Life As Aozaki Orange

Chapter 38

Rezowal Stuart’s tone was solemn, with deep suspicion in his words. He didn’t imagine that the human woman was capable, or was willing to cure Eltluqi.

Aertuluqi, who remains injured, is a good death disciple princess for people. Neither the death apostle nor the human side would like to see Aertuluqi in a prosperous state.

Therefore, he seriously suspected that the girl named Cangzaki Chengzi was just perfunctory, and took advantage of the situation, and did not intend to do her best to cure His Highness Ji Jun.

“Not only will my concubine be cured, she will also become my subordinate.”

Elterluqi fluttered her long black hair, revealing a hint of confidence. She believed that Aozaki Orange would abandon her human identity and threw herself into her arms after she understood her power and only needed her to be seduced a little.

“Since His Highness Ji Jun said so.”

Rezowal Stuart nodded slightly, then didn’t plan to say anything more.

Chapter 71 The Seeker

the next day.

The sky was hazy and bright, Cansaki Chengzi left the mansion alone. Her steps were as elegant as always, and her confidence did not diminish in the slightest, even though she faced the dead apostle princess yesterday.

Now she is going to the clock tower to teach, teaching some basic potion knowledge, the content is not advanced, not so interesting and vivid, the teaching content can be called perfunctory.

Even, she only has a short class time every week, and there is no way to complete the responsibilities of a tutor.

However, even in this case, every time she starts a class, it is always full, and even at the edge of the classroom, there will be many students who do not have seats.

“Well, there are some unfamiliar faces today. I hope you can follow the course.”

After entering the classroom, Aozaki Chengzi stepped on the podium, and the people who inspected the lectures once began to lecture on their own.

And this scene, the students present are also used to it, and also know that the girl’s teaching is actually just a perfunctory job.

Because her friend is the daughter of the plant monarch, she naturally came to the plant department to become a lecturer, even if she is not good at potions and the like.

However, they didn’t care if they were right or wrong, and they didn’t intend to condemn it, because most people did not come here to learn the knowledge of potions.

Some of them are the heirs of the famous magic sect, and they decorated themselves like princes. They came here to hook up with this talented girl, and want to get her excellent magic blood.

Some people also came to ask the girl about some interdisciplinary questions, and raised their confusion in magic research, hoping to use the girl’s genius to cross the barrier that is difficult to break through.

The above two are basically the reasons why people come here.

However, today there are quite a few people with different goals. They want to look at the **** the podium, shining like the sun.

That self-confidence flashed with self-will, so that their hearts that had lost hope, actually regained hope.

If it was her… it should be able to be saved.

This idea invariably appeared in the minds of the third type of people.

That’s right, there are a lot of people here today, in fact, they made a special trip for the rumor of Aozaki oranges.

The world’s No. 1 doctor can resuscitate people who have fallen into short-term death and solve almost incurable diseases.

These are all rumors about girls during this time.

“Well…it’s question time. If you ask extracurricular questions and it’s troublesome, please consciously prepare the remuneration.”

Aozaki Chengzi turned to look at the students below, and said nothing like what the teacher said.

“—I have something to do!”

A handsome young man raised his hand and looked nervously at Orange Cangzaki. At the same time, he raised a heavy black box anxiously and ran towards the podium with some difficulty.

And this scene caused many people in the classroom to cast their disgusted glances at this young man’s unruly disgust.

At this time, some nobles and powerful people with high status will usually be the first to ask questions. If there are no strong people to ask questions, ordinary students can ask Cangzaki Oranges some questions.

However, this young man broke this tacit understanding today, which undoubtedly made people feel uncomfortable.

“Looks like… you’re not asking about potions.”

Seeing the anxious girl approaching, Aozaki Chengzi smiled helplessly.

“Yes, Aozaki-sensei.”

The handsome young man put the black suitcase on the table with some effort, and then opened the black suitcase, revealing a box full of gold bars.

Afterwards, the young man took a seat in front of Cangzaki Chengzi, and said in a very respectful tone:

“Teacher Canozaki, I have a very important thing to ask you to do, save my mother who is dying soon. After this is done, I am willing to pay you ten times more than it is now.”

He pressed his head firmly to the ground, and even because of his nervousness, the hand on the ground even had a blue vein with force.

He is the heir of a listed company, and his family background is somewhat related to magic. After accidentally learning that there is a magician in the magic world who can cure any disease, he rushed to the clock tower.

“A box of gold, it’s really an impactful picture, but it’s a pity that I don’t have time for this period of time.”

Cangzaki Chengzi glanced at the gold on the podium, his eyes did not fluctuate, and he said very calmly: “Besides, why do you think I can save your mother?”

Although she has this rumor, but there is no actual example of saving people.

However, I didn’t expect it to be like this, and some people came to seek medical treatment with a box of gold.

In the classroom, people unanimously focused their attention on the boy, wanting to see how this man, who was not even a magician, would answer the question from Aozaki Orange.

“I don’t know, but I have no choice. When I heard that you can save anyone, I ran like a gambler.”

The boy who kept the bottom seat was sad and bitter, and the podium was wet with tears.

He had no choice, even in the most advanced hospital, to pronounce the result of his mother’s death.

However, he came with unacceptable results.

So, he came to the clock tower and asked the girl in front of him for help.

Even, in order to increase its success rate, he did not choose to use the convenient payment method of checks.

Putting a lot of real gold and silver out is to make that Aozaki orange feel the weight of money.

Then add some odds of success.

“That’s it, I understand.”

Cangzaki Chengzi raised his eyebrows slightly and said with a chuckle: “It’s okay to save your mother, but after I read the medical records, I may adjust the price accordingly, and the price may be high enough to bankrupt your family.”


The handsome young man fell into silence and became entangled for a while. After a few minutes of silence, he gritted his teeth and said:

“It doesn’t matter, if you can save your mother, whatever the price is acceptable.”

“Really, as long as you’re sure.”

Aozaki Chengzi smiled and said, “Then bring your mother to the hospital in the Clock Tower.”

Chapter 72 Mom, I sold all my property

“Are you here today?”

Aozaki Orange put away the textbook, and immediately left the classroom decisively.

She met a lot of people who came to seek medical treatment today, and although they all offered very generous remuneration, this meant nothing to Aozaki Orange.

She also didn’t want to delay her magic research because of these trivial matters, so she decided to raise the price to an unbearable level, and then dismissed most of the medical seekers.

“Lord Aozaki, you haven’t taken this box of gold yet!”

Seeing this, the young man was stunned for a moment, but even when he noticed his box of gold, Cangzaki Orange didn’t take it at all, so he hurriedly picked it up and chased in the direction Cangzaki Orange left.

He just wanted to watch Aozaki Orange take down this box of gold, otherwise his heart would not be able to settle down at all.

In the classroom, people have basically dispersed.

There was only one monk who remained, sitting motionless in his place, with his tall body, like a big dull rock, with a distressed expression on his face, like I’m pondering an unanswerable question.


The monk stared at the writing on the blackboard until the twilight of dusk came from outside the window, and the bright yellow sunlight reflected in the classroom through the window.

At this time, he said something dull.

“Does she lack the understanding of Buddha’s compassion, but has the potential to save the world like a Buddha? If someone comes to guide her correctly at this time, it must be a great blessing to countless sentient beings!”

Having said that, his expression became even more distressed.

Although he has already seen things at this level, he has no way to lead Cangzaki Orange, nor can he find anyone who can guide Cangzaki Orange to the path of saving sentient beings.

“Maybe…you should find someone who can guide her.”

He stood up and left the classroom.

a month later.

Inside the Clock Tower Independent Hospital.

“…I’m this?”

A charming woman woke up from the white hospital bed. She scanned the surrounding environment with some doubts, and found that this was not her original ward, but a completely unfamiliar environment.

Finally, she found her son sleeping beside her bed.

“… Swamp master, wake up~”

She pushed her son and called out softly. The sleeping boy frowned, then opened his eyes in a daze, and saw that his mother had woken up.

“Mom, are you awake?”

With a slight trembling voice, the boy’s tears kept falling, watching his mother wake up again, his inner emotions were mixed.

“Well, hard work.”

Seeing her son’s unsatisfactory appearance, the young woman smiled helplessly. If it weren’t for her being too weak now, she might have hugged the ‘Swamp Craftsman’ in her arms to comfort her.

“It’s not hard, as long as my mother is safe and sound.”

Saying this, the boy shed more tears. He was happy for his mother’s recovery, and also felt heartache for the money he paid.

He gave all his family property to the girl who was ‘Aozaki Orange’, in exchange for her chance to rescue her mother.

“All right? Am I not terminally ill?”

The woman blinked her eyes in confusion. Isn’t she a terminally ill disease that has no cure at all? Why do you say she is safe?

“Mother, your illness has been cured.”

The boy’s body froze slightly, and his eyes turned slightly: “I hired the strongest doctor in the world to completely cure your mother’s illness.”


Seeing this scene, the woman frowned. She knew her son very well. If she did something bad, she would look like that when she wanted to cover it up, and that’s what the boy looks like now.

“Marshmaster, are you hiding something from me?”

Her eyes became a little stern.


The young man’s gaze became more erratic.

Now he is worried that telling his mother that he has sold all his family property, he will probably turn his back on his mother, so he plans to wait until her mother is healthy.


The young woman’s eyes were sharp, and her tone was unquestionable. The boy trembled slightly when he heard this, and after struggling for a while, he asked in a low voice:

“Mother, do you really want to hear it?”

“Well, talk about it?”

“Mother, do you know that the medical expenses of the world’s number one doctor are a bit expensive.”

“How expensive is it?”

“…I gave her all the family’s property~”


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