Life Isn’t So Simple Anymore.

Chapter 153: Better Than Ever!

Comment/Review the story, readers, and give me ideas on possible skills, situations, developments, etc., of things you want to see! No guarantees that I will add what you want. But it helps to have ideas out there. Please point out any mistakes you notice or anything you're not clear about. I'll try to answer them and fix them to the best of my abilities.

Shout-out to special Patreon members: Tuan Nguyen, Blacklionpride24

Zoey stood at the center of the bustling boxing gym, her keen eyes scanning the room brimming with her young prodigies, boxing pals, and the Coach’s worried gaze. The lingering pain of her loss hadn’t faded in the slightest, but no longer will it keep her down and out. Zoey Winters wasn’t a little bitch who let her emotions keep her down. She was a winner through and through! If life wanted to fuck her over, she would fuck it right back!. She was ready to show her students that she had kicked her depressed self’s ass. No more long breaks for this super boxing teacher!

“Miss Devil! Did you have fun beating yourself up again?!” Jonathan innocently asked when she came over.

“She wasn’t actually beating herself up, idiot. She had a mental health break again. Didn’t you see her social media posts?” Cindy scoffed at her peer’s ignorance.

“My mom said she wished she could have a day for mental health at Zenith. It would be a dream come true.” Sherry added.

“What’s Zenith?” Keith sounded confused.

“It’s a spa,” Jack answered.

“Yeah, but what’s that?” Keith wanted to know.

“Like seriously, how does someone not know what a spa is? It's giving major ick.” Clementine looked at Keith in disgust.

“Clementine.” Zoey finally spoke up, focusing her attention on Clementine.

“I’m sorry, Miss Devil.” Clementine apologized.

“Don’t apologize to me. Apologize for being mean to Keith. We don’t make fun of people for not knowing things but help them understand. What is one of our rules, class?” Zoey slightly raised her voice so that everyone could hear, entering teacher mode.

“Support and encourages the good people around you!” They all shouted in unison.

Zoey’s inspiration for that rule was taken from multiple anime and cartoons. Now that she thought about it, all of her rules were taken or inspired by something else. Is it bad that she’s unoriginal and can’t think of things on her own? It seems to be working pretty well so far, so Zoey didn’t see any reason to stop.

“I’m sorry for saying mean stuff to you, Keith.” Clementine fixed her apology.

“Thank you for saying that. I accept your sorry.” Keith replied.

The air in the gym crackled with anticipation as Zoey raised her voice, a wide grin spreading across her face. "Alright, students," she called out, her tone brimming with excitement. "Today, we're going to do something a little special, thanks to Coach Scott."

“What are we doing?!” Many of them asked.

“Although we could keep going through the same boxing practices we’ve been doing for so long, Coach Scott, your parents, and I think you guys are ready to move on to the next lesson. What do you guys think about learning how to wrestle?” Zoey questioned with a small smile on her face.

The room erupted in a loud eruption of cheers, the children's eyes sparkling with excitement. Zoey's dedication to nurturing their growth had transformed her class into a close-knit family of dangerous little monsters. Little monsters that were starving to learn more and more. Shoveling knowledge and fighting techniques down their gullet until they couldn’t learn anymore. They’ve already dissected and torn apart each and every video of her’s by now. She was one hundred percent sure they were practicing non-boxing moves on each other at school or outside of class.

Zoey had a large mat already set out for the children. The first thing she taught them was the stance. Without the correct stance, it would be fatal to continue teaching them. Zoey went around meticulously adjusting their stances to ensure that everyone had a proper understanding of how they should be standing. It took longer than usual because their mind was already fixed in their own boxing stances, but since they were kids, they were adaptable enough. She understood that each student possessed a distinct personality and learning style, which she took into account while helping the children.

A smile graced her face as she turned her attention to Cindy, a confident and strong-natured girl that most of the class looked up to as their leader. "Remember, Cindy," she said, her voice gentle but firm. "Focus on your base. Without a strong foundation, you can't accomplish anything in wrestling.”

Cindy's eyes locked onto Zoey, her words igniting a fire within her. Miss Devil was already her idol—the strongest woman in the world. Cindy hoped to become a fighter just as strong as Miss Devil. Capable of beating up even the biggest of boys with nothing but proper fighting skill, even though she’s a girl! Cindy strengthened her base as Miss Devil advised. She was not ashamed that she had to be corrected as the self-proclaimed second-best student of Miss Devil but proudly took in the advice and used it to better herself.

As the training progressed, Zoey introduced new techniques that challenged the children both physically and mentally. She tirelessly emphasized the significance of learning how to sprawl, attack, and defend. Amidst the repeated slams on the mats and questions, Zoey's perceptive gaze settled upon Lily, a passionate and fiery spirit who often had a temper when things didn’t go her way. Frustration etched across her face, Zoey approached Lily. Her voice was calm and non-judgemental.

"Lily, do you want to take a break and talk?" Zoey asked. "It’s okay to get upset when things don’t go your way, but what should we do instead of continuing to get angry?"

“We should think about why it's making us upset and talk to someone we can trust about it…” Lily couldn’t look into Zoey’s eyes.

“Do you trust me?” Zoey asked.

“Yes…” Lily responded.

“Then let’s talk. Why are you upset?” Zoey listened to her.

“Otto is way bigger than me, stronger than me, and I can’t do anything to him. I listen to your directions and try to do everything you say, but nothing I try works on him, and everything he tries on me works on me!” Lily released her frustrations.

“I’m sorry…?” The big innocent soul didn’t know what to say. He was just listening to Miss Devil’s instructions.

“You don’t have to apologize, Otto. Lily, you’re not thinking flexibly enough.”

“You didn’t say to think flexibly…” Lilly softly muttered with angst.

“You’re right, and that’s because a good fighter always has to keep that in mind to think while fighting. You can’t just do the same thing you do in practice and expect to win in a real fight. Humans are flexible creatures. A person of your body type cannot wrestle in the same way that someone like Otto can. You have to wrestle in a way that would suit you better. Otto, do you have any ideas on how Lily could practice with you better?” Zoey asked the heavier boy.

“She could try moving around more. She’s tiny, so it's harder to grab her.” Otto pointed out.

“That’s a great point, Otto. Lily, you could try avoiding his grabs and capitalize on his mistakes.” Zoey raised her voice for the rest of the class to hear. “Wrestling is more than being bigger or stronger. Wrestling combines flexibility, adaptability, technique, strategy, and willpower. Strength in wrestling is all of those things put together.” She lectured.

Lily's gaze locked with Zoey's, her frustration taking a back seat as she thought of ways to defeat Otto. Inhaling deeply, she expelled her pent-up frustration, channeling her energy into a brand new style of wrestling more suitable for herself. Agile, high-energy, and opportunistic. A radiant smile blossomed on Lily’s face as she finally managed to pin the Giant Otto!

Zoey continued to guide her students through a range of drills, pushing them to their limits. Her astonishment at their learning abilities is already mostly numb. Zoey’s fighting class transcended any other fighting class on the planet, thanks to Teaching.

With each passing moment, Coach Scott bore witness to the remarkable transformation unfolding in Zoey’s students. They had not only grown physically stronger but had also forged unbreakable mental fortitude. They had evolved into resilient and dauntless little freaks, primed to conquer any obstacle that dared cross their path. He was sure they would be masters of wrestling in only a month.

“Alright, everyone. Get to doing your final stretches, class is over for today." Zoey announced to the heavily exhausted students.

Although they were exercising all day, for some reason, they still managed to sound sad when class was over. If it were Zoey when she was a kid, she’d be inwardly cheering in joy that class was finally over. Zoey didn’t know if it was her or the kids that were strange. They could barely finish their final stretches with proper forms, but they wanted to continue practicing?

“Rest is important for a fighter! Never forget to properly rest your body and mind, everyone! You can’t grow into healthy adults without properly resting.” Zoey reminded them.

“Yes, Miss Devil…” They tiredly responded.

As the class drew to a close, the children went to their parents while the others, whose parents had yet to arrive, surrounded Zoey. Their bodies excluded exhaustion, but their eyes and mouths said something completely different as she was chatted at from multiple angles.

“Isn’t your fight coming up soon, Miss Devil? When is it? I want to ask my mom for tickets.” Devin asked.

“There’s a press conference coming up soon, so the fight will be in a few months. Still a lot of time before the fight.”

“Why does it take so long for a fight? Why can’t you and the guy just meet up and fight?” Allen asked.

“No.” Zoey shook her head. “As a fighter, we work with a lot of people. Those people need a lot of time to set up the fight for fighters. They have to make sure of a lot of things before two fighters can fight.” Zoey answered.

“Like what?” They asked.

Zoey patiently answered her students' endless questions to the best of her ability as they waited for their parents to pick them up. At first, Zoey didn’t know how long it took for fighters to fight either. Now that she knew, though, she had to get a hobby while training and waiting for the match. Otherwise, she might go crazy out of boredom. Well, crazier, she supposes.

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