Life As Aozaki Orange

Chapter 97

“…Lance…Lott…is summoned…to come!”

Suppressing his madness, his voice was intermittent. He wore a knight in jet-black armor and gave a knightly salute to the summoner. Seeing this scene, Matou Kariya knelt down on the ground and responded with greater courtesy.

At this moment, the air suddenly solidified.

“Kariya…although heroic spirits are worthy of respect~”

Matou Tsuruo said strangely: “However, you shouldn’t kneel directly. After all, you are also a Master.”

“Yes, as the Master, there is no need to kneel.”

Matou Shinji nodded in agreement.

That’s right, after all, the summoned heroic spirits are nothing more than familiars. As the person who controls the familiars, there is no reason to kneel down to the familiars. Isn’t this reversing the priority of the superior and the inferior?

“Hold me a hand… my legs are weak~”

Matou Kariya propped up on the ground and said with a painful expression: “Lancelot is too much work. My legs are a little weak. It’s not that I want to kneel.”

“Oh…I see~”

Strangely, Matou Tsuruo hurriedly helped his brother up.

Although this scene is a bit embarrassing, considering that Matou Kariya is a super cute new magician, even if he does not know how to summon the heroic magic circle and the incantation, it is all made by Matou Shinji with the help of his junior.

In fact, it is natural to not be able to provide enough magic power.

“Sure enough… Uncle Kariya’s magic power cannot support Heroic Spirits.”

Aside, Matou Shinji showed an expectant expression: “However, regarding this issue, I have actually considered a solution before!”

“Shinji…what can I do?”

After struggling to get up, Matou Kariya asked weakly.

There is no need to doubt, now that his magic power, if he goes to participate in the Holy Grail War, he will not be drained of magic power and die during the fight, that is, the heroic spirit will be defeated by lack of magic.

In short…there will never be a good result.

“Fix the devil!”

Matou Shinji showed a proud smile and said proudly: “When the magic is not enough, use other methods to replenish the magic.”



Hearing this, Matou Kariya’s face turned green, his expression became a little terrified, and the summoned sturdy man Lancelot also shuddered, as if even his madness had dissipated.

“Shinji… do you know what a tonic is?”

Matou Tsuruno asked his son strangely.

“There are many ways to supplement the magic, by extracting the lives of ordinary people, or by exchanging the magic power through sexual intercourse!”

Matou Shinji’s cheeks were a little red, and he scratched his cheeks: “However, I don’t think Uncle Kariya will accept this, so there is a last resort for now.”

“any solution?”

Matou Kariya asked nervously.

If you can do without fencing each other, or extract the vitality of ordinary people,

He should… still be able to accept…

“Magic… actually sells bodily fluids that contain magic power~”

Matou Shinji stiffened his face and said, “If we can buy in large quantities, we should be able to support the consumption of Uncle Kariya’s magic power.”

“…What kind of bodily fluid is it?”

Matou Kariya asked something a little awkward.


Without answering, Matou Shinji looked away and said, “I checked the books left by my grandfather, and there are related purchase methods. Some sources seem to be sold in our Fuyuki City, and they will be available soon.”


After a while of silence, Matou Kariya asked dryly.

“I don’t know, the trafficker did not leave a specific name.”

Matou Shinji shook his head. Although he was very smart, he understood that Matou Zoiyan left books quickly, but, in the final analysis, he still did not have enough talent for magic, and could not penetrate into the magician world at all.

This privacy issue…it’s simply impossible to investigate the source.



the other side.

At this moment, most people fall asleep and fall asleep.

Aozaki Orange and Artoria were walking on the street side by side, and the evening wind blowing on their faces gave them a cool and comfortable feeling.

“Boss Orange, Kenneth’s whereabouts have been found.”

At this moment, Emiya Kiritsugu walked out of the dark corner with a cigarette in his mouth and said, “Now he is in the Grand Hyatt Hotel, and his fiancee Sora is staying with him.”

“Really… the Holy Grail War is not a honeymoon~”

Aozaki Orange sighed slightly: “Even if Sora has a good living environment, don’t choose such a conspicuous place.”

“Orange, are we going to raid?”

Aside from it, Arturia asked aloud.

“No, let’s be a guest~”

Aozaki Orange shook his head and adjusted his forward path a little, but Artoria did not object, and stood guard beside Orange like a knight.


Seeing this scene, Emiya Kiritsugu was silent for a while, and immediately put out the cigarette in his mouth, then followed in the footsteps of Aozaki Orange.

Since Aozaki Chengzi didn’t let him leave, he would act as a guard… By the way, ask the orange boss if he has any intention of donating to charity.

Chapter 167 Three magic furnaces! ! !

KaiYue Hotel.

The tallest building in Fuyuki City.

From the Clock Tower of London, the apex monarch of the twelve series of King’s Landing, Kenneth Elmeloi Archipoulud temporarily lived here.

In addition, he is very extravagant… using three large magic furnaces to provide demons, covering this 32-story hotel, covering as many as 24 floors, and treating it with otherworldly words.

The interior is equipped with dozens of evil spirits and sprites as guards.

This can be called a foolproof fortress.

“…Kenneth, you’re really a big deal.”

Cangzaki Chengzi sat on the sofa and smiled slightly: “However, I want to remind you that this kind of high investment to establish a stronghold is actually not suitable for the Holy Grail War.”

“If it’s a crowned puppet master, it’s naturally not worth mentioning~”

Kenneth shook the red wine glass in his hand and replied with a graceful smile.

Frankly speaking, he really did not expect that Aozaki Orange would be the first to come to the Grand Hyatt Hotel to meet him at the beginning of the Holy Grail War.

To be honest, his first reaction was Aozaki Orange, who planned to expel him from the Holy Grail War first.

After all, he should be the strongest group in the Holy Grail War besides Aozaki Chengzi himself, and it is very reasonable to eliminate him in advance.

However, fortunately, Aozaki Orange came here not to fight, but to visit as a friend.

“Kenneth, I didn’t mean to brag about my strength~”

Cangzaki Chengzi shook his head and said, “Even if you use three large magic furnaces to supply demons and alienate this hotel into another world on a large scale, if someone blows up the entire restaurant with powerful explosives, then you The stronghold that you have worked so hard to build will also be destroyed.”

The atmosphere fell into a slight silence.

Kenneth put the red wine glass in his hand on the table, pointed at the temple with two fingers, and began to seriously think about the possibility of his own enchantment being broken.

Frankly speaking, if someone else reminded him that the barrier he had set up might be broken, he would definitely laugh at the country magician’s lack of knowledge.

However, if this person is a crown puppet master, it has a weight that cannot be ignored.


On the other side, Emiya Kiritsugu, who was the bodyguard, had a face, and immediately returned to his normal expression.

In the dialogue between the orange boss and the magician Kenneth, he got a vital piece of information, that is, there are three priceless large magic furnaces in this building.

And he… just has a way, or has a chance to get these three magic furnaces.

As Kotomine Kirei’s best friend, if he went to borrow Assassin, there should be no problem.

As for the moral issue… As the subordinate of the orange boss, it is not natural for him to help eradicate the enemy.

Taking away the enemy’s knives and swords and weakening it, this kind of thing can’t be more reasonable.

“Do you want to change place?”

Suddenly, Sora said indifferently, “If Kenneth is really unsure, even if you hand me over to Lord Orange for evacuation, I don’t have any opinion.”

After all, she leaned slightly towards Cangzaki Chengzi.

Seeing this scene, the atmosphere in the living room became a little weird. No matter what Cangzaki Orange said, it was considered an enemy, and there was no way to send himself to the enemy’s side to operate strangely.

“Ma’am, no matter how good our relationship is, during the Holy Grail War, we and Madam Orange were enemies!”

Dirumdo Odina, who had been silent all the time, stood up and suppressed his anger: “This practice of entrusting oneself to the protection of the enemy is tantamount to sending a knife stabbed to the heart to the enemy.”

“Yes, Ms. Sora, you shouldn’t do something like this against your husband’s trust!”

On the side, Arturia nodded slightly. She also disapproved of the actions of the woman named Sora. After all, this kind of thing would not only put you in a dangerous situation, but also make Kenneth, her husband, throw a taboo on it.

In short… no matter how good the relationship is, such a reckless act should not be done in wartime.

“Wartime? Enemy?”

Sora suddenly laughed coldly: “This Holy Grail War, for me, is at most a friendship competition. Who would kill people because of a friendship competition?”

Yes, that’s what she really thinks.

In this Holy Grail War, in her opinion, except for Kenneth and Aozaki Chengzi, the rest of them are nothing more than underclassmen.

The only people who can really compete for the Holy Grail are Tomoko Aozaki and Kenneth.

And no matter how Kenneth thought about it, he would never have the chance to win the crowned puppet master Aozaki Orange. The so-called Holy Grail War was actually doomed from the beginning.

According to the political relationship between Aozaki Orange and Kenneth on the clock tower, they will not kill Kenneth as an ally anyway.

So, this Holy Grail War is nothing but a friendly game.

Moreover, compared to staying by Kenneth’s side, it is more secure to stay with Aozaki Orange.

After all, she has a longing for the way of life of Aozaki Orange.



Arturia and Dirumdo were speechless. They didn’t know how to refute Sora’s words for a while. After all, they were not quite sure what the relationship between their master and the other party was.

What if it’s for a friendly match?

“Sora, you came to me to take refuge, I have no opinion~”

At this moment, Aozaki Orange smiled and said, “But, Kenneth, who is the prodigy of the Clock Tower…the strength should not be underestimated. In this Holy Grail War, there should be few people stronger than Kenneth.”

That’s right, this Holy Grail War didn’t involve the magician killer Emiya Kiritsugu, and the rest were basically traditional magicians, so they shouldn’t be killed so easily.

“…If this is your suggestion, Mr. Orange~”

Sora sighed as if a little lost.

“Cough… Sora, don’t worry!”

At this time, Kenneth came back to his senses and showed a gentle smile: “I will strengthen the vigilance of the hotel, and if something is found, I will take corresponding measures immediately.”

That’s right, that’s his choice.

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