Life Isn’t So Simple Anymore.

Chapter 181: Ethan Rhodes

Comment/Review the story, readers, and give me ideas on possible skills, situations, developments, etc., of things you want to see! No guarantees that I will add what you want. But it helps to have ideas out there. Please point out any mistakes you notice or anything you're not clear about. I'll try to answer them and fix them to the best of my abilities.

Shout-out to special Patreon members: Tuan Nguyen, Blacklionpride24, Xedron, Zaki

Ethan, a man in his twenties, wore the heavy cloak of lethargy like a second skin. If you were to inquire about his life, he'd likely offer excuses like "between jobs" or "taking a mental health break." However, the reality of his life was far less forgiving. He had dedicated the better part of his life to a dimly lit room, where the glow of computer screens coasted him through life. In this wonderful escape, he found solace, while in the real world, he existed as a specter – jobless, friendless, and still residing with his mother, whose hope of him becoming a productive member of society had long waned. 

It wasn’t his fault that those companies weren’t replying back to him. He filled out online job applications every other day. All of them email back that they are going with other applicants at this time or don’t respond back at all. Ethan refused to take a soul-sucking job as a laborer, retail worker, or customer service rep. His life was already being drained. He didn’t need the aid of other people to help drag him into a further hell.

His room had an oppressive stench that would hit anyone who entered it like a grenade. The curtains were drawn, allowing only feeble rays of light to penetrate the gamer cave. Discarded food containers littered the floor, their contents long spoiled. Piles of dirty laundry created uneven terrain, and he navigated through it with a resigned familiarity. The computer desk was a mess of empty energy drinks and sodas. The keyboard bore the marks of countless spilled drinks and grease from delivered fast food. He sighed, a mixture of repulsion and self-loathing welling up within him as he settled in for another satisfying day in his gamer’s den.

Ethan's gaze shifted from the computer screen to the reflection in the monitor. His once-bright eyes were now dull and haggard, framed by dark circles as a result of a horrible sleep schedule. His hair, once a long time ago, was neatly combed. Nowadays, it was hung in unkempt tangles around his face. He couldn't help but feel a wave of disgust wash over him as he confronted the reality of who he truly was. The reflection served as a harsh reminder of the repulsiveness of his current existence. Ethan promptly turned down the brightness of his three monitors.

The room was filled with the soft hum of the computer, his only companion in the otherwise messy space. As he started up a game, Ethan's gaze wandered from the screen to the keyboard in front of him. He thought back to all the friends he made in college and high school. Those bonds he failed to capitalize on as friendships required both sides to make an effort to maintain a bond. He just didn’t bother and hoped they would reach out to him instead. Waiting, waiting, and more waiting until they forgot all about him. Ethan learned that if you wanted friends, you had to put in the effort to make friends. Friends wouldn’t just come to you. Neither would a girlfriend just come to you. Ethan sighed as he got into a game. What was the point of thinking these depressing thoughts when he could be kicking the ass of some losers online!?

The dimly lit room was filled with the glow of multiple screens, casting a nice ambiance on the disheveled figure hunched over a keyboard. Ethan, known as "GamingGod69420" in the gaming world, was in the midst of a heated forum discussion. His fingers danced across the keyboard as he typed furiously, his toxic words spewing like venom.

“YOU GUYS FUCKING SUCK ASS!” Ethan shouted at both his teammates and the enemy team. Ethan's comment was like a digital grenade, exploding into a flurry of responses from other forum members.

“Yeah, I’m sucking your mother’s ass. What about it?” Breadwhatwhat, responded in a leveled tone.

“You sound like you like sucking farts out of old women. I’m not surprised, koomer.” Ethan laughed.

A vote to kick GamingGod69420 started up. “Why don’t we help this guy settle down? Go touch some grass. Get some fresh air?” UnlimitedSwords said in a friendly manner over the mic.


“Yeah, he sounds like he could use a nap right about now. You know how children get without their nappies. Have fun, kiddo.” DevilPancake laughed.

Ethan was unceremoniously ejected from the virtual lobby, and he took a deep breath of air as he reached below his gaming set-up. Grabbing a bag of chips and opening a warm carbonated drink, he got in a more comfortable position in his gaming chair. The greasy residue from previous snacks smeared against the fabric, but he paid it no mind. As he mindlessly consumed junk food while staring at the screen, a sense of emptiness welled up inside of him even as he was laughing and enjoying a funny video by his favorite content creators. At least when he laughed or raged, he was able to feel something.

Each day followed the same monotonous loop. Ethan woke up late, logged into his favorite games, and lost himself in the virtual world. Hours turned into days, days turned into weeks, months turned into years, and yet, there was no sense of enjoyment. He’s been doing this since he was a small child. The victories and achievements in the digital realm felt hollow, devoid of meaning. He couldn't escape the feeling that his life had become an endless cycle of pointlessness, a never-ending loop of temporary satisfaction.

As the sun set outside his window, Ethan sat in the dimly lit room, surrounded by the remnants of his day. The hours had slipped away as they always did. He wondered what things would be like if he was an actual productive member of society. Friends, a decent job, and healthy hobbies. But that was what dreams were for. No point thinking about that stuff while he was awake. It wasn’t like he was going to go outside and actually change his current lifestyle. As empty and hollow as it was. It was safe and comforting. There were little to no surprises that would shatter this current lifestyle of his. Unless his mom died or something. Then he was shit out of luck. He’d be forced to become a productive member of society, become homeless, or end it all. Whichever was easier. He wasn't sure if his mom had life insurance and he was on that life insurance.

One bright morning, the piercing sound of his mother's voice rang loud enough that it cut through his gaming headphones. "Ethan, rise and shine! I need you to make a quick trip to the store and pick up some stuff for me!"

Ethan's groans and mumbled complaints permeated the air as he dragged himself away from the computer. The list and the debt card left on the kitchen table by his mother awaited him. He grabbed the list and muttered resentfully, "Why can't she handle this herself? I've got better things to do."

Although he protested inwardly, Ethan couldn't conjure a valid excuse to evade this mundane task. He sighed heavily, donned a set of wrinkled clothes, and disregarded any attempt to make himself appear presentable. His hair was an unruly mess, and he sported a patchy beard. It wasn’t like he knew anyone. Why should he bother to make himself look good or decent? He was going to be in and out of the store anyway.

The neighborhood buzzed with activity, a stark contrast to Ethan's isolated existence. Couples walked hand in hand, parents guided strollers, and busy office jockeys rushed to their workplaces. Their purposeful lives stood in stark juxtaposition to Ethan's aimlessness, serving as an annoying reminder of his current life. Entering the store, the fluorescent lights hummed with a sterile, artificial glow. Endless rows of groceries and household goods stretched out before him. Ethan navigated the aisles with a mechanical efficiency borne from repetition. His mother's shopping list was his compass, but his thoughts strayed to the music playing in his headphones. He jammed out with his head moving from side to side because of the catchy beat while plopping groceries in his cart.

At last, he reached the checkout counter, his cart laden with the requested items. The cashier, a young woman with a welcoming smile, scanned each item with practiced precision. She tried to talk to him with some small talk, but he shook his head. She got right back to scanning his items without another word, and Ethan was grateful she could take a hint.

Exiting the store, bearing the weight of grocery bags, Ethan couldn’t help but be annoyed that he didn’t have his driver’s license or a car to drive around in. He put off getting his license at the age of sixteen because he was a lazy son of a bitch. But he never actually got around to actually getting it. Now he was in his mid-twenties without a license, having to walk or bus around for transportation. If he had the chance to go back to a younger version of himself, he’d kick his lazy ass and slap his mom for enabling his behavior. As much as he loved her for allowing him to rot, he also despised her for it.

Ethan struggled his way back home with the bags of groceries weighing him down. His thoughts drifted to the nothingness as the lyrics and the beat of his songs took over his brain functions. His arms shook from the weight of the grocery bags, and the lack of any physical activity except for one caught up to him. But as he turned a corner onto a quiet street, his gaze fell upon a sight that woke up both of his heads in an instant.

There, in the fading light of day, stood a woman who seemed to defy the very laws of attraction. Her emerald-green hair cascaded like a waterfall of silk, framing a face that could only be described as too beautiful. Her glasses gleamed with an enigmatic allure, and her slender figure exuded a magnetism that drew Ethan's eyes like a moth to a flame.

His heart raced, and his steps faltered as he struggled to process the sight before him. As he was being charmed by the woman’s otherworldly appearance. He had tripped over nothing in his captivated state. As Ethan tried to get back to his feet, he couldn't help but notice the woman was now standing above him. A soft, melodious giggle escaped her lips as her green eyes locked onto his. It was a sound that sent shivers down his spine and brightened his soul.

He felt like a deer caught in the headlights, his heart pounding in his chest. His internal thoughts raced in a frantic, jumbled mess of self-doubt and disbelief. Why would someone like her, an absolute goddess and top-tier human, take notice of him? He was nothing more than a complete loser with no job, prospects, or accomplishments to his name. The stark contrast between his own inadequacies and her undeniable radiance left him in a state of sheer panic as she looked down on him. What the hell was happening? Was he dreaming right now? The ache in his arms from carrying the grocery bags told another story. But why else would a 10/10 like this come approaching an utter failure of the game of life like him? His tongue felt heavy in his mouth.

Then, she reached him, standing mere inches away, her emerald eyes fixed on his with an intensity that sent a shiver of fright, excitement, and panic down his spine. She smiled, a smile that could melt the iciest of hearts, and Ethan's world seemed to narrow down to that singular moment. He must have somehow stumbled into another world if a woman as beautiful as this was willing to smile at a bug like him… Maybe on the way here, he got hit by a truck? The death had to be instant. He must have barely felt a thing. Some deaths were like that.

The setting sun bathed them in a warm, golden glow, casting elongated shadows that danced around them. The soft breeze carried with it the faint scent of blooming flowers, a stark contrast to the chaos that swirled within Ethan's mind. Their proximity allowed Ethan to notice the subtle details that made this woman even more enchanting. A single strand of hair had escaped her elegant updo, framing her face in a way that seemed almost deliberate. Her skin had a flawless porcelain quality, and her lips, painted a shade of crimson, beckoned like a forbidden fruit.

"I—I'm sorry," Ethan stammered, his voice barely more than a whisper. He could feel his face flushing, his cheeks warming as embarrassment washed over him.

The woman's laughter was like a sweet melody, filling the air with a captivating charm. "I don’t know why you’re apologizing?" she said, her voice a soothing balm to his frayed nerves. "I just couldn't help but notice your... predicament." She gazed at his fallen figure and groceries.

Ethan's mind raced for a proper response, for something that would make her see him as more than just a bumbling fucktard. But his thoughts were all over the fucking place, and he feared that any words that escaped his lips would only serve to embarrass him further. “Sorry.” He stupidly replied.

She extended a delicate hand toward him to help him up. "I'm Jade," she introduced herself, her gaze never leaving his. Ethan hesitated for a moment before taking her hand, his own trembling slightly. "E-Ethan." he managed to say, his voice still tinged with nervousness. God, he hoped his hand wasn’t sweaty right now. Her grip was as gentle and more perfect than he could ever imagine, her touch sending a jolt of electricity through his veins. "Ethan," she repeated, savoring the sound of his name as if rolling it around on her tongue.

It was at that moment that Ethan felt something he had long forgotten—the feeling of love. Here was a woman who seemed to see past his surface, a woman who had stopped in her tracks just to talk to him. The possibility of a connection, no matter how improbable, ignited a spark of hope within him. Sure, he knew he was deluding himself. But confidence was nothing but deluding yourself! If there was one advice he heard about dating women, it was that CONFIDENCE WAS EVERYTHING!

“How about you hop in my car? I can help you out and drive you home. What do you say?” Jade offered.

“Okay!” Ethan didn’t know what else to say to an offer like that. His mind was so jumbled he was surprised he managed that!

Ethan entered the beautiful lady’s car with his grocery bags and just fidgeted in the front seat as she sped off down the street. His mind went blank as he tried to think of a conversation topic. What the fuck could he talk about with this bombshell of a woman? How often he jacks off a week? The best tips and tricks for Mecha Alliance 2? How he has nothing going on in his life at all? Wait! He could let her talk about herself instead of him talking about himself! Women loved to talk about themselves, right?

“So, uh… how’s your day going?” He asked as they ignored the speed limit.

“Is there anyone at your house right now?” Jade asked, ignoring his question with her eyes focused on the road.

“NOPE!” Ethan instantly responded. 

“Oh, you live alone?” Jade questioned with interest.

“S-Something like that.” Ethan nervously giggled.

“This’ll make things so much easier then.” Jade smiled, shooting past a stopping sign.

‘What the fuck did she mean by that?’ Ethan questioned himself as his lower head slowly jumped from its slumber. ‘Am I about to get laid for the first time in like forever? With a total stranger? A total stranger that’s way out of my league?! A total stranger I just so happened to meet while on my way to the grocery store when I didn’t shower or fix up my appearance at all?! Could God have finally answered my prayers? I know I stopped believing in you when you never answered my prayers related to gaming, but hey, if you’re really willing to give this to me, I’m going to be fully devoted to you for the rest of my life. Even if it’s just a one-time thing, I can die happy knowing I bedded this goddess.’

Eventually, the two made it back to Ethan’s empty home. Jade didn’t even allow Ethan to grab the groceries as she rushed him into the house. Ethan was all for it as he happily opened the door and invited her in. But, as he was about to dismiss himself to go shower first, Jade grabbed him by the hand and pulled him back with the cutest giggle in the world.

As Poison turned to face Ethan. Her smile was a wicked and alluring curve of her lips, captivating and dangerous. She moved closer, her voice dropping to a sultry whisper that seemed to echo in the stillness of the woods. "Ethan, there's no need for that. I like your natural scent… And there’s something I have to tell you." He was a solid boulder right now.

Ethan's gaze was locked onto her, his desire evident in the widening of his eyes and the way he swallowed hard. "What is it?" he asked, his voice trembling with anticipation. With a flick of her arm, Poison snatched up Ethan by the throat.

"You are the biggest idiot, I’ve ever met in my life." Poison purred, her voice now a seductive melody that sent shivers down his spine. "Your lack of survival instincts are laughable. It’s like you were begging me to devour you. I’ve never met prey that willingly invited a predator into its home." Poison’s skin briefly turned back to its original green color instead of the disguised pale imitation of a human’s.

As she spoke those words, Poison's extending nails trailed sensually along Ethan's jawline, leaving a trail of blood in their wake. She could feel the rapid beat of his heart, the musk of his fear, and she reveled in it. Her emerald eyes bore into his, seeking his vulnerability. But then, something unexpected happened. Ethan's expression shifted, his wide-eyed wonder giving way to a look of something altogether different. It was a look of lust, of intense desire, and a strange sense of contentment. His gaze remained locked onto her, but it was no longer one of fear or terror. This sudden change in his demeanor caught Poison off guard. She had expected him to be trembling with fear and begging for his life. But instead, he seemed to be okay with dying in her hand. His desire was palpable as if he had willingly surrendered himself to the darkness surrounding her. Then she looked down lower at his jeans and noticed something else. This little cretin thought she was going to mate with him?!

It ruined her mood. Her mid-day snack was looking less and less desirable before her eyes. She released her grip on him, and he dropped to the floor, gasping for air.

"What the hell is wrong with you, human? Are you damaged in the brain?" Poison questioned, her voice laced with frustration and confusion. She couldn't understand how her prey could have gone from fear to lust in the blink of an eye.

Ethan, still catching his breath, looked up at her with an assortment of emotions running through him. "I've spent most of my life in a never-ending cycle of emptiness and regret," he said, his voice filled with a strange sense of resignation. "But in this moment, when you talked to me back then on the street, I felt alive again. I felt like my life had a purpose. And for once, I didn't care about the consequences."

Poison watched him, her mind racing as she tried to make sense of his words. She had encountered countless humans in her life, but none had ever reacted like this. It was as if Ethan had welcomed his fate and had embraced the idea of being devoured by a daemon. It unnerved her. How could prey get attached to its predator? It wasn’t right, but perhaps she could use this enigma of a pathetic human. She did need to get started on her plan to get revenge. What better way to do that than with a willing human to work as her slave?

She didn’t know what good or use he would bring. But just the fact that he was foolish enough to willingly submit to her based on mere lust was good enough for now. If he proved himself incompetent, she could do away with him in an instant. There were more than enough humans to go around. One less wouldn’t affect anything.

Ethan looked up at her after catching his breath. Was he being spared? Although he would’ve preferred to have had sex with this female monster before she killed him, this was fine, too. It’s not like he had much to live for besides the sake of living. His mom would be fine without him. In fact, she’d probably be far better off without him leeching off of her like a parasite.

“You. Are you willing to serve me with all of your being?” Poison looked down on him.

“I’m willing.” It wasn’t like he had anything better to do. Maybe serving this female monster who eats humans will bring meaning to his life again. Plus, she was pretty fucking hot. Even when she looked terrifying as hell in her monster form.

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