Life Isn’t So Simple Anymore.

Chapter 163: The Aftermath of a Successful Mission.

Comment/Review the story, readers, and give me ideas on possible skills, situations, developments, etc., of things you want to see! No guarantees that I will add what you want. But it helps to have ideas out there. Please point out any mistakes you notice or anything you're not clear about. I'll try to answer them and fix them to the best of my abilities.

Shout-out to special Patreon members: Tuan Nguyen, Blacklionpride24,

The city of Krey was on the cusp of a great change, and the air was thick with anticipation as the sun showed off its glorious brightness high in the sky early in the morning. The Krey at News newsroom was a hive of activity, with employees putting the finishing touches on their stories. The citizens of Krey were about to bear witness to news that would shake the very foundations of their city.

As the clock struck 7 a.m., the news anchor took her position with solemnity, her eyes reflecting the gravity of the situation. The weight of the news she was about to deliver was palpable, and the city held its collective breath.

"Good evening, Krey," she began, her voice steady and resolute. "Tonight, we embark on a journey into the dark underbelly of crime that has plagued our city for who knows how long. We are about to expose the malevolence that was Tears, the criminal mastermind behind an insidious criminal empire that has wreaked havoc on our streets. Tears is the name that many might know him by, but his actual name is Jason Brooks."

The screen behind her came alive, displaying chilling statistics of the damage that drugs, gang violence, and other similar crimes have done to Krey. Numbers and figures danced across the screen, painting a grim picture of the destruction wrought by this man’s organization.

"For years, Tears operated with impunity, spreading the poison of addiction through our streets, violently harassing members of the public, leaving countless lives shattered and terrified in his wake," the anchor said, her voice tinged with sorrow for the lives lost and broken.

The screen then transitioned to a web of corruption, revealing the names of public figures supposedly entangled in Tears' back pocket. They were being funded with his drug money and, in turn, ensuring that nothing happened to Tears. No investigations into his group and lenient sentences for any members of his gang caught by the authorities. As the names flashed across the screen, gasps could be heard from the citizens of Krey, who were appalled by the extent of the corruption that had taken root. There were people in high positions within the police force, the court, and even hospitals.

"But amidst the darkness, a glimmer of hope emerged," the anchor continued, her voice gaining strength. "Three enigmatic heroes, whose identities remain shrouded in mystery except for one named Glutton, stepped forward to challenge Tears and his empire. Their acts of valor and bravery have earned them the admiration of our city."

The screen displayed images of Boundless in action, fighting fearlessly against the criminals that had once held the city in their grip. She appeared as a symbol of hope and defiance, and her actions stirred the hearts of many. In the background of the shaky video, Glutton and Diablo could be seen staring with glowing eyes at Boundless.

"These courageous figures, driven by a desire to protect the innocent, fearlessly confronted Jason Brooks and his gang," the anchor narrated, her voice filled with admiration. "Their relentless pursuit of justice culminated in the takedown of a criminal empire that had evaded the grasp of our own law enforcement for years."

As the news report unfolded, the citizens of Krey were taken on a journey of revelation. They witnessed the shaky but epic video of what had unfolded at Club Neon, where Boundless had confronted Tears’s gangsters with unmatched bravery and heroic fighting prowess. Eyewitness reports were shared, providing chilling accounts of the confrontation. Traumatized gangsters with blurred faces recounted the terrifying feeling when encountering the mysterious hero. Her punches struck with a force that defied belief. Their guns were basically useless in the face of her speed and strength.

"I've never seen anything like it, man," one gangster stammered, his voice trembling with fear. "That motherfucker, She was like a fucking tank or something! She took down our boys in seconds like it was nothing! While she was being shot at!"

Another gangster, his eyes wide with terror, added, "I tried to shoot 'em, but the bullets just bounced off 'em! It was like they were wearing bulletproof armor or something!!"

"And in a moment that would mark a turning point for our city, these heroes emerged victorious, bringing an end to Jason’s reign of terror," the anchor declared, her voice tinged with pride. "Their actions have exposed the inadequacies of our law enforcement and left us with hope for a brighter future. If the law can’t do it, we can count on our heroes to save us in our time of need."

As the news report came to a close, the anchor's voice resonated with a sense of hope and determination. "Tonight, Krey stands united in the face of darkness, inspired by the courage of these costumed heroes. They have shown us that justice is not just a word but a force to be reckoned with. As we unmask the malevolence that once held our city captive, let us move forward with a renewed sense of purpose and unity. We may not know who you three are, but on behalf of Krey, I thank you for making this city a safer place to live. If you ever wish to get in contact with us, please just let us know, and we’ll set up an interview at any time."

The screen faded to black, leaving the citizens of Krey to process the revelations that had unfolded before them. The heroes, whose identities except for one remained unknown, had become symbols of hope and inspiration for a city in need of change. The night was filled with whispers of their deeds, and the city looked to them with newfound admiration and respect. However, not everyone was particularly happy about this.

In the aftermath of the news report exposing Tears' criminal empire and the involvement of corrupt public figures, the walls of the police department were closing in on Police Chief Richard Lawson. With mounting evidence and public outrage, it didn’t take long before he faced the consequences of his actions.

It only took a few hours until a squad of determined officers from an independent investigation unit stormed into the police chief's office. The once powerful and imposing figure of Chief Lawson now appeared disheveled and defeated as he was handcuffed and escorted out of the building.

His arrest sent shockwaves throughout the city's law enforcement, and whispers of corruption within the police department reached a crescendo. The people of Krey demanded justice, and those officers who had remained loyal to the ideals of true justice felt a newfound strength to stand up against the corrupt. While those corrupt officers felt terrified at this change happening within their order. If someone as powerful as the chief can be arrested in broad daylight in front of everyone, who’s to say they also can’t be held accountable for the actions they’ve done? Perhaps it was time to turn over a new leaf…

In the halls of the Krey Courthouse, Judge Margaret Turner was also facing the wrath of the law. As law enforcement officers surrounded her courtroom, her authority lost its grounding as she was now silenced by guilt and fear. Witnesses didn’t hesitate to put Margaret’s business for everyone to see. Evidence of her unfair rulings and more came forward, recounting tales of bribes and unfair judgments, casting a dark shadow over the judicial system's integrity. The judge's expression turned pale as she realized all of her wealth and power meant nothing at this moment. As she was led away in handcuffs, Judge Turner's downfall served as a warning to others who had allowed themselves to be swayed by the allure of power and money. The citizens of Krey saw hope that the courts would be cleansed of corruption, ensuring a fair and just legal system going forward. 

Zoey also made a post for people to remember that everyone sentenced by this judge should have their cases canceled or undergo a new trial with a judge who has not been proven to be corrupt. How the fuck would it be fair to those people in jail right now because she wanted dollar bills stuffed in her pockets?

Dr. Benjamin Evans, the esteemed hospital director, was under investigation at Krey General Hospital. The hospital had been a key player in Tears' operations, providing resources to him that he couldn’t get anywhere else so easily. He’d have been put on a list faster than you could say drug dealer if it wasn’t for Dr. Benjamin Evans supporting Jason Brook’s drug empire. Now, the hospital's reputation was in tatters. Patient confidence was shaken, and the once-revered Dr. Evans became the face of mockery and shame. As investigators combed through anonymously submitted evidence, they found a trail of embezzlement and illegal payments that led straight to the hospital director's door. The arrests sent shockwaves through the medical community and forced the hospital to initiate its own internal investigations to root out corruption and save face from public backlash. The hospital had turned into a battleground of trying to keep its doors open and preventing its patients from leaving. The citizens of Krey started to question who they could trust with their health and well-being.

Beyond the walls of public institutions, an influential businessman, Robert Smith, was also ensnared in the net of justice. For years, he had danced in the shadows, manipulating the strings of power and amassing unimaginable wealth through his dealings with Tears. But the heroes' exposure of Tears' empire also revealed Smith's dirty secrets. The once untouchable mogul found himself stripped of his power and hauled before the courts, his wealth now crumbling under the weight of his dirty dealings. As Smith's businesses faced bankruptcy and his ill-gotten wealth was seized, the citizens of Krey rejoiced, seeing it as a victory against the exploitation of the weak and vulnerable. But more for the reason of eating the rich. People rejoiced when bad things happened to rich people. It only multiplied when that rich person was an actual bad person.

With each arrest, the city of Krey began to reckon with the extent of corruption that had taken root in its very foundation. The heroes' actions ignited a spark of hope, but it was only the beginning of a long and arduous journey to restore Krey to its peak.

As the news of these arrests spread, more individuals who had once been complacent in Tears' reign began to fear the wrath of justice. Some sought redemption by coming forward as whistleblowers, providing crucial information to dismantle the criminal empire piece by piece or snitch on anyone who’s wronged them. Others, however, chose to remain in the shadows, clinging to their power and hoping to escape the vigilant eyes of the law.

Boundless, Diablo, and Glutton planned to use the investigative resources of Mr. Theo to aid them in completely wiping out evil from Krey. This was only the first step. Neither Diablo nor Glutton had any plans to stop anytime soon. For Boundless, this was only temporary until she felt that she could trust her students to start sticking it out on their own. Being a superhero isn’t really her thing. The whole working for free part wasn’t her thing, but the attention was nice. She liked people complimenting her costume and how tight it made her booty look.

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