Life of a Dominant F*tanari

Life of a Dominant F*tanari Week 2 Chapter 46/ 17: Confession

I reached my class just as the bell rang and walked in, right behind the teacher as they entered the class. It was a close call, and I had to speed walk to get here in time. I wished God that they would increase the interval between classes so I could actually get to classes in time if people stopped talking to me. That wasn't going to happen, though, and I pulled out my textbook and binder. I then began to take notes on what the teacher was saying.

The class was fast, and the teacher touched on things not in the notebook that I didn't know. It was interesting, and I felt like I actually learned something for once. Still, the class came to an end with several sheets of paper when the Teacher dropped a bomb on the other students. The bomb was natural that it was that there was a test tomorrow and that it would be on everything taught up to this point. I rolled my eyes as everyone else groaned.

This test would not affect me at all as I stood up, packing my bag to leave to the locker room to meet Tracy. I moved towards the locker room and came to a stop shortly before arriving. I looked at the person who insisted on stopping my way and felt frustration move through me as Sarah stood before me. If I was honest, I wanted to get my rocks off, and this woman was now standing in my way with an attitude.

"Why are you avoiding me?" Sarah asked with a tone of confrontation in the future.

"I am not avoiding you," I replied as I wasn't; I just really didn't want to talk to her at the moment.

"Yes, you are," Sarah came back, popping her hip to the side, and turned her head to brush her hair to the side. It made me look at her funny as the hair waved away from her. It was a show of attitude I felt, and I instinctively felt the need to put her in place. "I can clearly see you don't want to talk to me." She told me, and I couldn't help but laugh.

She was completely right about that. I would rather not be talking to her now, and she decided to call me out on it. I didn't understand why she wanted to talk to me but looking at her now more annoyed expression, and there was a definite reason for it. Still, I composed myself, and I knew I had to move carefully, just like my mother this morning. This girl was the captain of the Volleyball team. I wanted to keep our interactions to something more along that line, but it seemed that Sarah wouldn't accept that.

Did she want to be more like Alex? I thought for a second before breaking that off. She wouldn't have started to talk to me now if she wanted a female cock. I have always been publically known as Dick girl due to Jake. If she wanted something like that, then she would have come sooner. Alex's reason of interest was a sexual awakening when seeing Jake being roughly taken by my fat cock.

Therefore Sarah was here for a reason I didn't know yet. That was the conclusion I had to come to, and I finally responded in a more protected manner with these thoughts weighing on my mind. "I am trying to go to my lunch spot," I told her in a slow tone, "One that you are keeping me from as I plan on meeting someone there." I tried to keep the annoyance out of my tone to keep it neutral.

"Well, I can go with you; I have some things I want to talk to you about," Sarah replied with a large grin.

I couldn't help but have my face fall. The thought of an hour not fucking my skank but instead listening to her was one that I wouldn't look forward to. I really would much rather be sixteen inches inside Tracy's ass.

"How important is this?" I asked her, my tone, not able to hide my dislike to the thought, "I have something I would much rather be doing, and I would like to be able to do. I do not mean offense to you, but my thing is important to deal with." I continued after a slight pause. I didn't want to offend her, but I really didn't want to just 'Talk.'

"It is important to me but not critical," Sarah admitted, "If you have something important to deal with, I can come with you and wait till afterward." Sarah continued sounding reasonable.

The reasonable argument was not something that I wanted right now, and I could feel my ire grow. I was in such a good mood after playing with Alex and getting a new toy. Then Sarah decided that my having a good day needed to be interrupted with some type of nonsense. I took a deep audible breath in front of her to calm myself down when all I wanted to do was have her stop wasting my time.

"You have two minutes to tell me what it is you want to talk about. If I don't find it pressing enough to deal with now, then it can wait till later." I told her my tone seriously as I pulled out my phone to look at the time she wasted, "This is my bottom line; I have something private to deal with after." My tone was absolute, as if I gave an order, surprising Sarah.

"Well, I wanted to talk to you about the positions and the places available inside the team for you to fill. I would also like to talk to you about the current situation of the team and general make up of who is who on the team." Sarah told me as I watched the clock.

I took in what she said and frowned as she started again quickly after a short pause. "I wanted to talk to you about Alex and how she is our genius Libero. I would also like to talk to you about Becky, our star setter, and their personalities, so you don't offend them when you meet them later. I wanted to talk to you about this yesterday." Sarah finished, and I put away my phone.

"Times up," I told her, "I really need to go, and I understand that you think this is important. But I think my thing is more important." I said. I didn't particularly appreciate how she wanted to basically tell me what she thought of them, coloring my first impression. If they were assholes or bitches that was up to me to decide, not her. I would make my own judgment, and I took a breath as I saw her get ready to rant. I could see it in her eyes and cut her off, raising my hand, "I understand you think it is important to tell me what you think of them and what my impressions should be, how I should talk to them and impress your perception of them. Maybe for some of them, it takes time for you to understand them or whatever. I prefer as a personal preference to make my own observations over time and not use other people's impressions." My voice was absolute, and Sarah nodded without thought, it seemed. "Therefore, although you consider this important, I don't, and I would rather have this type of conversation after meeting them and making my own judgments. Thank you, I must be going." I finished.

I stepped past Sarah, who was nodding still right up to the end before stopping again, shocked. She seemed frozen as I stepped past, and I started to make my way to the locker room again, knowing Tracy there and wondering if I was showing up. I continued to move forward until I heard steps behind me in the hallway. I turned to look, and Sarah was following me. Her expression was easy to see from a distance, and it spoke in a volume that would attract attention if we were not so far away from the lunchroom.

I hesitated as Sarah looked pissed off more than before, and I was starting to get angry myself. What I didn't want to happen, though, was for her to follow me to the locker room. It probably stank of Alex's juices, and I if when I thought of it, I realized I might have forgotten to grab the filled condom from when I took Alex's virginity that morning.

So bringing her to the locker room was something that I didn't want to happen. So I turned around and decided to face Sarah head-on as she stormed over to me. "Why?!" Sarah half-shouted, "I helped you out, and you have treated me rudely in return ever since then?!" Sarah continued. I could already feel her amping up into a rant, and I no longer knew how to deal with this situation.

I then saw Sarah Visibily pause with visible restraint stopping the rant I thought was about to happen. I was somewhat impressed by it since I knew how angry she was from her expression and her red face. Sarah then took another visible breath calming down a little with the easing of her expression as she wasted more of my time.

At this point, I knew from experience with my mother anything I saw can and would be used against me. So, I kept my mouth shut and watched Sarah as she came down while glaring at me, wasting more and more of my time and the horniness I was feeling before dissipating. My stomach growled, making my hunger audible, but that apparently fell on deaf ears as I watched her warily ready to act if her anger blinded her as well.

I was very annoyed, but I knew that I would be teammates with her in the future. Sabotaging this relationship for the next year wasn't an option. So I did what I had to do, and I pulled out my phone.

This was the wrong option out of many I had, but I decided that I had to. "What, Now I am so uninteresting that you have to whip out your phone to ignore me?!" Sarah shouted out as her anger came back in force.

I sighed and looked back up at her with an expression of defeat that was hiding my true anger. I felt it in my bones to put this bitch in her spot. I really wanted to punch her at this moment as she was trying to ruin my day for some stupid fucking reason. I hated this drama bullshit that she was pulling off.

"I am messaging the person that I was supposed to meet not to wait up for me," I told her in a flat tone. "Is that okay with you, Princess?" I asked her, my tone filled with contempt, "Or do I have to waste another person's time with your bullshit because you want to fill my time with things you consider important." I finished looking into her eyes before looking down.

I knew my words penetrated her anger-filled mind as she went into yet another stunned silence as her brain tried to catch up. I was struggling to remain civil, though, and I was probably doing a bad job at it. I felt blue balled and fucking pissed with her current treatment towards me at this moment. I wanted nothing more than to scream at her to fuck off and go fuck my skank.

That wasn't going to happen, and I composed a text message to Tracy.

Angela: Don't wait up for me. Something has come up.

Short and to the point, and I decided that was for the best. I thought about making her masturbate in the corner or something to make me happier to play with her. But the girl in front of me was making me too frustrated and angry to continue that.

I looked back up at her, seeing the righteous fury pouring out of every faucet of the girl looking back at me. I looked at her with complete expressionlessness, and I waited.

"Oh, Your back again?" Sarah said with contempt in her tone, "I am now back to your ability to listen to for a small amount of time list?" Sarah continued.

I don't know what it was. I really didn't know what it was, but I believed it was the contempt in her tone as she talked to me, but I shot forward and pinned her against a wall. "Bitch, I am not someone you can just piss off as you want anymore," I told her; my expression was breaking, and I felt the fury from the last two weeks join the fury that she instilled into me today join it. "I am not someone you can tell what to do whenever you want. I am not one to sit down and shut up, so you can yell at me with whatever nonsense you want to talk about."

I could see the emotion change in Sarah's face as I pinned her against the wall trapping her easily with my arms and the cinder block behind her. I couldn't stop myself, though, as my fury clouded my mind. "I told you I had something important to deal with. I FUCKING TOLD YOU THAT!" I shouted in her face, "I listened to what you considered important and told you I had something more urgent to do." I told her in a tone that spoke of my fury. "Instead of listening to me, you keep on pushing me while I am trying to get to something important and shouting at me. I was trying to keep myself civil, and you shout at me with contempt as I cancel important, urgent matters with others to listen to your bullshit!"

I felt my mind clear, and I realized that I snapped over something minor. I really shouldn't have snapped either. I took a deep breath, and I stepped back from the young woman in front of me. My fury rolled through my veins, and I wanted to shout again and roar my fury. My balls even hurt because I was expecting some action, and my fury rose because of it.

I looked at Sarah as she looked at me with wide eyes and an expression I couldn't read. I took another audible breath, and my eyes focused again, and my fury abated as I felt myself calming down and regaining control. I needed to get control of my anger, and this wasn't something that I could be doing.

"What did you want?" I asked my control reinstated over my body.

Sarah watched me for another couple of moments before opening her mouth and closing it. It opened again and closed. I didn't know what she wanted, and Sarah didn't seem to know at this moment either what she wanted. Her mouth just continued to open and close like a fish.

I finally had her shut up, but the skank wouldn't be in the locker room anymore, and so I walked to the other side of the hallway. I sat down and opened my bag, watching the stunned silent girl grapple with something over a timeframe. I didn't care anymore, though, and fury now joined with hunger again, so I pulled out my lunch and started to eat.

Sarah grappled with what she wanted to say. I watched her as my fury continued to cool off with the silence, and I ate in front of her. More of my time was wasted, and I watched Sarah as she came to grips with whatever happened. I didn't know her problem, but apparently, she needed time for the words to come after I showed my anger.

Then Sarah finally spoke with tears in her eyes, "Why are you so angry with me?" Sarah's tone sounded pitiful as I watched her. "I helped you out, and I wanted to get to know you. I know you had no friends, and I made a pact with myself that this year you wouldn't be alone. I even talked to my coach to try and recruit you and bring you onto the team. I saw you year after year being bullied, and I didn't want you to be lonely," Sarah told me, much to my surprise, "I didn't want to make you angry," Sarah sniffed as tears started to flow from her eyes.

I didn't know whether I was allowed to be angry at her anymore as those tears started to flow. I only felt guilt at my reaction because she did help me out. That didn't dismiss my feelings as I was in the middle of something. Sarah kept approaching me at times. I was fucking busy and were inconvenient to me. I told her we could talk later, and she brushed aside what I wanted and needed.

With that in mind, my guilt disappeared, and I watched as tears streamed down her face. "I always wanted to be your friend, and I couldn't work up the courage to talk to you!" She exclaimed with that tear-filled pitiful look in her eyes. "I just wanted to be your friend and help you make more. High school is supposed to be the time of our lives. I always watched you trying to work up the courage to talk to you over the years. I wanted to be there for you as I watch those bullies pick on you. I wanted to be there for you, and I tried, but you just ignored me when I tried later when I finally did!" Sarah exclaimed.

This was my time to be surprised as I thought about the years of bullying towards me. I remembered how bad it got, sometimes stopping just before it became physical. It was so close sometimes when someone would shout out in the crowd. It was usually but not always a female voice. I remember mostly my anger at being humiliated through time after time in many places of the school.

Those shouts didn't just come from her, though, and I sometimes remember people coming up to me. The problem was some of those people that approached me only wanted to stamp me down while I was down. It happened many times in my freshmen year to the point that I stopped paying attention to them. It was something that happened over and over again that I never cared about the people who tried to 'help.'

I couldn't confirm or know if what Sarah was saying was the truth. I didn't feel like I ever met Sarah before now, even though she knew things from years in the past. Still, Trying now when I have already stopped those things happening to me was like coming with water after the fire was out.

"So?" I replied while poking some food with a fork and bringing it to my mouth. "I understand you think that means something to you," I continued instead of stopping as Sarah looked at me with tears in her eyes. "Am I supposed to say something special now?" I asked her, "Am I supposed to bring you into my arms and hug you telling you that you're my friend now? That all those years of you watching while I was tortured from a distance pitying me important to me?" I asked her, making her pale.

It was all bullshit, in my opinion. Suppose she wanted to do something; she could have done something to Jake or the people around him. Make them feel social consequences for the verbal abuse I felt for years. Sarah, with the words she is saying now is just that; Words. I saw no action taken by her. I witnessed Jake only ramp up in behavior getting worse and worse in that behavior.

Jake suffered no consequences for picking on the 'Dick girl' and only received positive encouragement from those around him. It wasn't until I made a pact to myself then overly defended myself that morning last week that a consequence ever happened to them. Now that Sarah was telling me she wanted to do something about it, I am supposed to be happy about that?

I felt like spitting on the floor with all the bullshit she was spewing. "What is it, Sarah? Is this not how you were expecting this conversation to go?" I asked her as she looked at me thunderstruck. "Tell me, Sarah," I continued looking at her, only pausing to take another bite while looking at her. "What did you think I was going to say? Do you even know my personality?" I continued my assault on her perception of reality apparently, "Am I supposed to be that weak bullied girl that is super thankful that you dared to think of helping me?" I stopped, and I looked at her and took a breath.

"This is all a waste of my fucking time if you are not going to tell me what you expected, Sarah," I told her harshly as she stared at me with a pale face that was like I kicked her in the stomach. "I sit here asking, and I will give you to the bell rings to tell me, Sarah," I told her, continuing my relentless assault of words on her as she stared at me. "If you do not tell me by the time that bell rings, I will tell you one thing, though," I said, feeling the urge to stand for her to be lower than me instead of me looking up at her. "If you don't tell me what the fuck you want before that bell, you better not fucking talk to me outside of volleyball practice." I finished with an open threat.

I then sat and watched her. It was like an internal battle was being waged inside her head. I watched her pale face change in emotion as I ate my food slowly, still having that underlying anger there. I knew throwing that fury and anger at Sarah were wrong. Most of it was not towards her but at my Father and Mother. The majority of it was towards Jake. I needed to bring him lower to hopefully satisfy that need of revenge towards him that I feel.

I watched her for minutes as Sarah seemed to grapple with something and her expression started to firm. It was like one that was bringing all of their courage forward. I didn't know what was going on in her mind exactly, but it was something that she seemed to be struggling very hard with. I saw the color return to her face, and that expression finished its changes to become her looking at me seriously, and she sighed.

"I am a lesbian," Sarah told me. My fork stopped halfway up to my mouth as I was on the final bites of my food. "I have religious parents that would kick me out of my home in a second if they found out, and I can't stop my attraction. When I was a kid, I remember looking at you when you would play sports with the team and feel attracted to you. I thought that my feelings were wanting to be friends with you. I remember my parents bad talking about you, saying you were something disgusting because, for some reason, I never understood. I didn't care about that, though." Sarah started talking like a flood was coming out. Each word seemed to lessen some type of strain on her mind as the words flowed out like a weight was being lifted.

"I wanted so badly to be your friend during those younger years that I finally worked up the courage to ask you even though you were on the other team." Sarah continued, "I got all ready to ask, knowing I could see you at the next match, and you were gone. None of the kids knew where you went, and I felt a sense of loss never getting to play against you in soccer again. I remembered how passionate you were about it." Sarah's tone was wistful, not looking at me while my expression thought back to the days I spent crying after what the clubs did to me.

"I wanted to be friends with you at that time. That's what those feelings were, and I kept them through the rest of elementary and middle to high school. I would see you from time to time, and for some reason, I don't understand you didn't play sports." Sarah began anew, "I wanted to play with you, but I had everyone tell me to avoid you. My parents told me the same thing over and over again when I brought you up in conversation." Sarah was lost in thought as she continued. "Then the last three years happened," She paused, looking back at me, "I saw many of the boys bullying you, and I was scared to stand up for you. I was scared to help you even though I desperately wanted to. Every day I watched you yearning to talk to you and..." Sarah paused and looked down at herself and twiddled her thumbs. "I saw you in the teacher's locker room last year," Sarah said, "I saw you after a Gym class changing. I came in after class hoping to talk to you, and I saw your amazing abs and your magnificent breasts." Sarah paused again, and her breath hitched. "I saw your cock was half-hard, and I ran away, losing all the courage I had."

Sarah was blushing, and I was no longer replaying my memories to confirm. Sarah was now beet red looking down, and I could see the courage dissipating before my very eyes. It was interesting to watch, and she had my entire attention as I saw the courage rebuild itself a couple of seconds later, and she fought to look at me. "I masturbate every night either to you or Futanari porn now," Sarah confessed. "I don't know if that makes me a lesbian or into transvestites or only Futanaris. I can't get that image of your cock out of my mind, though. I picture you have your way with my pussy almost every night with that cock. If it isn't that the only other thing I can get off to is futanari porn, and I always imagine that it is you," Sarah said, and it was like the wind was leaving her, but she stared at me and said, "I like you, and I want to date you. Please, will you go out with me?"



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