Life As Aozaki Orange

Chapter 62


In the distance, feeling the impact from the front, Beo’s eyes widened, and his little white hands grew sharp nails, which were embedded in the ground, piercing the hard rock straight in.

Then, at the next moment.

The turbulent air flow sent her and the stone she was holding flying, like a soccer ball being kicked into the air, disappearing into the long passage.


“… Beo, are you alright?”

Following the induction of the contract, Cangzaki Chengzi dug Beor out of a pile of rubble, and reached out to pat the dust and dirt on his body.

“Orange, such a powerful magic, I think you should tell me to dig a hole to hide.”

Beo rubbed his head, feeling that the pain of being hit by a stone still remained.

“I also expected that the magic power increase effect of the Age of Gods would be so great.”

With an innocent voice, Aozaki Chengzi rubbed Beo’s smashed head, which was a stone nearly one meter in size. If it wasn’t for Beo, it wouldn’t be a problem of some pain in the head.

After a while, it seemed that Beo’s head no longer hurt, and she saw her delicate and unhuman face looking up, with a slightly aggrieved look, and there were hazy tears in her eyes.

“…Orange, I want to eat Chimera again~”

Hearing this, Cangqi Chengzi was stunned for a moment, and then he stared at the poor Beau, couldn’t help but raised his mouth, and scolded with a smile: “My dear, you will take the opportunity to make a condition now.”


Beo turned his head with a guilty conscience, avoiding Orange’s sight.

In fact, with her self-healing ability as a fantasy species, that little injury that doesn’t even count as a broken skin is not a big deal at all, even if the stone is dozens of times larger, as long as she has a stable mind, she can do it with her bare hands. Blow it up for you to see.

“I promise~”

Cangzaki Chengzi squeezed Beo’s cheek and smiled gently: “When we go back, find two Chimeras and kill them and bring them back to cook.”

This is not difficult for her. When she is on her way home, use the rune rune to divination, and then change the path, find a Chimera and kill it, it is nothing more than a little detour.


Beo’s cheeks were a little red and he turned his head, scratching his cheeks with his fingers.

To be honest, being treated so gently by Orange, she felt both happy and a little shy.

Chapter 115 Female Merlin

【Fairy Domain】

This is the bottom layer of the tomb of Albion.

It belongs to the realm inaccessible to human beings.

“Sure enough… the Fairy Domain is the Inner Sea of ​​Stars.”

Cangzaki Chengzi stood on a high tower, watching the world beneath the flowers, which was as magnificent as the legendary Avalon.

“Orange, you’re right—”

A beautiful woman walked up to Chengzi, and she took Chengzi’s words with a gentle face: “Albion, the spiritual tomb, is actually the passage through which the Age of Gods mysteriously transferred to the Inner Sea of ​​Stars, and the traces of its imaginary spells exist. prove.”

Aozaki Orange turned his head sideways and stared at the woman.

This is a beautiful woman. Even if it is described as a peerless beauty, it will not make people feel too much. She has white hair like snow, and her appearance and figure are impeccable, especially the gentleness in her purple eyes. Makes people feel like a big sister next door.

This beautiful figure… is enough to make people let go of their guards and make people feel a sense of trust in their hearts.

“Are you familiar with me?”

After a while, Orange asked coldly.

Although she knew who this girl was, she still made a statement that fit her current identity. After all, she had never seen a female Merlin in this world.

“Of course.”

Merlin smiled slightly and put his hand on his chest: “It’s very familiar, I know your birthday from Chengzi, and I also know your character, your body, and your soul. I’m the person who knows you the most besides ‘He’. .”

“However, I don’t seem to recognize you.”

Hearing this answer, Aozaki Chengzi asked indifferently.

The moment she said this, the silent Beo’s eyes became sharp, her nails gradually became sharper, and her eyes were patrolling this strange woman, judging which angle to start from.

“I’m not the enemy.”

As if sensing Beor’s hostility, Merlin picked up the staff and tapped Beor’s head at will. With a clear ‘boom’ sound, Beor covered his head and rolled on the ground.

This woman’s beating is not heavy…but, it really hurts.

This kind of feeling is like being stung by a bee, or like being stung by a scorpion. Although the strength is very weak, it can be pinched to death by human hands, but it is attacked by these small animals.

It hurts more than being punched.

“Hmm… I can accept this.”

After knocking on Beo, Merlin turned his head and smiled softly: “I knew you Chengzi in the past, so I think you can understand Chengzi.”

“The future me goes back to the past?”

Cangqi Orange raised her eyebrows and asked in surprise. At the same time, she picked up Beo who was rolling with her head covered, and reached out to rub Beo’s small head. The pale palms exuded a faint light, slowly comforting Beo’s pain.

“That’s it.”

Merlin nodded seriously.

“In this age of mystery that is about to dry up.”

Cangzaki Chengzi laughed at himself: “Do you think that an ordinary magician like me can touch the miracle of time-travelling?”

“That’s right, maybe I recognized the wrong person!”

Merlin frowned, thought for a while, and said, “The person I’m looking for is very confident, and is a talented girl who can become the third magician in this era of mysterious exhaustion.”

Then she glanced at Orange with a teasing look, raised her staff and was about to cast spells, her red lips chanting the incantation as if she wanted to see off a guest.

“Wait… can you tell me your name before you go.”

Seeing Merlin swinging his wand, Aozaki Chengzi raised his hand and interrupted with a smile: “It’s rare to meet a beautiful and gentle beauty. If you don’t know the name, wouldn’t you regret it for the rest of your life?”

“Um – me, you can call me Merlin~”

Merlin blinked, showing a gentle smile: “It’s the court mage next to King Arthur.”

“But isn’t Merlin a man?”

Cangzaki Chengzi raised his eyebrows slightly and asked curiously.

This time, she was really curious. She did have doubts about why the female Merlin was in this world line. Could it be that the world line she crossed was exactly the world line of the female Merlin and the female Arthur.

“This question brings back some bad memories.”

Merlin frowned, waved his hand and said, “The Merlin of this world was originally a man, but, in the past, I don’t know who secretly kicked me and kicked me into this world, and that man Merlin is not dead. , probably in my world line.”

Before she came to this world line, it was a bright spring day, and she was walking in a valley full of flowers, while listening to her king’s teaching with ‘Little Arthur’ beside her.

The atmosphere is very peaceful, but, in a casual corner.

Just before her figure left the sight of ‘Little Arthur’, she was kicked by an unknown foot, which directly kicked her to the cross-world line and ran to the side of the female version of Little Arthur Wang Sheng.

She still remembers the stunned expression on the female version of Little King Arthur at that time, and the cute little face seemed to say, ‘Why did the teacher turn into a beautiful big sister when I turned my head! ‘ That kind of thing.

To be honest, she was a little worried about Arthur in another world.

The world line male version of Little King Arthur turned a corner, and found his gentle, beautiful and longing teacher, what kind of mentality would he have when he became a man.

Probably… there will be scars left in the young heart.

– Well, that should be what I would do.

After listening, Cangzaki Chengzi’s expression suddenly became a little embarrassed. To be honest, if she is strong enough in the future, she would secretly kick the female Merlin into this world line. It seems that it is really possible to do so.

And… it seems that jumping into a parallel world is something that she now needs a lot of plans to be able to do.

“That’s it, I understand.”

Cangzaki Chengzi turned his eyes away and replied calmly, while Merlin gave Chengzi a meaningful glance, and then asked with a gentle smile:

“Then, the future third-law magician, do you still want to continue testing?”

Between the words, the gentle words hide a little bit of cold winter.

“No need~”

Cangzaki Chengzi shook his head and chuckled: “If I cross the time line, although I can’t do it now, I still have a lot of ways in the future.”

It’s not a lie, even if she masters the third method in the future, she will not have the power to travel through time.

However, Chaldea, which is about to be built, has the power of spiritual transfer, and her sister Aozaki Aoko has the fifth method and can also carry out practical travel.

That is to say, in the future, she can basically be sure to jump the timeline to play.


Beau, who was rubbing her head, showed a somewhat speechless expression. She knew that she had been beaten on the head and could not take revenge, because it seemed that the orange owner really knew this strange woman.

Chapter 116 Miss Merlin

“So, Miss Merlin… no, it should be the sage Merlin.”

Cangzaki Chengzi supported the guardrail of the tower, and looked into the distance: “Is there any warning or important information to contact me after so much trouble?”

“Important information… It seems that you can see the future better than me, Orange.”

With a gentle smile, Merlin said with a joking tone: “Knowing the future and changing the future, isn’t this what you have been doing? Although you seek what you want in the process, you can’t deny it no matter what. achievements.”

“Is this your evaluation of me?”

Feeling a little funny, Aozaki Orange turned to look at the woman beside him: “However, no matter what I look like during the rest of the time, I’m just an ordinary magician now.”

“I’m just stating the facts~”

Merlin smiled and shook his head, his purple eyes said with seriousness, “However, I do have something to tell you, please take my next words to heart.”


Seeing this, Aozaki Orange’s expression became serious. After all, even she couldn’t ignore the words of the legendary magician.

“Orange… do you know the end of blood?”

Merlin smiled and said something incredible.

At this moment, the atmosphere seemed to freeze a little, Aozaki orange blinked, and then stared at Merlin, as if trying to distinguish the truth from the false.

However… the legendary magician of flowers who taught King Arthur, his beautiful face kept a faint smile, which was enough to make anyone feel dazed.

However, there is no way to see any information from it.

“I don’t understand… I shouldn’t~”

Merlin showed a distressed expression: “You taught me this vocabulary, don’t tell me… Haven’t you come across this vocabulary yet?”

“Am I dead in the future?”

Aozaki orange is a little uncertain.

To be honest, according to her current immortality, even if the land of steel comes, she can still be alive and kicking, and she can retreat even in the face of the ‘beast’.

Unless you don’t want to live, there should be few people in this world who can kill her.

“Having too much fiery love will eventually turn into a burning sun.”

Merlin folded his hands on his chest, with a chant-like tone: “I stood here that day, witnessing you being burned by the flame of love.”

A warm breeze blows on the tower outside this world, and the warm sunlight reflects on this beautiful world, but at the moment it seems a little lonely, and there is a non-physical cold circulating.


Cheng Zi was silent and did not speak, his pupils dilated in a daze.

Rune runes continued to spread under her feet, spreading in all directions at an incredible speed, and soon the ground was covered with more than 100,000 rune runes, and the number was still increasing.

At this moment, she used all the bodies in the inherent enchantment to use the call to cast a parallel spell.

Soon, the number of runes continued to climb, 200,000, 300,000, 400,000, 500,000, 600,000, 700,000, 800,000, 900,000…

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