Life Isn’t So Simple Anymore.

Chapter 195: The Crew’s Stories.

Comment/Review the story, readers, and give me ideas on possible skills, situations, developments, etc., of things you want to see! No guarantees that I will add what you want. But it helps to have ideas out there. Please point out any mistakes you notice or anything you're not clear about. I'll try to answer them and fix them to the best of my abilities.

Shout-out to special Patreon members: Tuan Nguyen, Blacklionpride24, Xedron, Cindrra

While wearing his standard Harvest Delights uniform, Jake Hathaway did menial labor through the bustling backroom, lifting products off the delivery truck. The rhythmic thud of products meeting the pallets echoed his routine. His co-workers aided him in unloading the truck on the several pallet jacks. It was their job, to place the products from the truck onto the pallet jacks, stack them up properly, and, once they’re stacked, wrap them up and take them out to the floor. They would do this until all the trucks were unloaded. Once that was finished, they would go out onto the floor and stock the shelves with the products that came from the truck.

After work, he stood before the weathered gates of an orphanage. The matron, surprisingly young, greeted him with a warm smile. “Melissa.” Jake greeted her. "Jake, it's good to see you," she uttered. In his hands, Jake cradled a stack of cash. As the bills changed hands, the matron's eyes widened, almost bulging from the revelation of the unexpected windfall. The matron, her voice hushed with disbelief, guided Jake into her modest office. The air was thick with the scent of aging wood and the echoes of children's laughter from a distant playroom. Behind the closed door, the matron, a bastion of maternal resilience, confronted Jake with a question that hung heavily in the air.

"Where did you get this money, Jake?" she inquired, her eyes searching for the truth that lingered behind the altruistic gesture.

Jake kept silent. “I’ll toss this right out the window.” She threatened. “Christmas is just around the corner.” Jake reminded her. She thought about the innocence of the orphans, their dreams of presents and joy. The matron, caught between the harshness of reality and the purity of the children’s expectations, grappled with the conflicting emotions that tugged at her heartstrings. “If it matters, I’m sorry that you feel this way.” Jake offered an apology—not for the act itself, but for the emotional turmoil he inadvertently stirred. The matron cast a disapproving gaze upon Jake, the silent benefactor with a heart weighed down by the consequences of his altruism. “Don’t give me crap like this again. Christmas won’t be around the corner forever.” Jake left without a goodbye. He still intended to send money to the orphanage. They both knew she wasn’t stupid enough to throw away free money. She just said it because she was upset. Both of them grew up in that orphanage. It had a special place in both of their hearts.

Butterfly, or Laura Holloway, the reigning queen of Ridgeview High School, swept through the crowded hallways with an air of unwavering confidence. Her golden hair cascaded down her shoulders like a royal cloak, and her eyes, sharp and piercing, scanned her surroundings with an almost predatory intent. The clique that trailed behind her mimicked her every move. Their admiration was evident in their eyes. They made their way outside during their free time.

A young girl named Lexi lingered near a bench, engrossed in the pages of a book, Laura and her clique approached, their eyes already giggling as they made their way toward her. Lexi was a girl adorned with frumpy glasses and freckles, and was a little chubby. "Fatass, I’m bored, and I need someone to entertain me for lunch period. Lucky for you, you’ve been chosen." Laura sneered, her words forming frosty puffs in the frigid air. Lexi, startled by the sudden intrusion, stammered, "Laura, please, please, please, leave me alone…” She begged.

Laura's laughter was sharp and merciless. "Why don’t you want to hang out with me? Today is the day you become famous." With that ominous declaration, Laura's clique closed in, encircling Lexi in a tight formation. The torment began. Laura's commands were like icy lashes, each one chipping away at Lexi's sense of self. "Fetch Mama’s bag, doggy!" Laura declared, her voice cutting through the group's laughter. The cruelty escalated as Lexi, her spirit freezing with each degrading demand, complied with each order. Forced to bark, roll in the snow, and retrieve Laura’s bag, she became a dog for Laura. The onlookers watched with a mix of humor, pity, indifference, or sympathy. Some recorded with their phones, while others just stood around laughing with Laura and her friends.

For what felt like an eternity, Lexi had no choice but to endure the humiliation, the snow clinging to her coat, and the laughter of her tormentors drowning her ears. She begged for help and pleaded with anyone to put a stop to this. As she looked around, Laura suddenly crouched down and made eye contact with her. “Be a good little bitch and follow your master’s commands properly. If you be a good bitch, I won’t mess with you tomorrow, okay?” Laura smiled a sickeningly sweet smile at Lexi. 

Tears fell from Lexi’s eyes as she barked in confirmation. She barked and barked and barked until the shouts of an adult came running over to them. Laura left her with a smile that promised something even worse if she dared to snitch. The teacher sent them all away except for Laura and Lexi, who were brought to the principal’s office. Laura audibly groaned in irritation as she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms and legs while sitting in the principal’s office.

“Laura Holloway, back again in my office, I see. Just can’t stay out of trouble, can you?” The Principal locked his eyes on her, not amused in the slightest.

“I didn’t do anything, and if you think I did, just ask her.” Laura smiled while looking at Lexi.

“Laura. I know you did something to her. The girl can’t even look in your direction.” Principal Jones sighed.

“Unless you got proof of me doing something to her, stop wasting my time. I got classes to be at right now. You’re like, holding up my education and crap. How am I supposed to be a good student when you’re breathing down my neck every time a student comes crying to you?” Laura listed her grievances.

“Because you are always in the vicinity when they are crying. You are always on the lips of students and the subject of their whispers when I walk in the halls about the latest victim of your actions.” He glared at her.

“Listen, Leo. We know exactly how this is going to play out.” Laura narrowed her eyes at him. “Regardless of what she says, we both know nothing is going to happen to me. You butting your nose where it doesn’t belong is only going to get someone hurt.” Laura glanced at Lexi, who was softly sobbing.

Principal Jones gritted his teeth as he stared at this problem student in frustration. “Please… She didn’t do anything… I just wanted to play in the snow…” Lexi spoke up. Principal Jones let out a heavy sigh as if he was aging by the second. “Get out of here…” He waved them out.

Laura smiled as she stood next to Lexi, still huffing and wetting her eyes. “Good little bitch.” She patted her head. “I guess I’ll spare you. You served your master well. Never raise your head in my presence again; we won’t have a problem.” Laura whispered. “Tha-” Her words were interrupted by Laura’s sharp correction. “Bark, bitch.” Laura reminded her. “Woof…” Lexi responded with another trail of tears down her eyes. “Alright, bye, bestie!” Laura’s voice took on a completely new tone as she waved goodbye with a bright smile.

Laura loved her new lifestyle. Now that she could afford the latest clothes, accessories, electronics, shoes, and her own freaking car, she had nothing to worry about for the rest of her high school life. Like, who could imagine that the queen of the school was actually a brokie? An actual broke bitch who lived in like the suburbs! But now that she got money from working with Ethan, she could continue living like a queen. If she kept working, she could even move straight out into an actual house or something once she was eighteen. Then she could move on to becoming queen of college!

‘Money is the sweetest thing ever!’ She shouted in her heart.

Queeny, or Vanessa Thompson, stepped into the lavish lobby of the upscale hotel. The contrast between the grit of the streets she had to live on and the fanciness that now surrounded her was crazy. The reception area, filled with polished marble and gleaming lights, welcomed her like an unexpected guest from a whole new world. Vanessa, still wearing the clothes she managed to keep while living the homeless life, stood in the midst of elegance and luxury. The receptionist, trained to maintain a facade of disinterest, cast a fleeting glance at her like she wasn’t supposed to be here. Like she was inches away from calling for security to escort her out. A condescending smirk was present on Vanessa's lips. This bitch thought she couldn’t afford to stay here or something, right?

With the presence of a flaunting peacock, Vanessa approached the check-in counter. The receptionist raised a stank eyebrow at her. In response, Vanessa tossed a wad of cash onto the counter. The look on her face was saying, “Pick it up bitch. Pick my shit up and treat me like your god. I got fucking money bitch!”

But actually, she said, "I need a room," Vanessa declared. After seeing the fat stacks of cash, the receptionist nodded and began the check-in process as Vanessa ascended the elevator to her temporary haven. The hallway, littered with framed artworks and soft lighting, led her to a door that promised her no more sleeping on the streets. Upon entering the room, Vanessa found herself enveloped in a new world. The king-sized bed that had pristine linens beckoned her to surrender to a comfort she had long been denied.

She approached the window, drawing back the heavy curtains to unveil an awesome view of the city below. The glittering lights now danced in harmony with the sparkle in Vanessa's eyes. The bathroom, equipped with luxurious amenities, offered a blissful rest from the hardships Vanessa had endured. As she stood beneath the cascading water of the rainfall shower, the grime of the streets washed away, leaving behind a renewed sense of self. Draped in a plush hotel robe, Vanessa reclined on the sumptuous bed, the crisp sheets cradling her in a cocoon of comfort and luxury. The television, a piece of luxury she missed very much dearly, flickered to life.

In the plush confines of the hotel room, a surge of exuberance pulsed through Vanessa's veins. She had money, enough money to do whatever the hell she wanted. And it was all thanks to her applying to that shifty-ass job ad. Sure, she was a criminal, but that was way better than being a homeless bitch! No longer did Vanessa have to wonder where her next meal would come from or fear for her own safety every time she closed her eyes. With an impulsive burst of energy, Vanessa seized the remote control and cranked up the volume of the entertainment system, filling the room with blistering punk rock.

As the rebellious music blasted through the speakers, Vanessa couldn't contain herself. She danced with wild abandon, twirling and leaping across the room. The elegant furnishings and meticulously arranged decor became casualties of her liberated spirit. The sound of crashing objects and the thumping of her feet reverberated through the walls as she careened through the space, leaving a trail of disarray in her wake. The curtains were torn down in a flurry of movement. The artwork on the walls threatened to topple as she brushed against them, leaving them askew. The once neatly made bed, now a disheveled mess, became her stage as she jumped and spun upon it, the crisp sheets crinkling and tangling beneath her.

Vanessa's laughter mixed with the rebellious strains of the music, creating an atmosphere of joyful defiance. The air crackled with electricity as her uninhibited revelry filled the room. The reflection in the mirror captured her elation, her eyes shining with a newfound sense of freedom. As the final chords of the punk anthem faded away, Vanessa, breathless and flushed with triumph, collapsed onto the bed.

As Vanessa caught her breath amidst the wreckage she had created, she felt a surge of pure happiness coursing through her veins. With her newfound financial means earned through her criminal activities, Vanessa saw an opportunity to finally get started on pursuing her lifelong dream of becoming a famous musician.

Kicked out of her parents' house at the tender age of 18, Vanessa has never really made anything of herself since then. But now, armed with the capital she had acquired, she was ready to make her mark on the music industry. Music was her lifeblood, and punk music was everything to her. With a determined glint in her eyes, Vanessa reached for her phone and began researching recording studios, music producers, and local venues. She had always written her own songs, pouring her heart and disdain for the system into the lyrics. Now, she had the means to bring her music to life, to amplify her voice, and to spread her voice to the people of Krey and beyond.

Sometime later, after she expressed the feelings she felt deep inside, there was a sudden knock on the hotel room door that interrupted Vanessa's thoughts. She paused, momentarily taken aback by the intrusion. As she swung open the door, a hotel worker stood before her, his face a mix of concern and annoyance. Dressed in a crisp uniform, he mustered a polite smile despite the chaos that lay behind her. "Excuse me, ma'am," he began, his voice tinged with a hint of exasperation. "We've been receiving complaints about the loud noise. Could you please keep it down? Other guests are trying to rest."

Vanessa couldn’t help but laugh in his face. She flicked him off. The hotel worker's expression shifted from concern to a mix of surprise and indignation. He attempted to interject, but before he could utter another word, Vanessa slammed the door shut in his face, the sound reverberating through the corridor. The hotel worker, left to deal with the aftermath of Vanessa's disregard, let out a sigh and moved on to address the other guests' concerns.

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