Life Isn’t So Simple Anymore.

Chapter 188: A Slowly but Developing Organization.

Comment/Review the story, readers, and give me ideas on possible skills, situations, developments, etc., of things you want to see! No guarantees that I will add what you want. But it helps to have ideas out there. Please point out any mistakes you notice or anything you're not clear about. I'll try to answer them and fix them to the best of my abilities.

Shout-out to special Patreon members: Tuan Nguyen, Blacklionpride24, Xedron, Zaki

Detective Rodriguez found himself in the heart of the bustling police precinct, a sea of activity swirling around him. He fixed his gaze upon the formidable stack of files and meticulous notes arranged before him, contemplating the weight of the critical information he had just received. The source? An anonymous tipster who had ventured into a fake job interview hosted by a mysterious new criminal organization. Detective Rodriguez wouldn’t say he was one of the best detectives in the force, but he had enough successes under his belt that taking care of something like this wasn’t too much to ask for. He would unveil the truth lurking behind this emerging criminal gang.

He dragged his mouse around as he clicked around on the well-known website for hosting job opportunities. He sighed in annoyance as he couldn’t find a trace of the job ad. It seems like this mysterious Ethan is smarter than the average criminal, but, at the same time, he is not. The thought of posting a job ad to lure unsuspecting people was certainly unique. However, Ryan questioned why the hell this guy thought it was a smart idea to come clean to everyone at the place where this ‘interview’ took place. Maybe he had someone working with him in the background. From what the tipster remembered, Ethan said he was a shut-in before stepping into the life of organized crime, which made identifying him a whole hell of a lot harder and whoever may or may not be behind him. Detective Rodriguez held his hand in his face as he analyzed the email shared with him by the anonymous tipper. 

Subject: Exclusive Enterprises - Your Job Interview

Dear James Pollington,

I hope this email finds you well. Thank you for expressing interest in the unique opportunity at Exclusive Enterprises. We've been thrilled by the incredible response we've received from candidates like you, all ready to break free from the ordinary and embark on an unconventional journey.

You've been selected for an interview, and we're excited to meet you. Our interview will take place at an office building located in Krey City, where we'll discuss the details of the job and how you can contribute to our extraordinary goals. The address for the interview is as follows:

XXXX Harborview Avenue, Krey City,

Date: Wednesday, December 15th, 20XX

Time: 2:30 PM

Our organization values adaptability, creativity, and an unconventional approach to life, and we believe that you could be an excellent fit for our team. Please come prepared to discuss your experiences, skills, and your willingness to embrace a life less ordinary. Even if you lack experience, we're open to considering fresh perspectives and untapped potential. If you have any questions or concerns leading up to the interview, please do not hesitate to respond to this email, and we'll be happy to assist you.

Thank you for taking this exciting step with us. We look forward to meeting you and exploring how we can collaborate on extraordinary ventures together.

Warm regards,

Exclusive Enterprises

Krey City, [email protected]

Detective Rodriguez sat at his desk, engrossed in his thoughts, surrounded by the clutter of case files and notes that had become his constant companions. The weight of the critical information he'd received bore down on him, leaving a troubled expression etched on his face. He had just reviewed the email from "Exclusive Enterprises" for what felt like the hundredth time, searching for any hidden clues or connections that might lead him closer to the emerging criminal gang. Deep in contemplation, he furrowed his brow, and a familiar voice pierced through the quiet of the precinct. It was his co-worker and good friend, Detective Michael Turner. Michael strode by Detective Rodriguez's cubicle and slapped him upside his head after seeing the look on his face.

He stopped beside Detective Rodriguez's desk and leaned in, eyeing his troubled friend with a mixture of concern and impatience. "Ryan, my man, I hate to break it to you, but you're not going to solve this case by wearing a hole through your chair and staring at that screen all day. You've got to get out there and shake things up!" Detective Rodriguez looked up, frustrated by Michael's sudden assault and the possible truth in his words. He knew Michael was right, but the case details confused him. "I know, Mike, it's just... this case, it's a real puzzle. I can’t tell if the criminal behind it is a dumbass or a clever son of a bitch, and I can't shake the feeling that there's more to this case."

Michael nodded, acknowledging the complexity of the situation. "Look, I get it, Ryan. But sometimes, you've got to trust your instincts and hit the streets. Talk to people, follow leads, and make your presence felt. You're one of our best detectives, which means you can't afford to be glued to your desk. Get out there, ask questions, and turn over every stone until you find the answers you're looking for." Detective Rodriguez appreciated his friend's pep talk and the reminder that he had the skills and intuition to crack the case. He straightened up in his chair, determination returning to his eyes. "You're right, Mike. I can't let this case slip through the cracks. I'll head out and start digging deeper, talk to the anonymous tipster again, and see where it leads."

Michael clapped a reassuring hand on Detective Rodriguez's shoulder. "That's the spirit! I'll be here if you need backup or a sounding board. Now, go out there and show them why Krey’s police department is better than some snot-nosed damn kid heroes."

With newfound resolve, Detective Rodriguez rose from his desk, ready to take on the challenge ahead. Michael's words reignited his determination to unravel the mystery behind Exclusive Enterprises and bring the emerging criminal gang to justice. He ventured to the address furnished by the informant, fully aware that his pursuit might prove fruitless. However, he recognized that in his line of work, some mysteries could only be unraveled through traditional legwork. With purposeful strides, he made his way to the nondescript office building shared by the anonymous source.

Upon his arrival, the unassuming exterior of the office building betrayed no overt signs of criminal activity. Detective Rodriguez entered the building only to realize it was completely empty. There were no signs of life inside this building, and when he searched up who owned the building, he found it was owned by some company that was holding on to it for leasing purposes. This realization did not help in his pursuit of the truth and frankly seemed to be a waste of time. He made a mental note to keep the location under vigilant surveillance in case Ethan planned to use it again in the future.

He engaged with fellow officers and confidential informants who possessed intimate knowledge of Krey's shadowed underbelly. The collective murmurings and hushed rumors painted a picture of absolutely nothing. They had no street cred whatsoever, and no one knew who they were or if they even had a name yet. Detective Rodriguez understood that he had only scratched the surface of this case. Nevertheless, his commitment to unraveling the truth remained unwavering. The inexorable ticking of the clock served as a reminder that time was of the essence. The safety of Krey and the welfare of its residents hinged upon his determination and the relentless pursuit of justice. The detective's pursuit was but in its infancy.

Whatever this Ethan had planned, he was going to show it very soon. Detective Rodriguez knew that something big was coming and shared with his fellow officers to keep their heads up. Ethan wouldn’t have been recruiting new members for his criminal organization for no reason. Krey’s police department was going to be ready for it, whatever it was.

Jasmine's apartment seemed to close in on her as she paced through the lit-up rooms, her heart pounding in her chest. The weight of her impending decision bore down on her like an anchor, threatening to drag her under. She had taken the difficult step of leaving her two children at her mother's house for the night,  after she received a message from Ethan saying they had a job tonight. As she moved from room to room, Jasmine tried to mentally prepare for the upcoming job. She knew very little about the details, only that she should show up with something that could break stuff and something to hide her identity. She couldn't afford to fail; her children's future depended on her success. With every step, she felt the weight of responsibility and guilt pressing on her shoulders, threatening to break her resolve.

In her bedroom, she opened a drawer and pulled out a pink ski mask she had bought right after agreeing to join Ethan’s group. Pink was cuter than black, okay? Jasmine hadn’t even touched it save for unboxing it and hiding it in her underwear drawers. Her trembling fingers traced its soft sides, and she couldn't help but wonder how her life had come to this point. She had always done her best to provide for her children. Working tirelessly, five days out of the week, to feed, clothe, and ensure they had the latest thing they needed for school. But being fired for a fault that wasn’t even hers had driven her to this path. The kind of money she needs to raise two growing children isn’t something she can get by sending in job applications to places like Harvest Delights or a fast food joint.

Jasmine then moved to the living room, where a baseball bat lay on the coffee table. She kept it in the house in case anyone ever tried to break in. To protect herself and the kids. But now, she was going to use it to protect their futures in a different way… But Jasmine knew she was just deluding herself. Jasmine couldn't shake the fear deep inside that gnawed at her. What if something went wrong? What if she was caught? What if her children were left without a mother? But with each doubt, she reminded herself of the reason she had taken this path. It was for Imani and Malik, for their future. For the chance to give them a better life than the one she had known.

As Jasmine finished preparing, she couldn't help but glance at herself in the small bathroom mirror. The reflection staring back at her was a thick woman adorned in a dark, stylish coat paired with a curiously contrasting ski mask. She let out a laugh as she looked at herself. “I look like a damn fool…” She gave a sullen smile. “A sexy one at least…” 

The mask made her look like some absurd criminal from a comedy crime movie, but she had no choice. The anonymity it provided was a desperate necessity. She adjusted it one last time, ensuring that her face was entirely hidden, except for her eyes so that she could see with the damn thing. "Okay, kids, Mommy's gotta go play criminal for a bit," she whispered, her reflection in the mirror. Her words were a feeble attempt to lighten the mood, but the reality was far from comedic. She was a single mother forced into a life of crime, not for the thrill but for her children's chance at a better life.

She whispered a silent prayer for herself, then made her way out of the apartment, steeling herself for the unknown challenges that lay ahead. Jasmine knew that she was willing to wade through hell itself if it meant providing a better life for Imani and Malik. Her children will live a better life than she did growing up.

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