Life of a Dominant F*tanari

Life of a Dominant F*tanari Week 2 Chapter 33/ 4: Relieving Anger

I reached home and unlocked the door, and opened it. I burst in through the front door with a spray of water behind me.

"Holy Shit!" I heard two exclamations at my sudden entry, only to see fresh worry from my mother and father. "Angela, Why didn't you call us?" They cried out in unison.

"Eh, I was headed home looking for some dinner, and I run through the rain felt nice. I have been running all day today and felt that a nice cooldown was in order." I said casually. It wasn't a lie but not precisely the truth. I simply just didn't want to rely on them coming out making it a favor or something.

"Oh, Well, if you wanted to run through the rain, you still should have called us," My father replied, "There is some dinner in the fridge since we didn't know if you were coming home or not," My father continued, "What kept you out so late?" He asked before trying to answer, "Your girlfriend?" He asked.

"Nope, Crystal is busy making an outfit for me," I told my father, with my mother seeming to pay more attention to that comment. "She wants to finish it by tomorrow, and if I come over..." My voice trailed off, and the unspoken words filled the room, and I saw my mother and father blush, "She would get distracted." I finished with a smirk looking at my mother, who seemed much more bothered than my father.

"Well," My father coughed to clear the awkward air, "What were you doing then?" He asked, trying to change the subject.

I turned to him, and I felt a little annoyed. I had been feeling this way since last week when it came to my father. He kept trying to put a structure on me that wasn't needed. When I tried to use the car to bring Tracy home, he even acted like I couldn't do that. IT was a structure to try and control me, and that was it. It had no benefit to me.

If it came to sex, I practiced safe sex with a condom each time, regardless of how much I wanted to shred it. Well, At least whenever I fucked Tracy's or Crystal's pussy I practiced safe sex. I put the qualifier in place in my mind but the annoyance of my father's control and needing to find out where I was going. The elation I felt moments before bursting in through the door was gone.

"I was trying out for the school's volleyball team," I told my father flatly.

He looked surprised and turned to me, "After being kicked out from the clubs when you were younger?" He asked before following up, "I thought that because of your medical condition," He skirted by my extra limb, "That you wouldn't be allowed on the teams. That was what the clubs told us anyways," He finished, and there was a tone in my father's voice I couldn't identify.

"Transgender rights seem to cover that legal loophole, I believe," I told him, watching my father's expression. "In fact, You might have been able to sue due to discrimination because they segregated me from the rest of the kids and removed me due to that 'medical condition,'" I replied, and I couldn't keep the venom out of my voice.

I started to walk away when I saw shame appear on my father's face. I left the conversation in the air, but that shame I saw on his face spoke volumes. I walked away as I felt a fresh rage course in my veins. None of it towards Jake this time. That simple shame on his face spoke more volumes than ever.

It was now clear to me why I never could play sports like I wanted to. My father never checked. Neither my mother nor father even fucking bothered to check when I was kicked out to see if what those clubs did was legal. They never even tried to stand up for me and took what those clubs said at face value. They could have been bothered when I cried for weeks after I was kicked out and banned. But, instead, they would rather have let their daughter wonder why her body stopped her from doing what she loved.

When in fact, there was never a reason I couldn't have.

I might not think of myself as Transgender; although I guess technically, the label can apply. The laws were protecting them, even if they are vague and different depending on the state. That didn't mean that I wasn't protected under the laws applying to them. The anger I felt bubbling to the surface eclipsed even what I had felt for Jake.

The constant attempts to control me, followed by the blatant wordless confession that they never even tried for me, almost made me blow up. I couldn't think straight, and I was soaked to the bone in water as the storm of rain continued to patter against the house. I didn't even feel the hunger that was starting to affect me as I ran home.

I was full of anger now, and I had no release valve. I needed to release on someone. I wanted to almost get violent with someone, and I thought of Crystal. She would accept that anger and probably thrive in the anger fuck that I would unleash upon her to vent myself. She would accept the pain and pleasure that it would bring, but she was busy. I needed what she was working on, and Jake was too far away, and I wouldn't risk going upstairs at this moment.

I looked at the machines in my room and decided that I needed a release. So I took out my phone and wiped off the moisture that got through my pants. It didn't seem drenched, though, but at this moment, I couldn't care less as I wiped off the screen and called a number.

The phone rang a couple of times before I voice answered, "Yes, Mistress," Tracy's voice came over the line.

"Come over," I told her, "I need a skank on my cock tonight," My voice practically growled out, and I heard an audible pause on the other end.

Her voice came out meekly, "Did I do something wrong, Mistress?" Tracy asked.

"No," I replied clearly, "I need to release some frustrations, though," I told her honestly, "Can you get here with a clean change of clothes for school tomorrow. I won't be letting you back tonight," I finished.

The pause was pregnant, and I heard her cover the mouthpiece. I then listened to some words exchanged with someone on her side. My frustrations were only growing, but the source had nothing to do with Tracy. Instead, it was the limiting structure of everything in my life. The limits being in someone else's rules that I didn't think should be applied to me.

"I can," Tracy's voice came back over the phone line abruptly. I will get soaked, but I should be fine as long as I have a towel and a shower. Which door do you want me to come to?" Tracy asked.

"Front door," I told her, not caring what my parents thought as the anger towards them coursed through my veins.

"Okay, I will be there in fifteen minutes max," Tracy told me and the phone line cut off, and I looked down as the call ended.

With the first thing going my way tonight, the anger lessened, if by barely. But, still, that anger sang through me, and I decided that I needed to eat. I didn't want to go upstairs, but I needed to eat. So I moved back up with the water still dripping off of me. My mother stood in the kitchen, surprised to see me, and I looked at her.

"Move," I commanded, and my mother moved, surprised with my command. I opened the Fridge, and my mother could probably feel the anger radiating off my body.

"Angela," My mother said in a soft voice, and I turned on her with the plate of food in my hand.

"I trusted you," I told her, "I trusted you to have my back," I told her again, "You never even tried to fight for me with even a simple google search." I replied, my voice dark, "It wouldn't have taken long, and I remembered crying and trusting you two to do your best for me." I continued, "I didn't get that." I took a deep breath to help myself, not to snap completely. "Go send father upstairs; I have a guest coming over to release my frustrations. Maybe that will stop a blow-up inside this house." I told my mother with my eyes bearing down on her.

My mother was smarter, in my opinion, of my two parents, and she left me alone. She was letting this slight on her authority slide. Finally, she turned back, though when she reached the entrance to the living room, "I get that you are angry now," My mother spoke to me, addressing the obvious, "Still, We are your parents and under our roof. I will let this slide since you are justified in your anger. I will be looking up what you are talking about and properly educating myself. That doesn't mean, though, that you can continue to talk to us like this. Understood?" My mother said to me, her tone firm and steadfast.

My mother didn't wait for my response as I felt a fresh amount of anger boil and heard her talking to my father. I heard some of his protests, but I heard two sets of feet heading upstairs shortly afterward. I put the large plate of food in the microwave to heat up and took off the tinfoil before turning on the microwave.

I listened upstairs, and I started to hear a fresh argument between my mother and father. It sounded like it was getting heated, and my mother was putting the screws on my father. I didn't care, though, as I looked towards the stairs as I heard the microwave working. Soon a beep sounded, and I pulled out the food, almost burning my fingers on the plate before I heard a knock on the front door. I moved over and pulled open the door to see a drenched Tracy jump inside.

"Damn, it is coming down out there. If it weren't for your order, I wouldn't have even thought of coming outside." Tracy confessed.

Tracy wore a rain jacket that was pouring the remnants of the storm off of her. The transparent purple material continued to drop water down as I brought her inside. "Have you eaten?" I asked her as I took her rainjacket and hung it on a peg in the front—the clothing underneath showing.

Tracy wore a backpack that she brought to school that was not wet under that rainjacket—probably bringing what she needed for tomorrow and tonight. She wore a red T-shirt and blue jeans that fit tightly. Those jeans looked tight, but the shirt looked hastily tossed on even after the run to my place. I brought her into my house with a straight face, but I could tell that Tracy was happy to be here.

Tracy might not have liked the run in the water, but I could feel the excitement for the night to come radiating off of her. That was good for a slut that I could dump some cum into as I released my anger and frustration. I grabbed the food with a tea towel and brought Tracy downstairs.

"I hate to ask Mistress, But what has you so angry?" Tracy asked.

I turned to her and put the food down on my desk. "Not now," I told her, "Shower," I ordered, not needing to show her where to go. She moved towards the shower, hearing the tone of anger and want in my tone.

Tracy moved and stripped her shirt, and I saw the back of a black bra hooked behind her, and Her arms reached up to unlatch the bra. That fell to the floor not long later as I began to follow her. I stopped, though, and grabbed a couple of condoms. I took off my shirt as my hands kept the condoms in them.

I then took off the bra and pants as I watched those tight jeans slip past her ass and hold Tracy's ass cheeks up for a moment before she continued walking forward for another step bringing that ass cheek higher while the edge of the jeans emphasized them. Then Tracy paused to slip the jeans off the rest of the way, and I felt my already hard cock somehow harden more. That didn't change the fact that what came next would not be any light sex.

My pants slipped off, and my panties went with them. I took off my bra with practiced ease. We were now in my bathroom, and Tracy turned on the hot water before those black matching panties she wore hit the tiled floor. Her slow stripping only riled me up more, and I closed the distance.

"Excited skank?" I asked her as I finished closing the distance as anger at someone else coursed through me.

Tracy looked surprised only for a second, and my hand roughly landed on her pussy. It was still slightly swollen from earlier that day. But it was not dry, and the liquid was too sticky ever to be the rainwater that poured outside as my fingers then flicked her clit.

A loud moan erupted, and a squeak of surprised pain followed with the flick. "Yes," Tracy admitted, her cheeks red, "Your hands are cold too," She told me.

My fingers entered her wet pussy, and my face enclosed on her as they pushed up into her making her breath hitch. "What was that skank?" I asked her, my tone serious.

"N-Nothing," Tracy sighed as those fingers curled inside her and brushed roughly against the walls of her canal.

"I think I heard you complain about something, skank," I didn't let her off as my tone became commanding, "Complaints of a mere bitch skank will not be tolerated," I told her, and I pushed her into the steaming shower.

Tracy gasped with the water, and the heat bit into my skin, probably even more than it did for her. The heat was welcome as it poured down on me, and I recognized how much the storm pouring outside had chilled me., Inside though, I pushed Tracy up against the shower wall with a hand roughly groping her breast as fingers neared her nipple.

"Tell me," I began, my tone laced with the anger from the deep pool of my parent's creation. "What are you?" I asked her with a stern inquisitive tone.

Tracy stared at me, her look almost like a bunny wanting to flee from my gaze. Tracy was more intelligent than I thought I recognized as she realized she needed to appease me. Her gaze didn't look away, though, "I am your slut, Your Skank. A low-class skank in training to be a high-class skank," She responded, and my smile grew, edging away from the fierce anger hidden under the surface.

"Good," I told her as my fingers started to thrust into her wet pussy, making her gasp in the hot shower. I moved them in and out of her with a steady pace that also increased in speed even as my cock was hardened to the point of pain. I needed release, but I wanted to start the night on the right foot, and Tracy's breath quickened while the juices of her pussy began to flow even faster, coating my finger.

"Oh God," She cried out in the shower as the pleasure she felt was evident, and I felt that spot that felt different from all the rest of her insides and smirked. I pushed against it, "OH GOD!" Tracy cried out, and I pushed the finger deeper, finger fucking her pussy even harder. Tracy's arms wrapped around my neck and tried to pull my head into her breasts as she was reaching the peak of pleasure,

"Don't cum, you skank. Cum and you will be punished," I ordered harshly, and Tracy looked down, her eyes widening.

"B-B-But!" Tracy cried out as I continued to hit that spot and cut off the cry gritting her teeth. She was on the edge, and my fingers slipped in and out, hooking up into that spot that brought even more pleasure wreaking through her body. She held on and held on.

"Hold it," I told her, "Hold it!" I told her in a steady voice as her legs shook and her arms tried to tighten up even more as I remained unperturbed. "Hold it!" My voice came out as a command, and I could see Tracy gritting her teeth hard. I pulled my fingers out, "Cum!" I ordered, and my fingers went to her clit and began to roughly swipe back and forth across her clit as my other hand pinched her nipples suddenly. Her pussy erupted, and those gritted teeth unclenched. Her cry rang out in the bathroom, and I knew that my parent would have heard her cry of pleasure.

Tracy held onto me tight as her juices jettisoned down into the drain under our feet as I ripped open one of the condoms I brought with me. I didn't remember putting them on the soap ledge, but I did it. I slipped the condom down the length of my painfully hard cock.

Tracy's arms started to loosen only to tighten again as I crouched to line myself up and pierced her still spasming pussy. Tracy's cry of pleasure renewed as I smirked. "Hold on, Skank, Don't go crazy in the pleasure tonight," I told her and trusted my hips to take her even deeper than before.

Tracy's arms wrapped tightly around me, and my hands landed on her ass as the water poured down. I gave her neck a love bite as I pushed deep into her as her head angled to provide me with more access to her neck. I smirked, and pleasure rolled through me. I thrust into her even harder, pushing into her womb with my large girthy cock, and her scream filled the bathroom.

It didn't matter to me, and I started to fuck her harder and harder against that shower wall. I removed my head from her neck as I felt her pussy spasm on my cock. I let go of an ass cheek, and it reached up to her neck and tightened around it. The cries turned muffled and cut off not long after. Tracy's eyes blazed as I strangled her while fucking her deeply. Those legs unwrapped around me, and soon her arms loosened and dug at the hand around her neck. I suddenly let go as I stopped choking her.

A sudden shudder ran through her, and I felt Tracys pussy spasm on my cock as her muscles tightened and loosened. I smiled as I knew she just orgasmed again. My smile wasn't nice, but Tracy didn't seem to notice. I didn't stop, though, until I reached my peak and let loose inside her. The condom filled and frustrations that I was still feeling loosened. The anger I felt slightly lessened but didn't disappear. The drooling tongue that came out of Tracy's mouth at some point wagged outside her mouth.

I grabbed the condom that always slipped off when I was done was caught the condom just as her pussy managed to slurp it up inside her. "Such a greedy pussy," I commented as Tracy seemed to be recovering slightly.

"Oh, Wow," Tracy commented as I tied up the filled condom, "You are rough today," she continued.

"I'm only starting," I told her, "And now, With the heat in my bones. I want a blowjob while I eat skank. Then we can continue; this was a nice warm-up, though," I told her, seeing her shudder as I stepped out.

I tossed her a towel. "Yes, That was just a warmup. We have plenty of night to burn." I told a now horrified face. My cock felt even more painful looking at that expression, and The satisfaction I felt from it was outstanding. I brought her closer to me, and my hand landed harshly on her recently used pussy. The liquid was a mix of female ejaculate and water from the shower after I closed the water on my way out. "This little wet slutty pussy tells me that expression only means you want more." I paused and showed her the fingers that were on her pussy. My fingers spread, showing the sticky female ejaculate. "You look very excited, slut," I commented, "How about a little punishment for cumming before me skank?" I asked her rhetorically.

"I=I," The look on Tracy's face was indecisive with my stare on her.

"Too late," I told her, and my hand brought her behind me back into my room instead of the bathroom. "A little punishment will come in a bit," I told her as I brought her to the desk where my food was, "For now, though, skank," I continued, "Get sucking with those cocksucking lips," I ordered as I sat down in the chair. My stomach growled as I realized the anger no longer filled my stomach.

With my ass hitting the chair, I looked at Tracy as she stood. My cock was still standing tall, "Well, I see those cocksucking lips still empty, Skank," I said, "Why do I feel that is a problem?" I asked, my tone casual but biting, making Tracy kneel before me.

"I am sorry, Mistress," Tracy said as she reached forward towards my cock, "I was thinking of trying something new to please you," She continued before pausing, "I- I tried it out on my boyfriend over the summer," Tracy said her tone wondering, "His dick isn't as big as yours though, So I don't know if it will be as pleasurable as it was for him. Do you mind if I try, though?" Tracy asked.

"Go ahead, skank. I will be eating, and I might lessen your punishment if it is pleasurable." I told her with a smirk in my tone. I grabbed the plate with the fork and started to eat while I watched Tracy hesitate.

Tracy then crawled closer and brought her chest closer to me. Then brought her breasts around my cock as her tongue licked along the shaft up to the tip while she pressed her soft breasts around me tighter. As I took a bite, I felt the pleasure of her skin and softness slid up and down my cock that was pleasurable in a different way. I remembered Crystal doing something like this with her breasts, but my mind was more on her mouth at the time as it played with my cock.

I moaned, though, when her tongue hit the spot just under the top of my cock as her saliva trailed down my cock. I took another fork full of food as I leaned back. Tracy tightened her breasts more around my cock even though they didn't fully wrap around it. Her nipples brushed up against my cock as she tightened, and her hands moved them separately, earning another moan from me as she sped up with her mouth taking the tip into her mouth.

Inside her mouth, her tongue continued to tease that spot underneath the head of my cock. I moaned again as Tracy did her best to bring me pleasure with her breasts and mouth. The moans seemed to energize her even more and increased her pace, her entire body rubbing and going up and down the length of my cock. I could now hear light moans coming from Tracy even as she did so.

I started to quicken my pace of eating even as Tracy started to earn even more moans from me. Her breasts squeezed around me, and her nipples trailed up and down the length of my cock continuously. Her moans increased in volume, and she took me deeper in her mouth at times while her tongue continued to force a larger reaction out of me.

The little cocksucking slut at my feet was getting better, and as I took one of the last bites of the food, I moaned louder with nothing that had to do with the food I was eating. My cock hardened further, and I put the plate aside, no longer caring about the last of the food on the plate.

Tracy seemed happier, earning a larger reaction from me, and I shoved her head down harder on my hard cock just as I felt my pleasure reach a peak and blasted the inside of her mouth. I moaned loudly and let go of Tracy's head. The little cocksucker Tracy seemed to realize that her work wasn't done and felt the pleasure increase even as I heard her gulp down the god's elixir that was erupting from my cock without complaint. Her body continued to move, her breasts moving with her hand aiding them as she squeezed them tight to my cock, making me moan again in my post ejaculation. Her mouth then increased in suction, and the last of my ejaculation was cleaned out of my urethra by her forcefully.

The little cocksucker happily took in a breath a couple of seconds later when I heard her take a deep breath. "Does that lessen my punishment, Mistress?" She asked with an almost innocent tone. When I looked down at her with the look of innocence on her face with the knowledge that she pleasured me more than I expected.

Everything in me wanted to smack her down for some reason with that expression. It was like a challenge to my authority without actually going against it. I didn't know what it was, and I didn't answer until I figured it out.

Then I figured out what was bothering me. It was the way she talked back to me with an expression that showed that she already knew the answer. That the only way I could tell her differently was to lie and that she knew it was a lie. It annoyed me, and even though she did pleasure me more than I expected with her body, I felt slighted with how she finished.

If it wasn't for that simple, innocent expression, she maintained with those words, and I would have decreased the punishment. The anger I felt in the slight, though, made the anger that I had towards my parent come back into focus. I growled without even knowing, and I stood looking down at the skank at my feet.

"You had done good," I slowly said, "You did well then that expression you are showing." I told her honestly, "Those words with that expression seem to me that you are challenging me slut," I told her.

Tracy started to realize that she had done something wrong, and I continued levelly, "That innocent look with that expression, Skank. Are you challenging me? Trying to piss me off when I am already frustrated over something else?" I asked her.

"N-No, No, Mistress," Tracy stammered out and must have realized that simple action that she had done hit a nerve in me that was making me react poorly to her.

"Well, If you thought that that expression was charming, you were wrong. I did feel pleasure, and you did do a good job. I would have even lessened the punishment that I was going to give you if only to ease my own frustrations." I told her my voice laced with the anger that was only slightly her fault. "Instead, I think these cocksucking lips need a lesson on how to beg for forgiveness and how to ask how I felt about the pleasure I just received," I told her.

I paused, and I grappled with the anger I felt. I remembered when talking with Samantha that I needed to train with more than just a stick. I was comfortable with the stick, and my cock made a nice carrot when training. But the subtle attack on my authority with that expression and words probably wasn't deliberate. She didn't mean to attack, and the main reason for my frustration and anger wasn't at her.

If the crime didn't fit the punishment, it wouldn't be good training. Therefore, I needed to quickly decide how to deal with the skank still on her knees. My cock hardened with the thought of giving a harsh punishment that would keep her off her ass for a week. That would be too harsh, though, and the silence filled my bedroom. I looked into her eyes, and she looked back up into mine as I turned over in my mind what I should do.

I took a deep breath as my thoughts gathered back together into something more proper. With a second deep breath, I spoke, "Okay, I have decided, you dumb slut," I began. I then brought her up to her feet by her hair. I made sure not to pull any out as I did so.

"Ow, Ow Ow," Tracy said under her breath as I pulled her close to me by her hair.

"You were doing so good, my dumb bitch of a skank. Instead, you had to got ahead and pissed me the fuck off." I said levelly, "You are lucky we are not at my girlfriend's house, so I have the proper toys available to help me with your punishment." I took a deep breath again.

My hand then struck her face with controlled strength. I wanted it to be hard enough to hurt without leaving a bruise. I then brought her face close and spat on her face and rubbed it all around, making her wince as I did so roughly. My hand then struck her breasts that just a minute ago were doing well, pleasuring me. "Skank," I began, "You will ask with, 'Did my services Please you Mistress?' in the future. Do you understand?" I asked her as I brought her face close to me again. "Whenever you want to ask, you will ask like that." I finished, my eyes glazed with anger.

"Y=Yes, Mistress!" Tracy exclaimed. My hand reached down towards her pussy, feeling the juices flowing, and I wondered if that was more do to with the blowjob or how I was treating her. My hand then left only to come back up, slapping her pussy, making her squeak in alarm as I continued to slap her pussy harshly. Tracy then tried to close her legs to stop me from slapping her pussy.

"This is your punishment, skank." I told her, "Open your fucking legs slut!" I ordered.

Tracy's legs opened slowly, and I sped it up as my hand started to slap her thighs, making her spread them farther. Once the pussy was fully open to my hand, I switched from her thighs. My hand landed on her pussy, and Tracy cried out with her arms bracing themselves on my shoulders. Her legs closed instinctually. When they did, I would slap her thighs back open until her legs spread.

"What do you say?" I asked her.

"Thank you, Mistress, for teaching this skank a lesson!" Tracy cried out with tears in her eyes from the pain.

My hands slapped her pussy, "What do you ask when you finish pleasuring me?" I asked her.

Tracy yelped as a slap landed on her clit, "D-Did my services please you, Mistress?"

I slapped once more harshly, hearing her cry out and jump. Tracy's legs closed, and I let them this time. "Good, Much better for you to understand," I commented and pointed at the bed, "Now, a reward for learning quickly, skank," I told her.

Tracy nodded, looking happier with the change from me slapping her thighs and pussy, and moved, albeit looking funny as she did so towards the bed. I didn't comment, though, since I understood why she was walking like that. I went to the box of condoms Crystal left here and ripped open a package. The condom slipped down the length of my cock, and I tossed a dozen unopened condoms onto the bed.

Tracy was on the bed, looking lost on how I wanted to go at it. "Come here, Skank. I will fuck you like the bitch you are to start with." I told her, seeing Tracy blush again, although those tears were still in her eyes slightly. Tracy didn't argue, though, like she did in the beginning and turned around. She brought her ass back to the edge of the bed, and I pressed the tip of my cock to her pussy, lubricating the tip of my cock.

"As a reward, Skank," I told her my authority in question, "You may beg for what hole I fuck to start."

"Fuck my ass, Mistress!" Tracy cried out without a moment's hesitation. "I need your fat monster cock deep in my ass, Mistress!" She continued to beg, "Oh, God, I want it in my ass so bad!"

Tracy didn't stop until the tip of my cock lined up with her asshole slowly, and I smirked. "Such a fucking anal slut," I told her, "Maybe I didn't need the condom after all. You want to be an anal cum dump, don't you?" I asked her.

This was where there was a pause to register the words. Tracy, though, seemed to need my cock to fuck out the pain I inflicted on her. "Yes! I want to be your anal slut; taking that load deep in my ass, Mistress, I want it!" She cried out, wagging her ass.

"Then turn around take off the condom before inserting it yourself, Skank!" I ordered her and left my cock lined up with her asshole. Tracy didn't let it remain that way for long and turned around. The earlier show of hesitation and being lost is gone. Her hand reached my cock and slipped the condom off my cock. It wasn't the most pleasant feeling in the world as the latex stretched to at her pulling, But soon the condom was pulled off seconds later, and Tract had turned around, and hand was lining up my cock to her ass again.

Tracy then paused as if to take at the moment, "May I take your cock, Mistress?" Tracy asked in a show of restraint that I hadn't seen in the last minute.

Tracy kept surprising me tonight, and I nodded, "You may penetrate yourself on my cock, Slut," I gave permission, and Tracy's hips moved as my permission was bestowed upon her.

"Oh God, YES!" Tracy cried out as the head of my cock slipped past her sphincter. Tracy paused for only half a second with the head of her cock inside her ass. That pause ended, and her hips moved, bringing her cock deeper into her ass, "Oh, God Yes, Your cock is so fat, Mistress!" Tracy's cries started to fill my bedroom.

I let her slowly take my cock deeper into her ass. Her ass gripped my cock as it slipped gradually deeper and deeper inside of herself. Tracy continued to cry out, "Oh, God, Mistress, Why is it SOO GOOD!" She cried out.

Tracy had taken eight inches of my cock when I lost my patience, "Because it's ME!" I told her as I shoved my cock deeper into the slut on my cock. Tracy cried out as she took my cock deeper into her ass. "You fucking ANAL SLUT!" I told her as I thrust into her ass repeatedly. My hand landed on her ass, making Tracy cry out again. I continued to fuck her harder and harder.

My hand landed on each ass cheek, and I stopped thrusting. That ass didn't stop moving to the pace that I set, though, and Tracy continued moving her hips, "Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, OHH!" She cried out in pleasure as her ass continued to fuck herself on my cock, bringing me more pleasure.

The pleasure filled my head, and I felt Tracy tighten on me. I then felt the liquid spray on me as I heard Tracy cry out as she orgasmed on me. Her hips paused, and I took up the thrusting from her. "OoOHHH!" Tracy's voice almost reached a scream, and my hand came down on her ass, reddening it as her ass waved under the slap.

Those hips started to move, and I felt myself reach a peak not too much later, and I growled as I released my seed into her ass. Tracy cried out again with my own growl. I filled her ass with continuous thrusts as the white entered my mind with the orgasm that roared through me.

I paused as the orgasm finished, and I slowly pulled out of the sluts ass. This time I grabbed a discarded unopened condom. I looked down at Tracy, her arms no longer holding her up and her face buried in my blankets.

With my frustrations in the background and the condom slipping over my cock down its length. "Slut, I think somehow since Thursday last week, you lost some of the Stamina you need." I commented as the condom reached the base of my cock, "Let us work on improving that!" I commented loudly, and I saw the shudder roll through her body.

I lined my cock up to her pussy and trusted inside her feeling her body shudder again. "I know you love it from behind, Skank." The blanket muffled Tracy's cries as I released the frustrations into her. My lust was driving my hips into her later than I should have stayed up.

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Week 1:

Week 2:

Week 3:

Week 4:

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