Life of a Dominant F*tanari

Life of a Dominant F*tanari Week 2 Chapter 50/ 21: Walking fun

My alarm went off, and I moaned, moving with softness surrounding me. I felt soft skin with each movement, and although the alarm was annoying me, I smiled. My eyes opened, and I looked at Alex in front of me, who seemed to have slid down during her sleep and was resting on my breasts. Her eyes were now half-open with a frown when her eyes met mine though I noticed her start to smile.

"Hey," Alex said. The grin turned to a frown for a moment as I felt her legs slide up my leg a little. Even as the alarm continued, I knew the reason for that frown was from me. Alex had only lost her virginity yesterday morning, and last night I let loose quite hard inside her, much to her delight. That didn't mean that there wouldn't be consequences to those actions, though, and Alex winced as I moved to reach towards the phone.

I quickly grabbed it even as I slightly smothered Alex with my breasts and silenced the alarm. I heard a groan behind me from my girlfriend as I laid back down. From what I knew, Crystal wouldn't wake up to this small alarm without slightly more activity around her. I smirked, turning to her, and noticed Crystal completely out of it despite the alarm. I knew she probably registered it, but her body simply didn't want to wake up. I was fine with that as I would feel a little guilty if I constantly woke her up completely every time I stayed here.

I looked back to Alex, who looked back up at me with a grin and asked, "So, What's next?"

"Well," I began to reply. "First, we get you into the shower and put some hot water on you to help with any swelling you might be experiencing," I said, thinking about it. I wasn't sure how best to deal with absolutely destroying a girl's Hymen the day before, but I knew she seemed to feel better after the hot baths. This wasn't something they taught in sex education in our country, though. In fact, I remembered it was mostly that we shouldn't be having sex and that I should take a chastity pledge.

I winced, thinking about how far out of bounds that I went from that, and thanked my lucky stars that I had a mother that was a little more liberal about teaching me about sex. This was ironic to me since I know how unsatisfied she was with her sex life. Still, My mother went over all my sexual organs and taught me about both the things men and women went through. After that, I more or less taught myself through porn, although vanilla stuff.

All that aside, though, I looked down at the beautiful girl looking up at me with half her face buried in my breasts, making herself at home. I could see the smile on her face despite any pain or soreness that she was feeling. I pushed her off non the less and started to crawl out of bed. I heard a groan of disappointment behind me, and I knew it was Alex.

She didn't have to wait long to get a response out of me as I came back to the bed. "Come on, I need to get some food, and we need to get ready for school. I want to get some running in before I get to my appointment with a little sissy that needs training," I told Alex simply while walking over.

"Oh, You are going to have even more sex after last night?" Alex asked, her tone curious.

"Yeah," I responded as I helped her get off the bed and onto her feet as I continued to respond, "I never feel like I am out of fuel, to be honest. I took pity on your body and my own since I know I need sleep at one point to stay healthy." I finished that with a smirk as Alex was now on her feet, and with each step, she seemed to wince, but I could feel that the girl was overall happy with the situation.

Alex was someone I didn't get at this point. I started to learn already that this girl was sensitive to understate the actual amount. The clear thing was that I had only known her a little privately and had never interacted with her outside of dominating her, except for Volleyball.

On the Volleyball court, though, I felt a no-nonsense vibe from her as she was focused. That was a brief thing, though, since I hadn't interacted with her on the team much either. The grin that paused for a wince as I brought her to the shower continued, and I knew that my assumptions about her overall happiness weren't wrong as I brought her inside, which she smirked, "Joining me?" Alex asked, and I raised an eyebrow. I could feel her goading me to do something to her, and her body was sexy. I was very much tempted, but instead, I put the full power flick right between her eyebrows, making her cry out at a sudden slight pain on her forehead.

"I will join you to help you wash up Sweety, But I have places to be, and I am sure that you do too." I replied strictly, "Your body also needs time to heal after what I have done to you today. If I wanted to destroy you," I paused, looking into her eyes as she held her forehead. "You wouldn't be standing here now and would be a moaning mess on the bed beside my Girlfriend." I finished, and I could see Alex's throat gulp. Instead of her looking at me with fear, though, I saw anticipation.

That sudden look of anticipation made me want to cage this girl as I did, Jake. I knew for a fact that she was going to go home and masturbate if she had time before school. I didn't question it in my mind either, as my gut feeling on this was solid. The question in my head, though, was if I should stop her.

Still, I could see that anticipation, and I felt my cock twitch in anticipation of that look. I couldn't have sex with that tight pussy at this moment, and I pushed her into the shower just as something fun entered my head, and I smirked. "Get on your knees," I ordered all of a sudden as I brought her in the shower. I turned on the water which started cold but quickly turned warm.

Alex didn't seem to notice as she was now on her knees in front of me. Her wincing disappeared off her face as the water from the shower poured down on her. Her face was looking at my partially hard cock in front of her face. She stared at it like it was talking the mysteries of the world to her in great depth. It hung in front of her, and I could see that her hands drifted down to between her legs.

"Hey, did I say you could touch yourself?" I asked with a harsh tone, my hand coming down and slapping her awake. Her attention no longer looking at my cock but above my breasts back to my face. "You will not touch yourself as you service me, Sweety, Otherwise remember that little sissy?" I asked her, and she wordlessly nodded, "Well, I will find a little cage for your pussy so you won't be able to touch yourself if you touch it now." My tone turned conversational at the end. The threat was real, and she seemed to have mixed feelings on her face while my hand moved into her wet hair and pushed her head against my half-hard cock rubbing its wet glory along her face. "Now, Suck and keep your hands on my waist," My order came out true, and Alex didn't ask but took the subject of her desire into her mouth without another thought.

Alex took a loving kiss on the tip of my dick before she took it more into her mouth, using her tongue to touch every inch of it before taking it deeper into her. I could feel her want and obsession on my cock as she took it deeper to enjoy each inch of it. It was a weird feeling I felt as the water poured down on me with heat as the tension in the shower increased, and I let out a light moan as she started to take me into her throat. It was like Alex was now starting to challenge herself to see how deep she could take it now.

Soon seven inches of my cock was into her mouth and down her throat. Her tongue never stopped licking the underside of my cock as she took those inches deep into her. Her hands stayed glued to my waist even though I felt her move them down slightly, feeling the want to touch herself. I moaned as she took eight inches and was rapidly reaching nine inches.

I felt an urge overcome me, and I no longer wanted this slow sucking on my cock. I also didn't have the time, and I knew that she wanted it rough, and my hands moved to the back of her head and applied pressure to the back of her head. What was before only nine inches down her throat became eleven inches in half a second, and I felt her throat constrict. I pulled out of her throat and looked down on her from above my breasts, seeing her enamored face.

Alex's face was full of want, and the water removed the spit covering her face. I watched her take a breath, her breasts heaving up, showing the intake of air. My cock didn't settle, though, and I pushed her head back onto my cock wordlessly. The pleasure of her throat entering my head within a second, and I shoved girth down her throat. I felt her tongue move, and I started to thrust into her mouth pussy without reservation making sure to fuck her throat as deep as possible. I made it to twelve inches down her throat. I loudly moaned, showing my pleasure as I used my throat onahole to continued to pleasure myself with her head.

Alex was struggling under me, and I knew I needed to let her breathe soon as the pleasure-filled my head. Instead, I made sure to thrust a couple more times to assert some dominance before pulling out and hearing audible gasps as she took in water-laden air, her breasts jiggling at the excessive movement. I cut off the air as she took another large breath cutting off the air, and thrust my cock back down twelve inches into her throat pussy forcefully. I felt her body vibrate as she hummed on my cock with a loud moan as I continued to fuck her throat to the edge from my pleasure before releasing straight into her stomach.

I loudly moaned and felt pleasure move through me as my balls continued to twitch with each spurt down her throat. My pleasure coursed through me as I felt her throat tighten on my cock as she soon needed air. I didn't care at this moment as she had time as the hot water ran down our naked bodies. My ejaculation came to an end, and I pulled out of her throat only to stop with the tip of my fat futa cock in her mouth. "Suck out the remainder, Sweety," I ordered.

Alex obliged even as I bet her lungs begged for oxygen, and I felt the remnants of my orgasm leave my urethra with a satisfying pop as I pulled out of her mouth. I saw her smile and her breasts heave as she took in the air to breathe again. The sexy look as she kept her empty mouth open to me made me want to take things a step farther and to fulfill another urge in the early morning.

"You may touch yourself as I relieve myself, Sweety," I told her, and her hands left my waist.

Alex's hands reached her crotch after my first four words were uttered, her face looking straight up at me as I felt that urge overwhelm me, and I released a stream of urine all over her face as she touched herself. A golden shower joined us in the shower joining the water as I pissed all over her face. The pleasured face never changed as she might not even register her Mistress was pissing all over her face. I could only see lust, and her body erupted with her breasts thrusting out as even more liquids joined that of the shower with something other than water.

I finished the stream on her and felt relief, and even more desire course through me. I looked down at the woman under me, and I felt the urge to skip school today. I had things that I needed to do but looking at the dirty bitch under me made me want to say fuck it all. I wanted to fuck that tight, freshly broken-in pussy and make it submit to me again and again without pause. I wanted to tie her up and make it so that she was just a bitch begging for my cock.

My restraint was thin, and I looked down at the wanting bitch at my feet.

Restraint didn't come easily as her body twitched with even more fluids being added into the mix. My restraint took minutes to regain control, and I wanted to shout in frustration as she got herself off the third and fourth times as her pussy erupted in more fluids and want. My cock twitched in frustration, and I took a deep breath of her smell inside the showers.

Finally, what I might call reason reinstated itself, and my words came down upon Alex, "Stop masturbating; it is time to clean ourselves." I ordered.

Alex's hands paused even as I could see the lust moving through her. It was like I might have awoken a succubus that constantly wanted sex with a driven head towards it. A chastity belt for this girl might become inevitable if she continued as she looked up at me with profound disappointment.

"Stand up it is time to clean you, Sweety," I ordered, and she stood with a wince, and I knew that last night's activities were still affecting her. I smirked without meaning, too, but I started to clean up her body, making sure to take some time to clean her face again. She tried to fight me a little on that, but soon I could shower myself, and I let Alex wash my back and breasts for me. She took an enthusiastic role in cleaning me and would have continued longer if I didn't stop her.

Alex was someone I needed to get a hold of her personality. It was like she went from zero to fifty when I first took her. Now it was like I burst the entire dam open, and she went from fifty to one hundred. To make matters worse for me this morning, she wanted to be at two hundred instead of one hundred that I was enforcing.

Still, I got us out of the shower, and I started to brush my teeth and found the extras so that Alex could too when I heard her phone ring. Alex looked over, and I knew my phone wasn't ringing as it wasn't on the night table. In fact, I was wondering when it got up here since I would guess that it was inside her clothing. My best guess was that while I was helping Alex come up the stairs, Crystal grabbed it and brought it up.

It didn't matter as it rang this early in the morning. I had only one thought about who it was. "Answer it, Sweety," I said in the silence, and I heard a groan from Crystal too as she turned in bed, her eyelids still shut. "Oh, be a dear and put it on speaker so I can hear." I finished.

Alex moved quicker than I thought possible, grabbed her phone, and hit answer as she returned to the ensuite. As she hit answer, I heard a voice coming through, "Hey Alex," The male voice said over the phone. Alex winced as she came back over to join me, still hurting from the activities, and settle beside me.

"Yeah?" Alex asked with more attitude than I heard ever before from her. I only knew her for several hours, though, and her position in the relationship wouldn't allow her to talk to me with that attitude.

"Hey, Don't. Yeah, Me, you left me dry yesterday, and I was almost late for Classes," The voice on the other side whined.

"I told you something came up and that I couldn't pick you up." Alex retorted, sounding sassy, and I couldn't help but smirk. I noticed that her eyes weren't on the phone but on my cock, which was slowly going flaccid. This girl was hopeless in every way, and I kind of liked her one-minded way. It was something that I could get behind and respect. "Also, don't tell me what I can and can't do," Alex snapped, " You aren't my mom or dad." I could see some anger in her voice as Alex paused as she looked at me with a blush. Then I realized what the blush was for. There was now a third person who could tell her what to do, and I raised an eyebrow at her, closing the distance to her.

I pointed at the phone and mouthed the word, "Continue."

Alex shuddered under my gaze, and my hands came to her breasts. I started to slowly tease them to have some fun even though I knew I was wasting time. I had a devious plan for the sissy, though, today, and I planned on implementing it. My attention turned back to Alex again, though, as the male voice talked again, "Alex, Come on, You know I need a ride. My parents hate bringing me to school." The boy whined, and in the meantime, the girl who he was talking to was having her nipples teased as they poked out like two cherries waiting to be picked. I fondled her chest, and I saw Alex wince when he talked about his parents.

On the other hand, for Alex, I was teasing these nipples in a way that I could see her bite her lip. "Yeah," Alex acknowledged. I then pulled her nipples out, moving her breasts roughly with her nipples without pity. I could see as she stifled a moan as I treated her as such. I looked down between my arms and noticed that fluids were flowing again from between her legs.

Despite my distractions, I knew that Alex was thinking in the back of her mind. The look she was giving me as I teased her nipples was both charged with lust but somewhat absent from my usual play. I then heard her response, "Fine, I will pick you up today," Alex bit out her eyes, focusing on me again, and I could see her lust in full display as I knew I was about to tease a large reaction out of her.

"Yay!" The boy said and quickly continued, "What time will you be here. I know I called early, but I wanted to make sure that you were picking me up today."

"I will be," Alex said, and I could see impatience on her face and in her tone. I was surprised the boy was even calling this early in the morning. I decided though this was a good time to give him a hint, though, and my finger pinched her nipple while the other hand quickly let go and traveled down to her clit and slapped it hard. "WHEN! I GET THERE!" Alex squealed out suddenly, her voice pitching unnaturally as she pussy sprayed juices onto the floor.

I smiled at the fresh squirt I caused while she was on the phone with her childhood friend I wasn't sure the name of. I swear I might have heard it, but I didn't care at this point. I let go of Alex as the boy on the other end of the phone asked, "Hey, are you okay?" He said loudly and with concern.

Alex took a moment before replying, "Yeah, I almost tripped since you called me early. I need to get ready so that I can pick your lame ass up." With that, Alex didn't care anymore and hit the hang-up button, and her attention turned to me immediately. The lust on her expression seemed to have compounded, and I smirked in response.

My smirk ended early as I heard a voice that wasn't supposed to be awake, "So that was hot, but someone was still trying to sleep," Crystal said, leaning on an arm looking over at us.

I stepped over and kissed her sleepy face on the lips before standing up, "Mind if I use your kitchen to make a lunch and some breakfast?" I asked her.

"No, Problem, although we will need to have a conversation about that. Still, make your new toy some food, too, before sending her off. I am sure she will need the calories." Crystal finished with a smirk looking over at Alex. "Don't need to cook for me though, I am going back to sleep after you leave the room." Crystal continued for a moment, and I kissed her lips again.

"Thanks, I will talk to you after I do my spa night with my mother tonight. Although I think I might stay in my room tonight, so my parents don't think that I am moving out at this point." I continued thinking my plans up. If the Spa finished early, I might even make a run to meet my dojo master. It would be interesting since I hadn't talked to him in a bit. I kissed her lips one more time before I backed off, "I need to get going, though; enjoy your sleep," I finished and yawned, feeling tired myself.

"You going to be okay? How much sleep have you gotten this week?" Crystal asked with a slightly worried tone.

"I should be fine. I will sleep in tomorrow or something before I come over for the convention." I replied, and Crystal seemed to awake at that.

"Might be good for you to come over tomorrow if we want to go early. We can get some shopping done before playing with some swingers. It would also allow you to have more sleep. But let us talk about this later. I want to go back to bed; I'll text you later," Crystal finished sounding more sleepy by the second, and I nodded.

I didn't pay any more attention to Crystal, and I pointed at the door for Alex's sake before turning and grabbing my phone on the way out. I didn't want to wake up Crystal again, and I yawned at the door.

Alex seemed a bit more meek again with some wincing, and I helped her down the stairs. I brought her down to the kitchen before raiding the fridge, and I found various things. "Any allergies?" I asked as I pulled out some things to make.

"No, Not that I know of, although my brother is allergic to peanuts," Alex replied as she lounged in the chair as I pulled things out.

"Ouch," I replied before turning on the stove to start to heat things. I began to get to work quickly and prepared something that I could walk away from for a minute, and went to pick up my backpack and brought it into the kitchen. Alex was watching me with eyes that spoke volumes of want.

I ignored those stares, though, as I went downstairs to pull the clothes that I used yesterday and noticed Alex's clothes looking dirty. I grabbed my stuff before I returned upstairs. I came into the kitchen and checked the food before dressing in front of Alex. "That is a crappy allergy to have. Is your brother older or younger," I asked, half curious as I pulled up my panties, not wanting it to be so silent in the room with Alex.

"He is older," Alex replied, catching my drift, and started to talk. "He is a great brother; he is eight years older than me. He is pretty cool, but he isn't around often since he works too much."

"Oh, What does he do?" I asked, already reaching to putting on my shirt as Alex watched me.

"He is an IT guy for and is working his way up in the company pretty quickly," Alex said with obvious pride for her brother. "He worked his ass off in school and finished second in his grade. I think he should have started his own business, but he said that first, he needs some time learning the ins and outs of the business." Alex finished as I pulled on my shirt and reached for my pants, making sure to look over at the food.

I paused to work on the food, and I replied, "That makes sense. It will give your brother valuable time to earn that experience that companies I bet want to work with too." I finished with the food and returned to dressing in my gym outfit.

"Why are you dressing for a workout?" Alex asked with a curious tone.

"Because I strap weights on myself and run to school," I replied as I moved back to the food that was needing tending to.

"I thought you were going to ride with me," Alex replied, and I looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

I could see the disappointment, and I replied, "Look, I have such a busy schedule at the moment I need to take the moments when I can run to run Alex. You are also picking up your friend, so I think now might not be a good time to introduce ourselves."

It was like a light dawned on her, and I yawned before returning to the food. Alex stood up from her chair, and I heard the rustle of clothes, "Do you mind if I borrow your skirt for my drive home? Mine is kinda gross," I looked over to see her blushing with what she said.

I shrugged, "Just don't let me catch you sniffing my dirty panties, and that is fine." I replied.

I didn't turn around, though, for the moment, and I finished up with the food before turning around and saw my panties from yesterday in her hand. I could see the want again that disappeared only for a movement moments before back. I then realized that I put the thought into her head and quickly came to a new realization.

I created a pervert.

I could only say, "Put down my panties and get dressed, Sweety; food is almost ready." It was like she came back to herself and the blush deepened, and I decided to give her a bit of slack. I needed to remember this girl just learned her sexual side two days ago, and she was speeding ahead too fast for her emotions to catch up.

That was my theory, though, and I started to set the lunch to cook while I put breakfast on the table. Alex seemed to dig in with as much speed as I usually did, and breakfast quickly finished in silence. Alex pulled out her phone and sighed.

"I need to go home to change before I pick my friend up. C-" Alex paused. "Mistress, When can you play with me again?" Alex asked.

Alex looked vulnerable at this moment, and I couldn't help but chuckle. "You're cute right now, Sweety; I will call you when I choose to. Be ready then," I finished then escorted Alex out of the house. I noticed that she was in a bit of a hurry and I looked at the time and I started to move to finish the lunch that I started and packed up.

It was time to go play with my sissy and implement a new incentive strategy I thought up at some moment I didn't remember.

I wonder how well my new plan will work? 

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Also I have recently released a Short Story Called The Damaged Innocent Futanari Book 2: The Movies

If your Interested in reading ahead you can find my Books on Amazon or on my Patreon. 


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