Life Isn’t So Simple Anymore.

Chapter 175: Zoey’s Debut Fight in the FTL!

Comment/Review the story, readers, and give me ideas on possible skills, situations, developments, etc., of things you want to see! No guarantees that I will add what you want. But it helps to have ideas out there. Please point out any mistakes you notice or anything you're not clear about. I'll try to answer them and fix them to the best of my abilities.

Shout-out to special Patreon members: Tuan Nguyen, Blacklionpride24, Xedron, Zaki

Inside the colossal arena, anticipation hung thick in the air like a tangible force. The venue, known for hosting some of the most high-profile fights in the world, was a sight to behold. Its towering stands seemed to touch the heavens, and the ceiling was adorned with a stunning display of colorful lights, giving the arena a surreal, almost otherworldly feel. 

The audience had gathered from all corners of the globe, and the atmosphere was electric with excitement. As they took their seats, the spectators marveled at the grandeur of the venue. The rows of seating seemed to stretch on infinitely, and every inch was filled with eager faces. Fans waved flags and banners, ones bearing the name of their favored fighter, encouraging quotes, insults, pictures, and more, creating a diverse sea of colors that added to the spectacle.

In the front row, friends and family of both fighters had secured their spots, their faces a mix of pride and excitement. They didn’t even recognize each other as they happily chatted before the match. Each side was convinced that their fighter would emerge victorious, and the stakes had never felt higher.

The crowd's energy was contagious, spreading like wildfire through the arena. They roared with excitement, their voices blending into a deafening sound wave that reverberated through the venue's walls. It was as if the collective heartbeat of the crowd echoed through the arena, a steady drumroll of anticipation.

Every eye was trained on the entrances, waiting for the first glimpse of the fighters. The jumbotron suspended above the ring currently displayed a live feed of the backstage area, where Zoey Winters and Simon Birch prepared for their grand entrances. The crowd erupted into cheers as they caught sight of the fighters in their iconic attire.

A young girl in the audience, barely able to contain her excitement, tugged at her father's sleeve. "Daddy, look! It's The Devil!" she exclaimed with a cute little scary voice, pointing at the screen. Her father nodded, a proud smile on his face as he lifted her onto his shoulders for a better view. She crazily screamed like a monster in support of her favorite fighter.

Meanwhile, a group of friends in the middle row debated fiercely about the upcoming fight. "I've been following The Devil's career from the beginning," one of them said, "and I'm telling you, she's going to wipe the floor with this farm boy." His friend shook his head. "You can't underestimate Mr. Ground-and-Pound, though. He's kicked the asses of people way bigger and tougher than him. I just can’t see how she’s going to pull out the win for this." “THE DEVIL HAS DEFEATED A SUMO WRESTLER!!! I DON’T WANNA HEAR SHIT ABOUT A SIZE DIFFERENCE!”

As Zoey's students eagerly awaited her match to begin, their youthful enthusiasm filled the air, creating an atmosphere of excitement and anticipation in the crowd. They chatted among themselves excitedly. The fight they’ve been waiting months for is finally happening!!!

Ricky, one of the older kids in the group, couldn't contain his excitement and started punching toward his classmate. "Miss Devil is going to freaking kill this guy!!!" Cassie, a young girl with bright eyes, chimed in while weaving and dodging his punches with ease, "Do you think she’s going to use her Devil’s Twist?!"

Cindy added, "Mr. Ground-and-Pound won’t stand a chance against Miss Devil. She’s like the strongest fighter in the world." Her admiration for her teacher showed through the shine in her eyes.

Jack exclaimed, "I can’t wait to see the fight. We should have made a bigger poster to cheer her on with."

Jonathan innocently exclaimed, "I can’t wait till I get matches of my own! All these people cheering for me! It’s going to be dope as hell!" His words also reminded the others that all of this could be for them in the future.

Sherry, with a thoughtful expression, shared, "My mom said that this might be hard for Miss Devil because her opponent is a grown man."

Keith asked, "Do you think she'll finish him with a wrestling move? Like the moves, she taught us?" His curiosity sparked a discussion about the possibility of seeing Zoey's signature move.

Clementine giggled and said, "Like, totally. Miss Devil's gonna show that loser who he’s calling a poser, up close and personal." She cracked her knuckles.

Lily gazed at the screen with excitement. "Go, Miss Devil! Collect his soul!!!" She passionately screamed in support.

Otto, the biggest of all Zoey’s students, watched with wide eyes, genuinely excited to see his teacher in action. Although he could probably be the loudest one out of all of the students, he quietly waved the big crowd sign they made together as a class.

Devin and Allen, two buddies who often goofed around together, exchanged playful banter. "I bet this won’t even go past the first round!" Devin boasted. Allen laughed, "I bet it won’t even last thirty seconds!"

“I’ll never get used to this,” Alexander said with a smile on his face.

“It is certainly an experience…” Lindsay pushed up her glasses as she sat next to Alexander.

“It is very exciting—all of humanity at its most bare and savage. Despite looking forward to nothing more than brutal violence and savagery, very few of their souls are actually tainted by dark desires.” Caroline Hines looked at the crowd in joy.

“Aren’t you a fighter too?” Alexander asked.

“That’s correct. I use it as a mental exercise for purifying tainted souls.” Caroline nodded.

“How does that work?” Alexander questioned.

“It helps keep me in shape for purifying wicked ones.” She answered simply.

“Ugh…” Joseph’s face scrunched up as he tried to control his connate magji from looking at all these people’s emotions. It was an overlord on his senses. So many people that were feeling excitement and joy. If it wasn’t for his teacher’s training, he would’ve been sucked up by the great ocean of emotions surrounding this fight and lost himself entirely.

“Do you need to step out, Joseph?” Lindsay asked in concern.

“I’ll be fine…” Joseph gritted his teeth. “I’ve trained too hard to allow so many humans to defeat me with sheer numbers.” He did his utmost to control his magji.

“You got this man.” Alexander cheered him on.

“Yeah, thanks…” Joseph rolled his eyes behind his thick, dark sunglasses. Wearing a blindfold brought too much attention in the normal world.

“This place sure is loud…” Tink carefully hid within Everett’s shirt.

“Zoey is famous, so yeah.” He didn’t really know what else to say to that.

“I don’t think I ever seen this many people in one place before. Not even in Luminuaurora.” Tink shared.

“What do magic people even do for fun?” Everett wondered.

“They have small parties!” Tink knew that much, at least. They served at a few of them.

“They don’t have fighting things like this?” Everett was surprised.

“Nope.” Tink popped the p.

“I’m surprised with how violent they are…” Everett shared.

“GO ZOEY!!!” Callie shrieked while frantically waving a large supportive sign.

“Go Zoey…” Katlyn hid her face as she sat next to this embarrassing girl while waving a small flag.

People from all facets of Zoey’s life came to support her whether she knew it or not. People from Krey’s Community Center, classmates from school, people from Starlight University, and even a well-known Senator personally came to see her fight.

“I don’t see why I had to personally come here instead of just watching it at home…” Senator Reynolds looked at her secretary.

“You cannot truly understand Zoey Winter’s popularity until you’ve seen it for yourself. This is good for you. Act like it.” Secretary Jackson glared at his boss. “You never know who is watching, so put a smile on your face, please.”

Emily Reynolds grumbled as she put on her public smile as the sensory overload of the venue was taking its toll on her.

And then it happened. The arena's speakers roared to life, pumping out the familiar theme songs of the fighters. The ground trembled beneath the collective roar of the crowd as Zoey Winters and Simon Birch made their grand entrances. Zoey, shrouded in a sea of red smoke like she was coming from the deepest part of Hell, walked to the ring with her theme song blaring ominous and foreboding music, blanketing the crowd in an atmosphere of horror and joy. Her supporters cheered her on despite the tone of her entrance, their voices echoing through the venue. Her eyes had a slight mischievous shine in them as she walked to the ring, ignoring the hands of fans desperately wanting a handshake or high five while passing by her. 

Simon, equally imposing in his demeanor, made his way to the ring to the thunderous chants of his fans as loud patriotic music played. They chanted the words of the song like a war cry, the sheer volume enough to send shivers down anyone's spine. “AMERIKA!!!” They screamed.

The two fighters, now inside the ring, stood face to face once again, just like at the press conference, their eyes locked on each other. The crowd continued to go wild as the match was seconds from starting, a palpable tension gripping their hearts. It was a moment of pure electricity, the calm before the storm. The referee, standing at the center of the ring, raised the microphone to his lips, and the audience held its collective breath, knowing that the next words he spoke would signal the beginning of the most anticipated fight in recent memory.

"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, fighting fans from around the world! Welcome to one of the greatest spectacles in combat sports history! Tonight, under this colossal roof, we are about to witness an event that will go down in the annals of time. This is more than just a fight; this is a clash of titans, a battle of wills, a spectacle of skill and strength!” He started speaking.

“In this corner, we have an unstoppable force of nature, the embodiment of fear, the one and only, The Devil!” A majority of the crowd went wild at the introduction, forcing the referee to pause his words momentarily. “She's the queen of Hell, and no one has been able to challenge that title since her debut! Tonight, she's here to prove that she's not just a fighter. She's a legend in the making!”

“And in the other corner, hailing from one of the largest states in this great country, one of Amerika’s great patriots, the embodiment of freedom and hard work, Simon Birch!” An equally loud cheer erupted for Simon. “He's faced adversity head-on and defeated giants in his path. Tonight, he's here to show the world that hard work and determination can overcome any obstacle! Like a true Amerikan!”

“Now, let me remind you all of the rules. This match will be a display of skill, courage, and sportsmanship. No low blows, no eye gouging, and no unsportsmanlike conduct. This is a fair fight, and may the best fighter win!”

The venue seemed to pulsate with energy as the fighters received their final instructions. Every member of the audience could feel the weight of the moment, a shared understanding that they were witnessing history in the making. The arena's lights dimmed, and a spotlight shone on the center of the ring, where the fighters faced off.

“So, without further ado, let the battle begin! Ladies and gentlemen, are you ready?” Thunderous cheers exploded in response. “Fighters, are you ready?” They both nodded. “Then, for the love of the sport, for the glory of competition, and for the legacy that will be written tonight, let the fight commence! FIGHT!" He shouted, and all hell broke loose.

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