Life Isn’t So Simple Anymore.

Chapter 149.5 (Alternate End Part 1)

An alternate end to the Daemon Invasion Arc.

“What was that? Please speak up if you have anything more to say. If not, we’ll be bringing this trial to a close.” Xavier’s lips stretched wider and wider.

‘We’re not saying that we shouldn’t leave this fucked up magji society, but before we leave, we should do some good. If we leave them be, there’s no telling when they’ll come after our family and friends. Look at those sick, twisted, sadistic motherfuckers. If we leave like this, how can we ever live in peace knowing these assholes are scheming and plotting to fuck with us? You aren’t retarded enough to think they’ll just let us leave in peace even if we break out of here, do you?’

“I guess you’re right…” Zoey let out a long breath. “I already killed one person to protect the people I care about. What’s a few more?” Just as Zoey was about to say fuck everything, something happened…

The entire building started to shake as something came bursting through the roof. Screams, gasps, and shouts rang among the sound of the falling debris. Everyone looked up to avoid being crushed. Zoey’s mind was even briefly taken off of killing these fuckers as she had to jump, leap, and avoid the giant falling rocks. There was some sort of big wooden thing that crashed into the building. 

Zoey could tell there was more to whatever the thing was that crashed into the building. She felt like a fucking idiot as everything started to click in her head. The Wanderers have finally started their plan to save her from whatever punishment these motherfuckers had in mind. It looks like there was no need to dirty her hands personally…

‘Awh, what the fuck? I wanted to bust some heads!’ Inner Zoey whined.

Zoey’s personal warden suddenly appeared behind her with her rapier poking into her back, ready to kill at a moment’s notice. Selena glared at Zoey as she rapidly looked around to see any signs of enemies. Unfortunately, she wasn’t prepared for the enemies that suddenly teleported in the middle of the room. Several dozen magjistars chanted the words, “FOR FREEDOM!!!” before charging the magjistars who were looking over the trial.

It was quite a surprise to Zoey personally to see that they were more than willing to kill each other… Then again, they’re practically going against the government itself. It’d take a miracle for them not to be declared traitors to the OM like Zoey. Did she get herself caught up in a revolution, somehow trying to prevent everyone from dying? 

Speaking of revolution, where the fuck are the demons?! Zoey grimaced as she felt her warden’s sword poking deeper as she wrapped her arm around her neck, poking her little sword into Zoey’s ribs. It was at the perfect angle to pierce through her ribs and penetrate her heart. Now that she thought about it, was this the first time she played a helpless hostage? 

It wasn’t fun, but Zoey had a serious decision to make as all the magjistars were fucking killing each other! Should she let them continue or try and put a stop to the ridiculous bloodshed? ‘I mean, there’s fucking daemons about to attack soon. They’re weakening themselves before the daemons even got the chance, too!’ Zoey realized. ‘We should just wipe both sides out.’ Inner Zoey was a little excited at all the fighting.

Zoey was conflicted about whether to intervene or not. All the delicious experience she could rack up from these strong-looking magjistars… But Prometheus! He reminded her not to cause a mess on both sides, but what the fuck was she supposed to do when they were determined to kill themselves?!

“Zoey!” A silver-haired woman shouted as she saw her being held hostage.

Zoey would wave, but a magji snake was kind of wrapped around her hands, and a sword was poking into her trained, sexy side abs. She didn’t know who this woman was, but she seemed to know her and seemed concerned about her. “It’s me, Luna! The leader of The Wanderers!” She excitedly introduced herself. “Hey?” Luna texted like she was younger than she actually was.

Luna was a sexy older woman but texted like someone her age… What the hell was up with that? Zoey thought she was talking to someone around her age this whole time while she was locked up in prison after her brother called her. But it did make a little sense… How could someone so young be the leader of their own faction in the magji world?

‘We could be a kick-ass leader.’ Inner Zoey argued.

‘I’m not for social stuff…’ Zoey wasn’t a fan of the idea.

‘All we’d need is a skill from the box on leading or commanding, and we’ll be great at it!’ Inner Zoey retorted.

‘Eh, no thanks…’ Zoey still wasn’t a fan of the idea. It didn’t seem genuine to her.

“So this is why you didn’t seem that concerned in prison.” Selena Star’s husky voice flowed into Zoey’s ears.

“Kind of.” Zoey could’ve broken out anytime she wanted, probably.

“I knew it was strange that you didn’t seem bothered at all. I even told those idiots that it didn’t make sense that a traitorous criminal like you would be so unconcerned about their impending fate.” Selena clenched her fist in irritation.

“Selena Star… Or should I call you by your more well-known name, The Steel Serpent?” Luna narrowed her eyes at the swordsman.

“It doesn’t matter what you call me, traitor. There are only two options for all of you scum. Zoey Winter dies, or you all willingly accept being captured by the OM.” Selena stated.

“Pfft!” Zoey willingly tried to stifle her laugh after hearing that ultimatum.

“Shut it.” Selena slightly stabbed into her ribs, the cold blade shifting in between her ribs.

Startled that she was actually willing to hurt her as a hostage, Zoey accidentally headbutted Selena in response to the abrupt pain. Selena, not expecting this kind of response from a prisoner drained of most of their mana, was sent flying back into one of the high-backed chairs used by those who were watching the trial take place. “Nice one, Zoey, I’ll take it from here!” Luna didn’t waste this opportunity and immediately charged the disgruntled Selena Star.

Zoey flexed her side abs to the point where the exit point of the rapier was closed up through the pure physical force of her muscles! Haha, strength build was the shit! “I’ll take care of this for you…” A big bald guy crushed the head of the serpent shackles, draining her magji.

“Eugh!” Zoey gagged at the sight of the poor helpless snake’s head being crushed to a pulp and splurting blood all over her!

Killing daemons was one thing. Killing humans was another, but animals? It didn’t feel good to see. Zoey wasn’t one of those people who favored animal lives over humans, but like still. No one wanted to watch animals like die right in front of them. It just made your insides feel not right.

“Sorry. My name is Jax. I’m with the Wanderers…” He introduced himself.

“Well, thanks.” Inner Zoey wiped the blood of the snake on his shirt.

“Do you want me to get you out of here so you can recover? I know it's hard to adjust after having them on for so long.” Jax offered.

“Thanks, but let me check something first.” Zoey began stretching her body now that her mahna was slowly filling up within every part of her body.

She texted Prometheus on the whereabouts of the daemons or when they were going to strike. His response was a phone call, much to Zoey’s dismay. She hated talking on the phone. Just seeing his face pop up while calling was enough to suck the energy out of her. But she stayed strong. ‘Daemons, daemons, daemons.’ She chanted. ‘Skills, leveling up, experience!’

“Luminaurora, now.” His suave voice told her in a serious manner.

“Gotta go, but tell Luna we’ll talk later, okay?” Inner Zoey picked up a piece of debris from the ceiling, tossing it in the air and catching it.

“Where are you going?” Jax asked. There were a lot of things going on right now.

“The daemons. Did you guys forget?” Zoey briefly shifted into Overdraft before tossing the stone at Selena’s head while she was fighting Luna.

Zoey’s stone painfully impacted against Selena’s head. A content smile formed on her face. ‘That was for Slinky, you bitch.’ Like the track star she was, Zoey dashed out of the trial room as The Wanderers had fun with their little revolution or something. She had more important things to focus on.

Like raising her skills! An army of daemons that were fully willing to kill and eat people. She had no reason to hold back anything at all. Zoey could go all out without any trouble! When could she have another opportunity like this? It wasn’t that long ago that daemons were on their solo dolo. They never grouped up in the past! Zoey wondered if she had anything to do with that…

“So, this is what the city of magjistars looks like…” Poison, the lethal green beauty, had a scrutinizing gaze. Overall, she wasn’t impressed.

“ATTACK?! RAMPAGE?!” Muscle Brain, the daemon filled with muscle muscle and more muscles, asked for permission.

“Go ahead, buddy. Have as much fun as you want.” Polly, the sophisticated older gentleman, smiled at the sight of the ripe city filled to the brim with magjistars.

“This really is a lot more simple than I thought it would be…” Vio, the punkish daemon, sneered at the magjistar’s ignorance.

“I told you to trust me.” Poison rolled her eyes.

“I didn’t believe it would be so easy either,” Trickster, the size-altering daemon, admitted.

“Well, go on. What are you waiting for?” Poison gestured to the thousands of daemons.

At the command of the Second Grade daemon, the army of daemons unleashed hellish noises as they stampeded inside the virgin city of Luminaurora. Lust for blood, hunger for hearts, and excitement for the hunt all thumped furiously through the bodies of the daemons. With the smell of so much food in front of them, it was impossible for most daemons to retain higher thought—a feeding frenzy, in other words.

Poison whipped out her phone and called someone. “Snivellus, update.” She demanded. “B-Bad news… Zoey Winters has escaped with the help of The Wanderers! They dropped their airship directly into the building before teleporting all of their forces inside! Now the magjistars are fighting to the death while Zoey Winters has escaped!” He reported.

The green-haired beauty grimaced as she began thinking. It was too early to bring out their secret weapon, but if that freak of a human was coming, it could ruin everything… While it was great the magjistars were killing themselves off, it would mean nothing if Zoey Winters wasn’t out of the way. She killed Warrior! The daemon who had the highest potential of becoming a Daemon King!

“Polly. I’ll leave her to you.” Poison turned to the sharply dressed daemon.

“I finally get to meet the infamous Zoey Winters. I have to admit, I’m rather excited.” Polly sported a mischievous smile.

“Don’t mess around. Use that technique when you get the opportunity.” Poison narrowed her eyes at him.

“Surely, you must be overestimating the human, right?” Polly was slightly nervous under her stare.

“Do not give her any opportunity to fight. Don’t fall to her level; you will lose, and you will die.” Poison told him, staring directly into his eyes.

“Very well…” Polly decided to trust his instincts and listen to Poison. “Jinx, do you mind?” He politely requested.

The small white fox resting on Poison’s head looked in his direction. A portal manifested in front of him. He stepped into the portal and disappeared. “If he fails, Vio, you’re our next line of defense.” Poison turned to him.

“Yeah, I know,” Vio responded with a smile. He knew how dangerous the human was.

“Should we go have some fun in the meantime?” Trickster excitedly jumped up and down.

“FUN! FUN! FUN!!!” Muscle Brain took the lead in charging into Luminauora.

“HAHAHAHA! SHE WAS RIGHT! WINTERS WASN’T TALKING COMPLETE BULLSHIT!” Jacky swung her spiked metal bat with wild brutality.

Amidst the swirling tempest of battle, Jacky emerged as a relentless avatar of destruction. Her visage, partially obscured by a mouth mask adorned with razor-sharp teeth, bore the marks of daemonic carnage. Bloodstains marred its once ominous design, casting it in a sinister light. Above the mask, her eyes blazed with a dark, unrelenting fire. Crazed bloodlust etched on her face, she moved with such ferocious movement it was almost impossible to predict where she was going to head next. Her ebony tank top clung to her, revealing the contours of a physique sculpted by ceaseless combat. Muscles, glistening with sweat and daemon innards, pulsed with each powerful swing of her spiked metal bat.

The battlefield seemed to bend to her will as she wove through the daemon horde. Her movements were a lethal hurricane, each swing of her weapon a deadly gust in a whirlwind of chaos. The daemons fell before her with few methods to resist, their grotesque forms splattering under her relentless assault.

Around her, her daemon summons, bounded by her magji and will, followed her with utmost loyalty—their forms, twisted and nightmarish, followed behind her in perfect harmony. Amidst the din of battle, her voice rose like a chilling crescendo. Laughter, equal parts maniacal and triumphant, echoed through the chaos. Her words cut through the tumult, a chilling battle cry that struck fear into her own allies.

Jacky cared little for the collateral damage left in her wake. Her focus was singular, her determination unwavering. She was an unapologetic force of nature, a harbinger of doom to the daemon horde. If anyone was stupid enough to get in her way, they’d deserve to have their brains emptied out of their skulls. In the thick of the maelstrom, she charged forward and only forward, a tempest of death and chaos. There was no part of her that wasn’t coated in blood. Her presence was an omen, a herald of impending victory, as she tore through the daemon ranks with ruthless efficiency. 

Along with killing the daemons, she was also forcing the interesting ones to her will. As a summoner, a battle like this was nothing but an all-you-can-stomach buffet! At that moment, Jacky was more than a magjistar; she was a living embodiment of destruction, an awe-inspiring and terrifying figure on the battlefield.

“Tch… Winters just had to be right, didn’t she?” Lea slashed apart a daemon in front of her. “Well, I guess I will be benefiting from this because of her. I suppose I should thank her even if she’s just a lucky gully.” A small smile formed on Lea’s face.

In the midst of the raging combat, Lea emerged as a striking figure, her lithe frame moving with a deadly grace. Her previously ebony hair, slicked back to maintain an unobstructed view of the battlefield, glistened with a strange, almost unnatural sheen in the flickering light of magji clashes. Pure crimson and other colors now soaked her raven locks, proof of the daemons she’s slain so far.

Her eyes, like twin pools of molten fury, blazed with an intensity that matched the chaos surrounding her. They were windows to a soul consumed by hatred and ambition, driven by a burning desire to assert magjistar dominance over all else. In the midst of the relentless melee, her gaze remained unwavering, each glance calculated and piercing.

Lea's attire was a blend of practicality and intimidation. She wore a form-fitting, obsidian bodysuit that allowed for unhindered movement, a second skin that mirrored her combat prowess. Strapped to her back was her ominous Daemonic Weapon, a cursed tool that throbbed with the energy of a daemon. Its presence was an ever-present reminder of her relentless pursuit of power and her unyielding belief in magjistar superiority. The blade's razor-sharp teeth seemed to gnash eagerly as if yearning for the taste of flesh. As she sliced through the battlefield, Lea moved with a predatory hunger. Her steps were calculated, her movements precise, and each sword strike was to feed her sword. 

“I’m glad I managed to convince my family to stay back…” Tristan said as multiple daemons converged on his position. In an instant, his wild, spiky hair that went all the way down to his legs expanded outward, piercing through the daemons.

Amid the hellish chaos of the daemon-infested battlefield, Tristan surged forward with an air of stoic determination. His wild, animated hair, now a weapon of unparalleled prowess, became a tempest of swirling, prehensile deadliness. Each strand moved with purpose and precision, like thousands of sword-like whips. The daemons, grotesque and relentless, swarmed around him with their primal ferocity. Claws and fangs glistened in the dim light, and frenzied shrieks pierced the air. But Tristan, the hair-controlling magjistar, remained unfazed, his eyes closed in serene concentration.

As the daemon horde closed in, Tristan's hair moved with a mind of its own, striking out with an intricate dance of slashes and binds. It was a mesmerizing spectacle of his connate Magji, a brutal ballet of hair and gore. Daemon limbs were ensnared, bones shattered, and adversaries immobilized. In the midst of the battlefield's cacophony, Tristan's calm demeanor stood as a testament to his unwavering focus. In the chaos of explosions and demonic howls, his voice rang out with strategic commands, guiding his comrades in their coordinated assault. His words and magji were beacons in the storm, ensuring that their efforts remained cohesive and effective.

"Form a defensive line!" Tristan shouted, his hair acting as a barrier against the relentless daemon advance. "Stay together and watch each other's backs. We can't afford to let them break us apart!"

The battlefield became a canvas of frenetic combat, and Tristan's hair was the brush that painted the masterpiece of their survival. He moved like a giant hairy bear, a guardian of the team, ensuring that every member was protected and empowered to strike down their daemon foes.

While the focus was on the ruthless struggle against the daemons, Tristan's presence was a constant reminder of stability and strategy. His hair whirled and twirled, defending and attacking in equal measure as they pushed back the daemon threat. In the heart of the battlefield, Tristan embodied both control and chaos. His hair, an extension of his will, was a lethal force to be reckoned with, allowing him to navigate the maelstrom of battle with an air of serene mastery.

“How annoying…” Tara was both glad and unhappy at the daemon invasion. On one hand, that annoying bitch was right. On the other hand, that annoying bitch was right, and she had the chance to improve her standing in the magji world because of it.

Surrounded by the chaos of battle, Tara, a girl with a distinctive appearance, became a focal point of intrigue. She sported a mouth scarf designed with a sinister, toothy grin, hinting at her fascination with the occult. Long, straight black hair flowed behind her, and despite her petite stature, Tara exuded a subdued aura of joy.

In her hand, she wielded an oversized book titled "Word Magji." an enigmatic tome that was the key to using her unique Word Magji abilities. Tara's typical silence dissipated into the wind as she focused her magji on the daemon horde. With her book held tightly, she spewed words filled with mahna. 

“Word Volume I: Stop!” Any daemons hit by the immaterial flying word stopped directly in their tracks. Allowing any nearby magjistars to end them.

Tara worked closely alongside Tristan as her type of magji was better supportive in a massive brawl like this. She used her unique form of magji to attack the daemons directly, support her allies by strengthening them and hindering the strength of the daemons.

In the middle of the battle, Cassie's voice rose as she perched on a rooftop, her demeanor unusually cheerful. "This is a whole hecka lot more fun than I thought it would be!" she exclaimed to herself. With a gleam of excitement in her eyes, she held her specialized magji tool water gun at the ready.

From her vantage point above, Cassie took aim with precision. Her Magji-enhanced water gun was no ordinary weapon; it possessed unique capabilities that defied expectations. As she squeezed the trigger, a potent stream of Magji-infused water shot forth, sniping the daemons below.

The daemons, caught off guard by the unexpected rays of water, were killed in an instant. Cassie's water gun, a conduit for her mahna, proved to be a formidable asset in the battle against the daemon horde. Cassie's laughter resonated across the rooftop as she continued her relentless assault. Her shots were true, each one holding enough power to assassinate distracted daemons. With each pull of the trigger, she reveled in the thrill of the kill, finding joy in the midst of chaos.

From her perch above, Cassie was a force to be reckoned with, her Magji tool water gun unleashing a jet of mahna-enhanced water that aided her allies. As she continued her sniper-like assault, her ranged approach to battle added a touch of safety to the grim war unfolding below for her allies.

“The Council was deceiving us…” Kara realized as she faced the incoming daemonic horde.

In the heart of the fighting storm, Kara, an unassuming figure, emerged as a compelling presence. Clad in her nondescript attire, she wielded a samurai sword with the grace of a seasoned warrior. Her average appearance belied the strength and skill that lay within. At her waist, a mask hung as an enigmatic accessory, a symbol of her readiness for battle.

Kara's focus was sharp, her katana an extension of her will as she deftly sliced her way through the battlefield. Her actions spoke louder than words, her strikes precise and calculated. Each swing of her blade was a testament to her dedication to her training, a dance of accuracy and lethal intent.

“"Oo-oo-ah-ah!" Timmy hollered as he somersaulted through the air, landing a powerful kick on a daemon.

In the heat of the battle's chaos, the boy known as Timmy unleashed the true power of his monkey mask, a formidable magji tool that transformed him into a formidable force. As he activated the mask's magji, his movements took on an astonishingly agile and powerful quality, reminiscent of a monkey but amplified to an incredible degree. "Ee-ee-eeek!" His voice rose in a triumphant chorus as he swung from one daemon to another, delivering a series of lightning-fast strikes.

With the mask securely in place on his face, Timmy's actions became a spectacle of awe-inspiring agility and strength. He leaped and bounded with astonishing grace, moving through the battlefield like a blur. His strikes were a fusion of primal ferocity and calculated precision, a testament to the mask's enhancement of his physical abilities. "Hoo-hoo-hoo!" Timmy's laughter carried wild, infectious energy as he pummeled daemons with his enhanced strength.

The mask's magji-infused power surged through Timmy, granting him unparalleled agility and strength. He swung from daemons like a monkey swinging from vines, striking with a combination of acrobatics and brute force. His strikes landed with devastating impact, sending daemons flying and shattering their bodies.

Amidst the battle cries and chaos, Timmy fought with otherworldly grace and power, his movements defying the limitations of the human form. He was a true beast in combat, a whirlwind of fury and skill that left daemons as corpses. The mask was a magji tool that had transformed him into a formidable warrior, a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.

As Timmy fought, his words carried a newfound confidence and determination. He was no longer just a monkey boy; he was a hero in the making. His vision of a united team of magjistars defending Luminaurora felt closer to reality than ever before, fueled by the mask's empowering magji.

In the heart of the battle, Timmy's monkey mask became a symbol of his strength and determination. With its magji-enhanced abilities, he tore through the daemon horde with a blend of agility and power that left no doubt about his potential as a true hero. He stood as a testament to the limitless possibilities of magji-enhanced combat.

"Aa-aahh!" His shouts mingled with the sounds of battle, creating a cacophony of primal cries that filled the air.

“I always believed in you, Zoey…” Tiara Shadows softly smiled.

Tiara Shadows, a member of the enigmatic Shadow Clan, unleashed the formidable power of shadow magji. Her presence was marked by the eerie dance of shadows that swirled around her, a testament to her unique background and connate magji.

Tiara, shrouded in an aura of shadows, moved with fluid grace amidst the chaos of the daemon-infested battlefield. Her introduction had been a display of her mastery over shadows, and now she utilized that power to deadly effect. As daemons closed in from all sides, she channeled her shadow magji into formidable attacks.

With a mere flick of her hand, tendrils of shadow emerged from the darkness, lashing out at the daemons. Each tendril moved with lethal precision, striking at vulnerable points and killing daemons. Tiara's control over the shadows was like looking at a skilled conductor as she performed a symphony of death and destruction around herself.

Her movements were fluid and unpredictable, aided by the ever-shifting shadows that surrounded her. Tiara's strikes were a blend of death and speed, as she utilized her shadow magji to strike from unexpected angles and surprise her adversaries. Daemons fell before her, their forms falling into mutilated corpses as she fought.

Alongside these eager patriotic youths, members of The Wanderers and locals of Luminaurora fought to protect their homes from the invaders. While they did have thoughts about The Council lying to them and Zoey Winters being correct all along, they didn’t have the time to think about such things in the middle of a war. They focused on staying alive, fleeing, or a combination of both.

Surrounded by the fury of combat, the Fairies, loyal servants of magjistars, displayed their unique abilities on the front lines. These diminutive and androgynous beings had an uncanny knack for avoiding direct combat, instead harnessing their powers to serve their magjistar masters.

As the daemons closed in, the Fairies darted and danced through the battlefield, their lithe forms a blur of movement. With a flick of their delicate fingers, they sent annoying magji spells toward their foes. These spells disrupted the daemons' movements or focus, leaving them vulnerable to the attacks of their allies.

But the Fairies' true strength lay in their ability to support their comrades. They weaved protective barriers of mahna, shielding magjistars from the relentless daemon assault. Their wings allowed them to soar above the fray, providing aerial reconnaissance and swift communication among their allies.

Though they avoided physical combat, the Fairies' presence on the battlefield was essential. Their unwavering loyalty and mastery of supportive magji made them invaluable assets in the fight to protect Luminaurora.

The Viperians, with their serpent-like lower bodies and potent venom, proved to be formidable adversaries on the battlefield. Their natural resistance to magji made them daunting opponents for daemons with unique abilities.

As the daemon horde advanced, Viperians slithered forward, their serpentine tails whipping through the air with deadly precision. Venomous fangs dripped with a potent toxin that could incapacitate even the most fearsome of daemons. With each strike, they could inject their venom, sending their foes into spasms of agony.

But it wasn't just their venom that made Viperians a force to be reckoned with. Their sinewy, muscular bodies allowed them to constrict and crush daemons, rendering them helpless in their grip. With a powerful squeeze, they crushed the life out of their adversaries, their reptilian eyes gleaming with ruthless determination.

In addition to their physical prowess, Viperians could channel mahna into their attacks, unleashing devastating shockwaves that sent daemons flying. The Viperians fought with a fierce resolve, defending Luminaurora with their deadly blend of strength, venom, and dedication.

Towering over the battlefield, the Walkers, with their shaggy fur and imposing stature, were a sight to behold. Their immense physical strength and resilience to magji made them formidable adversaries against the daemon horde.

As daemons surged forward, the Walkers charged into the fray, their muscular frames a whirlwind of brute force. With each swing of their massive limbs, they sent daemons hurtling through the air, their bodies crashing into the ground with bone-shattering force.

But the Walkers' abilities extended beyond raw strength. They could harness mahna to enhance their already formidable physical prowess. Mahna-infused strikes cracked the ground beneath them, creating shockwaves that rippled through the daemon ranks, causing chaos and disarray.

Their shaggy fur served as protection against any magji abilities. In the midst of battle, Walkers became indomitable forces, their towering figures a symbol of Luminaurora's strength and resilience.

With every ground-breaking step, the Walkers defended their city with unwavering determination, proving that size and strength could overcome even the most relentless of daemonic onslaughts.

Amidst the chaos of the battlefield, the Luminari stood as beacons of radiant light. Their luminous auras, like colorful beacons, pierced the darkness of the daemon onslaught. With a touch of their unique magji abilities, they illuminated the battlefield in a dazzling display of colors.

The Luminari had the power to control light itself. They bent and shaped beams of light to their will, creating blinding flashes that disoriented daemons and left them vulnerable to attack. With their ability to project solid constructs of light, they forged radiant weapons and barriers that defied the daemons' advances.

Each Luminari possessed a unique aura, which they manipulated to their advantage. The radiant auras not only served as a source of inspiration for their fellow magjistars but also as a means of deception. Luminari could project false illusions, leading daemons astray and causing confusion among their ranks.

As they moved through the battlefield, their luminous presence inspired hope and courage among their allies. The Luminari's magji abilities were a testament to their unique role in the defense of Luminaurora, using the brilliance of light to outshine the daemonic darkness.

The Succubi, with their otherworldly beauty and enchanting voices, proved to be formidable adversaries in the battlefield's chaos. Their magji abilities were rooted in the manipulation of desires, making them masters of seduction and temptation.

As the daemons closed in, the Succubi projected an aura of irresistible charm. Their presence alone captivated the hearts and minds of the daemon horde, causing confusion and discord among their ranks. Daemons were lured into a web of influence, their desires, and emotions bent to the Succubi's will.

With their enchanting voices, the Succubi wove spells of temptation and seduction. Daemons found themselves compelled to act against their own interests, ensnared by the beguiling melodies. Succubi manipulated emotions, turning allies against each other and sowing chaos within the daemon horde.

But the Succubi's powers extended beyond mere manipulation. They could create illusions that played on the daemons' deepest desires and fears. These illusions clouded the battlefield, causing daemons to attack their own allies while their true adversaries struck from the shadows.

The Succubi were not just alluring but also deadly. Their magji abilities were a double-edged sword, capable of captivating adversaries and causing havoc among their ranks. In the midst of the daemon onslaught, the Succubi's enchanting presence added an element of psychological warfare to the battle for Luminaurora.

“Greetings, Zoey Winters. I’d say it’s a pleasure to meet you, but I’m afraid your survival isn’t a good thing at all.” Polly gave a slight bow to the human.

“Who a-” Zoey didn’t manage to finish her words as she was suddenly swallowed up by a gigantic daemon that appeared underneath her somehow.

Everything turned dark as she felt herself falling down a very deep hole.

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