Life of a Dominant F*tanari

Life of a Dominant F*tanari Week 2 Chapter 43/14: Dirtying the waters

Crystal and I left the building pretty quickly, only stopping to say bye to Howard, who was the only one left at the door. It was interesting that one of them left after the VIP left. It made sense since they didn't need the second guard. It was all to keep up appearances.

Howard noticed that we were in a rush, though, and just bade us farewell. We jumped into the car, and Crystal took pity on me and drove slightly faster than was usual in the empty streets. I checked and grabbed my backpack with a sigh of relief.

I checked and found the school uniform and everything I needed for school tomorrow. It would suck wearing the same gym outfit, but it wouldn't be the first time I did that. Crystal was paying attention to the streets, so I put the music on in the car. We both enjoyed the music as she brought us closer to her house.

It wasn't long till she parked in the Garage, and I grabbed my stuff before jumping out with her walking into the house. "Thanks," I said as we entered her house, gathering Crystal's attention.

"For what," Crystal asked as we made our way to the stairs after locking the door behind us.

"For the ride and being you," I said with a wry smile, "I didn't really want to go home tonight anyway." I pulled out the phone from my backpack and set a couple of more alarms, hopefully, to give us some time in the morning as we made our way upstairs holding hands. It was like it was their natural place.

We made it to her room, and Crystal hadn't responded, and both started to prepare for bed. Soon we were done and lying in bed when Crystal replied, "No, the problem, I like having you sleep with me too," Crystal grinned, and she got up turned off the lights before rejoining me. I held her in my arms and drifted off to sleep in bliss.

It was an alarm that startled me awake, and I felt tired, looking to go back to sleep as I moved my hand towards it. I heard a moan as I started to grab something soft as I reached for it and pressed a button. It was then that I truly woke up and realized as the alarm still rang that my smartphone doesn't have buttons. I started to open my eyes and realized I was fully grabbing my girlfriend's chest and pressing on her nipple to get the alarm to shut off.

I smiled at my tired shinanigans and propped myself up on my arm. I found my phone on the other side of the bed from Crystal with the alarm still blaring. Crystal moaned, and I could see her face scrunch but continued to sleep; and I reached over her and grabbed my phone, wondering how we switched sides of the bed while we slept. I looked at the time, and I needed to start getting ready.

I sighed and got up. I looked at Crystal again as the alarm stopped blaring, and she was right back out. It was like the alarm never went off, and it reminded me that last night too, the same thing happened. She was the type to sleep through alarms. I chuckled since I know she was more of a night person. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, ridding myself of morning breath then jumping in the shower just to be under the water.

My stomach growled, and I realized that I needed to get more food into my stomach. I had been eating more irregularly lately, with Crystal entering my life. This wasn't acceptable, and I needed to have a conversation with her soon to remedy the situation. The shower in Crystal's bathroom hit me from all sides, and I gave myself to the heat and relaxed.

I felt myself slowly wake up as I started to consider all the things that I had going on today. Ever since the sissy tried to rape me, my life became a lot more complicated. It made me chuckle slightly, but I needed to start getting a grasp on it. One of the things I needed to talk to Crystal about was basically consenting to raid her fridge to cook things for breakfast and lunch. I needed large healthy meals. I also needed to get back on my workout schedule. I didn't need it to be concrete plans that were inflexible, but I needed to work out. I wasn't just an enthusiast when it came to exercise. I loved it, and it relaxed me in so many ways.

If this were a shower post-workout, then I would be in my own form of heaven right now. It was something that I needed to do to keep me feeling like I was progressing in life. It was a bad way to look at it, and I knew that. Still, it was something I found really important, and I knew that If I couldn't get that in then, I would cut other things out to get to it.

I made up my mind to have a serious conversation with Crystal about it. I know that she wasn't the only reason for the little amount of time that I currently have in my life. I also know that I had to take breaks from exercising to allow my muscles to rest. It was all part of a cycle that needed to be done, and I sighed before realizing I didn't have time to sit in the shower. I got out without washing and turned off the shower relaxed. I was also much more awake from the heat. I grabbed a towel and started to dry myself off.

I let my mind wander and remembered my plans for that CEO. I would talk to Crystal about going to the Gym on Sunday because we were going to take Saturday for that swinging party and meet the interior designer for playrooms. A shiver of excitement went through me as I thought of having a place of my own to play with a slave. I didn't even care that it would be considered a job. I could only think about a powerful person groveling under my feet as I literally rested my foot on their head.

I had to refocus, and I started to dress, putting on the smelly gym uniform, and started to get ready for the day. I would go run home and change while exchanging things. I would also make myself breakfast and lunch. I started to get ready, and I heard a groan from the bed as I turned on the lights so I could find everything. It wasn't even dawn yet, and I saw Crystal get up and look at me.

"Hey," Crystal said, clearly half asleep. I moved over to her and sat on the bed beside her.

"Hey, I got to get going," I told her.

"Hmm, I know; I wish you had more time to sleep with me, though," Crystal replied.

"I do too," I confessed, still feeling a little tired. I then kissed her on the lips and tucked her back into her bed. "Go back to sleep. I will message you later."

"Bye," Crystal replied before her breathing turned back to one that I recognized as her sleeping.

I smiled, getting back up, and finished gathering my things before turning off the lights again. I exited the bedroom and put on my weights before heading down the stairs. I felt the familiar weight settle, and I moved to the door. I think I need to get a set of keys since Crystal clearly wasn't about to be able to lock the door behind me. It gave me a conundrum for a second, but I needed to get out. I decided to unlock the back door and use the side gate to get to the front. I then left through the front gate.

It wasn't perfect, but I quickly moved without the need to stop, and I began to run down the street. The familiar exertion started to hit me as I ran when I got home. I grabbed the keys out of my backpack and headed inside. I didn't hear any movement in the house, and so I made my way to the basement, taking off my weights and stripping right after. I went back upstairs naked and began to choose the food I was going to make. I picked it out and started to get things started before heading back to my room. I grabbed my clothes and started to pack my backpack. I then grabbed a fresh Gym uniform before heading back upstairs.

Right at the top of the stairs, though, I bit back a yelp of surprise as a very furious-looking woman stood there. I felt my heart jump to my throat as the vengeful look of my mother stood there glaring down at me. "Where have you been?!" It was a testament to my mother that it wasn't a yell. It wasn't even a shout, but the fact of the matter was that in the silent house, it went off like a gunshot.

"I went to my girlfriend's place after I worked yesterday," I explained quickly, wishing I didn't sound so defensive. "I had to work, and it went late into the night, and Crystal came. She drove me back, and I slept at her place last night. I didn't want to raid her food since we haven't fully had a conversation about it yet. I needed to clarify some things, so I came home since I needed to change my school uniform too." I finished feeling very annoyed that I had to explain.

My mother watched me as I started to try and maneuver around her since I had things on the stove element. "So, your first job, eh?" My mother said, and I felt something shiver in me. My mother had a tone that I didn't like, and I turned to her slowly with a pot in my hand.

"Yes.." My voice trailed off, almost making it into a question.

"Pray, tell; Angela Brown, what is the job and what do you do?" My mother asked; her tone sounded neutral, but the child in me quivered in fear inside with that tone. I didn't want to confess anything, and I still wanted to continue doing it.

I firmed myself quickly under that inquisitive gaze. I had three paths I could go, and each was a bad path to take. I could feel it in my soul that I was stuck between a hard place and my mother. I deliberately turned myself back and continued cooking the bounty of food I retrieved from the fridge. I then grabbed the fresh panties I grabbed with the gym outfit and started to put them on so I wasn't naked if things went badly in the next ten minutes and I needed to run.

My mother watched me, and it was moments like these I wondered if my assumption of her being a masochist was true. I felt like I was being watched by a hawk looking at their prey. My mother seemed to be royally pissed, and I didn't know why. I wanted to assume something, but that would, unfortunately, make the problem worse if I assumed incorrectly and blundered.

"Is it that bad that you don't want to tell me?" My mother said her tone that neutral tone that made me want to flinch. I turned to her as I put on my pants, still shirtless looking at my mother.

"No, I noticed you are angry, and I wanted to put some clothes on because I am cooking and getting ready for school. I just don't want to hurt myself right now, mom," I replied with logical reasons that had nothing to do with the actual reason. Still just as valid, though.

I could see my mother's eyes narrowing as I came up with my plan. My mother knew I was stalling, and I now had my exit strategy. "Look, mom," I said, making sure to check my food quickly. "I know you seem angry about something, and I have no idea why," I said, beginning to change the subject. I could feel the scrutiny I was under. "My job is something private, and I signed an NDA not to talk about it," I said, stretching the truth. "It will make me good money in the future while allowing me to do things," I could visibly see my mother's eyes narrowing as I continued. "It will allow me to do sports and make money on my own schedule. Most of all," I said, gaining my mother's curiosity despite the intense scrutiny I was under, "It will allow me to take you to the Spa, as I bribed-" I cut myself off a little late on that one but changed my wording, "Just like you wanted. As soon as I get my new Bankcard." I finished.

I started to add some seasonings and spared a look for my mother as she tossed an envelope at me. "Well," My mother began, and I think the envelope was the thing of her Ire. "Your bank card is here." My mother said with that painful, neutral tone, and I turned around, grabbing my bra putting it on before picking up the envelope.

It was marked with the bank that I went to, and I was happy that it came this fast. I opened it, and it had a brand new debit card inside, and I smiled. "Well, It did come in; thanks," I replied, wanting to make the card seem like something insignificant.

"Yes, Yes, You are so grateful that I grabbed that for you. I am wondering, though," My mother began, and I tried to hide with the cooking I was doing. "Why do you need a new bank account?" My mother asked.

I felt the atmosphere in the room change, and I did not like that one bit. "I can only think of a few reasons that you would do something like that." My mother started to answer her own question, and I decided to put on my shirt sounded like a wonderful idea at this moment. "The first reason I can think of is that you don't want your father or me to know where you work. That can be explained by your NDA. But you know what Angela Brown?" My mother said my name slowly and deliberately. "I never heard of a company that doesn't allow you to tell your family where you work. Only the contents inside that work." My mother said with ruthless logic that cut to the point with no leeway. "In fact, the only thing that I could think of would be some criminal enterprise, but you are too smart for that."

I didn't get to say a word, and I started to contemplate if putting on my weights to run to school would be a good idea. I turned and realized my backpack was behind my mother, cutting me off from the important thing to run with. I tried not to wince and show my mother what I was looking at.

"The second I could think of was that you just don't want us knowing how much you make or have access to it." My mother continued, "That means that it is a lot and that it would make me question what you are doing if I saw those numbers. That leads me two a second point on this, though, was that if it wasn't, the amount of money that you are making would make me question things, like being able to pay for a spa day after one day of work." I couldn't help it; I winced. "Then that means that you don't trust your father and me to have access to your accounts. This means you wouldn't trust us or even the bank we work with since you went with one of their competitors to open the account."

My mother wasn't done, and my food was only half cooked. I wanted to run from this conversation so bad that I felt my feet twitching to run to the door. Instead, I was stuck by the preditor behind me, currently trying to ignore the laser beam eyes drilling into my back as I was being cut into.

"That could also mean a combination of the two also is the reason. So, I can only think that you don't trust your father and me and that we would not approve of whatever it is that you are doing for work and are trying to hide it from us." My mother laid things down in a way that I didn't know how to combat. I felt myself running through mental Gymnastics in a way that made me sweat.

The biggest problem with this was that my mother left me with only two outs, it felt like. One to tell her the reason for opening a new bank account was on the recommendation of my employer. Which I still thought was a good idea. That was because, at this moment, I didn't trust my parents to look out for me. I learned that they wouldn't go out of their way for me when I was young, so why to expect them to now.

The other reason was that I didn't want my mother to know my employer and what I was doing. Not because I was ashamed of it. In fact, I really liked and felt proud of what I was going to be doing. Imagine having a company CEO begging you for things. It was something most could never dream of happening in their life. The mere thought of it recently was fueling fantasies.

I knew the longer the pause, the worse things were going to get, and everything my mother said was a hundred percent correct. Instead, I needed to come up with emergency maneuvers to avoid this altogether and shift blame. It was important to do, and I decided to take drastic action with bribes to cool things down at a later date.

"Okay," I replied, thinking about the best way to do this. I was about to hate myself, but I believed my mother would blow up if she found out I was going to become a Dominatrix. "Okay," I repeated while nodding this time and turned to her with some of my now cooked food. I grabbed a plate buying myself more time under her scrutiny, and my battle plan was set. "You are absolutely right on one thing," I began making my mother raise an eyebrow. "I don't trust you and dad fully," I said, making my mother's face darken as I confirmed one of her points. This would validate the other somewhat, and I started to play off admitting the first one, which related to her. "Can you blame me, though?" I asked.

Now it was my mother's turn to be on the defensive as I served my plate and pulled out my lunch box. "What do you mean?" My mother asked, her tone getting angry.

"Well," I began as I pulled out the lunch box, trying to look as calm as I could while I played mental gymnastics with my mother. "You and father showed me that you weren't willing to go out of your way for me when I was a kid. You even went so far as to lie to me and make me think for years that my own body was the reason I couldn't do what I loved." I was playing dirty now, and I hated myself for it. But damn it, it was fucking true. "I decided that the income I make would be under my name and my name only," I continued as I finished cooking my lunch and started to put it in my lunch box, not looking at my mother.

It didn't matter that I wasn't looking at her because I could feel her eyes on me. "So, I did something simply because I want to feel some independence. I have gotten a job, and I got myself my own bank account to help myself feel more stable. Is that such an issue?" I asked as I put the lid on my food.

My mother's face was angry, and I was completely avoiding the main point. She argued with logic and hit the truth hard. I countered with a point that hit the truth hard but completely neglected the point I wanted to avoid in a dirty way.

"That isn't fair," My mother replied with what I expected, and I turned to her.

"Isn't fair?" I asked, turning to her for the first time, letting myself feel the pain instead of letting it fester as frustrations to fuck it out on my skank. "Isn't fair like the times where I felt the world hated me because I was born with both genitalia?" I asked her. I walked over to her and picked up my backpack out in the open as I shot my first salvo, hitting my mother hard. "Or like the time times that I cried asking to go play sports competitively and wasn't allowed because you weren't willing to fight for me?" I asked her again.

My mother stepped back, and I could see that she wanted to back out of this conversation now. I stopped myself, and I looked at her. "At some point, we will have to talk about that, won't we?" I asked her slowly, knowing I just made this conversation about my work a no-fly zone for my mother without bringing this up. I felt like shit for multiple reasons with this tactic. I almost felt like it was cheapening the pain I felt from when I was young. But fuck it, I was damn angry that she was getting into my business.

"I will take you to the spa tomorrow. I owe it to you and myself to take a day to relax, mother." I told her, and I think I did need a day to relax. Although it was also a bribe, and we both knew it. "I think you also need to take some time, mom, to realize I am considered an adult under the law. Our relationship will be changing slowly, and I want to remain close to both you and dad. But I will not be looked down upon as a child with no say anymore." I finished.

My mother looked at me. She watched me and replied moments later, "Fine, You are right." I hid a cry of victory, and frankly, I didn't think it was one. All I did was dirty the waters to save myself. It didn't help anything in the end. My mother would still be suspicious, and it would only grow because she would think back on this conversation and realize that she never got the answer she was looking for when it came to my job.

"Your father and I failed you when you were a kid. You have the right to feel that way about it. That doesn't change the fact that it hurts that you don't trust us." My mother stopped, "I am not going to guilt-trip you, though. Your feelings are valid, but that doesn't change the fact that my feelings are valid; it hurts you feel that way." My mother stomped off, and I could only feel like crap.

I sat down and ate the now tasteless food on my plate. I couldn't help but want to curse and scream. I felt frustration deep in my soul. I wanted something to play with. I didn't want the sissy, though, and I thought about Alex. I wonder if she was available to come in early? I wanted to make her a plaything.

Finally, I decided while I ate my tasteless food.

Angela: This is your new Mistress speaking. You will come to school early this morning for some training. This will be your first training day. If you don't come, then if you ever want to be my plaything, you will have to come begging to me in the future.

I continued to eat the tasteless food waiting. I decided that when I saw Jake today, it would only be for inspection and sending him on his way. I felt vile and violent today. I don't think I could stand to be in the potential rapist's orbit for too long today.

I finished my food and started to check my backpack for everything I needed, and made sure to grab extra condoms just in case. I still had plenty, but I made sure that I topped up the box of condoms just in case while I was thinking about it.

As I did so, I got a text back.

Alex: I will be there...



Hey Everyone. Thank you all for your support and Enjoyment of my Novel. I am writing this because I have released a couple of things that I think you might enjoy. I Released a new Short story and the first-ever Ebook to one of my light novel series. Plus, Week 5 of Life of a Dominant Futanari is out! Check it out on Amazon if you are interested in reading ahead. Also, check out these stories if you are interested:

Galaxy Hunter Online Tutorial Part 1: Into the Virtual World

The Damaged Innocent Futanari: Book 1: First Date

Thank you so much for reading my announcement, and I really appreciate your comments. Please continue to enjoy my work.

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