Life Isn’t So Simple Anymore.

Chapter 177: Another Controversy!?

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Shout-out to special Patreon members: Tuan Nguyen, Blacklionpride24, Xedron, Zaki

Fighting fans across the globe received a grim reminder that The Devil had her name for a reason. That brutal single minute of non-stop bloody violence was watched on repeat by millions. Clip by clip of The Devil’s malevolence and joy at causing such suffering was seen by all. There were more than a few who did witness the video, even if they weren’t interested in the fighting community at all.

The airwaves crackled to life as the iconic intro music of Fighting Talk Radio heralded the start of another gripping episode. Hosts Maria Collins and Alex Turner settled into their chairs, their expressions somber, their voices reflecting the gravity of the situation.

"Good evening, fight fans," Maria began, her eyes locked on the studio microphone. "Tonight, we're diving deep into the aftermath of that unforgettable match between Zoey 'The Devil' Winters and Simon Birch."

A hush fell over the studio as the hosts acknowledged the seismic shockwave that had reverberated through the fighting community and far beyond. The fight had transcended the realm of sports, raising questions about the very essence of fighting sports. Maria, a former fighting champion who knew the relentless grind of the fight game, leaned forward, her fingers tracing the contour of her old championship belt. "We can't ignore the impact this has had on the fighters themselves," she said, her voice tinged with empathy. "These athletes step into the ring, but they're still human beings. The mental and emotional toll of such brutality can be staggering."

Alex, a respected sports journalist with a reputation for unflinching honesty, nodded in agreement. "Absolutely," he chimed in. "But what's equally significant is the public reaction. Social media has been ablaze with comments, ranging from outrage to blind worship."

He scrolled through the flurry of tweets and posts on his tablet, each one a testament to the passionate voices of fight fans worldwide. Petitions had sprung up, gaining thousands of signatures within days. Calls for stricter regulations within the Fighting Tournament League (FTL) were growing louder by the day.

Their first guest, Dr. Sarah Mitchell, a sports psychologist, joined the conversation. "It's essential to understand the ethical concerns," she noted, her expression serious. "In the pursuit of entertainment, we cannot forget the well-being of these fighters. The FTL needs to step up and take responsibility. Something like this should have never happened under the Fighting Tournament League’s watch. She was allowed to torture that poor innocent man far longer than she should have under the eyes of the referee."

The studio's atmosphere grew charged as the expert panel engaged in a passionate debate. Among them, Professor Michael Hayes, a sports ethicist, argued that combat sports inherently carried risks. "These guys are grown men and women, okay?" he asserted. "They know the risks that come with the job. We don’t need to baby them because one little fight got out of hand."

“Out of hand?! He’s hospitalized, for God’s sake!” Dr. Mitchell retorted.

“He picked a fight with someone he shouldn’t have. There are consequences for doing things you aren’t ready to do. Everyone can agree with this, right?” Professor Hayes shrugged.

“He should be hospitalized for participating in a sport?!” Dr. Mitchell couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

“There are risks to every sport. I’m just saying if it was me. I wouldn’t go around challenging someone who calls themselves The Devil and expect to get away scot-free.” Hayes argued.

“Just because of a stupid persona, she should be allowed to do whatever she wants?” Dr. Mitchell questioned.

“She isn’t allowed to do what she wants. Why do you think she got a loss for an obvious win? There are consequences for breaking the rules, too, and I say it's fair that Zoey has a loss for her first official FTL match. She should’ve stopped when Simon was practically crawling away from her.” Professor Hayes explained.

The phone lines opened up to fan call-ins, allowing the voices of the community to be heard. They shared their thoughts about the match, grappling with the controversy surrounding it. Some called for reforms within the FTL, while others questioned the callers before them, argued amongst each other, and shared whether they supported Simon or Zoey.  As the episode drew to a close, Maria and Alex offered their closing thoughts. They acknowledged that the FTL stood at a crossroads, facing another decision that would shape its future. The welfare of its fighters, the ethics of the sport, and the expectations of the fans all hung in the balance.

“Let’s see how the Fighting Tournament League responds to this intense controversy.” Maria Collins ended the podcast.

The lights dimmed in the Sports Unleashed studio, and the camera's red recording light blinked to life. The host, Chris Reynolds, leaned forward, his face a mixture of excitement and animation.

"Good evening, sports enthusiasts," Chris began, his voice sounding happier than usual. "Tonight, we're delving headfirst into one of the most talked-about moments in the history of combat sports—the clash between The Devil and Mr. Ground-and-Pound."

The screen behind him came to life, displaying highlights from the now-infamous match. Each punch, each strike, each grimace of pain was etched into the collective memory of the audience.

"Let me tell you, analyzing The Devil’s movements on the screen is way easier than in a stadium with thousands and thousands of people around you. Now that I'm watching these highlights on the screen instead of in person, I’m noticing a lot of ingenious fighting tactics and talent from her." He chatted while replaying certain scenes of the match and explaining them. “If you see here, Zoey plays an unbelievable defense game. If you’re a newcomer to boxing or fighting in general, BURN THIS FIGHT INTO YOUR WRINKLY BRAIN! LEARN EVERYTHING YOU SEE HER DOING! This is the epitome of Defensive Boxing.”

Eventually, it was time to come to the next segment of his livestream. The screen displayed a montage of social media posts, each one a snapshot of the global reaction. Petitions had sprung up, demanding stricter regulations within the Fighting Tournament League (FTL). The number of signatures was climbing by the minute.

"Clearly, this fight has ignited a passionate response," Chris commented, his fingers tapping the desk in contemplation. "We've seen petitions gaining thousands of signatures within days. It's clear that the public is demanding change." He gave a mocking laugh. “Change for what? A softer version of FTL? That’s what boxing and those other combat sports are for. If you can’t handle the heat, stay out of the kitchen. Leave our violent sport for us real fighting enthusiasts to enjoy.”

Many of Chris’s fans agreed with his thoughts on the Zoey controversy. “Like, I'm not crazy to support Zoey Winters. She’s an excellent fighter. I have no doubt in my mind that she’ll become champion soon enough. Well, as long as she doesn’t get barred from the organization or something… But that’d be ridiculous. Zoey is going to change the Fighting Tournament League for the better! She’s been doing it since she was in the Youth Fighting Tournament League!” Chris’s support for The Devil was firmly planted in the eyes of the public.

The Global Sports Network studio buzzed with energy as host Samantha Turner prepared to delve into the controversy surrounding the recent match between Zoey Winters and Simon Birch.

"Good evening, sports fans," Samantha began, her voice steady. "Tonight, we're diving deep into a topic that's sent shockwaves through the fighting community and beyond. Zoey Winters' match against Simon Birch has sparked a worldwide debate."

The screen behind Samantha displayed graphic images from the match, the intensity of the fight etched on the fighters' faces. The video clips showcased The Devil's relentless assault and her disturbing joy at causing pain.

"It's hard to put into words just how brutal that match was," Samantha remarked, her expression somber. "But the fallout from it has been equally intense."

The studio monitor shifted to display social media feeds filled with hashtags related to the fight. Petitions calling for stricter safety regulations, banning Zoey from the FTL, stripping that referee of his uniform, and other such topics within the Fighting Tournament League (FTL) were prominently featured, their signature counts steadily rising in real-time. Samantha turned her attention to the screen, her brow furrowing with concern. "These petitions are gaining traction fast," she said. "People are demanding change, not just for the fighters' sake but for the sport itself. It is unknown what the FTL’s official stance is on this controversy. As they have stayed completely silent so far even with thousands of posts and emails sent to their social media, website, and emails."

The Fighter's Insight podcast, known for its in-depth analysis and candid discussions about the world of combat sports, tackled the controversial Zoey Winters vs. Simon Birch match in its latest episode. Hosted by the charismatic Max "Mad Max" Harris, the show provided a platform for experts and fighters to share their perspectives.

The episode began with the sound of a ringing bell, reminiscent of a fight about to commence. Max's voice then filled the airwaves, setting the stage for a riveting discussion. "Ladies and gentlemen, this is Mad Max, and tonight, we're diving deep into the heart of the fucking storm," he declared. "The Zoey Winters vs. Simon Birch match has stirred up a huge fucking controversy in the fighting community. It's time we break it down, piece by piece."

Max introduced his first guest, former fighter and renowned trainer Milly "The Scorpion" Rodriguez. Milly's no-nonsense approach to fighting analysis had earned her a dedicated following.

"Milly, you've seen countless matches in your career," Max began. "But this one was different. Zoey's crazy fucking beatdown on Simon Birch—it's been described as 'savage' and 'brutal.' What's your take on it?"

Milly didn't mince her words. "Max, this fight wasn't just about winning. It was about dominance. Zoey wanted to send a message, and she did it with fists and blood. It was a masterclass performance in setting her reputation in the FTL going forward. No one will underestimate Zoey for anything after reducing Simon Birch to that in the ring."

In a ChirpChat Post by @FightFansUnite:The Zoey Winters vs. Simon Birch fight has ignited a global debate. Some say it was a showcase of skill. Others argue it was a brutal mismatch. What's your take on it? Join the discussion using #FightersDebate #DevilvsG&P.

There was an image attached of Zoey’s face and Simon’s face staring at each other in the ring. “Zoey's a beast, but it's not her fault that Simon challenged her and fucked around and found out that The Devil wasn’t as sweet as he thought. 😤 #FightersDebate” Amy343 responded.

“I've seen worse in the octagon. These fighters know what they sign up for.  #DevilvsG&P” Gnarled Fingers posted.

“We can't ignore the need for safety measures. Fighters' health should always come first.  #FightersDebate” Tigerfan commented.

“Simon showed heart out there. We'll always stand by him. 💙 #TeamSimon” Drea shared her love for her favorite fighter.

In a GramShare Post by @MMAInsiderOfficial:  MMA History Made: Zoey Winters vs. Simon Birch! The world watched in shock and awe as these fighters clashed in the octagon. What's your reaction to this unforgettable bout? Sound off in the comments below! #MMAHistory #ZoeyvsSimon

There was an image of Zoey with her fist raised, mounting Simon attached to the post.

“Zoey is a true devil! Simon had no chance.” Asmodeus posted an image of an animated cartoon character laughing.

“That was hard to watch. Simon's a warrior for even stepping into the ring with The Devil. o7” Grant saluted.

“This fight is a wake-up call for the FTL. Time for some changes, folks.” Haggis Hunter gave her thoughts.

“Zoey is unstoppable! Can't wait to see who challenges her next.” Buysie stated.

“Simon gave it his all, and we're proud of him. Let's hope for his speedy recovery! 🙌 #TeamSimon” Noreen008 gave her support to Simon.

“Analyzing the stats, Zoey's dominance was expected. Simon's a strong fighter, but this was an uneven match from the start. #MMAHistory” chris commented.

“My son and I watched this together. He loved every second of it and wasn’t traumatized like some of you liberal pussies. 👨‍👦 #FatherSonTime” Kevin565 posted.

“Zoey's a legend in the making. I dream of facing her one day. #DreamingBig,” Katherine Winters shared.

These online campaigns or petitions aimed to bring attention to the brutality of the fight and called for stricter regulations in the Fighting Tournament League. The petitions garnered thousands of signatures within days, and the global outcry against The Devil's actions grew stronger with each passing hour.

"I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that match. It was like something out of a nightmare. We need stricter rules in the FTL to prevent this kind of brutality. Zoey Winters should be held accountable!"

"I used to enjoy watching fights, but this was on a whole new level of violence. It's time for the FTL to step up and protect the fighters and people like me who are watching from such harm. I signed the petition for everyone’s safety."

"I've been following the FTL for years, but this match was straight-up disturbing. Zoey's actions were beyond ruthless. It's high time we demand a change in the league's regulations. No one should go through that, and no one should have to see a grown man like that."

"I've seen a lot of fights, but this one crossed the line. The Devil's reign of terror has to end. Joining the petition is the first step towards making the FTL accountable for the safety of its fighters."

"My heart ached watching that match. No one should endure such brutality in the name of sport. These petitions are our way of saying enough is enough. The FTL needs a wake-up call."

But as the world raged against and with Zoey Winters, the woman who had unleashed chaos in the ring, her thoughts weren’t all that worried. Sitting alone in her room, she read multiple comments about what people thought about the match on numerous videos. The joy she had felt in the ring, the adrenaline-fueled high of victory, didn't diminish because people were raising up a stink because of her actions in a match again.

It was like the Donald thing all over again. Zoey didn’t really give much of a care toward it. People were too sensitive nowadays. Sure, Simon might be hospitalized, but it wasn’t like she permanently injured him to the point where he couldn’t fight again. That leg break with Donald was accidental, but he was still fighting and going strong, from what she could see. Simon’s face wrapped up like a mummy while he rested in a hospital bed was doing rounds across the internet. She made sure to hurt him just enough to look scary but not bad enough that he couldn't have a normal life or anything.

That picture was usually shared along with Zoey’s smiling, fighting face in the ring while she was pounding him into the dirt. Painting her as an unapologetic villain who deserved nothing less than the death penalty, imprisonment, and whatever else these people could think of. She doubted she would receive any serious punishment, if any punishment at all. 

The FTL has contacted neither Zoey nor her team, but considering how much of a fuss people are making about her debut match, they’ll come out with a response soon. As badass as it would be if they didn’t respond at all and treated this outrage like it didn’t exist, that just wasn’t how the real world worked. People were even donating money to these petitions to have Zoey suffer some kind of punishment. And when money is involved, almost anything is possible.

All in all, this whole situation was just really funny to Zoey. It was just a fight. People are acting like she murdered someone on live television and was still walking free.

Simultaneously, on the other side of the story, Simon Birch, hospitalized from his encounter with The Devil, found himself staring at the white ceiling of his VIP hospital room. The defeat he had suffered wasn’t just one that made his bandaged face ache. Simon suffered from nightmares. He grappled with the realization that Zoey Winters, the woman he had dismissed as a phony, might not have been as much of a fake as he thought. It was pathetic…

In the midst of this internal struggle, Simon received countless messages and interview requests from reporters eager to capture his thoughts on the match. The world wanted to know how he felt about being defeated so decisively by a fighter who had shattered the traditional norms of the sport. He declined all interview requests as he went black on social media. While he doubted the world would let him forget this mistake, he could at least delay facing reality for just a bit longer.

Meanwhile, back at Zoey's gym, her students were buzzing with excitement. They couldn't contain their enthusiasm when they watched the match and witnessed their teacher's strength in the ring. Now, when it was time for class, they couldn’t even focus enough to focus on their lessons. Zoey gave a resigned smile as she let them crowd around her ask her questions one at a time. She picked on them one by one as they asked her questions after questions. Zoey had to be careful about how she handled them. While it was fine for her to be a fight-crazy individual, she had to temper her students because of the crazy potential they held. She had a feeling she failed with Cindy as the little girl emulated her a bit too much in her superhero alter ego. She couldn’t let that happen with the others. There was only enough room for one Zoey in this world.

‘What about me, you bitch?! After all, I've done!’ Inner Zoey questioned.

‘We’re one person, stupid!’ Zoey shouted back.

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