Life Isn’t So Simple Anymore.

Chapter 156: Being Responsible Students.

Comment/Review the story, readers, and give me ideas on possible skills, situations, developments, etc., of things you want to see! No guarantees that I will add what you want. But it helps to have ideas out there. Please point out any mistakes you notice or anything you're not clear about. I'll try to answer them and fix them to the best of my abilities.

Shout-out to special Patreon members: Tuan Nguyen, Blacklionpride24

Jack and Cindy had arranged a meeting with Zoey after class, the sole figure who was their inspiration and mentor on their extraordinary journey toward becoming superheroes. They found themselves in Zoey’s office in the back of the gym. It was a normal-looking office that Jack and Cindy felt they would see in a television show or cartoon.

The office was adorned with an array of decorations. Vibrant posters covered the walls, depicting photos of Zoey’s accomplishments in the world of fighting. Gym equipment for training was sitting near the corners of the room. The shelves were lined with comics, their spines displaying titles that evoked a sense of child-like wonder and imagination.

The furniture, while lacking in appearance, was very comfortable. The desk had a computer, a cup of pens, an old-style telephone sitting on it, and some other stuff. The chairs were soft and comfortable to sit in. A large television screen hung on one wall, displaying the news in the fighting world. It served as a reminder of the constant events going on in the world of fighting.

Zoey sat behind her desk. Her presence was very relaxed and inviting. Her piercing eyes gazed at both Jack and Cindy. Both of them were acting strangely and not normal. Jack already had a period where he ran into some trouble at school. But as far as Zoey knew, Cindy was a model student inside and outside of class. She didn’t get in trouble with the others and often helped anyone who was lagging behind.

With a nervous swallow, Jack began explaining everything that happened after she helped him a while ago. He spoke about how he started to uphold her expectations for them as her students. Jack explained how he started to get involved in protecting the innocent and weak in the city. How he met these strange guys who were willing to invest in him and supply him with information and resources to help clean up the city. Then he talked about what happened the other day with Cindy.

After the end of his nervous blabbering, Zoey only had one thing to ask him. “Did you get your hero name from Dylan?” Jack knew who Dylan was. All of Zoey’s students knew who Dylan was. Dylan was Zoey’s first student and their big brother in the world of fighting. They all followed and went out to watch his fights almost as religiously as they did Zoey’s own fights.

“No. People just started calling me that in the news.” Jack answered.

“Alright.” She took a look at Cindy now. “What about you? How do you feel about this?

“I want to be a hero like Jack, no matter what.” Cindy’s eyes stared back into Zoey’s own eyes.

“Do you?” Inner Zoey could sense some of herself in Cindy.

“I do…” Cindy’s confidence sightly wavered as Miss Devil’s eyes turned strange for a moment.

“Or do you just want the excuse to let loose without repercussions?” Inner Zoey questioned despite already knowing the answer. “You want to feel the results of your training, don’t you? I remember your dream, Cindy. To become the strongest fighter in the world even though you're a girl. This is something you feel like you can’t miss out on after having a taste of real fighting, right?” She grinned.

Cindy’s eyes widened in awe as the woman she looked up to the most in the world really did understand her. Her lips stretched from cheek to cheek as she saw Miss Devil smiling back at her. “You know how I feel!” Cindy rose up from her chair. 

“You couldn’t get enough of it, right? When you felt the taste of victory from someone you never could’ve imagined defeating before. You just wanted more. To fight more, to win more, to punch more, right?” Inner Zoey really did understand.

After all, she had her own little hero phase not too long ago. While she focused more on beating up delinquents and gangsters herself. These kids were going straight after hardened criminals. So, Zoey wasn’t too surprised or shocked that something like this happened. When anyone is given power, especially when they’re young children who never had so much power before, they will want to show off that power as much as possible. Zoey knew she couldn’t stop them from doing something like this, even if she tried to set up official matches for them. They’ve already had a taste of real fighting. It wouldn’t hurt, but at the same time, it wouldn’t stop them from going out to continue this behavior. Maybe she'll enter her other students in official fights so they don't turn out like these two battle junkies.

Zoey had a few choices here. She could stop them now and wait for them to continue doing it secretly. She could report to their parents. Or she could do the best thing that she could only do in a situation like this. Support them to the best of her ability. Give them training from hell to ensure their safety, and set up a meeting with Prometheus and Little Imp to find out what the fuck they are doing with her students.

“Yes! I was even thinking about fighting Jack after we beat up those gangsters! It felt like I couldn’t control myself, and all I wanted was to fight, fight, and fight some more.” Cindy shared her deepest and darkest emotions.

“That’s normal, but we’re going to have to get that under control.” Zoey could perfectly understand that feeling. “Being a hero means doing what normal people are unwilling to do. It means being super. Super in control of yourself. Super integrity. Super courage. Super selflessness. Super dedication. Hope, justice, and compassion. All of those things.” Zoey was in teaching mode. She needed them to understand that oh-so-great saying. “With great power came great responsibility.”

“Yes, Miss Devil!” The two happily smiled like the innocent children they were as they responded.

Instead of yelling at them, admonishing them for their reckless and dangerous behavior, or anything of the sort. Zoey simply agreed to their request. She planned to amp their training up while shoving superhero morals down their throats. After all, if they’re going to act like superheroes, they really needed to be real-life superheroes. Zoey wasn’t going to have her students go off the stray path and cause trouble for innocent people around them. She had higher standards for her students than herself. 

Zoey knew she was kind of fucked up even before getting the Box. Somewhere inside her, she felt like it was her duty to prevent the same from happening to her students. Kind of like what Victor did for her. He didn’t hold back when teaching her, and he knew exactly what she craved as his student. She also knew exactly what Cindy and Jack were looking for by trying to become superheroes. Why should she hold them back from their possible true potential? It was dangerous, sure, but…

Maybe it was time to make a superhero alter ego for herself to watch over them.

With a sense of determination in her eyes, Zoey leaned forward in her chair, placing her hands on the desk. "Alright, listen up, you two. If you're serious about becoming heroes, then I'm going to push you harder than ever before. This isn't going to be just about throwing punches and taking down bad guys. It's about becoming the best versions of yourselves, both inside and outside of the ring."

Jack and Cindy exchanged glances, their excitement overwhelming any sense of caution. They knew that Zoey was about to take their training to a whole new level, but they were ready for the challenge. They had seen what they were capable of, and they wanted to continue growing and honing their skills.

Zoey continued, her voice firm and unwavering. "From now on, your training will be hell. We'll work on not only your physical strength and combat skills but also your mental fortitude and moral compass. Being a hero means making tough decisions and standing up for what's right, even when it's not easy. Even if the whole world wants your downfall, you have to stand firm on the side of true justice."

She stood up from her chair, pacing back and forth in the office. "You'll face obstacles and temptations along the way. There will be times when you'll doubt yourselves and question your choices. But remember, you have your loved ones to support you and my teachings. Together, I’ll watch over your journey and ensure that you become heroes that this city can truly rely on."

Jack and Cindy nodded, their determination evident on their faces. They trusted Miss Devil wholeheartedly and knew that her guidance would lead them in the right direction. They were ready to embrace the challenges that lay ahead and grow into the heroes they aspired to be.

“Wait, are you going to become a hero too?” Jack asked curiously.

“I’m just watching over you two. I’ll stop when you’ve trained enough that I won’t need to be worried about you.” Zoey answered him.

Zoey paused, her gaze intense as she locked eyes with each of them. "But let me make one thing clear. The path you've chosen is not easy. It's filled with sacrifices and hardships. Being a hero means sacrificing yourself for everyone. A villain sacrifices everyone for their wants. Are you prepared to face the consequences of your choices and protect those who can't protect themselves?"

Jack and Cindy exchanged another glance, their eyes filled with unwavering determination. In unison, they responded, "Yes, Miss Devil. We are ready."

Inner Zoey smiled, a mixture of pride and joy evident in her expression. "Good. Then let's begin. Training starts in two days, and we won't stop until you both become the heroes this city needs. Even if your bones are broken and crushed along the way.” She chuckled.

Jack and Cindy walked side by side, their hearts filled with excitement, determination, and fright for the path ahead of them. They were ready to face whatever challenges awaited them, knowing that with Miss Devil’s help, they had the power to make a real difference in the world.

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