Life Isn’t So Simple Anymore.

Chapter 146: Things Are Heating Up!

Comment/Review the story, readers, and give me ideas on possible skills, situations, developments, etc., of things you want to see! No guarantees that I will add what you want. But it helps to have ideas out there. Please point out any mistakes you notice or anything you're not clear about. I'll try to answer them and fix them to the best of my abilities.

The day of Zoey Winter’s trial was fast approaching. No one didn’t know of the trial and did not plan to go see the outcome. Although everyone already knew the outcome of the trial, it was a spectacle rarely seen in the world of magji. It gave something for people to focus their attention on and happily discuss with strangers, neighbors, and family. Rarely was there something important enough in Luminaurora to have everyone talking about it. 

“It's all fucking bullshit.” Jacky Collins slammed her soda on the table. “There’s no way that bitch did all that bullshit they’re saying.” 

“I don’t see why you’re so wound up about it. What does that girl have to do with you?” Cassie carefully wiped her magji tool in the form of a water gun down. 

“It has everything to do with me! If that bitch wasn’t talking crazy, then we’re going to be attacked by daemons soon, and no one gives a shit because they’re listening to those Council losers.” Jacky shouted.

“Still don’t see why it matters. If they attack, they attack. If they don’t, they don’t.” Cassie didn’t get it.

“It would be pretty messed up if they locked her up and she was telling the truth.” Timmy adjusted his monkey mask.

“It is rather suspicious…” Kara couldn’t help but say. “We’ve seen nothing or heard nothing from Zoey Winters. Even regular criminals get the chance to say their side of what happened from the reporters at LT.” She noted.

“Does it matter if she’s innocent or guilty? Have you all forgotten what she’s done to us? The fact that someone like that hasn’t been jailed sooner is the real crime.” Tara sipped some apple juice.

“Looks like someone’s diaper is still full because Winters beat up your girlfriend.” Jacky laughed.

“Shut up! I’m not gay!” Tara stood on top of her chair and shouted.

“Unless you want someone to shut your mouth for you, I would recommend you shut up.” Lea partially unsheathed her daemonic sword.

“Guys, let’s settle down.” Tristan politely requested as his overflowing hair bristled behind him. “We can discuss things without resorting to insulting each other or fighting.”

“I’m on Zoey’s side. She saved my life, so I’m more likely to believe her than some Council I never even saw before that speech.” Tiara Shadows shrugged.

“That’s what I’m saying. Who the fuck cares what The Council says? They’re nothing but a lucky bunch of rats that only got that position because Victor Kahn killed the old ones for fucking with Winters.” Jacky repeatedly slapped the table.

“I wonder why they’re willing to go this far against Winters when they’ve already seen what happened to the previous leaders…” Kara muttered.

“What if they’re using her as a hostage or something?” Timmy suggested.

“An S-Grade magjistar is too strong for something like that to work.” Cassie giggled at the thought of something so basic working on a top magjistar.

Lea, who had been quiet until now, spoke up with a serious expression on her face. "Regardless of whether Winters is guilty or innocent, we should be concerned about the larger picture. The growing number of daemons gathering together is unprecedented, and it's clear that something is happening. If Winters's claims have any truth to them, we can't afford to ignore the opportunity to kill those daemons."

Tristan nodded in agreement. "Lea's right. Our focus shouldn't solely be on Winters's trial but on the implications it has for our trust in The Council and the safety of Luminaurora. If the daemons are truly planning an attack, we need to be prepared, regardless of what the Council says or what happens to Zoey."

Jacky slammed her hand on the table again, emphasizing her point. "About damn time you said something that made sense! If the Council is too busy sucking farts out of each other’s asses, then it's up to us to kick some daemon ass."

Tara, calming down from her earlier outburst, nodded in agreement. "I may not like the bitch, but I also don't want to see our city overrun by daemons."

Kara ran her hand over the body of her sheathed sword, contemplating their words. "Perhaps it's time we take matters into our own hands. We can't rely solely on the Council or the media to inform us or protect us. We have the skills, the knowledge, and the will to make a difference."

Timmy stood up as he excitedly chimed in, "I say we form a group, a team dedicated to defending Luminaurora. We'll train together, waiting for the day the daemons attack, and when the daemons attack, we kick their asses. We’ll be big damn heroes who saved the lives of everyone in Luminaurora! Everyone will know our names. We’ll be rewarded for doing The Council’s job for them. And lastly, WE’LL BE FUCKING HEROES!” Timmy shouted.

Jacky grinned as she stood up along with Timmy. "That’s fucking right! Instead of doing those boring ass cases, once we kill those daemon fucks planning to attack. We'll be the guardians of Luminaurora. They’ll have no choice but to make us S-Grade magjistars!"

The excitement of Timmy and Jacky slowly infected the others. Young, fearless, and hungry for acknowledgment. A quest as exciting and potentially rewarding as this was impossible not to be pumped for. Anyone their age would do the same as them when the only other option was to continue living their normal life as magjistars slowly climbing their way up the ladder. Why wait when they could shoot past anyone else around their age!?

“We need a plan! We can’t just go into this without using our brain cells!” Kara tried to reign them in as Cassie, Jacky, Timmy, and even Lea started talking about what they would do with their rewards.

“Kara is right. While it would be easy just to sit and wait, we need to prepare. Training together, choosing a safe place to put our families when the attack commences, and choosing a place to meet up to fight together.” Tristan added.

“I’ll let you losers think of all that stuff.” Jacky decided.

“That’s probably for the best.” Cassie laughed as Jacky growled at her. She shut up immediately after.

“Remember! We need to keep it low-key and on the down low. They might just try and lock us up like Winters if we go around spreading our plan.” Timmy reminded them.

“How annoying…” Tara scoffed.

The Sinclair estate was sprawled across a vast expanse of land, nestled amidst rolling hills and verdant meadows. It stood as a formidable stronghold, its architecture a testament to the family's long-standing history and unquestionable strength within the magji world.

The estate's main structure, a grand manor, commanded attention with its imposing facade and intricate details. Built of sturdy stone, the manor boasted tall towers, arched windows, and ornate carvings that depicted symbols of love throughout history. The walls stood as formidable barriers, fortified to withstand any assault.

A winding path led visitors through perfectly manicured gardens adorned with vibrant flowers and healthy trees, creating a tranquil atmosphere that belied the estate's underlying fortifications. Stone statues of legendary magjistars and revered ancestors dotted the landscape. Each statue had a different expression. Some were loving, happy, and laughing, while others were stern, solemn, or even furious gazes. It stood as a reminder of the family's rich heritage, and that love came in all sorts of different forms.

Within the walls of the estate, a bustling network of buildings and structures hummed with activity. Training grounds, where their family’s magjistars honed their skills, stretched far and wide. Sparring platforms were meticulously arranged, offering ample space for family members to practice their combat techniques and refine their magji abilities.

A labyrinthine library housed an extensive collection of spellbooks, grimoires, and ancient tomes. Row upon row of shelves, stacked high with knowledge, lined the walls, while comfortable reading nooks and study desks provided a sanctuary for quiet contemplation and research.

A training arena, enclosed within a massive dome, stood as a centerpiece of the estate. It reverberated with the sounds of combat and magji, a place for members of the family to showcase the extent of their love against one another, their movements violent and overflowing with heart.

Beyond the central structures, the estate expanded into the natural surroundings. Hidden groves and secluded gardens provided serene spaces for reflection and meditation.

The estate's defensive measures were discreetly integrated into its design. Protective traps, invisible to the untrained eye, shielded the grounds, ensuring the safety of its inhabitants. Magji traps, seamlessly blending with the landscape, awaited intruders, ready to spring into action and neutralize any threats.

The Sinclair estate exuded an aura of power and majesty, a testament to the family's deep connection to magji and their unwavering commitment to safeguarding their legacy. It stood as a sanctuary, a bastion of strength, where the Sinclair Family prepared themselves for the impending battle that possibly threatened their safety.

The Sinclair Family was bustling with activity as they prepared their defenses for the potential impending daemon attack. Every member of the family didn’t agree with the patriarch’s orders, but on the off-chance that he was correct and there was indeed going to be a daemon invasion. It would be better to have everything prepared than not. The training grounds were filled with family members, both young and old, engaged in rigorous combat exercises and honing their magji skills.

Lucas Sinclair, the patriarch of the family, took charge of leading everyone into what their duties were. The clashing of bodies on bodies echoed through the training grounds as Lucas encouraged his family to train hard. He didn’t know when the supposed attack would happen, but it would be good for the family to get a sense of urgency in their training anyway. They didn’t stay as one of the strongest families in the magji world by sitting around being complacent.

Meanwhile, Charlotte Sinclair, the matriarch, focused on ensuring that all the magji traps in their fortified estate were in prime condition. She, along with the family’s trusted magjismiths, meticulously inspected each trap, checking the mechanisms and reinforcing the magji that powered them with sufficient mahna. Charlotte wasn’t known for her expertise in magji traps, but she’s studied enough in her research about magji and mahna to get a general idea of what was happening.

As the preparations continued, William Sinclair, the younger brother of Lucus, oversaw the construction of a shelter within the estate. The shelter would serve as a safe haven for the noncombatants, providing them with protection and comfort during the imminent attack. William coordinated with the family's magjismiths to fortify the shelter with defensive magji tools, ensuring that it would be able to withstand an onslaught of the daemons.

Amidst the preparations, Elizabeth Sinclair, the current heir, was not feeling well. She had been feeling like shit for the past few days and couldn’t figure out why. Elizabeth’s stomach felt like it was doing circles. Her head has been killing her, and she felt dizzy sometimes. Why the hell did she have to go and get sick right when something big was going to happen? Especially when her Daddy’s been so busy, he wouldn’t have been able to keep an eye on her if she wanted to sneak out and do things with Everett.

“This is so fucking lame!!!” Elizabeth screamed into the phone.

“You got medicine?” Everett asked over the phone.

“Yeah, I got stupid medicine, but it ain’t doing shit for my fucking stomach. God, I can barely do anything but lay in bed and fucking eat. You know, bae, I’ve just been getting the weirdest cravings for shit I never even ate before. It's the weirdest fucking vibe, and it's totally not slay at fucking all.” Elizabeth let out her grievances without hesitation.

“Sounds like hell. I never heard of a sickness that made you want to eat stuff.” Everett noted.

“I fucking know, right!?” The two continued their conversation.

Deep within the confines of their hidden base, the daemons gathered in a dimly lit chamber. Snivellus, the slimy humanoid daemon, nervously poked his index fingers together, feeling the tension rise among the group. He knew the impending invasion would change everything for better or for worse.

Poison, the green-haired glasses-wearing daemonic beauty, stood confidently amidst the gathering. Her emerald-green hair cascaded over her shoulders, and her piercing gaze held a mix of determination and ferocity. She had been relentless in her quest to gather daemons and utilize them together on a united front. Seeing the results of her efforts brought a small smile to her face.

Vio, the forked-tongued daemon with piercings on his ears and tongue, observed the scene with a calculating gaze. Despite his skinny frame, he exuded an aura of strength and cunning. He now knew the importance of unity, especially after being with Poison for so long. Teaming up had provided him with newfound power. Power he never would’ve gained on his own.

Trickster shifted his body size from toddler-sized to similar to Muscle Brain, a testament to his unique ability. He played with the simpleton to keep his mind busy. He understood his role within the group. His only value was in his shapeshifting magji and clever mind.

Polly, the suit-wearing daemon with grey skin, exuded elegance and commanded attention. He gave a single clap that silenced the gathering of daemons, showcasing his power over magji. “We shall begin soon. Quiet down.” He ordered.

Muscle Brain, a monstrous daemon with bulging muscles that dominated his frame, echoed Polly's sentiments. He emphasized the need for them to shut up, his powerful voice reverberating through the underground chamber, leaving weaker daemons trembling in the aftermath.

In the midst of their preparations, a small white fox rested on Poison’s shoulder. This fox groomed itself without a worry in the world. It didn’t show signs of fear or anxiety staring at the large group of daemons below it. It was as if they were nothing more than ants beneath its paws.

“The hour is fast approaching when we shall unleash our wrath upon the world. We stand on the cusp of reclaiming our rightful position at the pinnacle of the food chain. No longer shall we skulk in the shadows, living in fear to eke out mere survival. The time has come for us to stride proudly upon the surface as free beings in command of our own lives.”

“Gone are the days of subservience and being subject to the whims of others. We shall feast upon the bounty of this world when we choose, not when we are forced. The magjistars, those who have belittled and subjugated us for far too long, will now kneel before our might. They shall become our willing slaves, our sustenance to fuel our growth and power. Let them understand the consequence of defiance: they risk becoming our next meal, torn apart and devoured without mercy!”

“Do you hear the cacophony of growls, roars, and shrieks that emanate from our ranks?! It is a symphony of defiance against the arrogance of the magjistars. They look upon us as mere mindless monsters fit only for extermination. They treat us like livestock, to be culled at their whim. But we shall prove them wrong! We shall demonstrate our intelligence and strength, ripping them apart limb from limb and devouring their hearts as a testament to our superiority!

No longer shall we be shackled by their delusions of dominance. The time for vengeance has arrived, and we shall show them the true meaning of fear. Let our enemies tremble at the sight of our united fury, for it is through our unity that our power is strongest. Together, we stand as an unstoppable force, ready to dismantle their fragile order and establish a new era where daemons reign supreme!”

“Embrace your hunger, my brethren, and let it fuel your determination. Let the fire of our righteous anger burn within you. The day of reckoning is upon us, and we shall not falter. We shall march forward, unyielding and resolute, until every trace of their dominance is erased from this world.”

“Now, let the earth shake with the thunderous war cries of our unified might! Let our collective fury be heard across the land, a deafening proclamation of our impending triumph! The daemons shall rise, and the world shall tremble in our wake!” The underground began to quake violently as the daemons cried to the heavens.

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