Life Isn’t So Simple Anymore.

Chapter 141: The Council’s Speech.

Comment/Review the story, readers, and give me ideas on possible skills, situations, developments, etc., of things you want to see! No guarantees that I will add what you want. But it helps to have ideas out there. Please point out any mistakes you notice or anything you're not clear about. I'll try to answer them and fix them to the best of my abilities.

Members of the magji community gathered as one on the day of The Council's public address. Magjistars from all corners of the region came to hear what The Council had to say. Fairies were sent out in large numbers to deliver messages, inviting all magjistars to attend as The Council had important news to share.

"Are you sure I should be here?" Everett wondered, feeling a slight sense of worry.

"It's probably going to be about your sister. I don't see why you wouldn't need to hear this," Elizabeth reassured him, holding his hand to ensure he wouldn't get lost or taken away.

"Even if something happened to Zoey, it's not like I can do anything about it..." Everett expressed his helplessness, knowing he could never do magji, as Tink had told him.

"That's true. You're just a regular human, after all," Tink chimed in with a hint of happiness.

"Shut up, fairie! My boyfriend can do whatever he sets his mind to," Elizabeth defended Everett, squeezing his hand tightly.

"Ow." Everett winced as his hand hurt.

"Sorry!" Elizabeth quickly released her grip.

"I'm just stating the truth," Tink shrugged, reminding Everett of Zoey's mannerisms.

"It's okay, Elizabeth," Everett tried to diffuse the tension.

However, Tink wasn't entirely wrong. Based on the stories he had heard from Tink and confirmed with Elizabeth, the world of magji was much more dangerous than he had initially thought. He felt like a naive child when he remembered his earlier fantasies of fighting daemons with his boxing skills, inspired by Zoey. The reality of being a magjistar, as described by Tink, was far more terrifying. Hearing about some of the brutal cases from Tink's firsthand experiences, Everett's enthusiasm for magji significantly waned. He began to see his sister in a different light, realizing the risks she exposed herself to. He couldn't pinpoint the exact differences between Zoey the magjistar and Zoey, his older sister, but he knew they existed.

Everett didn't believe his relationship with his sister had irreversibly changed just because he knew she was skilled in combat and fighting monsters. The realization had simply exposed a new side of her that he had no idea about. He remembered Zoey mentioning that she had learned boxing to protect herself from other magjistars. However, the stories he heard from Tink painted a different picture. It seemed that self-defense had transformed into something else entirely. Zoey had become a different person from the sister he had grown up with.

"I'm not upset about it," Everett assured Elizabeth.

"You sound upset about it," Elizabeth looked at him with concern.

"Doing magji would be cool, but from what I've heard so far, I'm not a big fan of the magji world..." Everett rubbed the back of his head.

"It's not all bad, trust me," Elizabeth tried to convince him.

"I don't think it's all bad, Elizabeth. It's just not for me, based on what I've heard."

"That fairie has been putting thoughts in your head, hasn't it?" Elizabeth glared at Tink.

"Pbbbbt!" Tink blew a raspberry, teasing Elizabeth from atop Everett's hair.

"I will destroy you, fairy," Elizabeth clenched her fist.

"Try it, shorty," Tink laughed.

Just as Elizabeth was about to lunge and catch Tink, the crowd grew louder. People were all around them, and no matter which direction they looked, there were people. A massive crowd of magjistars eagerly awaited The Council's address. The two middle schoolers looked up at the podium and saw a group of important-looking people taking the stage. Due to their height, they couldn't get a clear view of the stage, thanks to all the adults in the crowd.

"There's The Council!"

"I just realized this is my first time seeing them in person."

"They're a lot more ordinary than I thought."

"I thought they would be famous magjistars like Victor or Kali, but I don't recognize any of them..."

"Who's that guy with white hair?"

"It looks like he's about to speak!"

"Ladies and gentlemen," Xavier addressed the crowd.

"Esteemed members of society," the other Heads stood beside him.

"Today, we gather before you, the pillars of our great world, to address certain concerns that have recently arisen among the populace. We understand that there is unease, confusion, and fear in the hearts of our fellow citizens. We acknowledge these sentiments and assure you that we are here to provide answers and a path toward stability and security.

However, we must be transparent and forthcoming in our communication. There is an issue, a known threat that seeks to disrupt the harmony we have worked so diligently to achieve. We have devoted all our resources to investigating this matter, which has caused many of you distress. Today, we bring you the truth, the bitter truth that demands our collective attention." Xavier's voice grew louder, emphasizing his words.

"After conducting extensive investigations involving B-Grade, A-Grade, and C-Grade magjistars, we can conclude that there is no imminent attack or any such threat. Our community is as safe as it has always been and will continue to be. Each member of The Council is willing to put our lives on the line to ensure everyone's safety." Xavier spoke with kindness and reassurance.

"Now, before we address any questions, we must acknowledge a regrettable incident that has unfolded within our world. We have apprehended a criminal, a magjistar who seeks to disrupt everything The Council has done to ensure the safety of every man, woman, and child. We want to emphasize that this violent villain willingly played a role in the events leading up to this public announcement." Xavier held his head high.

"Our world, dear citizens, is under siege from this adversary, an entity that threatens the very fabric of our existence with its traitorous ways. By focusing on the criminal's actions, we aim to provide context and help you understand the gravity of the situation. Together, we must unite our efforts and rally behind a common cause, for it is only through collective action that we can face this menace." Xavier clenched his fist, demonstrating his determination.

"We stand before you, noble citizens, as your guardians, your protectors. We understand that you place your trust in us, and we do not take that responsibility lightly. We have made difficult decisions in the best interest of our beloved nation, and unfortunately, the villain has become the cause of all this chaos. They have spread false information to sow terror in the hearts of our people. They have injured dozens of our finest men and women who work tirelessly to protect us all." A group of bandaged and injured magjistars dressed in black uniforms joined Xavier on stage.

"Look at what this monster has done to innocent men and women who simply wanted to uphold the peace. To protect all of you, innocent people!" Xavier raised his voice. "And if this wasn't enough, they have even sown thoughts of violence among our own people. They have corrupted those among us, leading them astray into destruction, chaos, and terror!" The injured magjistars began to leave the stage.

"In these challenging times, we call upon your faith in our leadership and our collective resilience. We assure you that every decision we make is with the utmost care and consideration for your well-being. We are aware of the sacrifices you all make to keep the world of magji running and safe for all of us. It is in your best interest that we present this narrative." Xavier's passionate voice lowered slightly in intensity.

"Let us come together, dear citizens, unified by a common purpose. Let us set aside skepticism and mistrust, for it is only through unity that we can triumph over adversity. As your leaders, we shoulder the burden of protecting our nation and securing a brighter future for all." Xavier smiled.

"We plan to hold a public trial for the criminal who has caused so much unease and fear. Your voices will be heard, and they will matter as we all decide the fate of the one who seeks to destroy everything we have created. Let us confront this challenge head-on, resolute in our determination, and emerge victorious, stronger than ever before. The world of magji shall not fall for any reason! Our unity will guide us, and our resolve will remain unwavering. Thank you all for listening."

The applause from the crowd nearly deafened Everett's ears. He and Tink covered their ears due to the overwhelming noise. Everett would have found the speech impressive if it weren't for the fact that they were talking about his sister, who he believed was being falsely accused. Zoey couldn't possibly be involved in all the things that were being said. She wasn't smart enough to be a big-time criminal. He even had to help her with her homework sometimes instead of the other way around. Something was off about the accusations, and Everett sensed it. He believed his sister was being framed.

Elizabeth hugged Everett tightly and snuggled closer to him. "Don't worry, Everett. I'll make sure nothing bad happens to my sister-in-law, even if I have to threaten my father to help her." Everett felt his body calming down. His heart rate slowed, and the anger that had consumed him began to subside.

"Thank you, Eli." Everett took a deep breath. He may feel useless, but he knew his girlfriend certainly wasn't.

"Hey, kids. Didn't mean to interrupt your little lovers' moment, but do you mind if I talk to you for a bit?" A large man stood over them.

"Who are you, asshole?" Elizabeth got defensive and positioned herself in front of Everett, ready to use her family's magji.

"Settle down, Princess Sinclair. I'm on that kid's side," he said, pointing to Everett.

"Who are you?" Everett had never met this man before.

"It's better if we talk elsewhere." He placed his hand on the two kids, and they suddenly disappeared.

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