Life Isn’t So Simple Anymore.

Chapter 130: Brother & Sister Time.

Comment/Review the story, readers, and give me ideas on possible skills, situations, developments, etc., of things you want to see! No guarantees that I will add what you want. But it helps to have ideas out there. Please point out any mistakes you notice or anything you're not clear about. I'll try to answer them and fix them to the best of my abilities.

“Don’t tell me that’s all you got.” Zoey looked down at her teenage brother, that was quickly entering his growth spurt at the start of his early teens.

“No way! I can definitely keep going, guys! I won’t stop until my arms can’t move any more!” Everett responded to both her and his stream, recording them.

Everett’s fists honed in the punch mitts like heat-seeking lasers. He had the accuracy, speed, and sharpness to keep up with Zoey’s demands. A satisfying sharp, and crisp sound sounded out every time his fist landed on the punch mitts. Occasionally, Zoey would throw back some punches at Everett so he didn’t have tunnel vision while attacking. He needed a healthy balance between offense and defense.

The pop of Zoey’s hitting his nose was clearly heard and seen by everyone on stream. Everett’s face bounced back from the impact as he got mad at himself. “I even saw it coming, but I couldn’t react in time! It’s like my body wouldn’t move the way I wanted it to move!” He tried to rub his nose but forgot he had boxing gloves on.

“Your legs aren’t moving as they should, or you need to strengthen your body,” Zoey told him. It was the first one, but she was interested in what he thought the problem was.

“My footwork?” He laughed through the pain as blood dripped down his nose for the viewers watching.

“You want to keep going?” Zoey asked as a donation was being read from Everett’s stream.

“Devil Empress, please go easy on the Devil Prince! My heart can’t take it seeing him like this!” The feminine robotic voice read out.

“Hey, your room looks different from the past streams? Did you guys move or something?” A creepy question but possibly innocent question was asked.

“Hey! I came for KingoftheUnderworldgaming! Not KingoftheUnderworld REAL LIFE VLOG SERIES!” 

For the most part, Zoey and Everett engaged with the donators in the middle of their practice. They didn’t respond to everything but most of them. It was planned to be a short stream from the beginning, as Everett just wanted to hang out with his sister, who he hadn’t seen in a week and was worried about. What better way to hang out with her than doing something they both enjoyed? He deliberated asking her to play some games with him on stream but decided not to do that.

By the time the stream was ended, Everett was completely exhausted. Zoey opened up the window to let some nice evening breeze into her room, only to be surprised as Tink flew their way in. 

“Hey, Zoey! Hey, human-related to Zoey!” Tink excitedly flew around her room. “I have been waiting forever to come inside, but I saw that you two were doing something with that phone, and Tink can’t be caught on camera, or I might get punished.” They frequently switched focus between Zoey and Everett. “I was confused about what you two were doing, and then I realized you were helping your relative to get stronger, right?! It looked so cool! I didn’t realize fighting could look so cool! I always thought it was scary. Every fairie avoids fighting, but for some reason, I feel like I want to learn how to fight too! Isn’t that strange? I feel like it's wrong for me to want to learn how to fight, but at the same time, I’m burning to try!” Tink began throwing super-quick punches while flying.

Everett looked at the flying magji creature in pure amazement. He didn’t hear a word they said as he inspected every inch of the glowing, flying, and naked humanoid person. She had little breasts on top of her chest, so Everett assumed that this Tink was a girl. There was nothing in between her legs from what he could see, and yes, he looked multiple times. She was like a doll down there. He may be a thirteen-year-old boy with a girlfriend, but that didn’t mean he could control where his eyes looked. Naked girl was naked girl. Her size didn’t really matter. But there was something more important than this magic girl being naked in front of him.

This was someone from the magic world! The world that Everett only heard about from Zoey! The world that he had never stepped foot in or seen any part of except briefly when Zoey was training in that weird magic state that made her hair float up and her body bulk up like she was a professional bodybuilder. He couldn’t keep his eyes off her.

“My moves were pretty good, huh? I know I’m pretty amazing. I might even be a fighting prodigy.” Tink crossed their arms as they floated in front of Everett with a haughty appearance.

“W-Wha?” Everett snapped out of his stunned state as she actually spoke to him.

“My name is Tink. I’m Zoey’s friend! A fairie that’s actually friends with a magjistar!” Tink proudly claimed.

“I-I’m Everett. I’m her brother.” He introduced himself.

“You’re not magji. How can you be her brother?” Tink questioned.

“We have the same mom and dad, so we’re brother and sister.” He explained.

“Yeah, but Zoey has magji. Why don’t you?” It didn’t make sense to Tink.

“I don’t know.” Everett would love to be magic too!

“Hmmmmmmmm?” Tink flew over close to him and kissed him on the cheek, much to his shock. “Yep, all nine of your magji gates are still sealed like any other regular human. I don’t get it at all.” Tink shrugged and gave up.

“Can you unseal them!?” Everett excitedly asked.

“Nope. I don’t know if anyone can do that. If that was possible, magjistars would unseal the magji gates of humans and turn them into magjistars to help eradicate the daemons.” Tink told him.

“The barrier between non-magji people and the magji world would break down as well, probably…” Inner Zoey mumbled. 

Zoey was thinking that maybe she could do something with that information, but no matter how hard she thought, it was impossible. Overdraft allowed her to forcefully unlocked her sealed magji gates, but using Overdraft was only possible if a person could use magji in the first place. It also took a fuck ton of mahna control to use properly without crippling and fucking up the body of the person using it. If there was a way to use a magji technique like Overdraft on another person, maybe Zoey could awaken normal humans as magjistars as long as they survived using Overdraft and could get healed afterward.

“So I can’t ever use magic?” Everett sounded sad.

“Nope! You’ll be a regular human forever!” Tink didn’t even give him the slightest chance to hope.

“Tink, How about I help you learn how to fight?” Zoey decided to change the subject. They were breaking her little brother’s heart and dreams all at once.

“Really?!” Tink flew over to Zoey and rapidly flew around her in a circle.

“Yeah, but first, tell me why’d you come over.” Zoey was curious.

“I wanted to hang out with my first magjistar friend after you saved my life! I couldn’t find you even after looking for you for a whole week! Some weird magji made it impossible for me to track you even with my mark!” Tink explained.

“You saved her life?” Everett wanted to hear what happened.

Before Tink could very willingly and happily explain what happened, Zoey cut her off. “I don’t want to talk about it.” She spoke in a serious tone that even Tink could understand. “I’m sorry I can’t talk about it now, but we can talk about some other magji cases I went on.”

“Is that why you went on a mental health vacation like Dad said?” Everett asked.

“Yes. It’s still hard for me to talk about it, so I kinda don’t want to talk about it at all.” She honestly told him.

“Okay…” Everett’s never seen his sister act like this, and he’s been with her even when she’s had some terrible fights with Mom.

“I’ll tell you when you’re older. I promise.” Zoey gave a weak promise.

“Alright. No pressure.” He smiled, trying to lighten the mood. “I’m fine with hearing some other stories.”

“Hehehe.” Tink arrogantly giggled. “Well, do I have some stories for you!” They placed their hands on their hips.

Mahna flowed from Tink’s body like dust. She held on to Zoey and used some of her mahna to help create moving pictures of some of their adventures. The mahna dust formed the shapes of the characters in the memory as Tink narrated over it. Zoey’s dust figure was a small humanoid-shaped thing with boxing gloves around her fists. Her magjistar friends also had one object that made their characters different from one another. Alexander had his pink hair, Lindsay had her glasses, Joseph had his blindfold, and Hayato was missing in the stories. Zoey smiled as it seemed Tink understood she didn’t want to think about him.

“Thank you.” Zoey quietly thanked them.

“Anything for my friend,” Tink responded back.

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