Life Isn’t So Simple Anymore.

Chapter 125: A Quarrel Between Friends.

Comment/Review on the story readers and give me ideas on possible skills, situations, developments, and etc of things you want to see! No guarantees that I will add what you want. But it helps to have ideas out there. Please point out any mistakes you notice or anything you're not clear about. I'll try to answer them and fix them to the best of my abilities.

“This way! This way! I feel something interesting over here!” The fairie that knocked on Zoey’s window zipped through the air like an excited child.

Hayato kept silent as he looked at the magji creature with an annoyed grimace on his face. Zoey followed behind the happy little creature. She did have an opinion on the magjistar-made sentient magji creatures. Fairies were the slaves of magjistars. They were made to be loyal to magjistars and happy to serve magjistars.

The fairie gained a liking to Zoey after tasting her mahna. They even sent her a letter asking for her to call on them. In the letter, they even listed all the things that fairies could help a magjistar with. Sadly, Zoey wasn’t in the market for a slave. No matter how good they were at making life easier for her.

‘I wonder if we could Teach this fairie and help them break the limits placed on them by their makers…’ Inner Zoey grinned.

‘Maybe if we break their slave training, they could also become a good friend.’ Zoey also wondered.

‘Hahaha! A slave that grew strong enough to go against its own slavers! Wouldn’t that be fun? Destroying another horrible part of magjistar society?’ Inner Zoey was like a temping devil on Zoey’s shoulder.

‘Introducing freedom to an entire race of beings that don’t even want it. I can’t see how that could go wrong.’ Zoey sarcastically replied to herself. 

Even she could see what a bad idea that would be. Saving the fairies would be something that only she cared about. She was sure with the fairie-making process, even abused fairies would still want to serve someone than be free. Unless she could somehow get them all to want the freedom to make their own decisions and serve themselves, it would be impossible to ‘free’ the fairies. Although, if it was a fairie that made this decision on their own… Zoey wouldn’t feel guilt at the horrible outcome likely to happen!

‘We both know that’s bullshit. Help the little fuckers out and start some chaos, alright? Who’s going to argue with you about saving a bunch of enslaved people? Even if it goes wrong, so what. At least they aren’t slaves anymore!’ Inner Zoey didn’t let up.

‘Keep the status quo or shatter it…’ Zoey already knew which choice she wanted to make, but luckily she had a handy friend that could give her some great advice with things like this!

Zoey texted Prometheus to ask if she should involve herself with fairies. She saw the prompt that told you when the person you were texting was typing a response. Then it disappeared. A second later, it popped up again for like a few seconds longer. This went on for a while.

“Zoey,” Hayato called out to her.

“Hmm?” She looked up from her phone.

In the distance, she could see fighting up ahead. Magjistars and a daemon were fighting. But that couldn’t be right. According to the frog lady at the counter, no one else picked up this before them, but why is there a group of magjistars taking on the daemon they were hired to take care of?

“Should we…?” Hayato flashed his sword and gestured in front of his throat.

“I don’t kill people.” Zoey shook her head and told him with a firm stance.

“Right… You just brutally maim and cripple them.” Hayato rolled his eyes as he remembered the injuries of some of his clanmates. 

“There’s a difference.” Zoey didn’t like his tone.

“There’s mercy in killing someone. They don’t have to suffer anymore.” Hayato replied back.

“Depriving them of ever enjoying anything again is worse than ending their suffering.” Zoey stared Hayato in the eyes.

“Agree to disagree.” Hayato turned away.

“Hayato. You aren’t using my teachings to kill people, right?” Zoey asked.

Hayato didn’t even get the chance to think of a response to that ridiculous question before taking the full brunt of Zoey’s killing intent. He froze solid. Sweat dripped down his forehead as every inch of his body screamed at him to flee. But he knew he wasn’t in any real danger. Zoey was violent, rash, and brutish but not the type to hurt those she considers her friends unless you count training. Regardless of what his mind knew, his body did not get the message. He was like a cat facing a larger predator. Hair-raised up, claws showing, and ready to slash despite his fear.

To think someone as naive as this was also so powerful… Hayato couldn’t understand it. He loathed that someone like her had so much power but such a weak mindset! He wanted that power! But in the end, it was not he who was granted monstrous talent. Zoey was stronger than his father. Even after his inhuman training with her, he still had no confidence in being able to defeat his father.

His pride shouted at him to rebel. His pride yelled at him not to take this treatment from some unknown gully who happened to have enough talent and luck to get noticed and nurtured by Victor Khan, of all people. However, Hayato’s instincts to survive muffled the screeches of his pride. He knew that if his feelings ever got out to Zoey, he would never accomplish anything. All this power he’s gained, thanks to that tortuous training, would vanish into the wind just as he was starting to get the hang of it. And this was only the beginning! She still had so much more to teach him! 

That would be impossible if she stopped now. Out of all of her techniques, he’s only learned Twisting Force and barely at that. He hated it with all of his being. It went against everything he’s ever been taught as the Hanma Clan heir. But, if he had to go around saving people and helping people at the risk of his own health and safety for the sake of more power. Fine. How hard could it be to save the lives of miserable insignificant ants? It's easy enough to take them or watch them die. Helping them couldn’t be that much harder, right?

“No, I haven’t…” Hayato bit his lip to the point that it bled just to respond while under Zoey’s killing intent.

For a woman of such naivety, she has enough killing intent to rival or even surpass his own father. It’s genuinely astonishing that one could gain so much bloodlust from just killing daemons. Hayato had to admit. He underestimated the prowess of daemons compared to magjistars. Zoey’s got this far killing daemons alone while he’s trained all of his life to assassinate magjistars. He doesn’t even reach a fraction of her kill count. Even when she brought herself to his level of power, she still managed to defeat him with those human martial arts.

“I’m sorry. I got a little worked up when I thought about you using what I’ve taught you to kill people even after what I did to your clan.” Zoey looked away.

“I’m not stupid enough to do something like that,” Hayato remembered clearly how she tore through his clan of professional magjistar assassins.

“Yeah, I didn’t think you were either.” She gave a small smile. “I kind of understand how it's hard to break long-time habits. Killing might be that for you, but I’ll do my best to stop you from killing anyone.” Zoey didn’t have personal experience with a long-time habit, but she’s read some stuff online.

“You don’t have to worry. I have full control of my actions.” Hayato was worried that her trying to stop him might just end up having him comatose like his father.

“I’m fine with helping.” Zoey rubbed her arm.

“It’s okay. I got it.” Hayato wanted no part of her help. 

“Alright, let’s go talk with these guys then.” Zoey took the lead.

“About time you two stopped arguing! I didn’t realize you could be so scary, Zoey.” The fairie flew over to them.

“Sorry, Tink,” Zoey told them. 

Zoey and Hayato watched from a distance as the group of four magjistars took on the agile long-legged daemon. They spotted them but continued their battle against the daemon while keeping their guard up. To help ease their fears, Zoey sat on the sandy beach and silently watched. Hayato did no such thing and similarly raised his guard.

“You don’t need to be so intimidating. Your magji makes you immune to anything you’re aware of. Come on, sit with me.” Zoey patted the sand next to her with Tink sitting on top of her head.

“I politely refuse.” Hayato denied her request.

“Boo.” Zoey stoically responded.

“Yeah, boo.” Tink gave him a double thumbs down, and for some reason, that really grated on Hayato’s nerves. Zoey was one thing, but this insignificant creature dares?! “He looks like he wants to kill me. Too bad, I got Zoeyyy.” Tink began dancing on top of Zoey’s head, taunting Hayato.

“You don’t really want to do that, right?” Zoey looked at him, unsure.

“Of course not.” Hayato lied through his teeth. “How could I want to slice that cute little thing into pieces? It’s just like a child.” 

“Yeah, look at me.” Tink continued dancing at Hayato.

“Thing?” Zoey looked at Hayato.

“You don’t really consider that to be a person, too, do you?” Hayato was reaching his breaking point.

“You don’t?” Zoey took a deep sigh as she was starting to realize some very startling things about someone she calls a friend.

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