Life Isn’t So Simple Anymore.

Chapter 23: First Match Coming Up!

Comment/Review on the story readers and give me ideas on possible skills, situations, developments, and etc of things you want to see! No guarantees that I will add what you want. But it helps to have ideas out there. Please point out any mistakes you notice or anything you're not clear about. I'll try to answer them and fix them to the best of my abilities.

“So, I was like, no way Warren! Why the hell would you even ask that? I’m not that type of girl and I totally don’t appreciate the way you’re looking at me.” Callie said. 

  Zoey was at her first track practice of the season with Callie and Katlyn. To start practice off, they ran 2 miles on the track. They were jogging at a comfortable pace side by side one another. She was making sure to stay with their speed and not unconsciously speed ahead. 

“I would’ve kicked him in his balls if he said something like that to me.” Katlyn said. 

“Finding a nice guy at this school is almost impossible... I want to experience true love that doesn’t involve my body!” Callie cried out. 

“Love stories like that don’t exist anymore in this era. True love is dead.” Katlyn severed her hopes. 

“What about you, Zoey? Do you think love is dead and I should just give up my dream of finding a nice respectable guy who doesn’t look at me like a piece of meat?” 

“I wouldn’t really know anything about that...” She admitted. 

  Zoey was a Bonafide sex fiend in her imagination. The number of guys she’s screwed in her head definitely number more than the actual number of guys she’s ever talked to. At this point, she actually couldn’t tell the difference between love and lust. That was just how far she was gone. Because right now, she couldn’t think of a single guy she had a crush on that wasn’t mostly physical. Maybe the true love Callie was talking about was something like how she felt about Ethan but without the constant sex and kissing. But wait, without those isn’t she just spending time with him? Now she was confused again. 

‘Just what the hell is love in the first place?’ Zoey’s brain felt like it was spinning. 

“I refuse to believe that you never had a crush on a boy before.” Katlyn said. 

“I had crushes before. I don’t think nice men are impossible to find anymore, maybe you’re just not looking in the right place?” Zoey guessed. 

“You know Zoey, you might be right. The only guys I ever talked to were sports guys.” 

“Wait really? Why?” Katlyn asked. 

“I like guys with nice bodies.” Callie shared. 

‘Me too.’ Zoey agreed but she could go for soft-looking men too. She was regularly the aggressor in her fantasies. 

“Ah, you two Zoey!?” Katlyn caught Zoey nodding her head.  

“Huh?!” Zoey didn’t even realize she nodded in agreement! 

“Heehee... I thought you were more likely to go after nerdy boys or something.” Callie teased. 

‘I could if he’s cute enough in looks and personality. But those stuck-up and prideful nerds can go to hell.’ 

“To think you were into jocks. I’m surprised.” Katlyn grinned. 

“I...” Zoey didn’t know how to respond. 

“Well, you know Zoey, if you have anyone you’re interested in we could totally help you out!” Callie offered. 

“I’m good.” She immediately shut her down. 

  Zoey would not be able to handle the embarrassment of someone knowing the thoughts running through her head. There were times where she thought about what if someone could read her mind and she had no choice but to be 100% honest the entire time. It was fun to think about being her true self without restraining any part of herself away. But Zoey didn’t think she was a very nice or friendly person. If she just went around acting the way she felt, no one would want to be around her! People still didn’t usually fuck with her even when she acted nice and friendly but still! People like friendly people more than assholes. 

“Time for warm up girls!” Tiffany, their running coach, called them in after their 2 miles. 

  The boys and girls started heading to the grass together. Boys went over to the coach for the boys while the girls headed to the opposite side of the field with the Tiffany and the others. 

“Come on Zoey! We could totally hook you up with someone. Tell us who you’re interested in!” Callie pressed. 

“No way. I got too much on my plate for a boyfriend now, anyway.” Zoey dismissed. ‘A friend with benefits is something else though...’ 

“Like what?” Callie asked. 

“The only things I can think of is her secret part-time job, track practice, and school work.” Katlyn said. 

“Wait! Zoey aren’t you 15?! How do you have a job already?!” 

“No, I'm 17...” Zoey said. 

“Seriously?” Callie looked at her. 

“Are they hiring where you work at Zoey?” Katlyn asked. 

‘How the fuck am I supposed to answer that?!’ Zoey works as a Bringer for majistar that were basically like magical exorcists.  

  She didn’t know if other magjistars were looking for Bringers to hire and Zoey didn’t want to put her friend in danger anyway. It was okay for her since she had the Box, she could handle the danger that comes with the job. As far as she knew Katlyn was a completely normal human who was good at running for a long time. Maybe she could run away from the demons as bait so that the majistars could kill it but demons are usually physically stronger than humans. There would be a point where she won’t be able to run away from a demon before the magjistars can kill it. 

“Not that I know of. I’ll ask around but you should probably look somewhere else. My job isn’t exactly... the most normal.” It wasn’t a complete lie. 

“The more you hide this secret job of yours Zoey, the more I want to find out about it.” Callie grinned. 

“Sorry.” Zoey wished it was the opposite. 

  The rest of track practice went smoothly. Zoey learned what’d she be doing for as a runner for the 100m. Callie told her that it’ll be pretty much the same practice throughout the season. Sometimes Tiffany will switch things up by adding something new or the coaches will merge the boy’s and girl’s practices. But overall, this’ll be it for practice. It’ll be the track meets when things will get exciting. That will be where she can put all this practice to use and compete against other high schools in the city. 

“Text you later Zoey!” Callie gave her a hug and smothered her face in her stupidly big breasts. Zoey tried to respond but her response got buried in Callie’s chest. 

  Zoey wasn’t jealous. It just made her wonder what the hell did she eat and drink to grow up to have tits that big. Now that she was in shape because of her training and the Box, which probably played a bigger part than she thought, Zoey was proud of her body. Even if she could’ve got these same results without the box, she still wouldn’t have put in the effort to do it. The only reason she trains every morning and night is because with the Box, she can actively see herself improving. While if she didn’t have the box, results would take many months before they started showing. 

  Now that track practice was over, Zoey still had about 2 hours before her match with Tyler and Mike. If she went home, she could probably knock out some homework from today but it's been a while since she’s went to the city in search of gangsters and delinquents. But now that she thought about it... Zoey didn’t really need to go up into the city anymore in search of fights. She had some fights right here because of the Youth Fighting Tournament League! They’d be able to raise her stats and skills far better than some scum of society. This still didn’t make her want to not go to the city. 

  If she wanted to raise Boxing to the pinnacle of all fighting styles, she’d need to experience using it in all kinds of situations and scenarios. Against pieces of shit that are willing to use knives against girls, against a group of people that are attacking her all at the same time, against demons with supernatural abilities, and against majistars! Evolving boxing to something that can handle all that won’t be possible if she only used it in the ring with specific rules that handicapped her from fighting to her full potential. Maybe she was getting ahead of herself a bit. Zoey only started boxing not too long ago.  

‘How about I worry about taking boxing to the next level when I fully master the damn thing first.’ She decided. 

  So, Zoey made her way to the gym for some practice and maybe teaching. She was all for raising her skills when the opportunity came. After her first two matches in the YFTL, Zoey was no longer going to pummel her opponents into submission. Her fists were a lot heavier than she previously thought they were. Now, she would focus on leveling her defensive skills until time was about to run out. It was why she picked two weak looking guys to fight against. Taking them out in a single punch or two wouldn’t be a problem when there was a minute left or so. 

“There’s our little killer! Are you ready for your matches in a few hours?” Coach Scott happily greeted her. 

“Uh, I was coming for a little warm up. Then I was going to head down there.” She explained. 

“Oi! Zack! Get your ass over here and come help Zoey warm up!” He shouted. 

“Here I come Coach.” Zack laughed. 

“Zoey!!!” The other people in the gym started shouting her name when they realized she entered. 

  Do these jerk offs know how embarrassing it is to have your name be cheered for? All she did was walk in to the gym and now she has a small crowd around her. It was at moments like this that Zoey was glad that she wasn’t white. Her face would be as red as a fucking tomato right now. She quickly greeted everyone and then made it into the back to get changed. 

“I don’t think I'll be able to handle the fame of winning the tournament...” She suddenly realized. 

It looks like Zoey is completely confident in winning the YFTL tournament. I wonder if things will be that easy...? 

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