Life of a Dominant F*tanari

Life Of A Dominant F*tanari Week 2 Chapter 53/ 24: Spa Time

I felt the dampness touch my skin as the teacher continued talking, and I felt a slight annoyance eat at my mind. It was a harsh reality that made me remember how Tracy sprayed her juices all over my skirt. With a yawn that I tried my hardest not to make noticeable or loud, I thought about how the skank sullied my skirt.

Now I had the teacher think something happened that required special attention in the bathroom because of that. It seemed to eat at me until I concluded that someone needed to be punished for it, and the perpetrator was the one that came to mind.

A new yawn came over me, and I couldn't stop it from infecting the class while I tried to take notes at the same time. I couldn't help it, but my mind was starting to turn muddy. I was so damn tired because I wasn't getting enough sleep. I knew the reason, and I knew I was at fault for it. But it didn't change the fact that I was the reason for my current misery.

I continued to take notes while trying to suppress my yawns the entire time as the Teacher came to the end of her lecture, making me smile. I couldn't help it as I wanted to go to gym class, hoping for it to wake me up before I run home and take my mother out for a spa day. It would be interesting to see if I could keep myself awake for it all, and I yawned again as my body was demanding sleep from me.

The bell, though, saved me, startling me to sit back up in my chair that I didn't even notice I was starting to slide down. I sat up, and I shook my head before packing up my things. I got up and left, heading towards the locker room with a spring to my step. The coach would continue to teach me more personally, and I was excited.

I reached the locker room, started to change quickly, and put on my weights, feeling more energy flow through my body. I got out to the Gym, and I started to jog around the gym before outright sprinting around, warming up my body. I felt great, and I wasn't yawning anymore as the blood started to flow through my body, waking me up completely. I heard a whistle, and I turned to see Mrs. Grendier motioning me over to her.

I finished up my lap and fast-walked over for a cooldown, not wanting to waste our time. "Good, You got started without me; next, we get set up, and we are going to continue the basics of the days before. Your spikes on team practice yesterday needed work, but your power, when accurate, was devastating. We will work on that and get you up to par. I really do have high hopes for you, Angela. Now, let us set up," She finished, and I moved with her to start setting up the court for practice while in the back of my head, I wondered what Mr. Trimmers was doing with the other girls.

Those thoughts left my head as I started to set up with Mrs. Grendier, and I started to work with her on various setups working on my accuracy again. I needed to get better at that while using my power.

I quickly learned that keeping things accurate when I put my muscle behind the hits made it harder to keep them accurate. Still, I was working on it, and this seemed to be the new basic for me since I felt good each time I heard it smash the floor on the other side. The ball would bounce fast and hard away when it landed. I felt good every time it ricocheted off the second place in the gym, shooting away.
Still, I was jumping, making a spot along my legs burn more than I was used to since I didn't jump this often. I didn't complain about it, though, as each time Mrs. Grendier told me to do it again, I would jump and use that setup as best as possible. Each time that ball would hit the other side of the gym, it would echo in the gym with how hard it hit the floor. Bangs continued until Mrs. Grendier told me to stop, and it turned into her making me dig out spikes and learning the defense.

I was now dealing with her spikes as she got up on a stool and made my life hell. Sweat poured off me, and I smiled with a large grin as I started to recover more and more balls properly. Still, I failed more than I wished when Mrs. Grendier said something that caught my attention. "If you don't get it with your hands, use your legs and hands. Better to dig it out like that than to let it hit the floor!" She exclaimed.

I looked at her at that incredulous, "Isn't that against the rules?" I asked her with my head tilted with sweet dripping onto my outfit.
"Nope, Not since Nineteen nighty one when they changed the rules." Mrs. Grendier replied, and I nodded, taking in the new information. I needed to learn more about this sport and read the rules closely.

I got ready, and she spiked another ball for me to dig out, and I charged to the spot. I realized quickly, though, that I misguessed where it was going to fall. I jumped past it, and I turned, and my leg shot out. I returned it to the other side of the court, thereby doing a save.
"Good!" Mrs. Grendier said with a grin, "Legs and feet are not accurate though, so hands are the best for saves and digs, Angela. So work on that being your main focus."

I nodded while wondering if I could increase the accuracy of using my feet. How awesome and dominating would it be if I didn't even have to jump for the ball dragging my body across the wood or mats?

For the rest of the class, though, I was digging to save my life sometimes, I would use my legs, but usually, it shot off in the wrong direction. It wasn't easy to get right, but I felt a drive coming on though. I wanted to get better at this game, and as the bell rang, I almost groaned in disappointment. I saw the other girls in the class come in through the gym dripping with sweat themselves from class, and I began to help Mrs. Grendier cleaning up from our practice. Some of the girls looked at me with pity as I finished up, and I didn't understand why. I was getting personal practice to make up for my lack of experience with the teacher.

After I finished, I entered the Teachers locker room and noticed a little bitch waiting for me. He was looking like he was anxious. I almost turned to lock the door to put the sissy in his place even more but decided against it. I moved towards him since I didn't have much time myself, and he had already turned towards me.

"Umm, Mistress, Can I please have my cage off for the weekend?" Jake asked. I looked at him, and I felt sweat dripping off me as I stepped towards him.

"Strip sissy, and show me your cage," I told him, turning and grabbing my bag; I grabbed the key from a compartment while the sissy was looking away, rushing to take his clothes off. Soon he was back in his birthday suit with an excited grin on his face. I took the key, and I released him with a small grin. "Take it," I said, handing him the cage and the lock, making him look at me. "If I tell you to come to me this weekend, I want this on you. If you are good during our interaction over the weekend, then I will take it off again. Also, your little porn videos you are sending me as starting to get bland." I said, my voice dry and a little out of breath from today's gym practice catching up to me. "Go get yourself something pretty to put on, and I want you to be fully clothed like a girl for the video."

I stood tall from unlocking him again and stretched my arms above my head, and the smell permeated in the room from armpits. I noticed as I looked down that the sissy's cock had hardened as I stretched. I smirked as I looked at him, "So little sissy is getting hard with just my smell now," I scoffed, "Fucking pervert," I told him, stepping back from him.

Jake blushed, and I thought that my order hadn't registered with him right away, but he paused, "M-Mistress, D- Do I have to?" Jake asked.
"Are you questioning my order?" I asked, tilting my head, looking at him with a sadistic smirk, "I think you asked if I was serious about an order I asked," I said, and I saw the sissy pale with realization.

"N-No, Mistress, I will wear them for the video I send you," He stuttered out, and I smiled in return.

"Like that was a question in the first place," I replied, "I wonder if I should start a blog or something with your videos as a highlight?" I asked as I took my bag, putting it on my back after making sure everything I needed was in there.

The sissy remained stunned behind me as I walked out without another word. I was busy, and I needed the Sissy to understand that  I was only going to put up with so much from him in a day. He already got my orders, and I freed him as I promised. I no longer needed to interact with the sissy; therefore, I didn't. I pulled out my phone and looked at the message Crystal sent me, and I regretted choosing to do so without a release in sight.

Crystal: I got your 'Gift' I love it; I will be thinking of you tonight while I console myself with this.

The picture she sent me was a large dildo in her hands larger than her face and was about thirteen inches, I would guess in length, and the thickness was just a little smaller than me. On the other hand, her face was wearing my panties with a wet spot on the crotch that was placed over her mouth up to her nose. I could see the lust in her eyes seeing that photo. I wanted to be there to satisfy my craving for her.

The fucked up part this was one of the least exposed photos she had sent me yet, and my cock got just as hard. My gym pants became tighter as I walked down the hallway with my phone out. Students looked at me, and I saw some high school girls still leaving whisper. I didn't care as I had nothing to be ashamed of. If they wanted a piece of me, they would have to get in line. I was a busy woman, and I reached the main doors with the hardon finally started to abate.

While I was walking out the main doors, I found my skank's number and shot her a text with a grin on my face.
Angela: I am busy this weekend. I have no idea if I will be able to do anything to your skank ass. I got an idea, though, skank. Film your boyfriend trying to satisfy your greedy skank pussy. I think it will be interesting to watch.

I sent it off, and then I quickly thought of something and sent another.

Angela: That is an order you have till Saturday at midnight to send me a video with you two. I am sure you will enjoy yourself.

With that, I put the phone in my pocket and started to run out from school property without caring about the watching eyes as I sprinted down the street. I felt the wind touched my soaked skin, cooling me down, and the sweat started to restart as I felt the wind lick at my skin. It was refreshing, and I felt alive again. I had let so many things happen lately that I was missing this type of movement, it felt like. I was constantly on the go recently, and that wasn't good for me. I needed to spend time and work on my body like I loved doing.

Soon, I was rounding the bend to my home and decided to do an extra lap before heading in just to feel the burn in my muscles a little more.
The lap didn't last long, though, and halfway through the block, I started to jog before slowing down to a walk as I got up to the front door and pulled my keys out of my bag. I unlocked the door and smiled at the exertion when I saw my mother ready to head out.

"Well, You made it home," My mother commented with a slight frown and her arms crossed. I knew that she was annoyed at me.

I grinned in return, "Got out of class a little late, and I ran home and might have taken an extra lap as I felt so good with the slight wind outside." I told my mother before quickly changing the subject, "I will quickly shower so we can go and enjoy a massage and a little spa night, okay, mom?" I asked at the end.

My mother's body language drastically changed with that and perked up. I saw her smile, "Fine, You have bribed me already, and I will lighten up. Would you please start coming home more often, please? I don't want to find out you knocked up a girl either." My mother told me, letting me go as she walked to into her studio. I moved towards the basement, and I stripped as I entered the basement. I moved over to the shower, knowing that I had no time, really, as I took a lot of it up with my run and freeing the sissy bitch for the weekend. I moved with purpose and got in the shower, not caring that it was a little cold.

Soon the water warmed up, and I cleaned my body up to get rid of the sweat that had been all over my body. I finished just as quickly, though, knowing that there would be some pools there for us to enjoy. I washed thoroughly, but I knew that I didn't need to go overboard. I got out soon and grabbed a fresh towel and dried off quickly, then grabbed my dirty clothes and threw them into the washing machine so that I could do laundry tonight.

I was in a rush, and I grabbed some fresh clothes that weren't a workout outfit and slipped them on. I paused, though, knowing that I would be in robes and that my mom would be slightly unhappy that I would look like a tomboy again if I dressed in my regular clothes. The only time she got annoyed about it, too, was when it was going to the spa.

I sighed, moved towards the dresser, and pulled out something I didn't really like wearing but knew would keep my mother happy. I put on a yellow sundress that I thought made me look awful. Still, my mother loved this dress, and I looked in the mirror. I looked much cuter and almost girl next door with it on. I fucking hated the look, but this entire evening was me bribing my mother, and I wasn't hiding it. If I didn't do things to please her, I knew I wouldn't get the maximum effectiveness out of the night. I would only need to wear it into the spa and out before heading back home. I took a deep breath and grabbed fresh panties to contain my large meat, and put on the matching flats for this fucking dress.

I went up the stairs, and my mother saw me. Her grin split her face as she saw me, "You look so cute in that dress!" my mother exclaimed, making my eyebrow twitch in annoyance. "Thank you for putting it on. It would be best if you always looked like this when you are going to a spa. It makes you look pretty and know what they are expected to do!" The grin on my mother's face didn't break, though, and even as I shuddered on the inside about wearing this thing, it was to appease my mother.

My mother grabbed the keys, and I followed her out after double-checking I had my wallet with my new debit card. After that, we were out the door and in the Toyota with my mother driving. It was awkward the drive, and my mother asked which spa. "The upper-class Korean one that we had gone to before," I replied, and my mother's eyes brightened even more. I knew my mother was curious about the work that would allow me to pay for this one day. I told her it wasn't illegal, and it wasn't at that, so it put my mother at ease a little.

I was glad that she wasn't asking about it as she drove. I knew that I was basically a hostage for the night. I would be with her, and she would ask questions. I didn't know when it would start, though, and I knew that tonight wasn't going to be as relaxing for me as it was for her.

"So," My mother said, breaking the silence I was one hundred percent enjoying, "Crystal..." My mother's voice trailed off, and I knew where this was going without even needing to guess. "Does she know you have side girls?" My mother finally asked, ruining the silence once again.
"Yes," I replied without pause, "Do you want to know the details of our sex life?" I asked my mother, turning to her in the car, and I saw my mom freeze. I could see the gears turning in her head. On the one hand, she didn't want to know what her daughter had been up to. On the other hand, SHE WANTED TO KNOW WHAT HER DAUGHTER WAS UP TO!

My mother made a turn without speaking and stopped at another red light before she turned to me. Her face was serious with a blush. "Yes, I want to know that you are not getting a girl pregnant." My mother said, her tone serious.

"Fine," I replied, knowing I could strike back at my mom for this. "You want to know I will tell you." I took a deep breath, thinking about how to go about it. I knew my mother wanted to know without knowing what I was about to say. It was a contradiction that she was going to regret.

"I am a dominant mom. I think you heard Tracy the other night as I made her scream in pleasure for hours. Hell, that first time that you heard a girl in my basement wasn't Crystal. That was Tracy. Every time I had sex with her in her pussy, I made sure to wear a condom. That isn't true when I took her ass, though, mom. I didn't worry about impregnating her ass as I dropped an ejaculation with every inch of me deep inside her ass." I said quickly, and my mom started the car up at the green light only to stop. She then started to drive again as a car behind us hit the horn. Her face was now bright red. "Crystal is perfectly aware of Tracy, and although she is a sub in the bedroom, she really enjoys playing with others too. It gets her even more turned on and in the mood. I have had sex with at least one other girl and only lost my virginity at the start of the school year." I stopped and took a breath after piling on the information. "I think you got the answer you wanted or didn't want. Please leave it to my private matters, Okay, mom?" I finished with the question pushing it back on my mom.

She drove, and we were almost at our destination, but I could tell the sudden windfall of information put her off balance like usual. It was also highly intimate information, further flustering her. I knew that she wouldn't get angry over this information or punish me for it, though. Instead, my mother nodded and drove, clearly lost in thought as she drove.

The drive finished as we came to a nice-looking building at the edge of the city with a nice view around it. I knew that was one of the reasons for it being built on the edge of the city, and we parked. I got out, making sure I had my wallet, and my mother joined me.
We walked in together, and I could see that my mom was still processing as we came up to the counter. "Hi," I said, looking at the black woman that was at the front looking beautiful in a brown dress. Her hair was in braids flowing down her back into a ponytail. It was black hair and looked beautiful. The woman smiled at me as I approached.

"Hello, are you Angela Brown?" She asked with a curious tone.

"Yes, This is my mother, and we are here for the deluxe spa night," I replied.

"Perfect, So great that we could fit you in. Follow me, and I will bring you to the changing area, and you can take off your shoes. The floor is entirely heated so that you won't feel cold. Please wear robes, and you can choose the type of massage you want from in the changing area." The woman paused and turned before saying, "Oh, and I am Grace; if you need anything, please let me know."

I looked at her in that dress and saw that she had, I guessed in the back of my head B cup breasts looked really good. She seemed fit too, and I saw some muscle there. My cock slightly twitched in reaction, and I made myself turn away. "Thank you; we will let you know if we need anything. Actually, Could I get a bottle of water? I could really use some since I haven't had any in a bit. If you could get maybe two for me?" I asked.

"Sure," Grace said with a smile, "Would you like some water too?" Grace asked, looking at my mother.

"Yes, Please," My mother replied, her head also bobbed up and down.

Grace smiled again, a really charming smile, "Okay, I will be back in a bit, please just in there, and you can change into the robes provided." With that, she left, leaving us in the changing rooms.

Without further thinking, I walked into the changing room, and my mother took another room. I stripped, thanking god I could get out of that sundress, and wore robes that went halfway down my thigh. I grabbed my clothes and put them in a pile before tightening up the waist.
I stepped out with my stuff in hand and my wallet on top and was greeted with Grace's smile. "Oh, you finished already; that's great; did you choose a massage?" She asked as she held out in one hand two water bottles.

"Thank you," I said, going to grab them without thinking of dropping my stuff. "Damnit," I said lightly and shook my head. I grabbed the water bottles anyways, letting my stuff stay on the floor.

"Oh, My apologies," Grace said, and I shook my head while I opened the bottle.

"No worries," I replied, getting ready to down the bottle, "I will pick it up in a sec', need a drink first." I finished and tilted my head back as I chugged the bottle, the crinkle of the bottle sounding in the room lightly as I sucked out the water. I finished the bottle and took in a gasp of air. "That's good," I said, tilting my head back to see Grace still smiling. "I needed that. Just finished a sprint before we drove here." I told her without feeling the need to elaborate further, and Grace nodded.

I turned and leaned forward, starting to grab the two pieces of clothing that fell to the floor but didn't see my wallet. I then noticed my wallet fell behind me, and I turned around to pick that up. I heard a light gasp as I saw my mother come out while I picked up the wallet.

"Oh, Ready already?" I heard my mother say.

"Yup, just dropped my stuff by accident," I replied as I got back up and turned around. The smile was on Grace's face still as she turned to my mother, but it felt different from before. I didn't take note and turned to my mother, "You choose your massage first. I will take a deep tissue massage with some oils or something," I said.

"Oh, I will take a salt and oil massage, I think it was." My mother said, and I could already see the smile on her face.

I smiled, knowing that things were going in the direction that I wanted them to. I turned to Grace, and she was still smiling, but it was still different. "Please right this way, we can take you to the sauna as a start while the masseuses get ready for you," Grace said.

She took us to the lockers, where we got a key to take with us. I had our stuff in a small band that was snuggly against my wrist. We then were taken to a charcoal sauna to relax by Grace before we departed.

My mom took a corner while I laid down on the bench as the heat started to hit my skin nicely. My mother no longer seemed to want to talk, and we both relaxed in the sauna. I decided not to think and just enjoy. It had been a rough couple of weeks, and I laid there with new fresh sweat coming out of my pores from the heat, breathing in long deep breaths. My eyes started to feel heavy after a long day.

They slid shut as I took a long deep breath, and darkness overcame me.


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Or you can find various books on Amazon Such as:

Life of a Dominant Futanari

I Sissified My Step Bro

A Damaged Innocent Futanari

The Bullied Masochist Futanari

Galaxy Hunter Online

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