Life of a Dominant F*tanari

Life of a Dominant F*tanari Chapter 26: Learning and Training

I dumped all my fries into a single bag and started to munch on them as the garage closed. I got out of the passenger seat while grabbing the extra food. I hoped Samantha wanted it, or I would probably eat it. I had definitely already gone over the amount of junk food this week than I had in the last three years. That was okay, though. I would make sure to get some gym time this week. I knew that I would have to take a night off from any other activities and blitz that night away.

A smile was still painted on my face even as I thought of the vast amount of exercise that would be needed in the near future. I turned to the sissy bitch that was dreading getting out of the car. "Get out," I told him.

He opened the door upon my order, his sissy clit dangling in the wind caged tightly. I was so disappointed and angry with him still. I pointed at the door giving another wordless order, and he moved forward to exit the Garage.

I turned to Crystal to see her smiling at me. I waited for her and wrapped my arm around her shoulder as we exited after she plugged in her car. I walked with her stepping out into the backyard, watching the Sissy walk with a red ass to the house. He waited at the back door there waiting for us. We walked up slowly, uncaring to make haste. I realized with my arm around Crystal I couldn't grab another handful of fries.

Crystal noticed my predicament and grabbed a couple of fries. She hand-fed them to me with a smile. I smiled back before munching on the fires, and Crystal opened the door. The sissy bitch followed us inside the house. I smiled as we entered, with Crystal helping me with bringing more fries to my mouth to munch on. My stomach still wanted more fuel to burn, and I was prepared to feed it.

With more fries and the entering of the house, I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I turned my attention to Samantha just as she reached the peak of them. With her reaching the peak of them, I found more fires in my face with the cheerful help of my girlfriend. Samantha, on the other hand, turned her attention to Jake.

"This the sissy bitch?" Samantha asked, stepping towards him. Her demeanor was completely different from what I was used to.

"Yup," I said, turning to the sissy myself, "Hey! Greet Mistress Samantha properly!" I ordered Jake loudly.

"Mistress Samantha, nice to meet you," Jake greeted meekly.

Samantha turned to me with a raised eyebrow, "That's it?" She asked me. "That is how he greets someone superior to him?" She asked me, and her tone set off alarm bells in my head.

It was something so simple, but it also very much annoyed me in a way. I realized what it was too. It was contempt towards my training. I felt a blush on my face, but I still spoke up; my anger was more pointed at Jake for doing such a lackluster job. Still, I needed to defend myself. "I haven't even been training this little sissy bitch for a week," I told Samantha a little defensively. The contempt in her looks somewhat diminished as my hand left Crystal's shoulder. "Plus," I began placing the bagged food over to a table conveniently nearby. "This little bitch doesn't seem to understand his position yet fully. I would rather talk more in-depth without some tiny bitch boy listening, though." I said, turning to tell the bitch boy.

Samantha looked at me, considering what I just said, and nodded. "Crystal, why don't you get this sissy Bitch boy properly dressed?" She asked.

"No problem," Crystal turned to me and kissed me on the cheek, "Have a good talk," She whispered in my ear, "I will prepare him for fun to come. I look forward to watching." Her grin was wicked. Crystal then walked over to the bitch boy. Jake was flushed red looking at Samantha when Crystal entered his vision. He seemed to notice her just as Crystal's hand landed just below his caged clit. She grabbed and squeezed his balls.

"Oh Fuck!" He exclaimed as she literally had him by the balls.

Crystal smiled at him with that same wicked grin. "Come, sissy, we have some dressing up for you to do." She said, pulling him out of the back foyer into the living room. I then could hear her tell him to pick up a batch of those bags. He seemed to understand to listen to his orders without complaint before I heard them both go upstairs.

In the meantime, I turned to Samantha. "So, I wanted to say that this little sissy I have been having problems with," I told her straightforwardly. "Also, he is the boyfriend of that skank you saw earlier today," I told her flatly the truth.

Samantha's eyes gleamed with an emotion that I didn't know, "Please, let's go downstairs," She said instead, and I started to make her way to Crystal's basement. I grabbed the food and followed her down the stairs. We arrived swiftly, and I found her opening Crystal's hidden warehouse and brought out two wooden chairs. She set them down and pointed at the one across from her.

I took things in stride and sat down across from her. Samantha waited for me to sit down before she spoke, "So, That sissy was the one that tried to rape you then if I remember that skanks confession correctly." Samantha stated.

I was surprised only for half a second when I listened to the second half of her sentence. I realized where she got the information from and how easily I gave it up. I nodded, though, "Yes, That little bitch thought he could physically overpower me while I was surprised and in the shower. When I learned of it, I fought back, let's say, and I might have turned the tables and did what he wished onto him." I said, trying to be eloquent.

"That means that you started your BDSM career with more forced training." Samantha sighed, leaning back. "Okay, most sissy's are forcefully trained anyways. If you don't mind me asking, are you okay?" She asked.

I looked at her, surprised, "What do you mean?" I asked her slowly.

"I am asking how you feel about someone trying to rape you. I think that is traumatic no matter what. You must have felt something at that moment, and even if you didn't and reversed the situation, you must have some feelings towards it." Samantha replied to my question.

"I-" I stopped myself, and I realized that she was right. I did have feelings about it. Some that clouded my judgment a lot recently, and I looked down at my hands. "I felt a lot of anger," I told her honestly, "I still feel a lot of anger, to be honest. I- I felt so much anger when I overheard that fucking sissy bitches plan to rape me." I told her, remembering that moment. It came out easier than I thought to the older woman in front of me. I don't even know why I started to talk either. "I-I overheard them speak about me like a piece of meat and that they would be doing me a favor by raping me," I told Samantha, looking up. "The other person told him that he would have no part in it but that he wouldn't speak out for me. I- I was angry at that moment. I still feel angry about the casual disregard they both had for me. I still don't know who else knew, but when he came in with his cock out and looking for me. I struck back and held him down." I cut myself off and shook my head.

"Are you okay?" Samantha asked.

"Yes, I don't like talking about it. Maybe I will tell you more later, but I still feel more anger than I wish when I talk about it." I told her, feeling that anger coursing through my veins.

"Understandable. I asked you this for more than to let you vent, though." Samantha said, and my eyes level with hers. "Training in anger is something that will cloud your judgment. Make your strikes harder than they should be. Make you injure someone when you merely want them to hurt. Your feelings can be felt as you strike someone. It might not be evident, but someone like Crystal will know it." Samantha paused with a raised eyebrow, and I nodded. "You need to remain calm and collected. Make them feel like the emotion you are showing is the emotion you feel. Suppose you want them to feel your contempt; Be contemptuous of them. Acting is an important part of dominating someone. You can feel anger and show them that when they displease you. Pure anger, though, is not only toxic to training but for your mind." Samantha paused again, thinking, "Angela, where are you looking to train him. What is your final goal with him? Is it to make him a Sissy maid? A Cuckold bitch that will follow your skank around? There are many ways to train with many finishing touches. You could even make him a whore that you literally whore out to bring in money to you." Samantha smiled, "You have put yourself in an interesting position, Angela. I am intrigued to see what you want to do with your potential rapist."

I looked at her, and my smile grew, "I am not exactly sure what I want to do to him, but I am sure that I will abandon that fucking sissy after exposing him. I am not sure when but I will not let him live the perfect life that has been lined up for him." I looked into Samantha's eyes only to see her smile grow.

"That is a look I love to see on my Lady's faces. That predatory stare with a sadistic grin is exquisite. That expression made me feel more comfortable than anything you have said." Samantha did look reassured. "It seems you might have that touch Crystal talked about. You are pissed, but you know that anger exists, and don't let it control your actions." Samantha leaned back on that simple chair. "What you need to do, though, is find what you want that sissy to be when you're done. I see that this action you are doing with the boy is therapeutic to you as much as pure revenge. But if you want to do it, do it properly."

Samantha looked at me with a mysterious smile, and I tilted my head. "You have taken this a lot better than I thought when I admitted this. Or to anyone," I told her.

"That is because there are worse things you can do. Many make themselves victims after something like this happens. Many hold it close to their heart feeling humiliation. Many even take it to the grave. Many think they are the reason why it happened. You have fought back, defended yourself from his touch, and returned what he wished to do to you. That makes you powerful Angela, Don't make it your identity, but be proud in defending yourself. Be proud you defended yourself. And most of all, be yourself. You are a strong woman that I hardly know myself, but I can see the confidence you hold yourself with." Samantha looked at me seriously, "Use that confidence; make it your strength moving forward."

The room went quiet, and I nodded finally after a couple of minutes. "Good, now that we have that out of the way." Samantha said, standing up, "We need to go over how to train that sissy properly." I stood with her, and she took the chairs, setting them against the wall. "We might need them later." She commented, looking around in thought, "First, I looked at the mess you made last night," Samantha said, turning to me with a smile, "Honestly, from the remains, you did an excellent job. Emotions are a fundamental part of BDSM play. Every action you do must play towards what you want your sub to be feeling. You want them to feel helpless? Do something that restricts them and makes them feel helpless. These are simple to say but hard to produce. Many Dom's do not understand that although saying it sounds simple, it is in fact very hard to do for some."

Samantha dove into the depths of the warehouse in Crystal's basement, pulling out the Pillory I used last night. "The mess left on this showed how much you made Crystal cum last night," Samantha noted, "But I think you might have more or less stumbled upon something suitable to punish Crystal. You knew a couple of things about her and tried to play to emotions you have rarely seen in her. She is a difficult sub to make to feel jealousy and Envy. What you did play to those emotions." I nodded along, recognizing that was what I aimed for. "You came at it with a plan to target those emotions and play off them. Then, in the end, rewarded her for her understanding of accepting that punishment. These are all important steps in Dominating someone this way."

Samantha returned the pillory, and I wondered why she brought it out. "Now, the first thing you should always do is plan according to your sub. Make a plan according to their personality and kinks that they enjoy. If you have a sub with a foot fetish, you will want to use your feet in the majority of the play. Make a center of attention for your sub and make them want it, desperate for that object. For you, I can see your cock being a major focus, but your ass and pussy shouldn't be left out. Every part of your body can become the focus of play." Samantha seemed to get into the swing of lecturing. "You need to identify quickly what is the focus of your subs desire. That skank of yours seems to be slightly into humiliation and your cock. I wouldn't call her a full-blown masochist, but I haven't seen her during play." Samantha's tone seemed to be admitting something. "Your girlfriend though as so many kinks that it is easier to say what she isn't interested in. I will let you explore that with her at your pleasure, though." Samantha finished.

"I intend to," I said with a wicked grin, thinking of my Girlfriend. "But I tend to agree with many of the things you said. My most successful case with Crystal was her punishment. Although," I said, my tone turning thoughtful, "She got insanely turned on today for some reason. She was one step away from downright attacking me for my cock." I told Samantha.

Samantha laughed, "You probably showed a sadistic side of yourself that you overlooked. Crystal is unique and likes many things. Hell, I don't even know all the kinks she hides inside her head." Samantha shook her head. "That was probably what brought her to attack you." Samantha chuckled, "Maybe that is why you two will probably be a good fit. You are still exploring your sadistic side yourself as well." Samantha finished.

"That makes more sense. I was talking about some of my thoughts towards my sissy. Although I think I need to start planning on what I was going to do with him tonight. One thing, though, is that this sissy bitch needs a harsh punishment. I am fucking sick of his disobedience." I told her with a sharp expression.

"Oh, A punishment for that disobedient boy?" Samantha asked with a whimsical tone, "I am not going to lie; I am looking forward to it. Can I give you some advice on that?" She asked much more seriously.

"Sure, so far, I am thinking of something that will drain more of his masculinity in a humiliating way. Something though that makes him acknowledge it as well. I want him to leave feeling small and more like a woman. I want him having a problem walking back into his house and feeling used." I told her, and my anger was showing.

Samantha smiled, "Sounds like fun, How about Crystal and I join in. I am sure Crystal will be on board; I don't mind doing some fun humiliation play. That sissy needs to learn his proper place. But if you don't mind me jumping in, I think you might want to do something more for the long term. Something to put him in place but simple." Samantha said softly.

I looked at her with a raised eyebrow, "What do you have in mind?" I asked.

I started to listen to what Samantha had in mind. It was lighter on the pain I wanted to inflict, but I was intrigued. It sounded fun to do in many ways, and I would probably enjoy it immensely. I nodded, "Okay, that sounds like fun, and I think it would be interesting to watch him squirm. I never thought of using time so much to make something so light so painful." I said.

"This will take time, but I think it is a lack of experience that you never thought of something like this," Samantha told me. I couldn't help but nod again, and I pulled out my phone.

I called Crystal and heard her voice quickly, "Hey, you two want us ready soon?" Crystal asked.

I smiled at her quick question, "Can I get you to put yourself in something nice. Samantha and I have found something to do overtime. I think I want to have some more fun with you later. So something causal that reveals into something nice for me? As for that sissy, Something that will be apparent no matter how long he wears it." I said.

Crystal thought audibly, almost on the other side before I heard her fingers snap. "I got it; okay, I will be finishing up in a bit." Crystal told me.

"See you soon, babe," I said before hanging up. I turned to Samantha, "Let us get things set up." I finished.

Samantha returned my smile, and we set to work in the basement setting up the room. We got toys ready and cleaned up the toy. Samantha and I talked about potential ways to change things up. It was nice talking to someone who understood and could even complete my thoughts about dominating someone. It was weird to me, and I was still growing into the fact of how much I enjoyed domination. In some ways, I almost felt forced into it, but once I was here, I couldn't imagine sex any other way.

Soon the basement was set up with two carts full of different toys. They were all vibrators and some clothespins for a bit of pain play. It was a setup to make the sissy start to understand his standing now in this world. He would no longer be the star quarterback in the high school football team. He had a scholarship to a university to play on their teams and move forward in the world. This life was ending for him, and it died that morning when he thought he could rape me.

Now he would start to learn his place slowly. One thing that Samantha talked me into was using less of the stick on him. As we talked, she learned of the blackmail material I had on him. Much to my surprise, I learned that this was a common trend among making sissys. Many only knew in the back of their mind that they were sissys. They could even have wives, kids, and many other masculine things in their life. What they didn't know or were willing to admit to themselves was that they were little sissy bitch boys looking to be dominated. Many times they needed incentive to be brought into submission. When they reached the point when they submitted, they never left and were genuinely thankful to their masters or mistresses for showing them their place.

It was an exciting thought path that Samantha brought me down. So far, I could see that Jake was a sissy. He even orgasmed, leaking out semen after I raped him. He was never turned off in that exchange, and that spoke volumes to me. In fact, I never remember a time that he hadn't orgasmed after I gave him a good fucking. The person who knew the least about his own proclivities was the sissy himself.

My thoughts were interpreted when I heard a knock on the door, and Crystal opened it. The room she saw on the other side was more simplistic than she was expecting. That only lasted till she saw the main stage for today's play. In the side of the room, overlooking the bed once again, was a chair used in the medical sense most of the time. It was for women, though, and you could see the restraints built into it. It also wasn't made for comfort in the least. I could see Crystal lick her lips as she noticed that piece of equipment.

"Oooh. Tonight is going to be an interesting night." Crystal commented as I stepped towards her. She wore a simple tank top that showed off her belly button. It was worn to hide whatever she wanted to be hidden below. The shorts covering her ass were not quite hot pants but ended at the top of her thigh, maybe half an inch down. The black on black of them both made her look good, though. Crystal turned as I neared, and her expression turned stern. "Get the fuck in here, bitch boy; show your Mistress how made up you are for her cock tonight." Crystal's tone was strict, with no nonsense allowed.

Crystal looked annoyed, then reached past the doorway and pulled out the muscular Jake. Although the difference surprised me, his face looked much more feminine, with makeup covering his face and softening the lines that made him look masculine. The bright pink lipstick looked ready to place kisses all over someone's body at a moment's notice leaving lip marks behind. His body, though, may as well not have been wearing anything as it didn't hide anything. The swimsuit that he wore was a micro bikini. It had strings all over his stomach up to a slight bit of fabric that barely hid the nipples. Calling it a bikini might have been a mistake, too, as around those hips, it came down to cover his little caged cock with some showing off the sides before disappearing behind him.

The whole setup made him look like he wanted to go to the beach to attract as much cock to fuck him as possible. My cock twitched as I saw his humiliation at being presented to me. His expression showed how humiliated he felt as I looked down upon him. The bikini moved with him, and I chuckled audibly. "Well, This sissy bitch seems ready to hunt down cock," I said, tone loud and condescending.

Crystal and Samantha chuckled. "Yup, This little sissy boy is a cocksucker now. His mouth isn't filled, leaving him dissatisfied." Crystal noted loudly, and Samantha laughed louder.

"Look, His little locked clitty is trying to peek out," Samantha noted with humor, "He is shy to meet such commanding women." Samantha squatted in front of him and poked at the cage slightly, "Not much here though, no wonder why it's so shy." Samantha commented quietly, barely audible to us all.

"Nah, The shy little boy has met my girlfriend's girth. It cowers away inside its little cage from the mere sight of her now." Crystal replied with a refreshed chuckle.

Jake's face reddened harder with two beautiful women making fun of him. That was before I commented, "Oh, I thought of that already, ladies, But let him come out to play," I said, turning to Samantha.

Samantha pulled out a key that I found was a more or less universal key to these types of locks. I was pretty disappointed to learn that when Samantha shrugged. "The sissy doesn't know that, so you shouldn't have to worry, plus getting your own locks is something pretty well known if you want them truly secure." When Samantha told me that it made a lot of sense, the Key that I had been using was still in my bag, but the sissy didn't know that.

When Samantha pulled out a key, Jake looked much happier. He was locked in a situation with three attractive women and locked in a chastity cage. It was hard for him just as Samantha removed it off of him. Jake couldn't help smiling with his pink lips. He thought he was going to be locked in it all night. In fact, that was what I originally planned.

Samantha changed my mind, though, as she made sure his cock was hidden in the bikini regardless of his cock hardening. Without the hard material stoping it, the bikini strapped his cock behind him. The Bikini looked much better now. Making Samantha back off with a significant smile, "Much better, now he looks much more like the cocksucking slut he is!" She exclaimed.

Both Crystal and I nodded before agreeing with her verbally. "Let's get him into the chair though, I am sure he will look forward to today's lesson," I said.

Jake looked towards me again, looking apprehensive. I pointed at the chair with two carts on either side of it full of toys on them. Jake watched, not moving, and I raised an eyebrow. "Oh my god, the little sissy is scared." Crystal shouted with glee. "Look, the little girly is scared of a little chair. So cute!" She squealed. Crystal, at this point, seemed to know what Samantha and I wanted to do instinctively, and Jake's face flushed a deep crimson.

He reluctantly stepped forward under our gazes and Crystal's humiliating taunts directed towards his manhood. Samantha and I were above that, though, as he finally seated himself in the chair. The chair, though, was not meant for comfort. There was a cut-out, and his ass slipped into the hole, leaving his asshole free for play.

Jake started to realize that this chair was something that might have a twist to it as he looked at it. Instead of trying to get up or in spite of it, Samantha and I latched our hands onto his arms. We pinned them to the arms of the chair and brought them to the proper place. Leather-wrapped around those wrists, binding them into place, and we grabbed his legs. Jake seemed to have realized something was going on and started to fight us. His strong legs lashed out and almost hurt Samatha. She backed off, surprised at the power of those legs. His arms strained against the bindings on his arms. I, on the other hand, easily moved his leg onto the moving part of the chair. I strapped it down easily, even as he tried to resist. I then moved to the other side and did the same for the other.

I then moved the part where his legs were strapped down, widening and bending his knees. They opened in a wide M as the back of the chair slightly reclined. "Jake, Look, your sissy little clit has come out." I chuckled out. He looked down, and at some point is cock came out from the bikini. "It looks so excited to meet me," I commented, seeing his blush return. His face also looked at me with resentment at the humiliation. I smirked, and my hand hit that cock that was sticking up with the back of my hand.

"Such a naughty little clitty. It will be making many cummies though tonight," I said, turning up to look into the eyes of Jakes. Resentment filled them, but there was fear in them too. He knew that I was going to punish him but didn't know-how. I turned to Samantha, who was behind him now. "Tell me, Sissy, Where would you like to be right now?" I asked him.

The question came out of nowhere, and Jake looked at me, confused. He opened his mouth to reply only for long elegant fingers to put a gag into his mouth then clasp it to the back of his head. "I know, there is nothing that makes you happier than being in my grasp, sissy," I said with a laugh. I turned to Samantha, "Let's have some fun with our sissy." I said.

We each grabbed some wax kits and smiled. "I am ready," Crystal said. Her eyes glowed with enthusiasm. "This will be a fun day!" She exclaimed, and hot wax was placed on him. The muffled screams as we made sure there wasn't any extra hair on his body began. Jake screamed loudly into the gag as we went around cleaning up every extra bit of hair that he had missed. He missed a lot too, and maybe some regrew. I didn't know, didn't care. The three of us talked like schoolgirls as we ripped wax off his skin and reapplying.

Tears dripped from his eyes, and Samantha took the opportunity to help him get an excellent Brazillian waxing. His muffled screams were even louder, and his red raw skin painted his body. He cried out uselessly into the gag. We were all laughing as another strip ripped off more hair, and with a final inspection, we found no more hair. The little sissy had been stripped of it forcefully. He laid on the chair with fresh tears in his eyes, and my cock was already hard from all his misery.

"Aw, Look, the little sissy isn't used to his waxing," I commented, and I heard Samantha scoff.

"Then let's move on to make the little sissy feel better," Samantha replied, earning a smile from Crystal and me.

I turned with Crystal, and I grabbed the prostate massager. I wondered why Crystal had one, but I think it was part of a complete breakfast for her at this point. The basement was filled with almost everything we wanted. I walked in front of Jake, who seemed to have woken up from the painful waxing that had lasted hours. His teary eyes centered on me, and I looked down. In my pants, you could clearly see a prominent bulge showing my impressive girth. "I know you want my cock, sissy, but not now, little princess. You will get pleasure from other sources for now." I said with a grin. I held out my hand for a second, and lube entered my hand. I looked over to Crystal, and she smiled.

I lubed up the massager, and I placed it inside the sissy easily. Jake's clit twitched with the insertion, but he looked down towards me. He shook his head as I brought it home. I turned it on, and his clit started to twitch more. The first setting was what it started on, and I pressed the button several more times till I heard it reach a high setting. His muffled groan or moan sounded loudly inside the room.

"Aw, his little clitty is twitching from his boy pussy," Crystal cooed, "And it's starting to drool!" She exclaimed in feigned excitement. It was like she had just seen the cutest thing from her pet.

Samantha smirked as Jake groaned from the pleasure now pressed against his prostate. It would train his sensitivity for the future; That was the point of the training today. The punishment was simple today. That waxing wasn't easy, and it took the last of that hair that he kept on himself ruthlessly. The now drooling clit was showing that the prostate massager was doing its business correctly.

The blush and groan from the sissy in question showed that he was humiliated with Crystal's coo. It was a perfect start to what would be a long night for him. "I think it needs more attention for toys, though. I wonder how his little clitty will react?" I asked Philosophically to the women beside me.

Both Samantha and Crystal chuckled as we reached to the carts. I picked up some body tape and four vibrating eggs. I then started to place them around the tip of his clit. Whatever I said about his clit or cock, depending on your perspective. Still, it had space on it, and I moved for his six or seven available inches. I started to place the vibrators around the head of his clit. I then taped them each in spot. Only two were directly on his cock, and the only space left was for him to release his cute little pathetic cummies. I wasn't done yet either, and I picked up the large magic wand Samantha called and taped it to his leg, putting the vibrating part to his cock. Then I put another to the other side of his cock. With two powerful magic wands touching his cock, ready for the next part for the sissy. I taped his clit down to his stomach so it couldn't escape.

I pulled back from getting his lower extremities ready and heard groans from the sissy. Looking at the two ladies' work, I smiled. The sissy now had Clothes pins pinching his hips, making him groan, pulling on the restraints and Vibrators taped to his nipples. Samantha was smiling while putting on the last little bit of tape methodically. Hers looked the best put on perfectly, whereas I could see the excess tape on mine. Samantha pulled back and grabbed the earplugs. She stuffed them into his ears, cutting off the sound in the room.

She nodded as she placed them and looked over the sissy now with everything in place. "You need to work on cleaning up your work. A little too much tape and placed a little inefficiently, Angela, Overall you got what you wanted to be done, though." Samantha turned to me and smiled, "Good job for a first-timer, though." Samantha said with approval in her tone.

"Thanks," I said with honesty. "Although I think I want to watch him squirm for a bit," I smiled, saying. I turned my head to both women beside me. "Turn on as many to max settings at the count of three?" I said.

Both Crystal and Samantha nodded.




"Go!" We exclaimed in unison and all set to work on putting all the vibrators and magic wands to max settings. Jake instantly reacted, pulling on his restraints. He cried out into the gag in his mouth with intensity. It went ignored as we pressed buttons and turned dials making sure every vibrator was on at max settings. His muffled cries continued after we finished, and we all stepped back in time for his clit to erupt from his first orgasm. His body strained against the restraints harder before loosening as he came onto his stomach with semen dripping onto the toys below.

His body relaxed in the chair, but the vibrations continued as he took a small rest. That didn't continue for long as his body started to strain and twitch, his clit twitching under the vibrations. I watched as the sissy erupted again. I smiled and said softly, "I am delighted you talked me into this. I never thought of doing this, Samantha. I get to train his sensitivity and his obedience while dishing out punishment. Three birds, one stone."

Crystal looked at me with lust-filled eyes, and Samantha spoke, "No problem. Would you like to spend some time with your girlfriend while the sissy trembles under the punishment?" Samantha said, walking away.

"I very much do," I replied, grabbing Crystal by the hair harshly. "I am sure she will enjoy what I have planned while we wait for the sissy to repent a thousand times over in his head."

My smile grew vicious, and I saw the lust in Crystal's eyes intensify.

As Crystal and I stared at each other, I heard Samantha pick up the food that had gone cold and leaving the basement. Without thought, I slapped my girlfriend as she left. The night was just beginning.


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