Life Isn’t So Simple Anymore.

Chapter 134: Getting in Trouble with the Magji Law.

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“What? Under arrest for what?” Zoey was dumbfounded.

There was no way this was real, right? They were not serious. They couldn’t be serious. Zoey refused to believe on any level this was an actual real thing happening right now.

Max and Cody raised themselves up to block the incoming magji spells firing at her, and Zoey couldn’t help but laugh in disbelief. No way. They were genuinely trying to arrest her. These old-fashioned, stubborn, racist motherfuckers were seriously trying to arrest her!

“Zoey Benjamin Winters. You are hereby under arrest for treason against The Council, treason against the magji world, causing sedition amongst the public, incitement amongst the public, and, if I read your record correctly, resisting arrest soon.” Arthur didn’t crack a smile as he brandished justice as his weapon.

Zoey’s body violently shook in rage as she heard her ‘crimes’ listed out. Treason, sedition, and incitement? She didn’t even know what two of those words meant but knew for damn sure she’s been acting like a good little magjistar since she got off her punishment! Zoey hasn’t done a damn fucking thing but tried to help the magji world, and these assholes thought that she was trying to bring them down?! Did they think she took on cases to bring The Council or magji world down!?

“Zoey! We both know you’re innocent! Snap out of it! We got to get out of here!” Tink flew in front of her.

Tink’s small body was slightly bulked up. Their long straight blonde hair rose to the air, dark blue veins pulsated all across their skin, and a visible aura of mahna surrounded them. These were all signs of Overdraft! A dangerous and life-threatening magji technique that Zoey did not teach Tink at all. 

“Basic Volume I: Gust!” Tink had their palms held out as a large twisting blast of wind shot out toward the incoming shocked magjistars.

“Is that a fairie using a spell on us?!” All of the magjistars couldn’t believe what they were seeing.

“Right…” Zoey didn’t comment on the pleasure she felt at seeing the magji cops get sent flying into the air as she grabbed Tink and Dashed away.

Zoey carefully held Tink within her gloves and ran back inside the amusement park. Zoey was flung backward as she slammed face-first into something very hard as she was about to leap over a gate. She fell on her ass with an assortment of swears as she rubbed her aching nose. Looking up, Zoey could see nothing was there until she infused mahna into her eyes. There was a gigantic barrier made of mahna or magji surrounding the entire park. As far as she could see, there was no leaving this place by trying to run away. She also doubted these fuckers would give her the chance to try and shatter it with brute force either.

“Owie, your magji technique really hurts, Zoey… There's nowhere on my body that doesn't hurt!” Tink felt the side effects of forcefully unlocking one of their magji gates.

It overloaded their body with mahna. An amount of mahna that it wasn’t used to containing or using. Zoey couldn’t help but curse. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! What did I do that was so wrong!? I just wanted to help people, and I get this as thanks!? No good deed gets unpunished was for bad guys! I’m not even a bad guy!” Zoey’s anger was rising to its limits.

“Zoey Winters, there’s no escape. Surrender yourself to the might of Justice!” The magji cops caught up with spells ready to fire.

“First, I tried being friends with a sociopath. Then I tried going out of my way to stop a bunch of people from getting hurt. And when I decided to hang up being a good bitch, I’m suddenly being arrested for shit I doubt I ever did!” Zoey’s mahna was responding to her anger. It bubbled inside of her as the magjistars slowly closed in and around her. 

“It’ll be easier for everyone, including your loved ones, if you surrender here. Then no one gets hurt.” Arthur said as if he didn’t just threaten the safety of the people Zoey cared about.

Something snapped inside of Zoey. This reminded her of when she was surrounded and ganged up on by those daemons planning to attack the magji world. They tried to use her family’s lives to control her as well. It was kind of funny now that she thought about it.

Zoey looked at the magjistars, still closing in on herself. Was it ironic that magjistars employed the same bullshit as the daemons they consider so stupid and lesser? It did help her understand that the two species weren’t that different, something that she already knew about. But it really, really fucking pissed her off that the people whose side she was on were more worried about her than doing actual good. 

“I’m going to restrain you now. Don’t make any sudden movements.” A magji cop told her.

Zoey’s arm blurred as the man attempted to wrap some snakes around her wrists. His face caved in as he was sent flying into his allies. Zoey took a deep breath as she realized that there was probably no coming back from this. They’ve already planted false charges on her. In the eyes of the magji world, she was probably already an unredeemable criminal.

“Subdue her!” Arthur commanded.

If Victor could bring down the heads of the previous people that ran the OM. Zoey didn’t think that her chances to do the same were impossible. Although, she was a little bit worried. It seemed that just taking out the people in charge only had them replaced by similar people doing the same shit. Maybe the magji world just wasn’t for her. Should she see Caroline about becoming a monk to gain experience fighting daemons?

Zoey placed Tink in her pocket as multiple spells were sent flying her way. “Boxing Series: Playful Boxing.” Zoey dropped her arms to her sides as she ran toward the nearest magjistar. She held none of her strength back as she usually did when fighting and could clearly see the spells. With some well-timed parries of her cursed gloves, Zoey sent some of the spells toward other magjistars, which caused some panic within their encirclement.

Zoey unleashed her frustrations on the Council’s men. A devastating hook across the jaw sent a man spiraling through a wooden cut-out of one of the park's mascots—an organ rearranging blow to the guts that dropped a female magjistar to tears. A jab to the chin stunned a man long enough for Zoey to grab him from behind as multiple spells aimed at her hit him instead.

“Rearrange yourselves! She didn’t complete all of her cases with a 90% success rate by luck!” Arthur yelled.

The phrase floated like a cheetah and stung like an elephant, matched Zoey perfectly as she rampaged through the ranks of the highly trained magjistars. Even when she used the fallen bodies of their co-workers, they got over their initial hesitation the more she used it. Eventually, she had to stop when they were more than willing to viciously harm their friends with spells. Zoey was sure they would die if she kept it up.

Seeing that they would be willing to go so far just to get her pissed her off even more. ‘Mahna Gathering Bomb.’ Zoey began to teleport around the group in quick succession. She landed accurate piercing blows on the magjistars. Each magjistar hit by her would drop in a single hit from her.

Arthur’s calm expression began to change as he saw how efficiently the child was taking down his men and the strange, brightly glowing magji orb floating in the sky. He narrowed his eyes as he looked closer at what was happening. Each time the girl hit his men, some of their mahna would be expelled from their bodies. That mahna would float up toward the orb and grow in size.

Considering the girl had some sort of magji tool that allowed her to teleport with little delay, she stole the mahna of his men in quick succession to fuel whatever magji technique that was. Arthur was getting a bad feeling from that floating orb in the sky. At first, it was so small that he didn’t even notice it. Then when he did notice it, it was the size of a person’s head. Now it growing large enough to engulf one of the giant gully machines nearly!

Arthur couldn’t sit by and watch anymore. Zoey Winters was more of a threat than her file suggested. He even brought an excessive number of men to completely overwhelm her based on the information from her file. It infuriated him that he was forced to deal with a little girl personally. His men needed far more training if they couldn’t even put down one child.

Arthur stepped forward and held out his palm. He locked his eyes on Zoey’s rapidly vanishing figure. “Restraint Volume II: Chains of Restraint!” Metal chains materialized out of his palm and shot forward like giant living snakes. The girl saw them and quickly stopped her assault on his men.

Arthur only smiled as he saw her punch them, and a shocked look appeared on her face when nothing happened. The chains wrapped around her limbs and held her in the air. Arthur motioned for the chains to return, and soon he had Zoey Winters floating in front of him, completely restrained. She was struggling as hard as she could, but even with that absurd strength, there was no breaking free of his chains. Arthur’s smile grew wider as he tightened the chains.

“This is the price for resisting Justice.” Arthur tightened the chains even more as Zoey cried out in pain.

“Stop hurting my friend, you… you… you bald motherfucker!” The fairie screamed.

Arthur was shocked as he felt his fingers being twisted to unnatural degrees. He scowled in infinite rage as his eyes were not playing tricks on him. That fairie was indeed harming a magjistar! An insignificant magji creature whose purpose was only to serve magjistars was going against its creators? Those that give its life reason and purpose!?

“Die, you failure of an insect.” Arthur sent a chain to pierce through the fairie hiding in Zoey’s pocket.

“What is with you magjistars thinking you’re better than others!?” Zoey’s body exploded with mahna as she tapped into Overdraft. She caught the chain heading toward Tink and glared at Arthur with fury.

His chains whined and creaked from the strength coming off of her body. He could see them visibly reaching their breaking point as she flexed her muscles. Arthur couldn’t believe it. This child couldn’t have enough mahna and magji to compare to an A-Grade magjistar like himself. It was impossible. This went against everything that his Justice stood for. A lowly criminal would not get the opportunity to defy him!

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