Life of a Dominant F*tanari

Life of a Dominant F*tanari Chapter 41/ 12: Final Test

My smile grew, thinking of decorating my own playroom now as I looked around Mistress Vapors. I never noticed that Crystal's playroom was very practical. It was essential, with clean walls meant to make it easier to clean. The warehouse of equipment made it so that she could have various different types of play done as you could move and change equipment easily.

Mistress Vapor didn't seem to be the case as it was decorated with an almost smokey touch. It was an interesting difference that I never knew was possible. It made my excitement grow, thinking about what type of style I wanted for myself. I had no preferences at this point, and looking around Vapors playroom, I noticed it was meant for a playstyle I never tried before.

When you entered the room, it had a clearing in the center. That wasn't what struck you first, though, as the greyish black walls seemed almost whispy. There was vapor painted onto the walls that you could see with toys showing things almost as a promise to those that entered. It looked amazing, and as my eyes took more in, I could see curtains filled the room. They were on the roof and some of the walls. They were a dark grey that matched the walls hiding things from the eyes as you could see ropes through them so that they could easily be pulled aside by something hidden behind them.

The curtains both hide the size of the room, making it feel slightly smaller, while the mirrors of the other side of the room expanded the space, making it look larger. The contrast was stark, and there was a vanity not far from it with incense sticks. It was wonderfully decorated, and it fit her Mistress name wonderfully. When she lit those sticks, I imagined that the room would provide a scent that would mask others and create a smoky feel that would only increase the feelings achieved in the room.

"You like it?" Vapor asked, moving towards the curtained side of the room, "My equipment hung on the walls are some of the best. Samantha doesn't cheap out at all when you start to decorate your main playroom." Vapor said, crossing the room quickly, "I mainly use chains and rough play with some humiliation in it. That is why mirrors are filling that wall. There is nothing better than showing them how much of a pervert they can be. Showing them the lengths they will go for you is more than some can take at some points, so you need to be careful with clients new to things." Vapor said as she pulled aside one of the curtains to show an elaborate pulley system behind it.

"This is my favorite thing about the room," Vapor said with a smile, "The main equipment I use is all hidden, so each time a client enters, they never know what is going to happen to them. It also allows me to change on the fly without ever seeming to go off script." Vapor smiled as she turned a wheel that was hidden behind the curtains, and I saw chains come down from the ceiling along with the pulleys.

"I am showing you the entire setup, so you understand that if you decide to continue and set up your own playroom, you will need to think of a style. There is only so much room in a playroom, so it is hard to be prepared for everything. Samantha is good with picking things up, especially for regular clients and the more prominent ones. They all pay enough here that one night will more than pay for some of the equipment we purchase, so remember that you can ask for things that you might not use often." Vapor finished as a lecture as she put hooks on the ends of the four chains.

I nodded, and Vapor went around the room and motioned for me to enter the door that she was about to walk into. I followed her, and a plain hallway was there, and we walked into it. I saw larger equipment and various others down the hallway with boxes and storage. "Remember to keep a lane through here. This is a storage area for everyone, plus it has a fire escape route." Vapor told me, and I nodded.

MIstress Vapor then grabbed a cart in the hallway and moved towards a long box, picking it up. She dropped it onto the cart and brought it back into the room. I then noticed it had Vapor written on the door and followed her in. "These rooms have locks to the main hallway but not the back. Don't enter a room you are not invited to UNLESS," Vapor emphasized the last word, "It is an emergency. If it is something to do with safety, then let the bouncers downstairs deal with it." Vapor looked serious on that, "Things get complicated fast with clients we serve, and bad things can happen if we interfere in something we had no business with. Samantha is the one who sticks up for us, and the guys downstairs are the enforcers. Remember that." Vapor said as she started to pull out rods from the box with shapes and lengths.

It looked like those rods could be put together, and she went to the vanity, grabbing a bottle. It was a blue latex glove that was a heavier rubber, and she grabbed a cloth while she was at it. Vapor then cleaned each part quickly but didn't miss a spot till it looked shiny. "Remember to clean things that have been in storage before use and clean them before storing them." Vapor said, and I realized there was another reason Samantha was using Vapor as a trainer for me.

"Okay," I replied since I knew she couldn't see me if I nodded. I was watching her as she cleaned it and realized why all of this was done. Crystal had been pampering me without me knowing in the background for the past week. Dom's worked in the shadows working without others knowing that they cared. Right now, I was even thinking about how I would approach things with Crystal to reward her. Every time I had to think long and hard about how to do things, troubling myself with it.

Now, I would have to do even more for my clients without them knowing either. It was something I found I didn't think I would mind doing. I wanted things to go my way, and then there must be time and effort to make it go my way. Nothing was done in a vacuum, and it never would. I smiled with the realization and didn't even notice as Vapor finished cleaning. She put them to the side and put away the cleaning supplies before turning to me, looking immaculate again.

"You okay?" Mistress Vapor asked, not looking at all concerned.

"Yeah," I replied, "Just thinking about something."

"Well, Time is up; the Client should be here any minute now, and I need to add the finishing touches to the atmosphere." Vapor walked over to the wall of ropes and wheels that the curtains had hidden before and pulled the drops making everything go back to hidden. The pully system was out of sight, and the atmosphere turned back to when I entered, and Vapor dimmed the lights before walking over to the incense and light up a couple of sticks. Then I walked back and pulled out a chair that I overlooked because I focused more on the pulley system. It was a black chair with armrests. When she sat on it, though, it looked like a throne, and she relaxed into it, leaning on an arm.

Vapor's demeanor changed and seemed more superior now. I didn't like it, though, as she watched me, and it felt like a sham to me. It probably wasn't, but I felt like making grovel before me when she looked at me with that attitude.

Then I realized one of the reasons was because it felt like it was the attitude Tracy had when I first met her. It was a mean girl vibe. I felt like when some girl thinks she is better than you because of whatever reason. That was the look and vibe I was feeling from her that made me not like Vapor too much.

I could be wrong, though, and I suppressed my dislike from her vibe. Instead, I let my excitement grow as I slowly leaned back on the wall by the door. I waited and started to think about what to do to Crystal when the door opened. It opened away from me, and in came a man in his thirties, and a thrill went through my spine as the first client I will work for came in.

He was about five foot eight inches tall and came in looking confident. He was wearing a suit that made him look sharp. He had brown hair, but I couldn't see his face. Instead of moving, though, I thought I was in the perfect place, being in his blind spot. It just felt right as he came in seeing Mistress Vapor, who now looked annoyed while simultaneously looking at him like she was looking down on him. He stood over her, but that was the impression I got, and I decided it was a useful expression.

Everything changed quickly, though, when Mistress Vapor crossed her legs. "Well, maggot, what do you have to say for yourself?" Mistress Vapor said, looking at him, her tone filled with contempt.

The man fell to his knees without reserve where he stood the door already silently closed behind him. I watched, amazed as things moved as if choreographed.

"I am sorry Mistress, I-"

"Maggot, Did I ask you?" Mistress Vapor cut the man off without remorse. She uncrossed her legs, standing up, closing the distance to the man now on his knees. her hand twisted in his hair, making him look up at her face. "You are late, Maggot." That was all she stated for a second, watching him. Then she spat in his face.

"Fucking embarrassing having a pathetic maggot like you as a slave," Mistress Vapor said, letting go of his hair and walking back to her chair, sitting in it like it was a throne.

"I humbly beg for forgiveness, Mistress!" He cried out, and I felt an urge scoffing loudly.

The man turned with something new entering the scene, and he somewhat paled as he saw me watching him. I had my leather gloved arms crossed under my breasts, watching him, and with his head turned, I could see Vapor smile.

"Do you realize how fucking embarrassing you are, Maggot?" Mistress Vapor cut back in, making the man turn back to her, "My friend Mistress Futanari was visiting me tonight, and you knew it!" Mistress Vapor's voice sounded like an exclamation without raising her voice.

That was true too. Samantha told me that he had to sign an NDA, and he arrived a little late. It didn't matter if it was only a few seconds; I would punish the maggot too. I watched with a disgusted look and felt an urge to continue the scene as the man seemed to have words stuck in his throat, "I thought you trained your slaves better," I said with a thoughtful tone with a hint of contempt.

"MIstress Vapor, I am Sorry!" He exclaimed and moved forward to be under her feet. "I beg for your forgiveness!" He loudly said.

Vapor looked at me with a warning look, and I knew I had to back off at this point. She looked back down, and I remained in the back, watching as her foot came down as he was in a dogeza begging her. Her foot came down on his head without the heel and struck him on the back of the head. "Look at you embarrassing me, Maggot. I was going to introduce you to her to see such a good boy. Now I need to punish you!" Mistress Vapor's voice remained level the entire time, which I found impressive since she seemed to exclaim and whisper all with the same volume. It was amazing control of her voice that impressed me deeply since I never knew it was possible.

"I am sick of you in that suit, Maggot," Vapor said, standing up with her foot shoving the man's head into the floor before stepping away. I smiled as I watched that leaning against the wall watching the interaction. the man moved about to stand when Vapor spoke again, "Maggot, Did I say you could stand while stripping?" She asked casually, with no-nonsense allowed in the tone.

I was constantly impressed by Vapor's control of her voice. It was demeaning while not actually being explicit about it. From my position, I could already see the man with a hard-on pressing against the dress pants.

He started to take off the jacket with his face on the floor, still making it much harder for him. Still, after some time while Mistress Vapor grabbed a mask off the wall. "Yes, This will do," Vapor said to herself with a small smile. I realized that Vapor had a plan before when I entered with her. But the man was late, and she needed to change on the fly to accommodate that change.

"I am Disappointed by you tonight, Maggot," Mistress Vapor said, walking up as he was trying to take off his pants, "First, You arrive late," Vapor said with the mask in her hand, looking at it speculatively. "You have embarrassed me in front of my new friend as well..." Her voice trailed off, "I even told you to strip, and you are still struggling to follow my orders, Maggot." Vapor said, her tone subtly changing to seem angrier at the man on the floor.

His shirt and jacket were to the side, and his pants and boxers were around his knees as he was struggling because his shoes were in the way. All the while, his face was on the ground in the same position from when she stepped on his head.

Mistress Vapors foot returned to the spot on his head as she looked down at him. His cock was now in my vision, and I had to admit he was well hung. It was at least eight inches, but I would put more money on nine inches since I couldn't see it that well from my angle. He was at full mast, though, as she stomped his head to the floor as she expressed her anger towards him.

"I am sorry, Mistress Vapor." He begged on the floor as he tried to follow the previous order to strip.

"No," Mistress Vapor responded, "You may think you are sorry, But you aren't sorry yet," She continued with a brief explanation. "Mistress Futanari here, though, will help me make you realize how sorry you will be soon, though." Mistress Vapor finished smiling.

The man that I forgot the name of already was looking up, seeing Mistress Vapor's panties first before seeing the charming smile on her face as he gazed upwards. In her hand, he must have seen the leather mask.

I took a moment more to see that mask, and I smiled as I realized that it had no eye holes. It also had a zipper for the mouth to shut the wearer up. The only built-in holes I believed were around the nose, and I couldn't help but smile as his cock twitched while looking up.

"Mistress!" The man exclaimed, only for Mistress Vapor to loudly click her tongue. It was like a shot had gone off to the man. He shut up immediately at the annoying click of her tongue.

"Maggot, You are still not naked, showing your disgusting body to my friend here to inspect." Mistress Vapor then crouches slowly with a dark smile. "Do you know what a Futanari is, Maggot?" Mistress Vapor asked, making my eyebrows rise in surprise.

"A- I think it is a woman with both a dick and a pussy, Mistress," The man said, sounding unsure.

"Well, You have some brains in that dumb head after all." Mistress Vapor countered, seeing the man blush although his erection seemed to twitch both in excitement at the fresh humiliation. She started to slowly clap her hands to acting as if she didn't expect the intelligence. "Now, Either in the next thirty seconds you have those pants and shoes off, or your asshole is about to find out how big her cock is. And I will give you a hint, Maggot," Mistress Vapor said with a smirk, "MIstress Futanari is very well hung."

Vapor chuckled, and I couldn't even explain how the man got the shoes and pants off in his desperation to get them off. It was almost impressive as he worked while I joined Mistress Vapor laughing at him. It was very pathetic to look at, and I felt my cock start to harden slightly in my panties while watching the man desperately trying to take them off and tripped at one point making his face slid across the floor a bit.

With the show of the man rapidly stripping in front of me and his now deeply red face fully naked, I heard Vapor regain control of herself. "That's a shame," Vapor said, making him suck in a breath like he might have failed to finish stripping in time despite humiliating himself. "Only three more seconds, and you might have gotten to enjoy Mistress Futanari's girthy cock." Mistress Vapor finished, and I saw the sigh of relief from the man even as his cock seemed to have a raging erection from the humiliation that he just received.

"Mistress Futanari," Mistress Vapor called out, and I knew she was up to something. It seemed fun, though, and I was already enjoying the show that had been happening. The way Vapor controlled his emotions, too, was good. It was just the start, too, and I looked forward to more.

"Yes, Mistress Vapor?" I replied back, questioning her.

Mistress Vapor smiled, "How about we make a comparison? Maybe this Maggot wants to learn that he can be larger than someone else?" She asked, and I started to realize what she was doing. I moved forward slowly moving forward after taking my weight off the wall. I moved with deliberate movement and believed I looked sexy doing it. On my way, I slowly unzipped my panties. As I did so, the strain on my cock released, and it fell out from the panties showing it about half flaccid from the show before.

The man gasped, and I could see Vapor's eyes widen as I smiled. My cock came into their vision probably around ten inches and was thicker than his. It was obviously not fully hard, and Mistress Vapor quickly got a hold of herself with a smile. "Stand up, Maggot!" She ordered, and the man stood almost stumbling under the simple yet direct order.

With him standing at the full height, he was still shorter than me, especially in height heels. Still, Mistress Vapor squatted and started to hold my cock up with her hand. I smirked as his fully hard cock didn't even compare to the girth of my flaccid cock and my own cock started to harden with the comparison as if to prove itself compared to him. The comparison showed I was larger in seconds, and the man blushed as Mistress Vapor compared the sizes.

"Well, Maggot, who is larger?" Vapor asked, not willing to do the announcing herself.

The man's face was red as he looked down, and I could see the pure humiliation that must have been going through him when Mistress Vapor flicked his balls quickly with the hand that was holding his cock.

"Maggot, I asked you a question!" Mistress Vapor's exclaimed without yelling in the silence as I watched, looking down with a large smirk.

"Mistress Vapor, Mistress Futanari has a larger dick than me." He announced finally with a tone of loss. I could see the humiliation on his face, but his cock seemed on the edge of just ejaculating. I had seen my cock like that in the past after furiously masturbating. Still, Mistress Vapor had barely touched his cock at all for the time we had been playing.

It was like something knocked on my head when I realized just how much these clients needed things like this. Suppose you were married to someone and didn't feel comfortable in the relationship to; tell them these personal things you would need to go somewhere for it. That was where a Dominatrix became involved and why we had NDAs.

In a way, I felt pity for the man in front of me with that realization. This was a man that had power and money yet had to pay to get humiliated as he wanted in his personal life. That pity went away quickly as I felt a strange sense of power, and I wanted to use it against him and my mouth opened before I could even attempt to stop myself. "Wow, What a pathetic loser cock," I said, "Can a woman even feel that inside her?" I asked. My hand reached down, "With that pathetic cock like this, you at least should be able to last some time, right?" I was slightly squatting, and my hand grabbed his cock with Mistress Vapor now, brightly smiling as I stroked his shaft, and his dick released a stream of white semen just over Mistress Vapors shoulder. She moved further as the cock followed up with several more streams of semen.

The man cried out, and his face was filled with embarrassment and overwhelming pleasure as he released just after I stroked it twice, with both of us looking surprised. I wasn't actually feeling surprised since the Humiliation brought him to the edge.

"Wow," I said, turning to Mistress Vapor, "You need to teach this maggot to hold it in," I said with contempt.

Mistress Vapor smiled towards me before standing, and her face grabbed the Mans face around his chin, and I saw his face for the first time tonight. It was attractive if older man's face. It was clean-shaven if with stubble from the growth throughout the day. His chin was sharp, and I could see how he could be a TV personality as many would feel trust probably from things he said.

At this moment, though, he looked lost in orgasm only to be suddenly woken up by his Mistress and looking into her angered face. "Maggot, Did I say you could embarrass me again by ejaculating that early?!" Vapor seemed genuinely pissed, and I felt it too. It didn't matter that things were going the way I believed that she wanted the man to try to reply when she brought out the mask that I lost track of earlier and pinned it to his face. The back was open, and it would be zipped shut, and I quickly helped her out as she said, "I can't stand to look at you anymore, Maggot." Her tone was filled with contempt, and he couldn't even apologize for his misbehavior as the masked was zipped up.

I could hear him try to breathe, flaring through his nose under the mask as Mistress Vapor then made his move.  The man mumbled under the mask, trying to communicate something to her without luck as we guided him to the center of the room under those chains earlier. Mistress Vapor smiled at me and handed me leather cuffs. I put them on, and she pulled out one of the rods from earlier and walked back over to the curtains while I made sure the man didn't fall down as he continued to try to communicate something.

"You have embarrassed me enough tonight, Maggot. I thought I would get to reward you tonight and enjoy some more personal time with you after showing you off to my new Friend. Instead, you have embarrassed me over and over. Well, Mistress Futanari will help me in punishing a stupid Maggot like you now," Mistress Vapor said, and the chains came down, and I linked them through the arms with the rod.

When I finished my simple task, Mistress Vapor didn't wait. The chains started to hoist him up into the air; as I watched, he tried to communicate through the mask, and it sounded like begging to me. I wasn't going to lie; I was rock hard now and holding back watching this man be humiliated in various ways. His cock had not even gone flaccid despite cumming the first time, and Mistress Vapor locked the wheel before walking over to the wall of toys whips and equipment.

Mistress Vapor took a box of vibrators and clothespins on a bottom shelf and a whip from her wall. Mistress Vapor then walked over to me and held out both. "Which would you like to punish this maggot with?" Vapor asked me with a smile on her face.

I was tempted to play with the whip, but I had only used a riding crop before. I didn't want to injure the man despite my mind wanting to whip the man. Instead, I grabbed the box, and Mistress Vapor nodded. "Good, I could see the temptation for using the whip. This maggot will get some, but you are inexperienced from what the boss said. Enjoy some play;" With that, she walked a couple of steps back.

"Maggot," Mistress Vapor said after turning around and whipping the floor with a loud resounding snap. "What do you have to say for yourself?" She asked.

"MMMMM!" Was his reply as he tried to yell something to her.

"Since you have nothing to say for yourself," MIstress Vapor said with a smile, "Let the punishment begin!" She announced, and I stood in front of him with a box of clothespins and vibrators that could easily attach to the clothespins. I smiled and started with the obvious, and I heard that whip snap out. I heard a loud groan, and I put a clothespin to his nipple. Then the other while I fought the urge to look at the damage she caused. I attached vibrators to the clothespins when I had a thought.

I held up and hand to Mistress Vapor about to whip him again. I looked at the long red mark and realized she wasn't breaking the skin. The control of strength to make it hurt and properly whip while not cutting in should be difficult. At that moment, I promised myself to learn to do the same. Instead, I started to pin his back with a long strip of ten clothespins.

All the while, the man was complaining through his mask or something we couldn't understand. "Mistress Vapor, how about you whip those off the Maggot and see how many you can get in one?" I asked.

"That sounds fun!" Mistress Vapor replied, and I smile before opening up the mask with a loud unzipping on the mask.

"Mistress's! Please Spare me!" He yelled out into the room. His cock told another story as it seemed to be near the edge, and I thought that I finally realized why Mistress Vapor didn't care to listen to anything this man said.

The man showed all the signs through words that he didn't like it. Meanwhile, his body was showing just how much he was enjoying the torture being done to him. It was at this moment I remembered that I was constantly told that he loved humiliation and us being rough. I wasn't expecting this rough, but I also understood that they also told me he was a little bit of an exhibitionist.

Something inside me broke with that realization, and I smiled with sadistic glee. "Shut up, Maggot," I said in reply, "Enjoy your punishment," With that, I zipped the mask shut before he could protest more, and my hand yanked on his balls, making me hear a muffled scream as I looked behind him just as MIstress Vapor with a matching smile brought the whip down whipping two Clothes pins off his back making the muffled scream even louder. "Ah, Only two pins!" I exclaimed without the same control over my voice that Mistress Vapor could do.

"Bad Swing," Mistress Vapor replied as I got to work putting back on the pins, much to the man's distress.

The whip cracked, and the man screamed inside the mask again and again. His cock twitched in my hands as I constantly gripped his balls. He cried out when I squeezed them a little bit and tugged them down to stop his ejaculation. I could hear him moaning and crying inside his mask. I couldn't hold back my smile, and instead of tugging on his balls this time as the whip hit six clothespins off his back, I stroked his shaft quickly before letting go, and his sperm flew out with a moan turning into a groan under the mask as his ejaculation came finally and was ruined.

"Oh, The maggot came to whipping?" Mistress Vapor asked with a mocking tone that had a hint of contempt.

"Yeah, The maggot came from whipping," I replied while his cock was still pathetically dripping semen onto the floor while I heard him groan under the mask. MIstress Vapor set aside the whip, walked up to him, and took off the mask.

I was surprised by the sudden change, and I stepped back while Mistress Vapor finished taking off the mask. She turned his face discarding the mask to the side and looked at the tear-stained man with some snot coming out, and I realized why. The man took a deep breath and turned to Mistress Vapor.

"Mistress Vapor," He said quietly, "I am sorry, I will do better next time," He said, and Mistress Vapor held him in her arms.

The Man silently cried in her arms, and I was surprised at the sudden change that had happened, and she pointed at the wall. I realized what she wanted, and I unlocked the wheel before letting the man back down to the floor. The man's feet didn't hold him, but Mistress Vapor held him back to his chair and shook her head at me before taking off the pins.

Everything changed in seconds, and I was wondering what was going on. This wasn't something that I liked at the moment, and the man sucked up to Mistress Vapor with broken words of begging for forgiveness. I couldn't understand it, and it was like Mistress Vapor went from being a Mistress to a mother at the drop of a hat.

Then Mistress Vapor, holding him, turned to look at me. "You need to leave now," Mistress Vapor said, "Larry, Tell Mistress Futanari Thank you for playing with us,"

"Thank you, Mistress Futanari," He said as if he was a child, and I realized that something else that I wasn't privy to was going on.

"Have a good Night, Mistress Vapor, Larry," I replied, and I walked out of the room. Something was going on, and I realized that Vapor and I might have triggered something too far or something. I would ask Samantha, but that was ruining my hard-on with such a change.

Soon, I knocked on the door to Samantha's office, which I heard a "Come in!" On the other side. I stepped in, and I saw Samantha sitting on the couch with Crystal still on the other side.

"Oh, Done already?" Samantha asked.

Crystal smiled, and I crossed the room and kissed her lips before sitting next to her, "That was fun until the end." I replied and heard Samantha sigh.

"Oh, That happened," Samantha replied, "Well, That happens sometimes, and remember Angela," Samantha began, "keep your mouth shut, as to answer the question you want to ask." Samantha took a deep breath, "That isn't any of your business," She said seriously, "All of us are broken in some way. If you can look at me seriously and say your parents didn't do something to fuck you up. I will reply congratulations on being able to keep a straight face while saying that." Samantha finished and held my eyes.

I nodded, "Okay," I replied in return, "It isn't any of my business, and I will not ask. Blue balled me a little since I am looking for some action now," I said, turning my head to Crystal, who was no longer looking at Samantha and was starting to stroke my cock.

"Well, I can see your priorities," Samantha said to her friend before laughing. "Well, it wasn't the perfect end to your first domination session here. Still, How do you feel?" Samantha asked.

"Honestly, I learned a lot from MIstress Vapor," I replied, "There is so much to learn, and even the amount of control over her voice is amazing." I told her honestly, "I had a lot of fun, to be honest, but I would like someone that I could train myself. I think I still prefer women too, although I wouldn't mind some men change things up. I loved the humiliation on his face when we got into that." I said, letting my feelings flow out as I felt my girlfriend's lips bring me back to full mast.

"So, to clarify," Samantha said slowly, "You would like to take on clients?" She asked.

"Yes, I would like to take on some interested clients," I replied with a smile, and I saw Samantha sigh. Not in disappointment but in sheer relief. I raised an eyebrow as Samantha seemed to need a moment to gather herself.

"I am not going to lie," Samantha said, gathering herself, "I had a client that is, let's say very influential express their desire to be dominated by you very well known to me. This client is willing to pay a lot. Let me say this," Samantha said slowly, "I am not forcing you. The person I am talking about has more influence than you can imagine. So I am asking you before I reveal anything more. Last moment to back out," Samantha held my eyes, "Do you want to take on this client?" She asked.

I felt the weight of her words hit my shoulders, and I felt Crystal take her lips off me. "Let me know when I can come back in," Crystal said, "I shouldn't be here for this part, and I am surprised you didn't make me leave," Crystal continued looking at Samantha.

"You know I trust you, and your right. If Angela agrees, I would ask you to leave while I told the details to your girlfriend." Samatha replied.

"I'll be back," Crystal said, kissing my lips while I was thinking on it as I heard the door closed.

What Samatha said a lot about this person. She didn't emphasize wealth; instead, it was the influence that she emphasized. If I took on this client, I might put my life at risk. Still, I felt the pull to agree. I wanted someone that powerful to be under me. It was like watching the humiliation Larry was put through as an addiction. I wanted to see someone powerful beg me. Even become almost infantile under me, and the words left my mouth.

"Okay, I want the client," I said with no hesitation feeling the weight leave my shoulders and a burst of happiness when Samantha smiled.

"You're Hired," Samantha said, and Crystal came back in with a smile.

I was confused as Crystal came in, "Sorry, But Samantha does this to every Dominatrix," Crystal explained, "For one reason and one reason only. That is the resolve you need for these clients, and she needs to check. I told her that you don't need this, but Samantha insisted."

"Crystal explained properly. Although I do have a list of people that have that level of influence, I won't give you them as a client yet." Samatha said.

It was then I felt a burst of anger, quickly feeling outraged, when my mind caught up and realized everything. The anger fizzled, although I was still annoyed. I was about to shout something when Samatha held up a hand.

"You are feeling angry and tricked right now," Samantha said, "Every Dominatrix or Mistress felt the same way when I did the same. Ask me how many who work here said no, though.

"How many work here that said no?" I asked dutifully, now curious.

"None," Samantha replied, "The reason I insist on this 'trick' is that I do have three clients at this moment for you that want to try your services out. They can kill with their influence and not receive a moment of jail time. Do you understand me now, Angela?" Samantha asked.

I turned to Crystal, "Take your pants and panties off bitch. I need a bitch to fuck while I tell my employer I understand." Crystal looked surprised before smiling, and she lost her panties and pants while stepping over. Seconds later, Samantha was watching her friend's ass getting fucked.


Bonus Chapter because I have released Week 5 of Life of a Dominant Futanari. It is out and I have provided a link on Discord. Check it out if you want to read ahead and support my books. Otherwise, Enjoy the Bonus Chapter!

Life of a Dominant Futanari Week 5: Emotions

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