Life Isn’t So Simple Anymore.

Chapter 149: Zoey’s Final Decision.

Comment/Review the story, readers, and give me ideas on possible skills, situations, developments, etc., of things you want to see! No guarantees that I will add what you want. But it helps to have ideas out there. Please point out any mistakes you notice or anything you're not clear about. I'll try to answer them and fix them to the best of my abilities.

Shout-out to special Patreon members: Tuan Nguyen, Blacklionpride24

At first, Zoey planned to continue her words from earlier. Swearing them out, calling them out on their bullshit, and all that nonsense, but Zoey realized something with her conversation with herself. Why bother stressing herself out over people she doesn’t even give a shit about? Fuck it. Fuck the magji world. It was cool at first, but even then, she didn’t care about the magji world because of the people in it.

She cared about the magji world because of how much it helped her grow. Her skills, experience, and knowledge of the world grew the more she interacted with the world of magji. But at the end of the day, Zoey didn’t have to submit to their bullshit and become their fucking hunting dog. She could’ve gone out looking for daemons to fight anytime, and if she wanted to learn more about magji, Lindsay or Alexander would be fully up for helping her if she asked.

Now that she had the help of Prometheus, her accuracy in hunting daemons would be better than ever since she just had to rely on half-baked clues from the OM before. It would suck that the extra income she got from daemon hunting would stop but honestly… Zoey couldn’t believe she was saying this, but no money in the world was worth all this bullshit she’s gone through. Not if she wanted to keep her sanity intact.

And to be for real, Zoey was pretty sure she’s already jumped off the deep end in the mental department. ‘I think you’re exaggerating. You know what they say, two voices are better than one,’ Inner Zoey giggled in her head. ‘Or some shit like that.’ Zoey just sighed as she looked at the members of the council.

In the eyes of others, Harper, the Head of Internal Defense, exuded an air of authority and determination. With a lean and athletic build, she carried herself with confidence and purpose. Her sharp, piercing gaze seemed to dissect everything it fell upon, revealing a keen intellect behind her eyes. Harper's dark hair, cropped short and styled with precision, accentuated her no-nonsense attitude. She dressed in a tailored suit, the sharp lines mirroring her no-frills personality. A subtle scar running across her cheek served as a reminder of the battles she had fought and the strength she possessed. As she observed the uncontrollable factor, her gaze remained calm, concealing the storm of thoughts and calculations within her mind.

Tyson, the Head of Magji Defense, was a formidable presence that inspired fear and unease among his peers. Standing tall and muscular, he seemed to dominate any space he occupied. His cropped hair, always slightly unkempt, matched his rough demeanor. Tyson's piercing blue eyes held a glint of cruelty and aggression as if he derived pleasure from intimidating others. He often wore a permanent scowl on his face, his lips curling into a sneer that conveyed his contempt for those he deemed inferior. His broad shoulders and thick arms hinted at the raw strength he possessed, which he never hesitated to unleash when provoked. With a sneer on his face, he fixed his gaze upon Victor's student, enjoying the spectacle of her desperate attempts to prove her innocence.

Arthur, the Head of Justice, exuded an air of superiority that seemed ingrained in his every movement. With graying hair neatly combed back and a trimmed mustache that accentuated his perpetually smug expression, he epitomized arrogance. His piercing eyes, cold and calculating, seemed to look down upon all those around him. Arthur's refined attire, always impeccable, reflected his sense of self-importance. He carried himself with a rigid posture, refusing to yield or consider alternative viewpoints. His thin lips often curled into a condescending smile, revealing his disdain for those he perceived as beneath him. For a normally stoic man, a maniacal smile was stretched across his lips as he looked at the panicking Winters—the young girl who completely ruined his entire reputation just by being a freak like her teacher. His reputation as an unyielding enforcer of the council's rules that had earned him both respect and fear.

Xavier, the Head of Magji, possessed an air of control and authority that was palpable. Tall and imposing, he had a commanding presence that demanded attention. His well-groomed silver hair, slicked back with precision, added to his composed appearance. Xavier's sharp, penetrating gaze seemed to scrutinize every detail, reflecting his meticulous nature. He often wore tailored suits, impeccably pressed, that accentuated his professionalism and attention to detail. His expression, perpetually stoic, betrayed an unwavering determination to maintain control over every aspect of the magji world. He only looked down at Zoey with a small smile. It didn’t matter what she would say.

Daniel Star, a Clan Elder of the Star Clan and the Head of Safety, was a figure of wisdom and authority. With silver hair cascading down to his shoulders, he possessed an aura of serenity and experience. His kind eyes, framed by wrinkles that hinted at a life well-lived, radiated warmth and compassion. Daniel's traditional robes, adorned with intricate patterns that spoke of his lineage, reflected his deep connection to the ancient traditions and values of the Star Clan. Despite his advancing age, he stood tall and proud, his posture conveying strength and resilience. His calm and measured voice commanded respect and instilled a sense of security among those in his presence. A somber look filled his face as he looked down at Zoey. Did the young girl realize her fate was set from the start? A pity it took this long.

“Alright, I give up.” Zoey calmly announced. “You win.” She stared Xavier in the eyes.

“You plead guilty for all of your crimes? Is this what you are admitting to?” Xavier was genuinely surprised.

“That’s right. I’m done playing with you, people. You want me gone from your world, fine. I’ll leave and never come back. How does that sound?” Zoey didn’t realize what a weight off her shoulder it was to say this.

‘Noo! Come on! We can’t just leave! We’re losing if we do it like this! We like to win! This isn’t winning! This is running away!’ Inner Zoey whined like a spoiled brat.

“I’m afraid you might be mistaken about something, Winters. The punishment for your crimes isn’t going to end with some banishment. Your actions have done far more harm to innocent people than you might think.” Xavier explained to her.

"Lock her up! She's a menace to society!"

"She should have her magji gates sealed and banished!"

"Give her a taste of her own medicine! Break her like she broke others!"

"She's nothing but a criminal! She should be put down like the rabid gully she is!"

"Let her suffer the consequences of her actions! Justice must prevail!"

"Make her regret ever crossing us! We will ensure she lives a life of misery!"

"Her recklessness endangered innocent lives! She must be held accountable!"

The shouts continued, each magjistar voicing their own perspective and desire for retribution against Zoey. The room filled with tension and hostility as the weight of their collective anger and frustration bore down on her. 

‘See, they want us dead, tortured, and crippled! It's the right thing to kill these bastards like the trash they are.’ Inner Zoey whispered. ‘What kind of rational adults would say this kind of stuff to a child? We’re barely eighteen, and they want our entire lives to be taken for practically nothing.’ Zoey clenched her fists.

‘If they’re willing to do stuff like this to someone as innocent as us, imagine what they’re doing to people who aren’t as powerful as us. Think of Ari, who was punished just for simply thinking for herself. We don’t even know if she’s still alive! They could’ve killed her as a message to the others for simply not being brainwashed!’ Inner Zoey continued without hesitation.

Zoey’s nails dug into her palms as mahna slowly surged inside of her. Her body shook from anger, frustration, and rage. ‘I’m not a hero… I’m not a hero… I’m not a hero…’ Zoey chanted to herself in an effort to calm herself down. ‘You don’t have to be a hero to do the right thing.’

‘All of our strength and power should be used for ourselves, I agree. But it isn’t in our nature to avoid helping people out when we can. If someone was suffering or dying in front of us, we’d go help them, right?’ Inner Zoey asked.

“I couldn’t ignore them. I’m not some sort of monster…” Zoey responded.

“What was that? Please speak up if you have anything more to say. If not, we’ll be bringing this trial to a close.” Xavier’s lips stretched wider and wider.

‘We’re not saying that we shouldn’t leave this fucked up magji society, but before we leave, we should do some good. If we leave them be, there’s no telling when they’ll come after our family and friends. Look at those sick, twisted, sadistic motherfuckers. If we leave like this, how can we ever live in peace knowing these assholes are scheming and plotting to fuck with us? You aren’t retarded enough to think they’ll just let us leave in peace even if we break out of here, do you?’

“I guess you’re right…” Zoey let out a long breath. “I already killed one person to protect the people I care about. What’s a few more?” A bright light flashed from Zoey’s forehead as Overdraft activated.

The serpent shackles exploded in a gory mess of blood as Zoey tore it in half by simply stretching her arms. Her body which was originally already muscular, pumped up even further. Zoey’s hair was styled in extra jumbo twists, creating a stunning and bold look. Her voluminous twists rose above her shoulders, expressing her rising fury at the corruption. The twists were meticulously crafted, with each section expertly twisted from the roots to the ends, showcasing the precision and care put into her hairstyle. Zoey’s hair rose from the overflowing mahna escaping her body after unlocking seven of her magji gates—the natural limiter in all beings that restricted the body’s full potential. Frightening veins were visible all over her body as the pupils in her eyes disappeared.

“I’m not a hero, but doing good should be something every normal person does.” Zoey vanished from her original position on the ground and appeared in front of Xavier with her fist pulled back.

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