Life of a Dominant F*tanari

Life of a Dominant F*tanari Chapter 20: The Gym

Samantha, Crystal, and I enjoyed some drinks around the table after the interview was done. I found Samantha to be really easy to get along with, as, in many ways, we thought the same way. We didn't take people's nonsense, and I learned a bit more about her. She liked how honest I was when we were interviewing, and apparently, that was what got me the job. Samantha told me that it was when I told her about the fact that I wanted to be a professional athlete that I got the job. It showed that I wasn't above chasing after my dreams, and not many women could be upfront about that.

I returned to the table at one point and heard Crystal talking about how huge I was and recommending it to Samantha. I chuckled when I sat back down, and Crystal had no shame owning up to the fact that she wanted my boss to try having sex with me. Samantha turned it down, not at all, to my surprise. Sex between us would be to Dominant people fighting for control. I wasn't sure who would win in that exchange, but I knew physically I would win. Mentally was another ball game altogether. Being a dom for even as short of time as I have been, I have learned that a lot is in the person's mentality.

It wasn't much later we packed up, and I shook Samantha's hand again before giving her my contact details. "Angela, I will be honest with you." Samantha started while we were just outside Crystal's car. "I will need to find clients interested in your..." She looked down at my cock, "Services, That doesn't mean I will have a hard time finding you clients. You will be joining one of my employees or me to learn the ropes. I will tell you honestly, though. We are not an escort service. We are Dominant women, and we choose regardless of how much they pay, whether they even get to touch our bodies or lick our boots. This is something all newcomers have a problem with. Your body is a temple; they have to earn the right to see, let alone touch. I want you to understand that since I think you would make a great addition to the services that I provide." Samantha finished looking very serious as she said it.

"Samantha, I will not lie to you," I began, "I will do my best, and I will probably make mistakes. Mistakes are the gateway to wisdom, and I will do my best to limit those mistakes. But I will learn as much as I can from them." I finished.

This earned a bright smile from her. "Good, I like your confidence and spunk, Go enjoy the gym with Crystal, and I will see you tomorrow." She finished and left with her ass swaying back and forth. I watched her go for a moment before opening the door to Crystal's car and jumping in. Crystal smiled upon my entry, and I moved my backpack back to my lap.

I turned to Crystal with a smile, and she smiled back. "Let's go to my gym," Crystal said and started to drive off. "You don't need to worry about membership. I can bring someone with me twice a week no more. I have a lot of credits saved up since it isn't the cheapest gym, but as long as I am with you..." She smiled but paid more attention to the road than me.

I leaned back, and I turned on the radio. The first music that played was some ACDC T.N.T. I smiled, and I realized that it was off her cellphone since it was hooked up to Bluetooth. We both started to sing to the lyrics as she drove down the road. A cycle of ACDC continued as we both sang along until we reached our destination.

As she parked the car, both of us were smiling and singing loudly together, albeit poorly. Neither of us cared, and we giggled as Crystal finished parking the car. The car shutting down put an end to our karaoke, and we both laughed together as we got out of the car together. I turned to her, "Glad you got good musical taste," I told Crystal as I wrapped my arm around her as I quickly swung my backpack onto my back.

Crystal turned to me with a smile, "I am not going to lie, I was testing your reaction, I am not sure, but I might have broken up with you if you told me it was crap music." She replied.

I laughed as we got towards the main door of the gym. "I would deserve it too if I insulted such musical taste," I told her as we each opened a door, entering together into the gym. I looked at the place, and it looked a lot fancier than the boxer gym than I was used to. The gym I went to was full of men looking to either fight or learn to fight. I looked around at the much calmer atmosphere, and it felt so impersonal.

We walked up to the reception, and Crystal smiled, "Hey, Using a plus one credit and bringing my Girlfriend inside." Crystal said as she put down a card. The Receptionist scanned it and smiled, "Enjoy your work out, Crystal," The receptionist replied, and the door to the right of us opened, and Crystal took her card back, and we both went through it.

The building past this door looked much more prominent. It was all very zen, and the sound of a waterfall sounded in the background to my right. I looked over, seeing the waterfall, and I realized that this might be a little more exclusive than I thought. The whole area was very relaxing, with some people sitting and talking to other well-dressed people. Both men and women were relaxing together and talking.

Crystal seemed to ignore that, and we arrived at an elevator, and she pressed the button. "So this place is pretty exclusive, and a friend in the community owns it. I will not lie; I get a bit of a discount due to a couple of pieces I made for her." Crystal smiled, and I turned as I heard the elevator door open, and we both stepped inside. Crystal swiped the same card as before and hit the fifth-floor button, "Networking is one thing I find crucial Angela, I think you will learn that nothing truer in life can ever be said. You can have an education from Harvard and have trouble finding work. You can be a high school dropout with good networking and become a millionaire." Crystal turned to me, "Networking will be important if you want to be a professional athlete, Babe," I was surprised at the sudden conversation.

"Where did this come from?" I asked Crystal.

"The fact that you told me you have no friends," Crystal replied, "You are confident and speak the truth most of the time. No, more like if you lie, it is through omission of facts than outright lies. This is a better way to lie, but I will tell you the truth. Networking is the best thing you can do. I will tell you that the main reason I go to this gym is the people here. In the lobby, a lot of those people are networking and making friends. If you can, Do that. Be yourself but make friends here, Babe; it will help you more in your pursuits than anything else." Crystal finished.

The elevator dinged and the door opened with men's and women's locker rooms flanking on either side. We walked together into the women's side while I thought over the words Crystal said. We stepped in together, and she neared a locker and swiped her card over it, opening it. I grabbed my emptied my backpack of everything except the weights as I got ready while Crystal grabbed stuff out of it. I was surprised to see a workout outfit from it.

I raised an eyebrow, "It's the gym outfit that they clean for me each time and place back inside. This is a service they provide for members." Crystal told me, and my eyebrow stayed raised.

"That sounds awfully inconvenient for them. I can also see the clothes getting mixed up easily." I told her with an incredulous look.

Crystal shrugged her shoulders, "Dunno how they do it, but they have people hired to do it, and they make a profit, so I have nothing more to say on it." She finished as she started to strip while I did the same. It only took a minute, and we were both changed. I then started to strap my weights onto myself, and I decided to put my clothes in the backpack and put it into the locker with Crystal's stuff. "No back weights?" She asked as I placed it inside.

"It will make my runs a little easier than I'd like, but I can plan to do more free weights than running today," I replied as I helpfully closed the locker with my wallet inside. I kept my phone just in case something came up, and we stepped out into a large gym. I was surprised how it looked more like a typical gym than I thought. "Wow, I was expecting more," I told Crystal, earning a chuckle.

"There are private rooms for squash tennis and many other things here. That is why it is more expensive, plus a pool and many more amenities. We are just on the floor that I think you would find you wanted the most." Crystal countered, and I took my arm off her and walked to a clear area, and started to stretch like usual. "Leaving me now?" Crystal asked with a grin.

"Yup," I replied, "You might want to watch my workout once before you try sticking with me. You might feel you lost weight just from watching me." I finished with a smirk while continuing to stretch in front of her earning an appreciative look from me wandering over my body. I smirked and finished my stretches in front of my girlfriend, letting her take in her eyefuls of my stretching.

When I finished, she had begun to join me, and I smirked as I went over to one of the treadmills that were readily available for me. I double-checked that I fit on the weight that it could take before nodding. With an extra hundred and sixty pounds of weights, I needed to make sure. I then started off at a walk before turning it into a jog, getting myself ready. A couple of minutes into the jog, I began and started to sprint as fast as I could for a minute before breaking it up with a jog. I repeated this process, manually inputting the difference as I was used to.

Crystal came up behind me, looking surprised as I started my sprints. I took one glance and returned to my workout. I lost myself and felt the familiar burn slowly arise, taking longer than I was used to. Soon sweat settled in on my brow, and I felt the effects as I switched a couple of more times before I started to change it to a jog to remain. I looked down at the amount of time I ran, and it was at thirty minutes. Crystal was no longer watching me and on a treadmill of her own, keeping up a slow jog on it. I cooled down from my exercise and jogged before slowing down to a walk. I slowed the pace with sweat trickling down and smiled as I used my hand to wipe it off. I walked to one of the paper towel dispensers and started to clean up after myself.

I didn't wait around for Crystal. I would lose my momentum if I did so, and I moved to the free weights and began shortly with that. I lost track of time losing myself to my exercise when I was interrupted by a well-muscled man.

"Hey, going at this like a fiend, girl, take a break," He passed me a water bottle that I put to the side without thought.

I looked at the man's muscles, and I decided he could probably spot me. "Hey, can you spot me? I want to bench press around two forty pounds. Can you do it?" I asked him.

The surprise on his face gave me no questions that he thought I couldn't do it. "No, way, you will hurt yourself," He told me.

I frowned at that, "Look, I was asking if you can spot me for two hundred and forty pounds. So can you or not?" I asked him.

"I can, but I don't think you can do it," He replied, and I rolled my eyes.

"Look, let's bet something, I can do the two forty, and you spot me. If I can't, you can get something from me. If not, then you owe me something." I said using my standard bet that I usually made. This was a bet on something I knew I could do, so I had no problem leaving the bet open.

The man looked at me with his frown, "Fine, I will spot you since I don't want you hurting yourself. Maybe I will make you buy me dinner or something for saving you," He replied to the bet, and I stuck out my hand.

"Bet taken?" I asked.

"Bet, Made." He confidently replied.

We both walked over to the bench press, and I started to put on more iron and made it to two-forty. With my own weights on my arms, I would be lifting three hundred and twenty pounds. It was very close to my max I could do. I soon finished putting on the amount of weight I wanted and saw Crystal appear as I finished up.

"Hey, Babe," I said as she came up with a glistening of sweat her own, "You look like you getting some nice work in," I finished with a smile as I locked up the Iron in place.

"Yeah, I saw you with a guy, so I was wondering what's up," She replied.

"Spotter thinks I can't do it either," I told her as I sat down on the bench. The man that bet me looked awkward as he realized I might be in a relationship. Still, he made a bet and was ready for me to lift as I laid down.

"I can see why; that is a lot of weight." Crystal said as I finished prepping and quickly lifted it off.

"Yup. it a slight amount of weight," I said as I finished a rep and began my set of fifteen reps.

The man looked at me surprised but was prepared if I needed help. I continued and finished, much to his astonishment and Crystals. It was at this point she completely understood the arm strength that seemingly didn't appear for me. I finished my set and got up for a minute, stretching my arms.

"I win," I told the man with a smile, and he nodded.

"Yup, you won. Can I have your number to contact you so I can do you that favor?" He asked, and I immediately obliged.

"Send me a text so I can hold you up to it. I will contact you later to see what it might be good for." I smirked, "I'm still good for at least another two more sets," I told him and getting a nod.

I went to the water fountain first, taking a long drink to hydrate myself before coming back and continuing.

I continued my workout, losing myself in the burn and strain of my muscles. That was until Crystal came up while I was doing some leg presses with serious weight. "Hey, Babe, I think it's about time to finish up, and we can have some sauna time before we go." Crystal said. I turned to her, and I nodded.

"Sure, I will am at the last rep anyways," I told her, finding it convenient and finished up before getting off the machine and cleaning up. I was dripping with sweat, and my heart was pumping. I smiled, feeling strained but great like I usually did after a good workout. "Ah, nothing like the post-workout feeling," I said, wrapping my arm around Crystal, who seen my satisfied expression.

"Damn, You really hammered it out there. You were not kidding that your workouts would kill me." Crystal commented as we made it back to the locker room. We both stripped and pointed towards the towels. "Although I like seeing you naked, Most women don't expect to see the size of you inside our locker room." Crystal said, and I agreed, wrapping a towel around myself also hiding my partial workout erection.

Crystal did the same, leaving her breasts out as we entered a room at the end. There was another woman who had her entire front covered as we entered. I paid her no heed for the moment, and I snuggled up with Crystal enjoying the heat after the workout.

"Damn, This is nice. I feel myself relaxing more already," I commented as I wrapped my arm around her in the corner, and Crystal was pressed up against my breasts.

"Yup, I love a good sauna relaxation after working out, Although you went much harder than me in it. I find it ridiculous how much you did." She countered as I leaned back onto the wall, her body moving with me, her head lowering slightly from my shoulder to the top of my breasts, becoming a pillow for her.

"Hey, I hope you two don't get intimate in here," The other woman that we ignored piped up, and we both turned to her.

"Wasn't planning on it. We are just relaxing; thank you for your concern, though," Crystal replied; the end almost sounded snarky as I looked at the woman who piped up.

She was a woman in her mid-thirties, I guessed, and distinctly rolled her eyes as Crystal snuggled into my breasts. The woman looked us over again with both our bodies almost laid bare for her. "Look, I just didn't want to see your lesbian relationship," She snarled back, and I raised felt an eyelid twitch. "Please, just keep to yourselves," She finished.

I couldn't help myself any longer. "We were doing exactly that until you intruded, and I pushed Crystal off my chest to sit on her own for a moment, "It wasn't until you spoke that anything came up," I stood up, feeling my towel slip as I did so and I grabbed it just as it was about to fall. "Keep to yourself, and nothing will be an issue; Not the other way around, lady."

I wrapped up my towel slightly more than last time, and I wrapped it around my waist again. I wasn't paying attention, and I looked up to see a surprised look on the woman. I ignored her and sat back down with Crystal, this time remaining upright, and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. I looked back at the woman who was staring at my crotch, and I looked down to see my flaccid cock was in the open. I realized I must have accidentally tied my towel too high. Instead of doing anything about it, I let it hang out in the open and relaxed.

Crystal noticed her gaze and turned to me, smirking. Crystal then noticed what was happening and remained silent as the sauna turned to silence. The woman eventually turned her head, but her head would turn to look again as time passed. It was like she was captivated by it, and she would turn away for no more than thirty seconds before she would look at it again.

Time passed, and I felt the heat all over my body. Crystal leaned back into me again, and our relaxation continued until I heard the other woman's voice speak up, "Sorry, I shouldn't have said anything in the first place." She said, and I turned to her.

"Damn, right you shouldn't have; now my lesbian girlfriend and I are minding our own business," I shot back at her apology. I cared little for her half-backed apology. Words were negligible in the face of actions. She acted upon us without care and now seemingly wanted to solve the silence left in the room.

"Fine, I get it, but do you mind putting away your junk? I understand you have mostly have converted to being a woman and, by law, have the right to be here. I would rather not see your cock, miss," She replied, her tone clipped.

"I am a woman and have the full reproductive abilities you seem proud of for both men and women. I do treat myself as a woman, and I would like you to stop commenting on my genitals." I replied, sharply amping myself up for a confrontation.

Crystal watched as I shot back, and the lady didn't disappoint and stood up. "Look, I find it distracting and hard to look away. Can you please stop showing off your genitalia? I would really appreciate it." She asked back.

I sighed loudly, making sure she could hear me, and I lowered my towel down a bit till the head disappeared from sight. The woman sighed and sat back down, the situation defused. Or so I thought when a couple of minutes later she spoke again, "How, big are you?" She asked.

"None of your business," I told her.

That kept the silence for maybe half a minute, "You are that big when flaccid how does your girlfriend take something that large?" She asked.

"I stuff it into her making her cry and beg until I decide I want to orgasm. I then fill her womb up with baby seed directly inside, making her orgasm a couple more times from my sperm alone. I then force it down her throat to make her gag on it before forcing her to clean it up." I replied, getting annoyed at this woman.

She seemed surprised at my outburst at first when I noticed her hand inching down her towel as she listened. Crystal poked me and pointed at the lady's hand. I was surprised and turned my look back up to her face.

The Woman then replied, "Why are you snapping at me?"

I stood up, and Crystal put a hand on my shoulder, "This needs to be said," I said to Crystal as she opened her mouth. Crystal paused instead and shook her head. I unwrapped the towel and stood before her with my flaccid cock now hanging in front of her face.

Her mouth opened wide, surprised at my sudden movements and having a large flaccid cock in her face. "You want a picture?" I asked her as she gazed upon it. "Huh? You are speechless now. But you have annoyed me. So I give you three options," I said, moving my hips to make my cock wag in front of her. "Option one, Get the fuck out and leave us alone," I said, "Option two, Shut the fuck up and leave us alone," I then smirked as I noticed her gaze on my cock, "Option three, Shut the fuck up and come over and worship my cock on your knees giving me a blowjob." I paused as I continued to watch her mesmerized eyes. "Pick," I finished.

I then left the slack-jawed older woman there and sat back down with Crystal, 'forgetting' my towel. The woman's eyes remained, and she stood up, no longer talking. She walked to the door and opened it. She looked outside and closed it remaining inside, and walked over to me, getting on her knees, much to my surprise. I felt lips touch the head of my cock, and she gave it a lengthy kiss.

Crystal looked at me with surprise, too, at her action. I felt her lips spread and encapsulate my cock taking it deeper into her mouth. Her tongue began to work, and she no longer spoke to anger me. "Wow," Crystal said in the silence, "I never expected you to yell at the woman until she submitted to your cock herself," Crystal finished in the silence as I felt her try and take my cock as deep as she could go. I heard her gag before pulling it out of her mouth as I started to get harder rapidly.

I kept my arm wrapped around Crystal's shoulder, and she watched, fascinated as my cock covered the woman's face, which was licking up my shaft, before burying herself into my balls. I moaned as she started to suck on my balls, cleaning the sweat off with her mouth. The woman didn't stop as she continued to get more and more into worshiping my large cock and stopped sucking on my large balls and taking my head back into her mouth.

"Fuck, the bitch has experience as a cocksucker, though," I turned and told Crystal, "Not as good as you, that one blow job you gave me in the store with skank blew my fucking mind," I commented, making Crystal happy. The woman on my cock seemed to take that as a challenge, started to vacuum suck, and used her tongue more to please me. I moaned as I had already reached full mast and was nearing the tipping point. I grabbed her head to her surprise and pushed myself down her throat, "Take it bitch, and enjoy; it will be the last you will taste for a while," I finished in the heat of the moment, filling her throat before pulling back, and filling her mouth, before forcing it down her throat several more times.

It wasn't till I finished that I let go, and she pulled back and coughed. Sperm fell to the floor, and I felt irritation and waited a moment for her to regain air. After spilling a large amount of semen onto the sauna floor, she took a full breath of air. Her breathing calmed, and my hand landed in her hair and was slightly tangled in it. "Bitch!" I emphasized, "Who the fuck told you that you could spill my precious baby seed!" I exclaimed, and I pushed her head, and it hit the ground. "Lick it up, Bitch; I want all my baby seed down your throat before I finish counting to ten!" I almost yelled.

The woman started without thought to lick it up, and I saw out of the corner of my eye Crystal having her hands between her legs. I ignored my now horny girlfriend and started to count down. The woman hurried, licking up off the unknown and questionably clean floor. Still, it was soon cleaned up as I hit two seconds left and the last of it disappeared down her throat.

I shoved her away and stood up, grabbing my towel to cover up my throbbing cock. I was at full mast, but I ignored that and sat down with my towel covering me. I leaned back, arm wrapping around my girlfriend again as the woman picked herself up off the floor. She seemed lost and started towards the door. That's when I said something, "Before you leave bitch, you drank my precious baby seed," I said, stopping her in tracks, "You will come back with your number. I might call you if I need to relieve myself one day. Who knows," I smirked, and she opened the door and was about to step out, "Oh, one last thing, If I don't have your number in my hands in the next five minutes. No matter how much begging you do bitch you will never touch me again. Your choice." I finished, and she stepped out without a word.

Crystal looked at me, and I noticed her nipples hard and her legs spread with glistening fluids on her pussy. I simply said, "Not now," making her pout. "Later, we can play some more, but I want to see something," I told her and pulled Crystal flush with my body. Her head leaned on my shoulder, and I felt her hand creep to my cock. "Not now, otherwise I will punish you," I told her, and I could feel her contemplation.

This was the wrong thing to say as I felt her hand decisively land on my cock seconds later. Crystal not only wanted a punishment, but she also needed one. She had never felt my genuine anger and wanted me to punish her. My expression darkened as my Girlfriend went directly against me. Her hand freed my cock from the towel and stroked it up and down when the door opened.

The Woman from before with a business card came in flush from the sauna and maybe humiliation. She passed me the card and looked at my cock, "My name is Hilda," Before she left quickly. Crystal looked up, surprised.

"Wait, did she say Hilda?" Crystal asked quickly. She left my now hard cock alone, and I stood up, covering my lower extremities with a towel.

"Yes, she did, and I have her number now." I told Crystal, "Let's go; I think you need to cool off before I punish you," Crystal looked surprised at how serious I sounded.

"Hey, Are you okay?" Crystal asked.

"Not really, you just directly ignored an order from me. I am contemplating a punishment for you now." I told her, opening the sauna door, "I need to shower, but I will be putting this card away first and need you to open the locker." I told her.

I wasn't too angry, and I should have realized that Crystal wanted to be punished. She was a through and through masochist with many kinks. It would be like a reward for her if I did something normal to her. This complicated my choices, but I was already thinking of something fun.

Crystal realized that she might have pissed me off without getting anything out of it. The fun times in the sauna came to an end, and I placed the woman's card without looking at it into my bag. I then grabbed a couple of towels and headed to the showers. Crystal followed right after me, and we used the complimentary body wash; and I also used the shampoo that Crystal refused.

Soon we finished up and were back at the lockers after drying up, getting ready to leave. Crystal took the clothes with her this in a bunch, and I asked, "Don't they clean it for you?"

"Yeah, but I also change the outfit myself every couple of times. I don't want to be in the same outfit every time. Plus, this is more like a backup outfit in case I forgot to bring mine. Like today, usually, I bring a bag with all my stuff; today, I didn't want to make Samantha wait," Crystal turned to me, "Don't make Samantha wait; otherwise, things will sour between you too. She really likes people who are early."

I nodded as we finished getting ready and started to head out of the locker room. I wrapped my arm around her as we headed out, "So, Who is Hilda?" I asked and pulled out the card from my bag, seeing a simple and last name with a number. "Hilda Yahontov," I said with slight difficulty earning Crystal's surprise.

"Wow, that is surprising," Crystal remarked, "She is a well know business owner in this city. She has deep pockets. I am not surprised she is here as she is well known to work out here. Look, Angela, play that one how you want since I don't know her well or at all," Crystal looked down for a second, "And please be careful."

I smirked as we entered the elevator exiting the gym, "Crystal, I get it; I am not even sure I will be calling her back at this point." I told her with a smile, "That is entirely based on if I feel like having a bitch at my feet." I finished as the elevator doors closed.



Hey guys,

So to celebrate that I just released my Third week of Life of a Dominant Futanari. You can find the link below if you are interested. This will not come out of the regularly scheduled Chapters either. Enjoy and thank you for all the support.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.