that their family has is beyond the norm, just like the projection magic of Emiya Shirou is beyond the norm.

Although they are all basic magic, they can specialize in terrifying power.

It is even possible to use replacement magic to perform spiritual replacement, directly use the body as a pure container, and then extend one’s own spirit to the children and grandchildren.

And Darius Enzworth. Now it has been replaced by his own descendant, Julian Enzworth.

“The third magician, it’s… unbelievable.”

Darius Enzworth suddenly laughed out loud, raised his hand to cover his cheek, “I didn’t expect that I would see a living magician, this is really a great honor, for me as a magician.”

Saying so, his expression suddenly became indifferent.

“The magician who masters miracles, what’s the matter with you coming to this world that is about to be destroyed?”

“…It’s a tourist.” Aozaki Chengzi replied, “Witnessing a world going to ruin, such a beauty of sorrow, wouldn’t it be a pity not to appreciate it.”

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!”

When Darius heard this answer, he let out a deafening laugh. However, the laughter was full of murderous intent and anger, “You mean… do you want to watch this world be destroyed?”

He suddenly raised his finger and pointed at Miyu.

“A human-like wishing machine, and the survival of the whole world, the balance of this huge gap does not even need any calculation.”

“However, what you chose was a wishing machine.”

It’s not a lie, the girl named Miyu can’t be called a human. Although she has the appearance of a human, her essence is just a container for the realization of human desires.

The personality that comes with it is nothing but a meaningless residue.

“Meiyou…it’s not a wishing machine!!!”

Suddenly, the young voice shouted loudly, and then, in the surrounded army, Ilya firmly pulled Miyu out, she stared at Darius angrily, and said:

Meiyou is not a wishing machine, Meiyou is my friend, with her own feelings and the desire to live. “

Saying that, she looked at Meiyou beside her seriously.

“It’s your wish that beauty lobbied.”


After being silent for a while, Miyou looked up at Illya, then turned her head to look at Darius, and said, “I don’t want to die, I don’t want to leave Illya, I don’t want to be separated from my brother, I want to…live!”

Her voice was serious and there was no trace of confusion.

Yes, I don’t want to die no matter what, if I don’t have feelings, if I don’t meet my brother, if I don’t meet Illya, then she… maybe she can accept death as a wish-fulfilling machine.

However, there was warmth in my heart, the selfish thought of wanting to live.

Such a strong refusal becomes a wish machine to die.

“Did you hear me!” Illya clenched Miyu’s little hand, stared at Darius and said seriously, “Miyo doesn’t want to die, she wants to live with us!”

“Ah… I heard that.”

Darius responded lightly, and immediately raised his hand and scratched his head: “Sure enough, the wishing machine has personal feelings, it is a very troublesome thing, even if you start…you will feel guilty.”

Saying so, he asked Illya rationally.

“Then if you give up the ritual, this world will inevitably come to an end, then little guy… what choice will you make, take Meiyou back to your own world, and then watch the world go to ruin?”

“Can you bear the weight of human death in a world?”

There is no fluctuation, just indifferently asking, clearly placing the collective and individual weight in front of this little loli, whether to choose… the survival of humans in a world, or the survival of a beauty tour.

It’s very simple to choose one, choose the righteous majority, or the emotional minority.


Illya looked up at Darius’ eyes full of pressure, then turned around and threw herself into the arms of her orange mother, and then rubbed her head hard.

“Whether it’s Meiyou or saving the world, I want it all!”

Her voice was clearly coquettish.

Darius watched this scene silently, and then looked at Aozaki Orange who was touching his daughter’s head, feeling that the topic could not go on, saving the world this kind of thing…even a magician should be difficult to do.

No matter how much you act like a spoiled child with your own mother… If you can’t do it, you can’t do it.

Parents are not omnipotent beings. Although parents may be omnipotent in children’s small hearts, but… reality will not be offset by children’s wishes.

Just like a child and a parent want the moon in the sky, it is impossible to pluck it off for the child.

“…Saving the world is tiring.”

Cangzaki Chengzi touched her daughter’s little head and smiled a little: “The world has natural laws, just like the sun rises and the moon sets, the world will naturally follow the laws and die.”

“Please, Mama Orange!”

Illya rubbed the orange mother’s soft chest and said, “I will be obedient in the future, and I will rub your shoulders and beat your back, so please… save the world, okay?”

“Kneading your shoulders and back?” Aozaki Orange asked with a smile, “That’s a very tiring thing, can Ilya persist?”

“No problem!” Lifting her head, Illya readily agreed, “I will rub Mama Orange’s shoulders and back every day in the future, and I will never regret it!”

“That…I…I can also slap the back and shoulders of the Orange-sama.” Miyou’s voice was a little shy, and her cheeks were a little red, “If the Orange-sama needs it. I can also learn to cook, and I will take care of the Orange-sama in the future. The life of Lord Irisviel.”


Cangzaki Chengzi looked at the shy Miyou, and her eyes suddenly softened: “Speaking of which, I don’t seem to have asked, Miyou, do you like Illya?”

Hearing this, Illya tilted her head in confusion. She and Meiyou are good friends, so how could they not like it? What’s the point of asking this question?

However, she didn’t mean to interrupt.

“Yes, I like Illya very much!” Meiyou raised her head, her cheeks blushing: “I want to live with Illya!”

“……Like This.”

Nodding slightly, Aozaki Orange replied:

“Let’s find a good reason to help save the world.”

Chapter five hundred and second mentality collapsed

“…Thank you, Mr. Orange!”

Meiyou’s delicate face was grateful, and she bowed extremely seriously. She was grateful for the kindness of this magician, and she felt relieved in her heart.

Although she wants to survive.

If there is no other means to save the world, then the invisible responsibility will be backlogged in her heart, so that there is no way to breathe smoothly.

However, since the orange-sama agreed to help…the backlog of stones in my heart was removed.

“Heh…don’t look at it like that.”

Cangzaki Chengzi patted Meiyou’s head, then looked at the castle and said, “Miyou, go, bring your brother back, and leave the rest to me.”


Meiyou looked up at Chengzi’s gentle smile so close to her, and suddenly a familiar feeling appeared in her heart. It was the tenderness belonging to her mother, and her heart was warm…with a sincere sense of peace of mind.

“Lord Orange, can I hug you?”

Somewhat abruptly, she suddenly said such words.

Hearing this, Cangzaki Chengzi blinked in surprise, then smiled and squatted down, took Meiyou into his arms, and gently stroked the little girl’s head.

Meiyou was immersed in the gentle embrace for a moment, then she obediently got out of Orange’s embrace, and then she raised her hand to gently wipe the tears from the corner of her eyes, and said softly.

“Thank you very much, Mr. Chengzi, I’m going to find my brother.”

Saying so, she bowed and turned around to leave for the castle. Then, just as she took a step, her hand was pulled, and she looked back subconsciously, only to see Ilya smiling and pulling. holding her hand.

“Meiyou, I’ll go with you too.”


The two little loli looked at each other and smiled, and immediately ran towards the castle holding hands.

Cangzaki Chengzi couldn’t help showing a smile as she watched the two little loli leave, although it seemed that the two little loli forgot to ask where the giant guards were being held.

However, she did not intend to break the harmonious atmosphere between Ilya and Miyu, anyway, as long as she arrived at the castle and used a wide-area search, she would be able to find the Emiya giant.

Moreover, the location where the giants of the Emiya were detained was not very strict.

“…Save the world, this sentence is not casual!”

Suddenly, Darius’ voice sounded indifferently. He stared at the orange-haired woman in front of him. The group of magicians in this world is undoubtedly pursuing the vortex of the root that contains the ultimate knowledge.

This also means… the magician who returned from the vortex of the root has unquestionable knowledge and ability.

If it is such an existence that saves the world, it still has a very high credibility, but the orange-haired woman’s tone is too relaxed.

So much so that he wondered if he was cheating.

“Ah… I didn’t say anything casually.” Aozaki Chengzi took out a magic book and handed it to Darius, “It’s a lie, you just need to look a little to confirm, if not, you can go to a parallel world. , a little to confirm the success of the ceremony.”


Darius was silent, took the magic book and read it. Now he is undoubtedly at a disadvantage. It is better to quietly cooperate with the magician’s actions.

After all, the picture of crushing Thor’s Hammer with his bare hands still remained in his heart.

However, soon… his expression became solemn.

Although he is only looking at the outline above, he is a magician who has lived for more than a thousand years, and his knowledge is naturally not to be underestimated. You can understand it after a little look.

This magic book does have the possibility.

However, not very practical.

“I won’t talk about the rest. Do you think… the planetary restraint force will cooperate with human beings, and then hand over their control, and they will not be able to grasp the situation in life and death?”

He raised his head and asked Aozaki Orange.

The restraint in this world is nothing but unconscious directionality, so how do they believe in a human being, and they also leave their future, life and death to the primate, Aozaki Orange, to decide.

No matter how you think about it, it’s very…impractical.

“…This is it.”

Cangzaki Chengzi fluttered his hair and said with a smile: “Gaia-chan, if you don’t come out and cooperate with the verification, then I can only think that the ceremony has no conditions to launch and go home.”

The voice fell, and the world seemed to freeze suddenly.

There is no way to describe the will in words, and it suddenly gathers at a terrifying speed. The magnificent will reveals a feeling of weakness and decay.

However, the sanctity of its spirit… unquestionably great.

After a while.

A little blue-haired loli suddenly jumped out of the void. She stood in front of Cangzaki Orange and raised her head, her voice cold and hurried:

“Come on, I will cooperate with you!”

“Gaia sauce, it’s really cute~” Cangzaki Orange smiled and touched the blue-haired little loli’s head, and then looked at Darius, who was dumbfounded, “Look… isn’t this very feasible?”

“This unscientific!”

Subconsciously, Darius said this.

In order to save the world, he has practiced for a thousand years, but the **** restraint has been preventing him, and he has not cooperated at all.

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