Life Isn’t So Simple Anymore.

Chapter 166: Everett’s in Trouble?

Comment/Review the story, readers, and give me ideas on possible skills, situations, developments, etc., of things you want to see! No guarantees that I will add what you want. But it helps to have ideas out there. Please point out any mistakes you notice or anything you're not clear about. I'll try to answer them and fix them to the best of my abilities.

Shout-out to special Patreon members: Tuan Nguyen, Blacklionpride24,

Amidst the turmoil that had fractured the magji world, the Sinclair estate stood strong as a testament to the chaos that was raging beyond its property. Inside the grand mansion, a different kind of struggle was unfolding. Elizabeth Sinclair, the heiress of the Sinclair family, found herself locked in a battle of a much more personal nature. Her usually vibrant green eyes were clouded with a mix of nausea and annoyance as she stumbled into the luxurious bathroom. Her steps were unsteady. Her body was weighed down by the recent events that had plagued her body.

As she reached the bathroom, a bout of nausea overtook her, and she barely made it to the toilet in time. The sounds of her retching echoed in the room, a stark contrast to the usual elegance that characterized the Sinclair estate. This was a fight Elizabeth could not control, one that left her feeling vulnerable, helpless, and pissed.

Outside the bathroom, concerned servants exchanged worried glances. They had witnessed the bout of sickness that was plaguing their Young Lady and were unsure of its origin. Their first thought was to hire a member of the Star Clan to come take a look at their Young Lady, but she vehemently refused and said it was nothing more than just a cold and that she would get over it. It wasn't unusual of the lady to reproach their concerns, as she was rather stubborn. She'd rather tackle her problems head-on rather than rely on others.

A senior servant approached Lucas Sinclair's study, knocking gently on the door before entering. Lucas, the patriarch of the Sinclair family and a peak A-grade magjistar, looked up from his desk with a mix of confusion and weariness. He had been scrambling to acquire as many pieces remaining of this branch of the OM, a task that weighed down heavily on his shoulders. Lucas wasn’t the only one who wanted to snatch up the power void left by Victor Khan’s second and final cleansing. All of the factions were attempting to get their piece of the pie. It was mayhem, an underground war to see who could gain the most political standing and power left over.

"Lord Sinclair, I apologize for disturbing you," the servant began, his voice respectful. "It's Miss Elizabeth. She's not well and hasn’t been getting better."

Lucas's face scrunched up at the news, his thoughts immediately shifting from matters of the political grab-bag to the well-being of his only daughter. He rose from his desk, his strides purposeful yet weary as he followed the servant through the hallways of the mansion.

Inside the bathroom, Elizabeth's challenging ordeal continued. The sounds of her vomit reached Lucas's ears before he even opened the door. The sight that met his eyes was not the confident, strong young lady he was accustomed to seeing but a fragile figure hunched over the toilet. Her elegance as a member of the Sinclair Family was all but a figment of the past.

He knelt beside her, his hand hovering uncertainly near her back. "Elizabeth," he murmured softly, his voice a mix of worry and empathy. "What's happening?" Elizabeth's pale face turned to him, a mixture of exhaustion and reluctance in her eyes. Another wave of nausea overtook her, and her body convulsed as she retched once again. Amidst her distress, her gaze met her father's, and at that moment, their shared realization struck them both like lightning.

Lucas's mahna pulsed with recognition, a mix of emotions flooding his features. Elizabeth's own realization mirrored his, and her love magji, usually a well of power and strength, surged within her with unprecedented intensity. Lucas had fully grasped the situation after sensing Elizabeth’s body with his mahna. A fierce wave of mahna exploded from his body as rage filled his mind. “It was him…That gully! He dares!? My princess! My one and only daughter?!” Lucas walked out of the restroom with hostility flaring off of him.

Another wave of nausea hit Elizabeth, her grip on her phone faltering as she instinctively reached for the toilet once more. She wanted to reassure her father, to convey that it wasn’t what he thought, but the sickness held her in its tight grip. Amidst her own struggle, Elizabeth's fingers moved to her phone. Despite the haze of nausea, she managed to type out a message to Everett’s sister, her fingers stumbling over the screen. "Protect Everett!!!" the message read, its urgency evident.

At home, Zoey was trolling some losers over the internet and leveling up her Fighting Aura skill at the same time before getting a message on her phone. She frowned as she comprehended the words. Just reading them wasn’t enough because it was confusing enough. Why the hell was Everett’s girlfriend telling Zoey to protect Everett? It was a shame, but she’d have to spare Michaeljk36 from breaking his monitor from her trolling.

Zoey put on her cursed boxing gloves in preparation for whatever was coming. She rushed throughout the house and ordered her brother to stay in his room along with her parents. Her mom tried to question her, but she really didn’t have time. Alicia was thrown into her room on top of the bed as her dad locked the door while she ran to the front door. 

“Barrier!” Zoey formed a barrier around her house as she waited for whatever was coming to come.

She could sense a large amount of unrestrained mahna quickly heading in her direction. They weren’t trying to hide themselves at all. Zoey started stretching since it's been a while since she’s fought anyone who used magji. Ever since she was exiled from the magji world, she’s kind of just been living her life in the normal world. She was still friends with her magjistar friends. They just couldn’t go out on cases or be seen doing magji around her. Zoey didn’t know if she counted as a normal person now or if they were just trying to ignore her existence after almost fucking her over. She hasn’t forgotten that shit they put her through. As a petty ass bitch, she was still going to get her payback. One way or another.

Then, the incoming source of danger finally arrived. Several minutes after Everett’s girlfriend texted her. Zoey was surprised to see that it wasn’t a daemon at all but a magjistar. She didn’t recognize the man, but there were few people she’d be able to recognize in the magji world anyway. He looked pissed the fuck off. Wonder what he was mad at her brother for?

“Hello? Can I help you?” Zoey asked with some politeness.

“I have no business with you, Zoey Winters. I am here for that gully you call a brother.” Lucas's voice was quiet and demanding as a fierce torrent of emotion raged within him. 

“Gully?” This motherfucker did not just use that definitely racist term to refer to her brother. “His name is Everett, Everett Winters.” Zoey corrected him.

"My precious little girl, my Elizabeth, has been violated by that little dark beast!" he declared, his fury a palpable force that blew Zoey’s hair and clothes back.

“Violated?” Inner Zoey came out. “Are you saying they had sex?” Zoey was a little confused. She knew her brother wasn’t a rapist or anything of the sort. Hell, the worst thing she could say about him was that he was a little annoying sometimes because he cared too much. Whenever Zoey was punished after a fight with her mom, he’d come in to check on her when she wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone.

“I’m saying that little worthless human has impregnated my princess! Now stand out of my way while I personally show him the consequences of overstepping his position in this world.” Lucas balled his fists, a visible pink aura of mahna surrounding his figure.

Impregnated!? Zoey hasn’t even kissed a boy in all eighteen years of her life so far, and her brother has already had sex!? Did thirteen-year-olds move so fast nowadays? Her brother was nothing but a computer potato. There was no way he was the reason for this. It was that girlfriend of his that seduced and tempted her innocent brother! 

“You magjistars and your superiority complex…” Inner Zoey clenched her fists while not sure whether to be proud, angry, or envious of her brother getting a headstart over her. “The only way you’ll get to him is through me, asshole. I’ll do you a favor and help you calm down a little so we can discuss this like normal adults.”

“Don’t mock me, child!” Lucas kicked off the ground and appeared in front of Zoey with astonishing speed.

Proving that he was a peak A-grade magjistar with his speed. Zoey could barely raise her guard in time to block the heavy fist of a well-trained magjistar. She was sent sliding all the way to the edge of her barrier with a painful ache in her arms. A grin slowly started to form on her face as she measured the power of Lucas. “This might end too soon if I use my magji. Let’s see how long you can last against me at half of my full power.” Zoey felt the Balance of the World shackling half of her strength as she made her heart oath.

“A mere gully thinks she can stand against the power of love? Do you know how long the Sinclair Family has stood at the top of the magji world?” Lucas glared at the child.

“Not long enough if I never heard about it.” Inner Zoey chuckled as she let her arms hang loose at her waist.

Zoey hunched over as she entered her Playful Boxing Style. A complete no-guard style of fighting that would allow her to express herself freely however she wished. It was something she picked up and developed during her delinquent days. She could’ve used this while fighting in the YFTL, but it wasn’t appropriate at the time. Zoey kept this in her back pocket for really fun fights.

“I knew I should’ve just had her homeschooled instead of trying to fit in with you gullies. You’re all insufferable disgusting pieces of filth!” Lucas pushed off the ground and headed toward Zoey at blinding speeds. 

His leg whipped out with enough force to break several of her bones if it landed. With a giggle, Zoey simply leaned her head down low, avoiding the kick entirely. Lucas didn’t seem finished as he spun after the missed kick and aimed downward with a second kick to bury Zoey six feet under. Zoey leaned back, just narrowly avoiding the A-grade magjistar’s follow-up kick. A cut appeared on her cheek as she nearly rammed her fist into Lucas’s vulnerable stomach. His eyes widened at her reaction speed, but he was an experienced magjistar. Lucas performed a third spin and countered Zoey’s punch with his foot. 

The two were sent far away from each other. Zoey was leaning against the barrier she placed while Lucas was near her front door. She grinned at him as she was just getting warmed up. He’s already pushed her to use 60% of her full strength in only a few seconds. This was going to be fun.

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