Life of a Dominant F*tanari

Life of a Dominant F*tanari Chapter 1: Jake

Today is the day I snap. I swear it.

I am sick of being called names for something that I cannot control. I am a strong woman who works out every day. My father always taught me violence doesn't solve problems.

My father is a fucking moron; My mother agrees with him. Making her a fucking moron as well.

I have reached the end of my rope, and I can no longer do it anymore. I have lost my cool, and I don't care about the consequences anymore. I hear one more insult. One more jab at me I am going to get violent.

I am what the Japanese call a Futanari. This is something growing up I was never ashamed of. My body was simply that, My body. I was active all the time, and I loved soccer. I loved it with a passion, and I excelled in soccer.

It wasn't until I turned eight that I learned that I couldn't go in any higher leagues to see my dreams of becoming professional. In school, they started to segregate them into more professional and sexual-based divisions. It was an annoyance that I cried about for years. It still is a sore point for me as I am a Futanari. This is a rare condition, and they told me I am a boy since I have a cock and balls. The men say I am a girl because I have breasts and a pussy. Neither side allows me to join in. So I turned all that love of running, kicking a ball with skill, into just running.

I was now a track runner with the same problems that there isn't a professional circuit for people like me. All my sports dreams are bound to die a death before I can even start. I am a fitness fanatic, though. I am strong, and my body loves not to show it. I have muscles that would make linebackers jealous that hide inside my curvy frame.

This here comes to my problems and my rising problems in school. For the last three years of high school, I have had to put up with fucking morons poking me. I was raised never to use violence to talk. The fucking morons never knew what being poked fun at for something I was born with. I am not allowed to use the women changing areas since I have a fucking cock. I cannot use the men's locker rooms because I have a pussy and large breasts that never seem to stop growing.

My parents told me the boys like me, and that's why they bully me. I am beautiful with fantastic curves and ripped six-pack abs. I love my six-pack, and I will lie if I don't admit to stroking it. They are the only muscles that show on my body, and I love them. I continue to love them till death do us part. I started to study martial arts as well and took a new love to Muay Tai. The problem is I cant go professional with it. Every fucking time I find something I love, I cannot make it a career due to my gender identity. My body is superior, some doctors say as well. They wanted to study me at some point, but I firmly rejected it. I love my body as it is the temple that I reside. Drugs being put into this temple of muscle perfection would be a travesty to the world.

I sighed, letting go of my narcissism. I looked into the mirror, seeing a beautiful face. I was naked coming from the shower and looked at my F-cup breasts. They were overly large and expensive to keep up with the purchasing of bras. My dad complained to me relentlessly on this topic as I ignored him. My mother was much more sympathetic, although still stupid for listening to my dad on violent bullshit. I lovingly stroked my abs; seeing the toned muscles made me smile. I looked at my arms that looked soft, making me frown. I hated how my body hid the muscle mass that I have accumulated. I looked into the mirror and could see my pillowy ass that made my eyelid twitch in annoyance. I looked like a super curvy model I heard from my parents. I knew I looked beautiful. But when I looked between my legs, I saw a large cock and balls flaccid hanging there. My cock was seven inches flaccid and sixteen inches when I get excited. Morning wood is a problem, and wet dreams have ruined many panties I have had overnight.

Periods make life even more horrendous, but I thanked the Lord for tampons. Pads... do not work well for me. My huge balls, said to me by a doctor, constantly get in the way; I sighed for all the troubles my amazing body gives me. I got ready in a tight workout outfit that would help me keep everything from flailing around. It hugged my body comfortably. I sighed as I felt some of the weight off my back lift. My breast size was something that I would always find annoying. However, my back could take it.

Another sigh left my mouth as I moved to finish getting ready for school. I filled my backpack with useless, already finished textbooks. I put the second set of clothing and school uniform into my bag, and I vowed today that all the bullying stopped. I was no longer the tolerant girl of the past they remember. Today I will show them that I am better than anyone in school. I have no friends, and I cannot care less anymore. They are all trash, and I am superior; I chanted this in my head as I picked up the fifty-pound backpack. I placed two twenty-pound weights on each of my legs and two more twenty-pound weights on each of my arms. The weight settled in, and I bounced on the balls of my feet, ready to go to school. I was prepared for an excellent two-kilometer run. I picked up a habit of running with weights a year ago and tended to wear puffy sweaters when running or jogging.

No more of this, though. I will knock out anyone who messes with me anymore. Especially that fucking asshole Jake. I felt a deep loathing for the little runt. He was five foot seven inches. He is very athletic, and I was jealous of how he could make a career out of sports. I couldn't even get an athletic scholarship because I can join in on their teams. I tossed out with skill my deep loathing towards the careers I would never be able to pursue.

I stepped outside and fantasized about messing with that runt Jake, though as my running shoes pounded the pavement, I gracefully made my way to school. I thought about what I could do to the runt. He was shorter than me by about three inches. I was five foot ten, and I hated every time I meekly backed off. My body was physically pained from backing off like a meek bitch before their alpha.

He was a top sportsman, though, and already been scouted to an excellent school for Football. I will admit that he was excellent at throwing a football far and accurately. I might never have been a fan, but I know that he is the reason that our school has been making it so far the last couple of years. My resentment only grew knowing that he had a promising athletic career. This was in stark contrast to my better body and skill in many more sports, but I couldn't enter because I was medically considered a hermaphrodite or Futanari. It pained me physically. I wanted nothing more every time he called me dick girl or other names to punch him in the face.

I was stronger than him; I was faster than him; I am more skilled in sports than him; He is male, where I am Futanari. Therefore he can have a better career in sports while watching, becoming a spectator filled with jealousy due to something I cannot control. My feet quickened their pace as I moved faster towards the school. I finally felt a sweat building up and knew that I would need to rinse my body. I only took a shower this morning before heading to school because I needed to get my cock flaccid. Lately, it was becoming more demanding of attention in the morning.

I sighed as I finally reached school, trying not to let my anger roar for everyone to hear. I arrived, and I jogged down the mostly empty halls towards the teacher's locker rooms. These locker rooms were abandoned most of the time as they were also where most bullying took place. It was ironic as I noticed a poster looking to stop bullying with a small girl putting up her hand. It always got to me as I stripped to jump into the showers. The hot water poured down on me, and I felt my cock harden with the pleasure of a good run and cleaning. I wasn't even out of breath at this point and ignored my slightly stiffened cock. It shouldn't bother me too much. I left the shower quickly to get dressed for school.

I turned eighteen just a week before, and I was in my last school year. I troubled myself stuffing my cock into some comfy panties. Before slipping on the school required uniform. This thing was a uniform fetish dream. It was a white collared button-up shirt and a plaid skirt. My eyelid twitched in annoyance as I struggled to get the top buttons closed around my bust.

Finally, I looked ready to head to my first class. I sighed, knowing boredom was going to rock my day. I was about to step out into the hallway when I heard someone on the other side of the door. I listened to a conversation from it. "Dude, You are talking about that Dick girl. That girl can lift, you know. I heard someone talk about how she is an iron-pumping fiend." One guy said.

I heard the other voice, and my eyes narrowed. "Dude, Who gives a shit. I can lift weights too. I pump iron better than her any day. You've seen some of the weights I lifted." Jake's voice replied.

"Dude, This is fucked up what you're talking about. It's fucking Dick girl. Are you actually interested in her?" The other guy replied.

"Fuck no, dude. But remember, she is still a Girl. She has a pussy too, and I want to see if that is tighter than a regular girl." jake replied confidently.

My eyes narrowed, and I stepped back from the door. at the same time, I could still hear them. "Dude, I don't care. I am not joining you. This is your stupidity. I won't tell anyone, but dude, I don't think this is a smart decision." With that, I heard the first guy leave.

Anger fueled me. I was pissed off. On the first day of school, Jake decided to take it up a notch. I walked over to the showers. This fuck thinks he can fuck with me?! I was fucking done. My resolve was an iron bar after hearing their conversation, and I turned on the shower. The water poured down, and I stepped into another shower stall. I heard the door open and scoff from someone. I assumed Jake. I was correct as I saw him step past me without taking a look. Over the summer, his hair had grown, I realized, reaching his shoulder, and he was naked cock hard as he crept forward. I was surprised since long hair was frowned upon in the sports program for men. My mind focused on stupid things.

I watched as he stepped up to the shower stall with the running water. He burst in to see an empty shower stall. He turned off the water while asking, "What the fuck?"

His head turned to see my hand reach out and grab his face. He yelped into my hand, and I punched him in the stomach. I heard him cough up the air in his lungs. My hands were not resting, though, as I pushed him against the wall. "You fucking think you can rape me now?!" I exclaimed in the silent locker room.

He tried to talk, but the air in his lungs had escaped him. I punched him in the stomach more, and he never realized how strong my punches were. He gasped as the small amount of air in his lungs escaped again. I didn't wait, though. I pulled him out of the showers by his long hair and pulled him to the locker room. He was wet, and his cock was starting to go flaccid. I then had a dark thought in my head grow.

This fucker tried to rape me. This thought filled my head, and I dropped him in the center of the room and locked the teacher's locker room doors. The lock was for teachers, but again this room was practically abandoned, and no one other than me really came here. This room was about to become Jake's hell. I turned around, listening to him gasp for air as I noticed his discarded clothes. Only one of his friends even knows that he is here. He won't talk, though, and will ask Jake what happened. I will make him regret fucking with me today. I promised myself that, and I stepped above Jake's body. I slowly started to unbutton my shirt as I watched him regain his breath.

His eyes landed on me as I took off my shirt, folding it neatly above him before placing it off to the side. I slowly stepped out of my skirt. He watched me, shocked as I was left only in my black bra and panties. I slowly took off my panties—the pile of clothes off to the side. My large cock flaccid hung in front of his face as he looked up at me. I picked up his underwear as I stood above him again.

"You wanted to rape me, Jake," I said, my voice cold.

"Now, Dick girl!" He started to stammer out. My anger turned even brighter, "Please, this is all a misunderstanding!" He begged as I took my cock into my hands, stroking it larger. I felt strong as he begged, with distress filling his voice.

My cold voice cut off any more, begging for a moment. "You're right. There was a misunderstanding today." My voice said, still cold. It was as if someone else was talking as my mind filled with dominance. "It's who's getting raped like a little bitch today!" I announced to him.

His mouth opened to scream, and I stuffed his boxers into his mouth. His hands tried to stop me, but I was faster and stronger. My one hand restrained him easily and quickly. I didn't wait, and everything was going so fast and slow at the same time. I noticed his cock had gone flaccid at some point. My anger clouded my judgment, though, and I couldn't care less about consequences. I was already over my boiling point. After some fighting, I had his mouth stuffed with his boxers and both of his hands in front of him in my hand. He tried to fight it, but years of bodybuilding made me that much stronger than him. I stared down at him, and my free hand worked my shaft as I slowly grew to my full length. I spit in my hand to lube it up as I watched him shake his head.

I didn't care as I reached about thirteen inches when I pressed it against his rosebud. I sat straight while he was on his back. I looked at him coldly. "You're my bitch now, Jake," I told him. My voice was cold as my gaze. I waited until his sphincter relaxed, and I pushed forward. He screamed into his boxers as I invaded his asshole.

To me, I felt great, and his asshole was terrific. Something clicked in me, and I felt my cock harden faster than ever before. My grin grew as I finished just putting my tip into his ass. I looked down into his despairing eyes, and I reached to my shirt and pulled out a phone.

"Smile," I said coldly as I turned on the camera function. I started to record the entrance of my cock into his ass. Inch by inch, a invaded as he cried out into boxers. I felt nothing but pleasure and anger as I filmed him taking six inches of my sixteen-inch cock. I then noticed his. Four inches flaccid, and I recalled it being about seven inches hard when he attempted to rape me.

He shook his head, screaming and moaning into his boxers. I felt his anus stop me from moving forward, and so I stopped. I started to pull back till only the tip was in his ass anymore before pushing back in. His fighting increased as I took his ass slowly. In and out, he tried to fight as I raped his tight ass, and I moaned loudly.

His ass gripped me hard as I slowly picked up speed. His hands stopped fighting me so hard, and I looked at Jake. He was a muscular guy with a four-pack of abs. His body spoke more toward skill than raw strength. His brown hair was down to his shoulders and in a fan behind him in a mess. I looked at him as I thrust into him again and again.

He moaned as I did so and felt his fight disappear as I filmed him. Tears were in his eyes as I plunged into him again. I had no idea, but as I took him, I slowly reached seven inches inside him, then eight. Still, his ass would not invite me any deeper. I filmed for fifteen minutes, and I moaned, as did he as I took him. Finally, I reached the edge, and I pulled out. I stood above him as I let go of his hands, and I released my load all over his body. I caked him in my sperm as I moaned loudly. Sperm continued to layer itself on his body as he tried to use his hands to block my sperm as it landed on him. I moaned as I finished releasing one of the most enormous loads in my life.

I relaxed visibly and turned off the camera. I looked down at Jake, who was looking up at me in fear. Then it was like everything I just did hit me like a truck. I was both horrified and immensely pleased with myself. The look of fear made me harden under it.

Soon though, my rational mind made me remember that this was all a crime. I reached down, grabbed Jake by the hair, and pulled him into the shower. I forcefully cleaned his body as he silently cried. I felt no guilt; Only pleasure at his change in demeanor. It served him right as I finished cleaning him of my sperm.

I pulled him back out of the showers and tossed him at his clothes. "Get dressed bitch. If I hear about any of this from anyone, I will spread the video of you being my bitch." I said. His already pale face somehow became paler.

"Be here tomorrow morning as well. Otherwise, I will spread this video on the internet." I threatened as I pulled on my panties. I buttoned up my shirt and put on my skirt, socks, and shoes in relative silence as he softly cried to himself. "Remember, Jake. Tomorrow you better be here." I threatened him again. I was taking my time to close in on him. I stood over him and forced him to look into my eyes.

"Where will you be tomorrow morning?" I coldly asked him.

"Here," He said meekly.

"Where?" I asked again.

"Here!" He exclaimed.

"Good!" I loudly said, and my fist hit his stomach, knocking the wind from his lungs. "Or else..." I said as I unlocked the teacher's locker room door. I stepped out, closing the door behind me with a smile.

I was a changed woman.


Authors note:

I will be publishing this on Amazon when I finish each book and will continue to be available after I finish each book moving forward. The book is also available on Patreon.

I would also like to thank Fate Hydrax, fightnguru,, Achleys Apep, Royce321, G. Dunlop, Stormrall, W. Krebs, Haarderade, MadRat, Florian,, SoundsMad, Mael, Alfurence, Survivor397, Grangel, Kuuh, Smile, Nightrise, TheDuckLord, Joris Zono, Z. Dailey, Wolf Lord, Curtious1122, Azurite Paladin, M. Kennedy, Zach, DougErNuts, Ritsu 229, JustMo, Syntox, Knallenstein, Ryu, Pogboy, Spenji, Mario L., Celeng Liar, Arl, julekule, Z. T. Wyen, Jache, Russ, Deputy Caveman, GIDOEN Fry, Potato Fun, A. Bellavance, Shadows of Snow, The Boss x10 x360, J. Quincy, Minos Akuma, Llukas, ShadowReader, Bradley J., Aeris, K. Kordrich, Thanatos, C. Crawford, May Song, Hydra587 for supporting me on Patreon. Please join the community. Don't forget to enjoy my works. Rate, Vote, Review Comment.

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